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Death worship edition
OLD: >>123491762
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
Puesome is horrible


why are so many death/thrash metal album covers so damn formulaic? When I see something like this, I just automatically assume it's not worth my time because it's clearly unoriginal. Or is that the whole appeal? People want the same shit over and over, just slightly rebranded?
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
>Or is that the whole appeal? People want the same shit over and over, just slightly rebranded?
my demo will drop in about 6 months
let me get this out of the way right now: I better not see 1 pentagram on any of these album covers
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Gruesome are a shameless Death tribute band and no they are not worth your time
The same can be said for any other genre of music
Steel Panther reigns supreme
The last thing that you see is the hunger in my eyes
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>how wiggerslam started a music revolution
>the misunderstood genius of wiggerslam
>how wiggerslam broke me
>wiggers and the art of slams
>the tragedy of wiggerslam
>a love letter to wiggerslam
>the wiggers that changed slam
>wiggerslam: a commentary, critique and understanding
>wiggerslam retrospective | an exhaustive history and review
Foo Fighters reigns supreme
what the fuck are you BLASTING?
Chester Bennington is a scientologist

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get fucked poser
Hell Awaits
Modern bands can't have the attitude of a band like Piledriver, probably because testosterone has decreased.
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my band started writing and recording hard rock instead of metal and now we're not only having way more fun but actually got a booking!
Shade Empire are weird in that I don't really love their stuff but every now and then get a craving to give them another spin.
Zero Nexus is great though, I'll give them that.
Chester Bennington is beloved here as a metal legend. We will not tolerate slander towards his good name.

Getting gigs as a metal band is easy unless you suck ass lol
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>forgets pic like a tard
very cool sis!

anyway, i am going to infiltrate the leftist punk scene to extract money by being the only competent musician in there
absolute fucking poser, you can stop posting here now
I've thought about having a band that has a "pop version" and an "art version". Like the same group of people, but under one name, we're only in it for the money, and under another, we're making stuff we actually care about.
hate to break it but Wraith was the only good WoD game
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fucking boring as fuck
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What does /metal/ think of perturbator, specifically his "New Model" album?
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Am I death metal enough? Or do I need to listen to more death metal?
not metal
I don't disagree, but these days I'm just running 1e for lethal dungeon crawling. Narrative gaming makes my skin crawl.
shit bait kys
Not baiting. I legitimately enjoy the album and band. Don't know much about death metal. Sounds interesting though.
listening to Concrete Winds!
Huh I was just deciding what to listen to
Time to spin the new one again
>not metal
If your ADHD riddled babby brain can't handle 2mins of build up, just skip to 2:30
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More like this? Or anything heavier yet still a) melodic and b) death metal?
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I will torture you to death you stupid fuck
hate the new pyrrhon. but i have no idea if it's bad or if i just don't like the style. like eating a meal at a ethnic restaurant i've never tried before and hating it, not knowing if i don't like the cuisine or if the restaurant just sucks.
Death - Leprosy
Pyrrhon are a bit "meh" to me even though I enjoy the genre and dissoshit.
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The definition of mid
that's cannibal corpse




listen to anything else
Chester Bennington was gay and died of AIDS.
yes my girlfriend is in Mayhem ■
listening to-a obese subhuman negroid gurgling about racial equality as a band of drugged brainwashed meth heads play hip hop influenced NYHC breakdown riffs over and over while not understanding the point of a breakdown in a song
yes dub is a kind of metal
In Flames - The Jester Race
Carcass - Heartwork
stop reading my mind
if a song of his has vocals it's immediately shit
Meeting a friend of mine in dark academia cafeteria this weekend. Location undisclosed.
Happy Blasting day!
i do that, i have about 70 fake bands over multiple guitar based genres (mainly black metal, death metal and post rock) and i make decent money through trend hopping and scamming record labels, (ON ONE LABEL I HAVE 5 FAKE BANDS PRETENDING TO BE DIFFERENT PEOPLE)
I have put a song of his in a game I made :^)
Is that where I read it?

the black dahlia murder
Big if true. Anonymous music is sketchy for this reason and others.
>if a song of his has vocals it's immediately shit
True but if it doesn't it's immediately Kino
Such is the duality of perturbator
Those retards don't make you send a physical demo?
The pits of hell toughen you up. The scammer has transcended morality. He's one with God.
Not to brag, some of you know.
I got a email from one of the drummers of the black dalhia murder on one of my fake brutal death metal ironic projects.

i trolled him by saying that i got into metal through watching paranormal activity and seeing disgorge play

