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Imagine the Linkin Park gangbang
How you think she got the job? Lmao.
they are all happily married and loyal
Linkin Pozzed
by being a good singer?
It's a fucking joke kid shut up
Reminder theirs two jews in this band
mike and joe?
what if chester became trans and then came back as a woman but did it privately, they both are blond so its a possibility
That would be a reincarnation. You need to be alove to transition
Yes but what if he never actually died
I'm pretty sure he died, unfortunately.
Incubus beat them to it.
reddit is cancelling her for being a Scientology
And know we should defend scientology because of this?
Of course we should. Scientology is ver prescious
Why are their clothes so big?
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We should defend it because its right.
Its street. The kids consider it "fresh"
Oh boy, can't wait for the songs about toxic masculinity and muh patriarchy
just say ur gay bro
she really is a scientology xenu freak?KEK
literally taking a shit on chester grave
she’s literally a rape defending chud lol
post source
Brandon Boyd is still there dumbass.
Fuck L. Ron Hubbard
And fuck all his clones
Nice try, ma'am.
is there any good example of a band replacing its iconic male lead singer with a woman? specially in this genre
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'fraid not.
its not like Chester and Mike's lyrics were deep
they couldnt get a whinier guy than chester, so they got a girl. they shouldve just retired the band at this point.
Really? Who did she defend? Masterson?
It's so fucking over
Anyway I don't hate her but the new song is very meh imo
They are going to make so much money capitalizing on dumb nostalgic millenials anyway.
Lol, wish the band success but this is a dealbreaker for me and I'm out. RIP chester.
prime grade schizoposting
zoomers were the one listening to that shit captain turdface.
You’re a faggot if you care about that even a little
do you say the same for russian shills?
What if she was Jewish?
>supporting someone connected to a group of pedophiles because of nostalgia for a dead guy

its like they picked a random bpd whore from the crowd to do karaoke, she sounds aweful. ahahahah what were they thinking?
Mike failed as a solo rapper so now he needs Scientology money
did he blow all the millions he made in the early 2000s already? he couldve funded his grand-grand childrens lives with all the money he made
I feel like the only one who liked his music
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Not an argument
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You now realize the guy from Hoobastank looks like Mike Shinoda with an extra chromosome
Hanging oneself usual happens after transition though
Women in metal is cringe as fuck
It could be worse, they could've gotten Lzzy Hale which would've been mad cringe.
This would be the first time
Black County New Road
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Hiring a Scientology cultist that supported her convicted rapist and fellow Scientologist friend Danny Masterson is a fucking disgrace and I can't think of anything more disrespectful to Chester's honor and to the band's legacy. Chester Bennington was a victim of sexual abuse as a child, which would later start his lifelong addiction issues and struggle with depression. Rob Bourdon had enough integrity to not be a part of this shameless money grab, respect to him and fuck Mike Shinoda. Chester will always be my favorite singer and I will always love their first 4 albums, but they won't get a single penny out of me from this.
>Breaster Bennington
>Chestier Bennington
I don't know, I tried.
I hate woman so much, they ruin everything.
Do you think this is why Rob didn't want to be involved?
it's insane how many positive comments i see about this shit online. you can probably find better vocals at karaoke. i don't know if i'm more repulsed by the band getting back together or her live performance.
Damn, that's pretty wild. You'd think they would want to avoid that kind of drama but Mike always seemed kind of slime ballish.
>Linkin Park's entire appeal was teenage girls identiying with the angsty sad man and his whiny overwrought singing and lyrics
>he kys's himself
>but we're too jewy to just let it end
>instead of finding another tattooed sad boy singer to warble like he's taking big black cock up his puckered boy pussy, of which there are an infinite number of in California, fall for the womeme
>won't be able to sing the classics because she'll just get compared unfavorably to John Podesta's dead gay bastard son
>nobody will care about the new stuff because nobody gives a solitary fuck about a bunch of washed up nu metal/post-grunge chodes in their 40s pretending they're still 21
>she's not even hot so you can't at least have the benefit of being able to jerk off to her
>she looks like a strung out HR chick and/or tranny with pronouns in her bio
Linkin Park were fucking weirdos and would narc on way less successful touring bands who would get on high on the bus cause their dead faggot singer was "allergic" to weed
most people have the iq of a boiled potato. and the taste of a persian decorator. what you expect? when i first saw the clip without context i thought this was some fan asked to go on stage. sounds horrible, you wouldnt think this person is an actual vocalist.
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>it's insane how many positive comments i see about this shit online.
It's all performative bro. You HAVE to be positive and supportive because criticism is heckin' bad and women gotta stick together and guys have to support all women and if you don't then you're just spreading toxic negativity, holding your own sex back and being a misogynist. Most of the people saying positive things think she sucks (because she does, in both senses of the word) but they're so worried about how others view them that they have to pretend to like it which is why their positive comments all come off as tepid and fake. Because they are.
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that just makes it ever worse
One of the jews left
Even he knows the woman is going to end it
dis nigga wearing skin tight jeans and t shirts man fuck off to reddit bitch ass nigga
>why are their clothes so big?
>unironically wearing sknny jeans in 2024
Get with the times, pajeet/millenial.
>moby, bret weinstein, japanese keanu reeves, billie eilish 2.0, some other jewish guy, eminem (straight)

