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>you don't believe in God
>I don't believe in luck

What did he mean by this?
I think it's a subtle allusion to the fact that he has found eternal salvation in Christ.
Which, quite frankly, is based.
He means you need to work hard with a sigma grindset and success will come
He believes in physical determinism. Luck is an illusion and so is free will, because the whole future is already determined by the current state of matter and energy.
He knows all things are guided by providence, MCR are Masonic as fuck.
Do I believe in God? Do I believe in me?
Some people wanna die so they can be free
>I believe in the Israeli intelligence report that I was given which let me know that the world trade centers were going to be the target of a terrorist attack on September 11th 2001
You tell me.
A lot of people think Gerard Way is an INFP, but I think he is an ISFP personally
He is saying there is no luck and that God pulls the strings
They actually do allude to 9/11 a lot in their songs. Didn't they literally form the band because of it
Yeah, G was an intern at Cartoon Network in New York, literally saw 9/11 happen from CN HQ then immediately quit and decided to form a band. This is also why their first album constantly references vampires, his main project when he wanted to be a cartoonist was a comic about vampires.
Have we forgotten "Intelligent design"-theory ?
Are any of the comics he wrote worth reading?
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that he likes pompous false dichotomies
only nerds read comics.
Built for BBC.
>I was raised Catholic, which turned me off from religion because I had a very bad experience. Then, as a young adult, a death in the family resulted in a lot of anger and an even greater distance between me and faith, though I had always acknowledged I received my artistic gifts from God. I even firmly believed in creating MCR, I was given a mission from God, not unlike the scene in The Blues Brothers. The mission involved helping people and battling the forces of evil, by using word and the purifying flames produced by Marshall Halfstack amplification.
they're worth reading in the sense that they aren't that big of a time sink, I can't stand comic books unless they have really intruiging art, his fall in the non-intruiging lane
Religitard cope.
Many are saying this.
It means he didn't get too far with understanding this realm
He was a fat fag faggot burgereater and also is a massive geek turbo virgen
How the fuck he would believe in luck and god lmao
sex with gerard ways cute twink butthole
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Proving his point - because he was, but then he twinkmaxxed. Proof that god exists, and Gerard received his special blessing.
she cute>>123443228
Don't speak so crudely about my wife ever again.
that he believes in god's will instead of random chance
i hate papists.
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>you know what they do to guys like us in prison

what did he mean by this?
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Danger Day-Chads... we are so back
They give them HRT and send them to the women’s unit where there’s no stud BVLLs thirsty for long haired twink bussy. Horrid.
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>and battling the forces of evil
is that a man?
That's my wife (male).
you're a lucky man anon
Thanks, I am blessed (delusional).
TIL MCR are a Christian rock band.
When he lost all his weight a few years back he still looked more or less like a twink. What deal with the devil did this guy make?
t. Frank Iero
>deal with the devil
you couldn't be more wrong. it's all due to being part of the catholic master race.
Correct and also based!
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The opposite, Christ needs him twinkmaxxed for his mission.
>cat hole
So you don't know?
Built for it.
tender love and care?
I bet I could knock Gerard out in the first minute
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Why would you want to do that? Why would you even think that?
Destroya's an underrated tune. shame DD was such a bad album as a whole. there were some good individual tracks on it, particularly the latter half.
I don't know.
>I had a very bad experience.
Oh no no no
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He looks good bloodied up
>particularly the latter half.
agreeed. and only the first half of conventional weapons is good. so they should've just stitched the first half of cw to the last half of dd. that way they would've at least left off with a good album.
Catholics are not Christian I'm afraid.
>I will avenge my ghost
>this hole you put me in
>wasn't deep enough
>You're running out of places to
This song alone is the entire reason that Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge is better than the black parade
Yeah, they're ascended. Angels on Earth.
>31 in that pic
>still looked like a twink

"They make me do pushups in drag" is the weirdest line ever sung by Gerard
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you just KNOW
Bullets + Three Cheers > Parade >>> Danger Days

