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/mu/ - Music

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What went so wrong?
2016 tourists.
unironically the tripfags leaving. they had better taste than the zoomer anons of now. i miss CLT
Being so dedicated to listening to garbage that pop music became welcome
either too much gatekeeping
or not enough gatekeeping
this is the common sentiment but it's also the fact that the quality of new music plummeted after 2016.
This board used to get so excited over new music. New Deerhunter album, new Swans, new Death Grips...the entire catalogue would be filled with people discussing the new album of the month.
Now all the new music is zoomer revivalist slop catered to virgin ears.
Dunning-Kruger Effect
5/10 bait, have a (you)
not requiring a pass to start new threads
the new era of posters dont appreciate /mu/core and those albums all brought us together, they are unable to see merit in so many artists that by song 1 were instant classics,
>in the aeroplane over the sea
>the glow pt 2
>american football
American Football sucks, even by the standards of its own genre. The other four are all bangers though.
Hard disagree, AF and Spiderland are the best albums that anon listed.
Actually no, those two are the worst and football is pretty bad
>New Deerhunter album, new Swans, new Death Grips...the entire catalogue would be filled with people discussing the new album of the month.
if you truly cared, you would have searched for music outside the Anglosphere
I started using this board around when Blink-182 dropped the album last year,
pleb music tastes
the guitar pickup in Never Meant when it goes from the initial riff to that incredibly bright and catchy riff is one of those life changing musical moments, those other albums all had the same effect on the first song, heres a few more
>Strap it On
>Remain in Light
>Unknown Pleasures
>Slanted and Enchanted
>Fantastic Planet
>Garbage (imo deserves to be mucore)
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Zoomers, faggots, “contrarians”, retards etc. etc. etc. You get the picture..
beatles, oasis, kurt, lou reed, tmr, etc.
Lonely white guys' obsession with politics and bug women.
Online music communities have warped and gotten more shallow and mindless. The good shit gets ignored, the trash gets marketed to them and they eat it up. They think RYM matters. They talk more about music drama than actual music. Then other people buy into the "no good music anymore" lie, whether they are just fetishizing the past or aren't getting spoonfed here from the other idiots so they don't know any better. Then on top of that, Spotify became their main source of music, so they get whatever the algorithm tells them, which everyone else gets, and no one really knows what's out there. Not even to mention that Spotify is toxic to music and culture beyond that, and no one should be using it.
I've known of this place since 2011, you fuckers literally post the same 3x3s from literally 13 years ago.

>Animal Collective
>Talking Heads
>King Crimson
>The Smiths
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the album is not a culturally relevant artifact anymore. it has been replaced by the algorithmic playlist and the viral TikTok song. there's not really anything to discuss anymore about music because human agency has been entirely removed from the loop of discovering, listening to, and enjoying music. we listen to music "with" the AI but the AI cannot hear our thoughts on it, it only reads our mind subconsciously based on the actions we take in response to hearing a particular song on our phone.
>What are your 10 favourite songs by This and That?
>A list with 10 songs
>Share a song, listen to a song
>One person shares a song, and says nothing
>Game threads are more rare
>Faggot gatekeeping implying something's existence and not stating as if this is cool (it's not)
No matter what your gay boogeyman of choice is, all have the same common denominator: not wanting to discuss music. Or discuss anything either
loner, not lonely
also checked
Very well said. Funny how I was able to correlate all songs to their respective releases having not even listened to some of them. I guess the old skool /mu/core indoctrination runs deep.
>Or discuss anything either
This problem is growing prominent all over the Internet.
Trooncords used to be full of people actually somewhat eager to have discussions are now just nothing but meme spam with no coherence.
Yep. And no one discusses the meme spam either, as any attempt will be drowned by more meme spam
Jews controlling the music industry
Trannies and the LGBTQ+
Part of the consequences for people using jaks. Kills all the banter and discussion.
Not enough classical and traditional music threads
16-mid 20 anons don't have any music taste. Not bad taste. No taste. Everything is from an algo so they never developed their own personal likes and dislikes
No fucking kidding the catalog is full of all these fucking bitch ghetto women
I seriously wonder if zoomers have ever even heard real music.
>real music
like what
your answer to this post determines how much of a faggot you are
it's been almost a decade, friend. seek therapy.
Wouldn't surprise me if none of you zoomer fags ever heard of it.
It’s a statement of fact, not an emotional sentiment. Make it more obvious you’re insecure about being one of them, go back faggot
>go back

