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immolation edition
old: >>123433883
faq: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
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My condolences.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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Post new Jari kino art, whoever has them.
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He really went back to his Finngolian roots this time around.
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Hear me out: heavy metal but slow
sounds boring and shit
Got just the thing for you bro, they're called Black Sabbath
Downloading now
It already is.

i'm thinkin basef and tunelowplayslowpilled
Why are Megadethfags so obsessed with the band's lead guitarist? Every single time they get a new guitarist, they jizz all over themselves. Megadeth solos aren't even above average for buttrock bands like them.
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best dm of last few years
Magedeth is basically a boyband for neckbeards
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Kino album.
do i have to listen to part i first
New Dead Congregation when?
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You don't have to but all the songs were on the same album in the same order originally and the it was just called Time. This is the cover from like 2007.
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actually good dm from this decade
>dude Japan lmao
Not listening!
Certainly one of the albums of all time
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No you just have to pay the sauna tax of $1000 to get AI generated images that look shit.
finally a BASED edition
We love sakura trees here
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The booklet isn't AI generated. Each page was drawn by the fag who did the previous album's art.
no saunafag discussion allowed, sorry
This is a saunaman general and we recognize his masterworks here.
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Hated. Despised. Mocked here.
Jokes aside, it's beloved here.
this shit looks like a childrens picture book.
Being a diddler, you would know.
Incorrect and deceitful statement.
Greatest album of the last 2 decades
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AOTY? more like GOATY.
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I can't tell if this is a joke band or not. The music is unfathomably bad. Surely it isn't a serious effort, haha...
>meal pretends something that sucks is good for le memes
kultur, jute gyte, wiggerslam, the list goes on
Remove the "inherently" angle and no one would give a shit about it
>forcing yourself to post forced memes
you can do better
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Bolt Thrower
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Artist: At the Gates
Album: Slaughter of the Soul
Song: Slaughter of the Soul

>and destruction upon the wiggerslam man
>Who has no riffs

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Very based.
Industrial fan and trashcan metal is total garbage.
Exciter are underrated
Back to your retirement home, grandpa.
Formulas > Blessed > Altars > Abominations > Covenant >>> Gateways >>> Heretic
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>Abominations > Covenant
it was the beginning of the dumbfuck metal of Domination. btw I forgot, Heretic > Domination

Shalom, troll.
Oh yeah this Dawg video is going to piss off some people for sure, mmmmmhmmmm
Beloved here.
Ornassi Pazazu, Year of No Light, Jute Gyte
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>jute gyte
Not bad, but not that great either.
Hated and despises here. >>>/lgbt/
This but the exact opposite.
Hated and despises here. >>>/lgbt/
Not bad, but not that great either.
>jute gyte

(Still) Correct.
Why are you pretending to be a jute gyatt fanboy now
We prefer art, or even an attempt at art to lgbt disgrace here.
>or even an attempt at art to lgbt disgrace here
The guy is antifascist and donated funds to trans rights organisations.
"Antifascism, antibigotry.
On Bandcamp Fridays, all sales are donated to Doctors Without Borders: www.doctorswithoutborders.org
On Juneteenth all sales are donated to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund: naacpldf.org"
He's a cuck who's had an attempt to make something unique, shit-tier art, but still art, unlike wigger homosexuality. We prefer shitty cucked art to non-art on this board.
Correct. Adam will be a real woman.
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>artful metal
Beloved here.
>that time saunaman went full groovy
Not off to a good start this morning
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The power of jute gyte in the hands of someone who can make music
Wait for the meds to kick in.
I meant the general not me kek
These threads haven't been good forever now.
haven't been here in forever, what's wiggerslam /meal/
The logical conclusion to metal.
>dude in the purple shirt
The latest schizoid obsession.
i am so gay for gay metal
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For me, it's Very Ape (2013 mix)
not metal
where the big girl riffs at
thoughts on the mix? I'm listening to fan-made remasters on youtube and they sound much better