Completely. Boy Division goes why harder than Na Na Na
He was singing in-character. He didn't mean anything real by it, those aren't his real views.
I might have put bullets above three cheers if Gerard was a better singer during the album and if his voice didn't sound like it came from a 12 year old's xbox microphone
I love the rawness, and I love the lofiness of that album in general. My only real complaint with the rest of their albums is how overly/cleanly-produced they are. It mostly works on Parade I suppose, considering the stadium vibe. But TC and DD sound too "of their time" because of the production imo. I like lofi things.
I want to pull his hair
I believe he might have mean something like him doesn’t believe in such thing as luck, Only God and a certain “she” didn’t believed in God she believed in luck/astrology or something from the same range
he looks like a csm character
wow hes a calvinist
Pretty sure that song's about Grant Morrison, so he meant that.
he's a satanist
Nah, MCR thematically are trad and anti-Satanic. Jesus was the first emo.
their aesthetic is inherently satanic. don't be taken in by false prophets.
I think maybe you’re just retarded to be honest.
Because they wear black?
You been to church before?
>music industry jews
>not satanic

skulls, blood, faggotry and all that other dark shit isn't Christian.
>Why would you even think that?
Cute aggression. Can't help it. I like him, but he's so punchable.
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> skulls, blood
> and all that other dark shit
All created by God and a reminder of our mortality as men that can only be saved through Christ. Memento Mori imagery is Christian as heck and we drink the literal blood of Christ at every mass, every day, everywhere on Earth.
Literally everyone in the band is straight and the majority of their songs are about heterosexual relationships. Their career even began touring with Christian rock bands.
>Memento Mori imagery is Christian as heck and we drink the literal blood of Christ at every mass, every day, everywhere on Earth.
that's all catholic bullshit, which might as well be pagan. popery ain't Christian - it's false consciousness. literal satanic ritualistic bullshit.


>Literally everyone in the band is straight and the majority of their songs are about heterosexual relationships.
yet they still behave like faggots at their shows, and endorse/promote faggy values.
Their best album, they ditched the depressed emo shit and became based, high energy and J-rock inspired band.
> that's all catholic bullshit, which might as well be pagan. popery ain't Christian - it's false consciousness. literal satanic ritualistic bullshit.
Catholics actually don’t drink the wine every mass so it’s orthodox and profanity isn’t Christian, mister.
> yet they still behave like faggots at their shows, and endorse/promote faggy values.
Such as?
>Such as?
literally making out and acting suggestive, crossdressing, crying about homophobia in rock music, endorsing the usual tranny/faggy accept yourself bullshit
J-rock is anything but based.
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>Making out and acting suggestive
Biblical and not gay. In fact it’s you who is the gay one for reading two bros kissing each other on the cheek in a sexual way.
Not condemned by Jesus. If you’re going to claim the Bible forbids cross dressing you need to keep kosher and cut your foreskin off.
> crying about homophobia in rock music, endorsing the usual tranny/faggy accept yourself bullshit
Judge not lest ye be judged
lmao, you got me
>literally making out and acting suggestive
They didn't go far enough
>christcuck thread
Actually, it's a homosexual christcuck thread.
Many such cases.
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It's a struggle being the only MCR fan who isn't violently homosexual
A bit esoteric, no?
I brought you bullets > Danger Days >= Three cheers > black parade
MCR is very esoteric, yes.
So you're tenderly homosexual?
/pol/ wignat chuds aren't going to like this
I'd destroy you.

pretty sure mcr is like that anti-/pol/ wingnat band
Gerard's pretty obviously a softboy IXFP especially if you watch him as a fatass teen in that tv audience.

ISFP don't tend to be depressives like INFP so I have reason to doubt your diagnosis.
he's married to and has a child with Mindless Self Indulgence's guitarist
just some cheeky prison rape jokes innit
>"Why yes, I do have shit taste and love the worst MCR album which is literal pop punk bullshit, how could you tell?"

That garbage was more NCR than MCR. It's for poptimist redditors.
Anon they’ve always been a fucking pop punk band
For God, luck and coincidence don't exist. Literally everything happens for a divine purpose.