I legit think they put the guys in cyan and her in yellow for contrast, so they're probably not even their clothes. Saying that Badly, Mike Shinoda and the girl have nice jackets, would cop
Bruh skinny jeans haven't been in style for at least two years
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I just listened to the song. It's not bad at all honestly, I expected a lot worse.
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In all honesty, she's alright. I'll give the record a go when it releases. As an avid LP fan growing up, I like her vibe and voice. The single sounds like a generic song of theirs tho, not bad but bland.
>zoomers larping like its the early 2000s which they never experienced
I'd rather wear normal sized clothing, old man. Sorry that your boomer ass looks like a Big Bang Theory cast reject lel
>Triggers Reddit
>what used to be "mom jeans" are now cool and hip
>millenial hags wearing skinny jeans are now considered cringe and karen pilled
kek based. besides those "hip" mom jeans allow me to see cameltoes so they based
>zoomers larping like its the early 2000s which they never experienced
But I did, as a young lad. Now I'm 26 and thank god skinny jeans are gone for now.
Holy shit, Phoebe Bridgers joins Linkin Park?
>4chinz in charge of not sexualizing everything
It's a very generic 2014-pop song
Yep it's pop music with some distorted guitar 3 chord riff.
There is absolutely nothing going on that is musically interesting in the song even for Linkin Park standards. But people will lap it up anyway
I just watched the live prrsentation and she had a huge voice crack during the catalyst kek
I heard her sing Crawling in my Skin and I thought it didn't work at all.
But she sounded better on Faint and Closer, but it's still not Chester.
I'm wiling to give it a chance, but I need to hear her sing New Divide and Breaking the Habit.
I like how her screams sound like Chester
>it's insane how many positive comments i see about this shit online.
it's called "astroturfing with bots"
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> She makes the audience sing every other part on Crawling
>She messed up three times on The Catalyst and tried to get them to do it again
>both singers suffering