love this goof

>the fag who did the previous album's art.
are you sure? they look especially bad
Exact same artist but probably AI upscaled to 8k. It's not "especially bad." You're just biased towards El Sauna. Inherently.
>i am so gay
They are not even that good bro...
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>Exact same artist but probably AI upscaled to 8k
makes sense. But I love sauna man, didn't give him a cent though
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Name a better prog metal album released in the last 10 years
that's how muffled the original mix is
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Ne Obliviscaris - Citadel and Urn
Wilderun - Veil of Imagination
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>Ne Obliviscaris
>Ne Obliviscaris after Portal Of I
What's wrong with their later albums
they went straight to shit album that album
hell, even the demo is their best work
For me its hxc
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>even the demo is their best work
here you go
New albums from The Ocean and Disillusion
Stepped far too into wanky territory for me. They just kinda fart about and don't really achieve anything, or keep repeating similar ideas. I also think the demo is the peak of their work, just Portal of I also has good tracks (even if the demo tracks are still the best).
For me, they've just been forever in a steady decline.
Idk feels more like they found a sound and became stale
I enjoy all their albums except the last
I guess that may be a better way of putting it. They come across as stale for me but also just none of their material after the demo seems to capture my attention as much, so they must be doing something different as my brain wouldn't be burned out on that sound after 3 tracks or even 1 album.
I bet you hipsters think this is the best Leprous album

No I don't think Leprous has a single good album.
Terminal Redux
He's exaggerating but not wrong. The demo was super popular when it came out and had all the prog nerds hyping up the eventual full-length.

t. old enough to remember when NeO used to post on ultimate-guitar's metal forum.
Based in a thread of cringe
Did you even listen to all of them
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Reminds me of Corelia who had a lot of hype after the first EP but there was a lot of shit and drama going on and the band finally released the album 9 years later and broke up
Also they raised 30k via crowd funding but there was no update for years
why is the snare so LOUD
these takes are fuckin wild, NeO has been very consistent even if they haven't exactly topped portal of I
If it don't sound like a gunshot i dont want it
Simple as
Yeah they've been consistently more boring with each release.
more like consistently swirling down the toilet lmao
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vocals are kino, prog bits are kino, the weak get filtered
That album art is filtering me
Literally who
you should know the band, but no one gives a shit about that album
Looks like some 2004 emo shit album art. Not gonna listen solely because of that.
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give me some boomer metal about getting old and wasting your life. bonus points if it has bluesy boomer bends
I don't think Wintersun is for me, boys. Too clean and sterile. I need grit and some element of the disgusting in my metal.
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Why did people act like this was really bad? It’s perfectly fine albeit derivative diet slayer, Osegueda is good and Demmel can shred
>60% horror samples
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simp metal
they're shite, it's just getting memed due to the news of the sauna scam finally coming out and being even scammier than expected with tis contents
>tfw too high IQ to appreciate wiggerslam
I didn't think it was "really bad" it was just boring and a waste of time. I don't really remember a single thing about it despite a few listens, and if it hadn't come out then we would have missed nothing.
I can see the appeal for the fedora-wearing people that are into stuff like Dream Theater or whatever. But yeah, it's mediocre at best and every song drags.
Furries, cosplayers and gamers.
Ne Obliviscaris does cheesy prog melodeath way better
Yeah, feels like it's metal for the metal crowd who don't really like metal or don't want to dive into it past entry level meloshit or power metal. They all probably enjoy Sabaton
It’s one of those things that has a couple nice moments while listening but you don’t remember them since it can’t put together a memorable entire song or make up for that by being unique, KK is a idiot for not doing something actually new and interesting to have a actual legacy
>it's not real metal unless it's blackened deathcore or slam
>insane vocals
>chunky delicious bass tone
>pig squeels
Yea I'm thinkin I'm slammin
theres no good metal past entry level
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Iron Maiden and Blind Guardian mogs your death grind band
Iron Gayden blows, at least say Metallica
Unholy Grave makes the best Ramones covers
Oh so you're a tourist AND over the age of 60 lol
Memetallica has more bad than good albums
how can you be both?
And you are a poser
Only kill em all is good
this coming out on Miskatonic led to explosive drama, too bad the hellride forum is gone cause it was the eye of the cyclone for most of Solstice/Miskatonic related keyboard warfare
>at least say Metallica
nice bait
So do Iron Maiden

