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The birthplace of Black Metal - Norway edition.
Old >>123475484
incel cope edition
chad truth edition
Melanized Brazilian edition
>hemorrhoids are acting up again
I feel a dog that's dragging its ass around the floor.
Fuck black metal!
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Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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Norwegians in shambles

Band: Sarcofago
Album: Crust EP
Song: F.O.M.B.M. (Fuck off Melodic Black Metal)

Selling their souls to an unknown force
Painting their faces with cum!
If the Devil is some kind of god
Kill him!

Brutal Death Metal rules
Fuck off the melodic black metal
Fuck off: Cradle of Filth! Kovenant!
Emperor! Dimmu Borgir! Tiamat!

Selling Satan like another capitalism's product
Corrupting the essence of brutal music!
Remember what Warrior said:
Only death is real!
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Artist: Sarcófago
Album: Anthems to the Woke at Reddit
Song: F.O.W.M.B.M. (Fuck Off White Man Black Metal)

>Genetic Melting Pot rules
>Fuck off Scandinavia
>Fuck off: Songwriting, Musicianship
>Dignity! Culture! Race!
they look like a bunch of retards
you should've thought about that before having so much bumsex
Antii Boman of Demilich (direct quotation):

>Yeah, it was the overall ‘fuck you’-atmosphere, death threats from Norway and all that shit. I wasn’t afraid, but I felt like I didn’t belong there anymore. All of our friends’ bands had either quit or changed their style, like for example Sentenced and Amorphis. We were still plowing the same field and fighting with the black metal kids. On top that, it just simply killed the inspiration. I couldn’t get any songs done.
morning /meal/
listening to Burzum
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we love Couch Slut here
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>Corrupting the essence of brutal music!
...which is?
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Well? Who has or hasn't listened to the new Spectral Wound yet?
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
>I couldn’t get any songs done.
apparently that persists to this day
No. We hate black metal here.
Americans invented extreme metal. Europeans don't understand metal at a conceptual level because it's purely new world music.
>Destruction at home
started reading up on music theory but how in the fuck do I even apply it to guitar?
true. you have to remember america was founded by the extreme and outcast of european society. they rode ships across the ocean to explore new frontiers while the docile and mentally whipped europeans stayed in their hovels worshipping monarchs. they are a cucked people so naturally the ideology of extreme metal could never flourish there.
Europeans invented the new world. Americans cannot even understand themselves, let alone heavy metal music.
>posts in black metal general
Yes, it's also the reason why Canada and Australia have such powerful metal scenes. You really can't find good extreme metal outside of these 3 countries.
In terms of metal scenes?

Norway=Sweden > Germany > Finland > UK >Russia+Ukraine > US > Greece > rest of the world
Britain invented Metal. All extreme Metal comes from Venom.
Finland before Germany and I agree.
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Finland is great but they started to get relevant a bit late compared to Germany. Germany has wider span of metal and better quality.
If you don't like King Diamond you are false.
Finland > Norway > Sweden >>> rest (they barely even matter)
It's funny you dumbasses think metal is conservative.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
I'm talking about the complete and utter destruction of Europe and the pathetic cuckolds who live there welcoming their own end. You listen to "metal" created by these people?
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Metal is inherently nordic and scandinavian.
Based beyond belief
You're brown and have no foreskin.
Tickets Refunded after Anon's Demo Playback Scandal at Budokan
Thinking in doing a excel sheet with all the shows Ive been and all the bands Ive seen live Im sure Ive been to 100+ shows and seen 300+ bands
My balls are intact though
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We HEIL King Diamond here.
Metal scenes ranked (objectively):

US+CA > Sweden > Finland = Norway > Germany > South America > UK > The rest
Rush is a metal band
Rush is a brand of adult diapers
Ya, I mean it's on metal archives
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Where are my dissochads
at the YMCA probably
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USA > Japan > Germany > UK > Sweden > Finland > Norway > South America (Brazil) > Spain > the rest
Musical wise USA its probably better but the scene in south America its fuckin crazy, when I am able to talk after shows with band members I always ask them which has the best scene, everyone always say Chile or Argentina
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America's ONLY unique contribution to Metal is nu-metal: the MTV breeding of Metal (European) with hip-hop (American).
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you're actually retarded. Brits made like two genres while americans practically made the rest. Black metal is the only truly european genre
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I prefer Excrescence
All American metal, except nu-metal , is a derivative of British Metal.
Japan is mid af
SEA fucking rips though
Elvis was American

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