returning like this was a bad decision
Mike also seems like he'd be a scientologist
this is quite bad
Not bad isn't exactly good though. It sounds like a bad cover band, at best. Totally generic and forgettable song, could be passed off as Halestorm or Pretty Reckless and I wouldn't notice much difference.
I think it'll trigger 4channers more
Agreed. Her voice is terrible. Never heard of her before today but I've been seeing tons of blatantly astroturfed comments since the announcement about how she and her previous band (that I've also never heard of) are great and how she supposedly "sounds just like Chester". I'm not hearing either. Feels distinctly like I'm being gaslit real hard.
She actually does sound a bit like Chester
Remember that a lot of them are literal A.I bots.
That must be it, because realistically I just don't think there are that many fans that are supporting this. Let alone people who even know who this talentless nobody is.
I dropped it after they destroyed Somewhere I Belong and Crawling
I did a quick google and apparently on the official discord for the band, they are banning anyone mentioning the scientology or rape apologist facts about this new ''''''''vocalist''''''
A collab with Yonaka would have been a better choice if they need a mentally unwell female singer.
>Linkin Park
Well done pop rock is still pop rock.
Haha, she would have brought her preachy social justice too.
Mike Shinoda is the same trash he always was. And this crap will still make a ton of money.
I forgot we had to wear skinny pants til the end of time now like they did during the medieval era.
So he trooned out?
She looks like she smells bad.
They could have started a new band and no one would have been upset, the fact that they are still holding on to the Linkin Park name feels petty and cynical.
minutes to midnight is "bush bad" album
They literally had a better looking Chester that can also singer better than him with Ivo Rosario and they went for a woman.
A woman who can't sing for shit, no less. They have turned their band into a subpar karaoke/tribute band of themselves and if it weren't so disappointing it would be fucking hysterical.
>listen to the new single
>it's kinda bland at first
>her vocals come in
>I'm feeling bored
>am about to click the x
>she hits a chorus and starts screaming it
>move away from the x
>am now a believer
most times I just don't think girls can really belong in hard rock or heavy metal. The Wilson sisters from Heart, Tarja Turunen from Nightwish, and now this chick
I can't think of any others off the top of my head at least.
>I can't think of any others off the top of my head
That girl from Code Orange is pretty good.
...also Suffix is one of my favorite bands.
chicks can be good singers (archenemy) but this girl sounds like a 45 year old chronic smoker who blew out her voice
You need to expand your music knowledge then. Plenty of good female led rock and metal bands. Jinjer, Spiritbox, Unleash the Archers, Arch Enemy
see Archenemy is where I hear a female metal singer and I just.. didn't like it, that's one of the examples where I say "most women can't rock"

The reason why the Wilson sisters worked and why Tarja worked was because they didn't try to sing hard rock like a man, they sang like a woman, but they sang in such a way that was feminine and still had power and owned the music they sang to.
Archenemy it sounds like she's trying to sing like a man, and I hate it.
This chick she screams, but maintains a feminine quality to her voice.
She sounds like a woman rocking, not a woman imitating a man rocking.

The fact that both of you list Arch Enemy just.. questions the entire rest of the list, because Arch Enemy's singer is doing exactly what I don't want from a woman trying to do metal.

You were saying?
How did you hear anything femine out of the new Linkin Park singer? Her voice is actual dogshit, what the fuck am I reading? This has to be a bait post or some kind of shill.
as soon as she goes into death growls I drop it.
I'm not looking for a woman to imitate a man doing death metal. I'm looking for something distinctly woman who is rocking. Not imitating a man.
I dunno, she screams but it doesn't sound like an imitation of a man screaming
and her clean vocals are just a woman singing.
Like this doesn't replace Chester. But this was a lot better than I was expecting.
It's like when AIC replaced Layne after a long hiatus. He can't match up to Layne, no way... however, he's better than I was expecting at least, and I can give him some credit.
She's not "imitating a man", she simply has insane range. Something that cannot be said of this new Linkin Park cover band.
but she is
death growls is a masculine vocal style.
Fucking love Code Orange
Listen to "Weatherman" by Dead Sara and you'll know she can rip
only animals growl
Those fags should just rename the band, this has nothing to do with Linkin Park.
Why not release music under a new name like New Order? Is Shinoda (and the other guys no one ever cared for) that desperate?
kek i started listening and she was singing nice and i skipped to the middle and it got 2spooky4me
It sounds like Linkin Park song brah
Ayo that great value Brody Dalle sounds like ass fr. Imagine if someone told you in 2018 that a Brody Dalle imitator is replacing Chester, everyone would be lmaoing @ u but this is the GRIM reality we're living in. Fuck you Mike you fucking money hungry parasite and fuck that goofy hoe and the rest of the band. Shout out to Robbie for being the only human being in that band
Only vaguely. The way a cruise ship band that plays covers would.
that's the thing that got me, like when her vocals started I thought "this doesn't sound like Linkin Park, I'm gonna shut it down" but then when she hit her first chorus, "this sounds like Linkin Park" like she doesn't sound like Chester, but it sounds like Linkin Park.
shinoda always had that grohl sociopath vibe
YES they havent been relevent for a decade almost as long as chesters been dead
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Reddit is filtering out all the comments that hate on the new singer. It's like disney shills covering for nu-star wars
4chan isn't deleting negative posts, though.
Reddit 100% is
for me it kinda had the sound of minutes to midnight and then once the chorus hit, it sounded like something from the hunting party. the lyrics from emily are also very linkin park though mike definitely helped with them for sure. she does just a little bit have some resemblance to chester.
>they won't get a single penny out of me from this.