>"Why yes, I am retarded and believe the first MCR album is literal pop punk bullshit, how could you tell?"
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>the pop punk fan is getting mad about a pop punk album
The only song I like on Danger Days is Na Na Na.
Destroya's better than NaNaNa
Each new My Chemical Romance album LP is worse than the last.
What on Earth are you talking about.
Gerard's singing wasn't as good as what it was in future albums and the audio quality is shit compared to future albums as well. I loved the album but three cheers was a very big leap in production quality
>three cheers was a very big leap in production quality
with everything else getting worse
you put three cheers for sweet revenge singing in i brought you my bullets you brought me your love and the songs get worse
He’s right, Gerard in TBP (his absolute peak in terms of vocal skill even if I’d agree it’s not their best album) utterly moggs himself on Bullets and it’s not even close. If you listen to any of the pre-MCR recordings of his you can see that’s only the tip of the iceberg, only a fear years earlier he couldn’t even sing at all.
Do you think he too was raped by a bunch of black gentlemen in a certain back alley in the summer of 1992?
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he means that if he sucked a log out of andy biersacks asshole it would be an act of divine prophecy, not because he was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time
Three cheers for sweet revenge singing with demolition lovers would genuinely top the charts, Gerard's voice got refined. I think it's your own preference for the more "raw" singing style Gerard had in 2002.
There's no Gerard singing in any later album as good as "Vampires Will Never Hurt You" except "Helena".
>Welcome to the black parade
>I don't love you
>he thinks the track recorded underwater sounds good
You can aesthetically prefer the unrefined emotionality of his Bullets era singing, in some ways I’d be inclined to agree, Sunsets Over Monroeville has some interesting very classically emo vocals that never really get a chance to be utilised again by MCR (tragic they don’t really play this one live because it’d be cool to see what it is like with modern GW vocals).But in technical terms it’s the weakest point of his career. Likewise Cap’n Jazz would be completely different with a conventionally skilled vocalist and it probably wouldn’t even fit with the style of music, but Tim Kinsella is still objectively speaking a very limited vocalist.
>track recorded underwater
The entirety of bullets
>a certain back alley in the summer of 1992?
So you don't know?
How do you think they make it big so quickly after only one album?

>he doesn't know
I really want to know. please tell me
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It's just one schizo making all these threads right? It has to be.
>It's just one schizo making all these threads
>MCR has 20 million monthly listeners
Pretty sure this is just the uprising of people who realize that MCR was good despite being told that it's fag music when they were young
It is fag music though.
Only goatfucker towelheads hate mcr
Yeah people said that about Bowie too.
Nah come on man, there’s been some 50 threads in the past month all of Three Cheers that all share the same basic template of ‘wow this is the greatest album ever made’. Unless 20 million zoomers are all making the exact same copy pasted post over and over again about the exact same album, then it’s just one schizo constantly making threads
What do you think is coming out from under that crown of thorns on the crucifix?
>We heckin' HATE this fag music, more niggerbabble music appreciation threads NOW!
I think you might be the schizo for being a dedicated malder for each and every one of these threads that pop up
>>We heckin' HATE this fag music,

And they were right.

>only masculine men hate mcr
You don't have to repeat yourself.
>The peak of masculinity is having sex with goats
Go back to your village, Muhammad.
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>you don't believe in God
>I don't believe in luck
>but I do believe in Captain Crunch
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Whitest MCR/Bowie hater
Not a muzzie, but it's more masculine to have sex with a female goat than another human male, yes.

I'm literally whiter than you.
Yup. He was rizzaped and gizzaped in the hot sweltering summer of 1992 just like Kevin R. Nash.
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>I'm literally whiter than you
>It's more masculine to have sex with a female goat than another human male, yes.
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> it's more masculine to have sex with a female goat than another human male
Holy kek
Never change, brownoids
Passive aggressive little bitch, you argue like a woman. Typical mcr fan I suppose.
>Saar you need to do the needful listen to brahmin indian music, MCR is for bloody bastard! DO NOT REDEEM MCR MUSIC DO NOT REDEEEEM
Least obvious pajeet poster, go back to your third world cow shit worshipping hell instead of seething about music from a civilized country
Holy seethe. I'm literally a white American, you projecting faggot. Sorry for insulting your music for little girls.
>I'm literally a white American
That's really convincing, Rajeesh. I don't think any white American has ever said that they're "literally a white American"
>I don't think any white American has ever said that they're "literally a white American"
Well this one has. You're not very imaginative, but it figures, considering your music taste.
Kek. Pajeets are so retarded that they just out themselves eventually.
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>this entire thread
I hate faggots.
that's hot.
I look like this and say this.
Compared to the trash /mu/ posts on this board, My Chemical Romance is fine art.

The absolute worst taste is pretensed on here.
God is le real?
Mormons aren't Christians, Catholics are Christians
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>sanest gerard way stan
>Catholics are Christians
lol no
Holy based. I love this album so much, its unreal
What are some more kinda heavy stuff like this album?
not the same genre exactly, but things that give me similar vibes:
marriages - salome
true widow - circumambulation
loathe - i let it in and...
throwing muses - s/t

i know bullets is technically post-hardcore, but i can never find anything else in that actual genre that matches it.
thanks man
True, Mormons are better and more based than Christians.
>Catholics are Christians
Citation needed.
This song is about lesbian sex robots believing in a giant robot Messiah called DESTROYA.
post more gerards
Yeah you actually are retarded lol get smarter dumbass

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