I've been on this website since 2009. There was nothing unique about 2016 that in some way changed the trajectory of where this site was headed. As the internet became more widely accessible and 4chan's le hacker darkweb status continued to erode, it was inevitable that this place would eventually become just as toxic, polluted, and stupid as the rest of the internet. Calling people who have been on this site for nearly a decade 'tourists' and still treating them as some current thing boogeyman still actively declining the board all these years later is a sign of mental illness. You are thoroughly stuck in a past that never existed and I suggest you leave this place and seek therapy.
why do oldfags always fight like children
arrested development
turns out that basing your self worth on the # of terabytes of obscure musics you keep stashed isn't a great way to tackle adulthood
Yup. They make too many low effort threads and now they are making generals for their idols separate from K pop general. They need their own board and all Kpop needs to be banned from mu
you HAVE to go back.
I've been fighting a losing battle against these kpop goons for quite a while now but mods of /mu/ are shills and they banned me instead so I can't say much but these kpop retards have even invaded /b/ & /int/ I saw their general there the other day and then they started bullying me. Too much abuse have gone for too long.
Seek the shift key on your keyboard when typing the first letter of the first word of a sentence
I've been on this website since 2004 and you're a faggot
It’s so frustrating. Do you have a strategy?
Hobby boards have been dying in general, it's not really exclusive to /mu/.
>and now they are making generals for their idols separate from K pop general
kpg here no fucking clue how or why that is allowed, why those threads aren't deleted. we do not endorse that at all. it's a couple fucking retards trying to start shit
>Too many Cuckgau threads
>Too many 'woman sings about depression' threads
live and let live brother. just let it go. kpop is music whether you like it or not
Kpop is music, KPOP GENERAL is just coomers obsessing over idols.
Tell them to knock it off
he's right
the more you tell them the more they would keep doing that. there's only one way to solve this problem
What’s the one way
Instagram music pages
list goes on...
i forgot YouTube video essays as well
yeah this is pretty accurate
this is actually the worst offender
Biz is also dying...
But Fit is going strong
RYM has always been a negative thing, nu or not.
>this is actually the worst offender
It's so bad how many normalfag iceberg and /mu/core chart videos there are that lead zoomers to this board
Instagram to me is the worst.
also i think spotify/yt/whatever algorithms replacing the need for interpersonal music discussion or sharing for a lot of people
Algos are trash anyways they can never recommend obscure stuff just the usual 4 or 5 recycled bands that are popular in the genre.
this is the left wing version of "the joos"
But no one says it about every single problem in society, just about the boards being infested and dying. I've never said it myself, but I can see an argument could be made for it.
4chan is first and foremost a males board because women need recognition and validation.

Music has never been more anti male. The ironically most interesting musical time was two men trying to lyrically destroy each other. White males especially don't do anything besides Jack White with his weirdly very obscure and underlooked album and Post Malone and I guess Logic.
There is no male that has that passionate fanbase anymore and quality songs.

If we were in the 1970s /mu/ would be great and not just because men were in control but also it was cool to be White in music. Now its not and women are in control.
Zoomers, third world ESL's, women, election tourists, phoneposters, a lot of shit has happened. The way people interact with music is different now. I don't know what killed the enthusiasm for discovering music. AI and playlists, I guess. People are just fucking stupid now and aren't seriously passionate about anything anymore, Anon, I don't know how else to put it. It's like people think you're the bad guy for actually caring about a hobby or having a passion.
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sharethreads went away. yeah. sure there was just one a few days ago but it sucked ass
cope /pol/tards
ironic leftists from twitter/other social platforms came here
>t. poltard
The 2016 election. I'm not kidding either. The moment /pol/ started coming here it was fucking over. Moot should have nuked the board a second time when he had the chance.
New music quality didn't dip. Under any circumstance, Black MIDI would have been as big as Death Grips here if they were dropping 2012-2015. The issue is that 2016 happened and this website became a fucking cesspool of reactionary retards.
Retard, ya'll dicksucks broke containment and came here. This used to be a jaded hipster board now its fucking "le BBC le jew le fucking tranny" shit. That's because of /pol/, not leftists.
Oh wait, this thread's still up?
>What are your 10 favourite songs by This and That?
>A list with 10 songs
Cause my point stands perfectly here: >>123476458
>Post your top 10 rappers
>Three (You)'s, one to the self
>All lists
>Zero discussion
Go home, faggot
You first >>>/LGBT/
No seriously fuck off and leave you dumb faggot
2nd post best post
i mean /mu/ was always pretty lefty, but 2016 ramped it up pretty hard
Majority of the fags who posted here killed themselves after finding out all their favorite bands were sex terrorists
it was always shit

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