You were going to buy their new CD?
I mean a little but, I'd still say it's distinct especially her clean vocals, when she screams yeah sure, both her and Chester have that "cat screaming while it gets fucked in the alley at 3am" quality
but I wouldn't say she's always doing a Chester impression, she does more while singing older Linkin Park songs in Chester's place of course., since that's a cover. But New Song I found.. more just her own sound, but still a Linkin Park sound.

Its such adolescent music, there's a comic weirdness to all these 30 something people enjoying it.
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Did they seriously go with a female vocalist instead of finding a guy that sounds like Chester? What the fuck are they thinking?

Deryck Whibley from Sum 41 was joking about rumours that it was going to him, that would've genuinely been 100x better
I kinda find it better that they didn't just try to do what AIC did and just find someone who could imitate their original vocalist (in AIC's case mostly just in the harmonized vocals, he can't solo like Layne), like she can kind of do the impersonation of Chester when singing old material, but when doing new Material it'll be a new sound but still work.

I don't want a pure Chester imitation.
>like she can kind of do the impersonation of Chester when singing old material
She can't though, it sounds like a woman doing cover karaoke
well, I'm glad she doesn't sound exactly like Chester. I don't want a woman sounding like a man.
It's like the same vocal pattern but obviously a woman doing it and I find that better than a pure imitation.
They couldn't replace Layne they can't replace Chester, it's just that simple, so, at least they're opening up something different.
Fuck shill, I will still hate hook noses, orcs and foreign invaders instead
just let the project rest in peace
sounds like a bad imitation of the original
Dude blew his money on nfts lmao
it's called hiphop nigga
yo, get with the times gramps!
>by the band getting back together
They can get back together and play theirshitty music all they want, just not name it Linkin Park.
Nirvana had various women singers in the rock and roll hall of fame performing Kurt's songs (St Vincent, Lorde, Kim Gordon and Joan Jett I believe). I guess it's the closest thing that exists
They should've put her in a Chester mask and have her jump around like Static X...They could've called her Chestwo, i dunno i'll work on it some more later
Jeff Gutt from Dry Cell is the guy that sounds exactly like Chester. The fact that they never hit him up for a job is retarded
I'd rather Linkin Park with Rome than this garbage
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Is Fantano going to pretend the new music is good now?
No one gives a fuck about scientology. See Tom Cruise. This reddit signalling is embarrassing
holy based, fuck stoners
I really like her clothes, they look like flaking wallpaper in a decrepit house, it's dope
Yes I bet he will. Almost guaranteed
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>female with a quirky, raspy, out of tune voice
Wtf. Shinoda should have known better, just a raspy voice won't cut it.
Exactly, Jews are worse in every way
Too be fair if they just went with a Chester imitator they would have been rehashing alice in chains or nightwish's problem all over again. At least with the chick they are trying something new even if it's shit. I'mma give it a couple albums to see if linkin park can settle in a decent direction.
Hopefully she was just nervous. I like her voice, when it's not out of tune. Mike being the self centered cunt he is had his mic a lot louder than hers, at least in the YouTube live.
song from her previous band, and from 10 years ago
better song and better voice than that new bad single, that song is kinda mid but at least has an energy and she sounds like she's having fun with the vocals
shameless nostalgia cash grab. sad to see such insatiable greed from successful artists who could put in the effort to make something new instead.
>Remakefag has shit opinions
Like clockwork
Didn't know this guy but he definitely sounds like he could have pulled it off. Don't even need someone who sounds exactly like him, just someone that can get the vibe right.
Thats what this woman can't really do, they should have just relaunched under a different name.
good for them
you see i actually like this, if they could actually combine this sound with mike doing rap stuff current LP can go places instead of ripping off what they already do.
Like what? Emily pegs other band members backstage while Jay-Z watches.
she's a scientologist
why the fuck would they want to retread old ground? step on the grave of chester??
i think getting a female vocalist was the right move, just not this braindead cultist moron
Man why must they disrespect Chester like this
>one of the biggest bands in the world
>could choose pretty much whichever vocalist they want
>they pick a woman