Helps if you enjoy Unholy Grave and raw grind i guess.
Can I get a quick rundown? Why did it cause drama?
Only No Prayer and Blaze albums are bad
The later albums are mostly mediocre
Aryan dubs, checkem.
Everything after BNW is bad. I may be willing to accept Dance of Death as decent though.
Mediocre is still bad.
The Final Frontier is also fucking terrible.
Oi polloi - Bash the fash
Many years ago I would get drunk and listen to this and have a good fapcry. Not ashamed to admit.
5-6/10 does not mean bad fucking retards
>normalfag metal opinion: I like these types of metal and not these other types of metal
>autistic (/metal/ general poster) metal opinion: proper understanding of music taste begins with starting at the assumption that taste in music is the result of a combination of social forces and personality characteristics with base enjoyment, the substantive lyrical content and the formal structure of the music under discussion as an afterthought. Using this strategy and all manner of obscurantism and sophistry, I can both rationalize away my inability to enjoy large varieties of music as something that makes me more interested in music than others but can also start from a conclusion that I am more mature and refined than others not in spite of the fact but because of the fact that most of my music taste consists of socially incompentent adults writing about depression, gore, vampires, etc.
Literally me
t. Curator of metal
Favorite alt metal album?
Heckler come take care of this one
Rich Walker spent years crusading against whiny doom, and particularly against gothic and confessional lyrics, then out of nowhere he put out this album that's the exact antithesis to what he claimed to stand for in music. he was weirdly avoidant of the criticism until someone found out that the guy behind Warning is Rich's cousin, and all hell broke loose when Rich tried to hide the connection. after a while he snapped from the prodding and a massive flame war erupted with a shit ton of people joining in to mock the increasingly mad Rich.
6/10 means good, 5/10 means unremarkable which I consider worse than "bad" as at least a bad album is fucking memorable.
Besides, all modern Maiden albums are typically closer to 3/4 out of 10
what's the "best" bad and memorable album?
I dunno something like this.
Musically it's a complete fucking mess, but it's the only example of "technical depressive black metal" and has a lot of fun moments even if they're stitched together terribly.
Also some liturgy albums have made me laugh out loud with how bad they are so that's technically entertainment.
>Also some liturgy albums have made me laugh out loud with how bad they are
Not trusting your opinion if you're getting filtered by Liturgy.
Infectious Jelqing - Multidimensional Wigger Brutality

Although I'm not so sure it's bad anymore. Might actually be good.
The Oath of Black Blood
these better be abysmal and fun in a bad way, or else
That's fair as I don't trust the opinion of anyone who likes that pretentious subpar drivel.
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Illud is a good shout.
Has some decent DM tracks scattered in between "KILL A COP KILL A COP" and "I'M MORBIIIIIIIIIIIIID"
Used to love SOAD but I've listened to them so much in my teens I can't fucking stand them anymore.
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all right, it's growing on me, but it's somewhat disappointing for a Deceased album to bring nothing new to the table. it plays out like a smooth blend of their run from Fearless Undead Machines to Ghostly White, like they were trying to write a farewell album which I'm sure was not the case
Cold Lake
I'm getting shit faced on a Friday
At least I'm practicing guitar
>boring is worse than bad
Would you rather eat shit than bland chicken with a white bread?
Anon, it is Monday. How drunk are you?
>food analogy
I think anon meant that a bad album can sometimes be entertaining, whereas a boring album wouldn't be entertaining. Entertaining (even if bad) is better than forgettable.
Wtf are the single version in the Time Package? What's the difference between them and the official one?
>pdf to img to compress
Why make them as pdf Jari?
Oh shit it really is over
Food and entertainment are not comparable you handicapped fuckwit.
I would genuinely rather listen to a shit album than a bland one that leaves my mind the moment it's over.
Love and hate this band so much
How did no one say St Anger and Lulu
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Never listened to Wintersun
Most people prefer music that is nice background noise over something that sounds irritating but funny
Besides most funny bad albums stop being amusing after a few listens
Not worth it imo. The songs are 10 minutes long and do nothing of note the whole time beyond Jari throwing in every midi instrument he can download.
>Most people prefer music that is nice background noise over something that sounds irritating but funny
I don't give a shit what normies do.
Lulu is a masterpiece though
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They are good you stupid fucking poser faggot
Inquisition - Hymn for a Dear Star
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Posers have the best taste in metal.
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meant for >>123446174
Everyone already knows Dave is a genius, so we rattleheads which band members will complement His vision and unlock His full potential.
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Forgot to mention, Illud reigns supreme
more like AQQ!
ZnoWhite I guess
Not bad at all unless you're filtered by war metal
>reading old Kerrang mag scans
>edition no. 2
>full page Pat Benatar advertisement
is she /meal/ approved the same way Depeche Mode is?
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Znowhite more like ZnoBLACKED
Which country (or scene) caused the most harm to metal?
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I hate burgermutt hours
Norwegian 2nd wave
Gothenburg meloshit
German/Italian flower metal
Gaypest Chode is hated here.