This just screams money-hungry publicity stunt. I give it 2 years max.
you're dumb as shit
*plaps dumpy sow*
you're wasting your talent, randy!
even better
lole le trole le edgy >:)
I can think of two cover bands, both with female lead singers, I've heard do a better job.
lmao look at these old goobers.
Scientology is based and makes retards seethe.
Woman spotted
Probably not judging by the livestream.
What could be the Reason?
she sounds like jojo siwa
Type O Negative always said if they did a reunion show they would have a female singer do it so I'm not opposed to this. Also I don't care about the scientology shit only Americans seem to get pressed about scientology lol
He's been with stp for a while now, actually he replaced Chester
bitch 4chan has way more anti-scientology history lmao are you a moron?
She sounds good in the new song, but I watched a clip of her singing Numb live and she sounded like shit.
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They could've hire this guy lmao.
He's literally HUE-HUE-HUE ver of Chester with descent voice.
Yes and I’m not kidding. Cedric from the Mars Volta (who’s wife was raped by Masterson) said she came with Danny to the trail and was intending to sit with him in the courtroom as part of his entourage
>they would have a female singer do it
Because for Type O Negative it would be even more difficult to get Pete replaced. His voice and charisma is too unique so that every other men would look like and sound like a weak ass eunuch.

Anyway I hope they never do a reunion show. And if it should be just an instrumental.
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A man for a job.
it's daaaaaaaaaaareeeeeeeeeee
its literally budget store brand Lizzy Hale what are you on lmao
To me LP is Hybrid Theory and parts of Meteora. When the piano wasn't as front and center, when they still had record scratches, heavy power cords, the guitars were more distorted and even worked in some blast beat bass drum sections. I really just stopped paying attention LP with the remix album. It was okay but too different for me. Then later i heard the occasional new song but it never clicked for me. Of course notable exception being Given Up. It was too poppy, too alt rock, too radio friendly. And as far as i can tell this new stuff fits exactly with their post-2003 stuff. It's not for me, it wasn't for me anymore when they still had Chester and it isn't for me now with Emily.
For a new singer to work it needs to be somehow better than the original, and that's really hard here. She sounds kinda bad live, perhaps in the new album she will sound fine, but all the old songs live will be pretty much butchered.
what the hell? i thought the band was over after the singer died
was he ok with them continuing the band?
Temu Chester.
It’s a cash grab 110%.

They’ll release this album, then go on tour. Cash in big, and then part ways with Emily due to “indifferences” over her past.

Its sideshow level stuff.
Reddit is livid, so I guess it was a good choice.
>people are getting openly sick of lefties
>the world is turning on the jews
>linkin park is back

the world is healing
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>both are blond
>visible brown roots
>linkin park is back
if you like linkin park post-2003 you need to absolutely neck yourself.
Reminder that Scientology is just what /pol/ thinks judaism is
id science her tology
if you know what im sayin
Why do you even care what that faggot thinks
ben kenney was replaced with a smoking hot literally-who
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>I left this on @deadsara account
some nobody on instagram said it?
damn it must be true...
kek I knew you fucks would be having a field day
>2/3 original members were not there