It's not even close
Great Britain aka Gay Shitstain for giving birth to diapershit. Pozzy and Gayden did more harm to metal than alcohol and drugs.
I'd bet for the USA for spawning Pantera, nu metal, deathcore and shitty atmoshit one man band black metal
>giving birth to diapershit.
Diapershit was literally the first instance of metal you dickweed. Get rid of diapershit and you don't have metal anymore
>Ruins metal by creating it
We love wiggerslam here
All correct besides last one
brought the lame aesthetics and attitude to black metal. and the lofi nature of 2nd wave getting popular flodded the market with low quality shit that gets a pass cause it's "kvlt"
All incorrect besides last one
Did you ever see the wooden altar version of that release?
Let me rephrase - huge quantity of bedroom Burzum clones
Who the fuck is Jari and can he shred?
Such as?
>implying 1st wave wasn't low quality lofi dogshit
If wiggers listen to slam, what does Urkel listen to?
I Shalt Become for example
If you don't like Cold Lake, you have negative T.
>those overalls
Definitely black metal
Urkel would be a djentleman
Inquisition - Wings of Anu
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Urkel is a Phil Collins Chad and the heaviest music he listens to is a few Rush songs
USA: 90s MTV metal, or as Varg accurately put it, "NTV".
1) All the swedes putting out one death metal album then turning into faggots
2) Norwegian black metal - Killed finnish death metal. Antii Boman of Demilich (direct quotation):

>Yeah, it was the overall ‘fuck you’-atmosphere, death threats from Norway and all that shit. I wasn’t afraid, but I felt like I didn’t belong there anymore. All of our friends’ bands had either quit or changed their style, like for example Sentenced and Amorphis. We were still plowing the same field and fighting with the black metal kids. On top that, it just simply killed the inspiration. I couldn’t get any songs done.
Absolutely this
That album should say Greg Walls instead of Anthrax
Is he also from outer space?
Gag Ballls is one of the most mentally ill people in metal along with Trey Azagoth
stupid fucking aggro norway teens ruining shit as usual
There's nothing wrong with Trey.
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Rest In Power Hector
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Reminder that Norway saved metal both in 2023(Kultur) and in time&space. We love and worship and cherish Norway here.

We also HATE the samefags that like to claim otherwise.

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Also reminder that we cherish Obtained Enslavement the most here.

Black Metal
shit tourist gimmick, kys avatarfag
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>t. power chord sloppa le 56 tourismo
One day these fags will learn what a power chord actually is.
Thank you power chord sloppa tourismo
>melodeath, Chile
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I listen to slam when I slam dumps into the toilet
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if you're not a youtube clicker post something you own
For what it's worth, you have called me a youtube clicker several times.
>violent sleep of reason
>pleroma (new orgone)
>hive mind narcosis
>hostile architecture
>last 2 abigors
How does that shitty rock have anything to do with metal?
That's the other guy. What do you think of that Godflesh
it's not melodeath
Like most post-reunion Godflesh I typically enjoy 1 or 2 tracks and then find it full of filler. Good heavy production doesn't save the boring songwriting.
For me I think Justin just doesn't know how to program interesting drums anymore. It kinda goes underrated how interesting the programmed drums were on Streetcleaner and it feels like all the new stuff just has the most stock rhythms imaginable which makes it depend solely on the riffs, which seem to focus more on being heavy than good.

I don't hate it, I like most Godflesh albums, but it's just "ehhhh". My favourite post-reunion release is still the fucking Decline & Fall EP.
Is Hector really dead?
It's the highest rated melodeath album on RYM lol
Surpassing Crimson by Edge of Sanity
no one does gutterals like craig, you prefer this version or throne of apocalypse?
>rym genres
god I fucking hope so
He just deactivated his Hectorpersona for a few weeks to make it seem like he has a life.
The new Jesu EP has put me off him for the time being. But I've said that a couple times before and ended up liking it. But I don't think I'll like it this time.
He lives

The new one? I haven't tried that.
I quite liked Never and then Terminus was one of the most boring pieces of shit ever. Jesu really hasn't been that good since Conqueror really, which fucks me off as the s/t is one of my favourite albums ever.

Really I think Justin only produces good music when he's going through trauma or he's part of a bigger band, and while he still says he's got anxiety etc I think his life is smooth enough that all his music is stale and safe.
>it's not real metal unless it's blackened deathcore or slam
Core and slam aren't metal poser. At least make sense of your meme faggot
Slam is the most metal metalgenre you product of incest
I can't stand the artwork. Its like they called Monty Python for the artwork. Still need to check it out though i do like the band
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