i remember this motherfucker claiming he had the same voice as Brandon Boyd, then i saw him live at top of the pops (not in playback for once) and he sang like shit... so out of tune lmao
>Chester dies
>Drummer quits
>Shinoda still goes with it
Shinoda is what Dave Grohl is to Nirvana, a fucking weasel living off the band's name and legacy but Shinoda didn't have enough talent to create a buttrock band good enough to cash on his bandmate's death
i liked it
Too bad Chester didn't have his own Courtney ready to fight Shinoda to the death for her husband's legacy. Courtney might be a shit human being, a shit mother and a shit girlfriend and wife, but damn nobody could have protected Kurt's state and legacy better than she did! That's why Grohl can't stand her
At least Grohl isn’t pretending he was the driving force of Nirvana and that he named his new band he leads Nirvana
No. Dave Grohl would have had to keep the Nirvana name for that to be the same. Besides that, I think its safe to say Foo Fighters are a better band than nu-Linkin Park will be.
That and the part where she shot Kurt.
Retard hands typed this
She isn't a bad singer she's just trying too hard to sound like Chester. He didn't even do the screamy emo voice on Numb, that's why its one of their stronger tracks. I'd say her original songs will sound better but they haven't been listenable for a long time even with Chester.
They're goofy and easy to make fun of but at the end of the day I'm sure most people here think they're alright. Far better than Jews
>he likes post-meteora LP
don't you have a fleet foxes show to go to?
Against me?
There's already an AI Chester cover
>in this genre
which is? alt rock? pop rock? indie rock?
yeah but it doesn't fix the terrible guitars, overuse of slow piano parts or poppy synths.the new singer fits their style perfectly. they are both trash.
Don't you have a pfizer-sponsored pride parade to be gay at?
>female doing death growl
and close the video
it really is simple
stop recommending it.
The new vocalist isn't great but is at least better than Mike's singing in that first half of that single. But really I've not listened to them since minutes to midnight and won't be starting anytime soon.
kek this
have you guys heard the cover band called Hybrid Theory? the vocalist sounds and looks like Chester, but i guess not trying to replicate him was a good decision in the end
Okay, 1 out of 61 songs post-meteora that is on par with Hybrid Theory and i bet i don't have to tell you which song that is. Why are you making my argument for me?
>imagine not growing out of Linkin Park

what are you 12?
They’ve been making slop for years now. Did you expect to be served something other than this time around?
DeadSara is even more slop.
I wouldn't want to be stuck in post-meteora linkin park either. Imagine having to play pop rock and hating it but you do it for the band mates that you spent most of your life with..
her voice is simply not interesting enough, but then again is quite a task to find a female singer with good voice
Call me naive but considering how insanely popular OG linkin park songs were especially with the re-release of their old stuff i thought shinoda might have had a fucking epiphany and returned to their roots.
Naive. They took the easy generic path like 30 Seconds to Mars and the pathetic Incubus.
At least they didn’t write an apology for their first album like Incubus did.

interview with zane lowe
So fucking predictable. Just because they didn't keep the exact same style doesn't mean they're bad. I do wish they made a little more stuff like their first two but if you can't see how good MtM, ATS, and THP are then you're braindead.
>apology for their first album like Incubus did
i can't find that anywhere
Dogshit bait
They all look and sound like soulless husk waiting for the next paycheck, no joy or fun in their voices at all
Ultimately they had a choice between sounding like a great Linkin Park cover band and a terrible Linkin Park cover band. They chose the latter. No matter what they do, keeping the same band name and style will always draw comparison to Chester's voice and sound so they should have shelved it completely. They've become a karaoke night parody of themselves and nothing more with this decision.
I heard she's a Scientologist.
>Just because they didn't keep the exact same style
No, i'm fine with a band experimenting. Like In Flames going from Jester Race and Moonshield to Soundtrack and Come Clarity. But they still had the same heavy guitars, growls, blast beat drums and groovy bass. They were noticeably different but in essence still the same, at least until they went off the cliff with Sense of Purpose and everything that followed. LP completely ditched EVERYTHING that made them great after Meteora and only god knows why. They went like Metallica from Justice to Black Album and never recovered. Check out the setlist of any band that really tried to revamp their tone - it's 90% greatest hits from their first couple albums.

Nobody is celebrating Minutes to Midnight but everybody is cheering for Hybrid Theory.
And? No one in the world gives a shit about scientologists.
The new song is terrible. Come the fuck on, dude.
>tie draft to voting rights or die mad under women conscription
Thanks Link In Park. Very cool.
Check yourself fucking retard. Linkin Park was being listened to by millennials not Zoomers. I should know. Im a millennial and listened to LP back in middle school in early 2000s. now fuck off Jr. and go eat your goy slop dinner your mom made you.
sounds like YouTubers covering Linkin park
Leave to this pit of shit board to hate on this. You guys fucking hate everything. chick isn't even that bad at singing and the song is fine.


Shut the fuck up you bunch of incels
>(Fuck you, Mom, I wont clean my room. Fuck you, Mom, I wont clean my room.)
Woah, this cringe band just wont be the same without this angsty little dweeb. Is their catalogue of shitty cringe music going to be safe from this change?
linkin park were always dogshit so its not like anything changes

maybe with a woman theyll be less whiny
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She will never dethrone the queen.
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So she likes it rough eh?
>emily is homophobic
Damn... Gotta buy the album for sure now.
just heard him, he's great and the fact that they didn't pick him for the girl and that we got what we got is comical to the point it makes me question if it isn't irl shitposting

kill yourself, some of us still have standards
Her normal voice comes out in sometimes. I hope she starts using it more in the verse parts. Chester didn't always sing raspy.
Not a tranny you fucking nigger. Im just a guy with some fucking sense and who doesnt hate everything ever made like you do. you jaded piece of incel shit.
None of you have standards if you hate on every single thing ever made. Its the same shit every time a new song or new album comes out. everyone here hates on it first. meanwhile people outside of this pit of the internet is giving nothing but positivity for the new single.
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Minutes to Midnight was the last truly great LP album, it's very comfy
i get people getting mad about it cos it wrapped their nu-metal phase, but it's much better than everything that came afterwards
Pathetic bait or shill bot?
LP was never about the lyrics, the message, the music, the fans...

They were teh shoes!

Look at these kicks! You literally feel the music as you're walking in them!
bitch is a scientologist who supported fuckng danny Masterson the fucking rapist fuck her i hope she dies burning to death you dont even have to be made that " she's a woman" you have legitimate reasons ti hate this FUCKING CUNT
no scientologist has EVER BEEN RIGHT
I can think of at least two female Youtube cover channels that can and have done better versions of Linkin Park songs already. This shit is Temu Linkin Park, they could not have picked a worse female vocalist in the entire genre.
she is a tainted crazy bitch
This isn't 2008 you try-hard nobody gives a shit about scientology.
it doesnt matter how long its been scientologists re still fucking evil
>generic late 90s skater shoes
crossover as fuck
you are right but is this really the place to be crying about it?
when its relevant to the thread yes emily armstrong is a scientologist who supported and defended a rapist
New song is the best thing they've put out since the 3rd album, lmao
im listening to it now and its just whining about having to work and live
nope its shit its music designed to help people cope so its immediate garbage that means NOTHING to the band or singers and it has no emotion or personal feelings behind it as generic as it gets
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dude L7 is heavier than this castrated "nu-metal" of a band
goddamn nigger chill
no i will never accept music that only exists for people to "relate" to
I'll give the new LP a chance but this new song sounds like if you put "Linkin Park song with a female singer" into an AI music generator.
i want to know why they took rap out of it
That fact alone is reason enough to justifiably write the whole thing off. Gave them a chance yesterday, and it was just outright not good. Between the bland, generic, nothing that is the new song and her utter butchery of their old songs during the live show, it's beyond over. No reason to give it a second look.
Eh.. at least they're not as bad as any of the girls trying to do death growls, but still kinda ugly sounding. Like I keep pointing out, I'm not looking for female vocalists in hard rock bands trying to sound like male vocalists.
I mean there are others but people keep pitching girls trying to sound like men.
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I like her and I am viscerally happy about this development. Nothing can stop me from feeling this joy. I am superior to all of you.
Are you enjoying One More Light, sis?
Chester is rolling on his grave right now
scientology in 2024 LMAO
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Do you have a problem?
this nigga is scared of psychologists lmao
It has more soul than this single and anything else they're going to put out from now on.
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Arch Enemy(both old and new) is better than Emily. Fucking Halestorm kicks her ass. I have no idea why Shinoda picked her. Maybe they just got along really well.
they're touring before releasing the album so I guess they're gonna be mostly playing the old songs?
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>Eh.. at least they're not as bad as any of the girls trying to do death growls, but still kinda ugly sounding

Eh.. be subtle next time
All this hullabaloo over scientology and rapists is beginning to sound very Reddit-coded. You guys aren't redditors, are you?
Is it? For me LP ended on Meteora, but she is fine. Decent cleans and chorus. Ad strong seven out of ten.
I like women and men to be distinct and hate androgyny and hate troons.
Chester's vocals and lyrics carry so much emotion that the scientologist will always lack
i don't know about those but you have to be careful when inserting women's vocals in a metal setting, bands like Theatre of Tragedy and The Sins of Thy Beloved for example include both female and male vocalists so they can add hard and softer sounds in the songs and they sound good
I didn't ask for your music opinions soiboi faggot
Most famously In Flames pulled it off with a pop singer no less https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMsgnjjS4Fk
That's why I liked almost everything they did while Chester was alive, from the heavier songs to the poppier ones, he had a distinctive voice that not just any random bitch can match.
Holy fucking reddit
To accommodate her womanly voice, probably. Adding male singing vocals in the background of a female front is usually more effective.
I actually liked MTM, but it does not hold even a fucking candle to the first two albums.
I hope that she doesn't touch Dead By Sunrise.
>Any post I don't like is reddit!!! WAAAH!

Shut up faggot.
Without a doubt, for so many reasons. All the cringe cope like "Chester would have wanted the band to continue without him". Like he'll. Why would anyone want their legacy turned into some cheap cash grab with a shitty singer?
Heavy is literally the gayest shit in the world, lmao, faggot
You guys really are just miserable people, huh? I can't imagine being so unhappy. God I love my life.
Who hurt you?
I hurt you, clearly. I'm sorry.
Most pathetic post on this board today. Embarassing.
>So mad he cant even answer the question properly
I didn't either. but people keep giving me their shitty lists of ugly ass sounding female vocalists trying to sound like men.
Sounds like you just love troons and rimjobbing men.
It's amazing how you can make insecure retards seethe just by being happy. You will never know how good it is to be me. And I'm sorry this has happened to you.
You seem to be projecting. I have lived a life without any major trauma. I am grateful for that. I wish you could've had that too. You can still choose happiness, but you've built your identity on misery. I can't change that.
>>You seem to be projecting.
>He say this without an ounce of self awareness
holy shit, lmao. what are you even mad about
You seem to be the only one mad. I'm having a pretty nice day. My life is wonderful and my favorite band is back with a new great singer. Why are you mad at me being happy? Why are you addicted to misery. I cannot say! But I wish you well!
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>it is amazing
>. And
Basic english bitch.
You were so upset by *something* you started raving about *someone* posting at no one. mentally ill behavior.
And you failed to capitalize a proper noun. Kill yourself before you correct anyone ever again.
I posted in a thread of people bitching and moaning about Emily Armstrong. You really need to learn to read context clues, and a little reading comprehension would help. You are a miserable little worm, and you don't even need to be. Choose happiness next time.
>starting with "And"
You are brown.
She can't sing for shit and Linkin Park is deader than Chester. But hope she sees this bro!
You clearly aren't up to date on 21st century English. Whatever ancient textbook you worship contains a form of "proper" English that 50 years earlier was considered unintelligible niggerspeak. That's how language work. Language is alive, the past is a foreign country, and a man never steps into the same river twice. Learn from what I've taught you, and try to apply it to your life.
At last you are reduced to exactly what I pegged you as. Who could've predicted this? Still, thanks for playing. Your existence adds value to the world, even if you can't see it yet.
Do you need something? My office hours aren't open. Please refer to my previous lesson if you need help overcoming your mental failures. You don't have to settle for retardation. There are resources.
Be quiet poo.
Now say this without crying redditor
I can see you getting smaller and smaller. You feel you have no choice but to try and save face in front of all your anonymous friends. But I promise, they don't care. Create whatever story you want to plug the holes in your mind, but it won't make you any less inferior. You have to choose life.
>first thing said is about hating trannies
I think you got your shit backwards, reddit is all into woke bullshit and trying to make women equal to men and pushing for troons and trans rights and stupid shit like that.
You are underage.
Looks like we're being raided by some shill discord
blame this faggot >>123504010
Smaller, and smaller, and smaller...How small will you get before the day is through?
>Brownie thinks he is talking to the same poster.
I think that might be an actual spambot. The response makes no sense at all
Actually might be right. It's unhinged af.
Why the fuck didn't they pick this dude?
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stay mad troon
If they need to tour for money just get some guy who sounds like Chester. If they want to make new music... don't. It was dogshit even when he was still alive.

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