Starting to feel like an underage /b/ thread at this point.
Happens from time to time, then they see we're boring fucks and then they leave
I get instabanned for trolling when I say I'm going to kill varg and this faggot has been shitting up the thread for days at this point. Fuck is this bullshit?
Rarely, most of the time they just want to know your real name
>real name
No such thing, lass.
Blasting MF/KD discography while playing CivII
Who else got to see High on Fire in KC last night?
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Rainer still can't write music for absolute fucking shit. Even his vocals can't save it anymore.
Someone else already tried to kill Varg and it didn't work.
Norsecorecuckster is a janny or something
>Ancient Greek & Roman Music playlist: ON
>Suicidal thoughts: OFF-TOPIC
>Hectorians: ENCIRCLED
>Phenomenology of the Sprite: p.444 (NUMBER OF THE BWC)
Still feeling "meh" though
lolcow record labels?
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It finally happened, bros. I'm utterly bored and tired of metal. I don't have the willpower to listen to even any of my old favorites anymore. I'm hoping maybe NBBMN will give me some enthusiasm at least.
Just do something else for a while then come back later.
Folter Records

any east asian label is a lolcow
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>no good new DSBM for ages
Oh yeah i forgot asrar, but DNB and Eisenwald almost caught me and my whole scheme multiple times
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this weirdo once pretended he was going into hospice care to avoid sending an album overseas. the obi strips on his releases also sometimes include political sperging, usually against china and korea
what keeps him alive bros?
>no good DBSM ever
I want tbdm but more extreme
He's not alive.
I wish more bands would scream unhinged at the top of their lungs like Kaevum instead of doing quiet fry screams that don't even sound like a person screaming.
I wish black metal would stop being so boring
the so-called "resurgence" of old school Greek BM is just a bunch of circlejerking tribute bands but this one's the best of them all. shit sounds like the missing link between Thy Mighty Contract and Non Serviam
Like this?
One of the band members looks like MovieBob, shan't be listening.
not true :(
Nice, but doesn't quite scratch the itch. I need it faster and evil'er
disso is the new dsbm
There are loads of bands that do, and most of them do it better than Kultur where the schizo screams fucking ruin the album as they're completely unfitting and constantly overly long.
add Linkin park to the metal archives
lol, no

>negroids making better bm than most people
What genre of metal is this?
yeah fuck that guy, too bad he released some fucking quality stuff but at what cost
where you around when he only did that exclusive mailing list? (maybe he is still doing that)
I've said this before but that's one thing the punk and core genres are better at. They actually sound angry.
is this actually made by nogs? It's the best rbm I've heard in a while. Up there with judas iscariot.
lol, yes
no one does it better
Motherfucker have you listened to any metal at all? Even shit like Iperyt dumpsters on most coreshit for "muh anger" vibes.
Pissgrave will return
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>Industrial grindcore calls themselves bm so you get to have an angry-sounding band
How nice of them
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nah he was refusing all foreign orders at the time so I didn't bother. I heard about his antics from other Sabbat freaks, people were jumping through hoops worse than with Spaller/Sombre. just a fucking retard
Yeah! And what core-music could ever contend with something like classic black metal band The Berzerker!
absolutely false you are blindfolded consciousness generates an undivided bit of a thought to be thought content of a thought subcommunicated through the subject thought to be via sub-inner duplicity(i.e falls "outside" instead of inside, allowing for definitional particularization) each subject cannot know its subject is known when known it cannot act on it since it had to have known its subject had to be known thusly it partakes in a "bifunctionally" undivided bit
Wrong board, womanly pseud.
>talking on the phone with mom
>try to fart
>literally shit myself
>have to come up with some excuse to end the call because I felt the liquid shit flowing down my thigh
metal as fuck
yeah it hurts that he released all those insanely rare Sabbat stuff.
only bought one hmss release (a Netjejev SS lp), but not straight from him, from another guy who knew him and was not a fan of his way of doing things.
i wouldn't be surprised at all if he keeps a few copies of each release so he can sell it off at 6000% the original price on discogs.
I should've bought a pack of ciggies bros...I only have 2 left. And still a lot of booze. Anyway, going through this guitar tutorial site for beginners. I've been just doing random shit so I hope I'll have some direction with this. Hard to practice when you don't even know what the fuck you are supposed to practice.
>a band angrier, evil-er than Dark Funeral, Marduk, Watain
Doesn't exist. Cope, seethe&dilate.
>but not straight from him, from another guy who knew him
yeah that's how most people have to deal with him. it's retarded but there's a small network of people in japan middle-manning for foreign collectors all trying to get stuff from this guy. btw, I hear he screens his japanese customers too. he looks up registers to see if they're naturalized koreans
>paint by numbers BM is the angriest metal
Can tell you're a gigatourist.
haha wtf, he is a lunatic.
but yeah it is retarded, not even blackies are this fucking retarded
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>headcanon non argument, buzzword
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boomers actually listen to this garbage
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Hot topic black metal
Very insightful.
kek all mall goth bands
Based truthnuke. punktards shitting themselves
kek poser post
my songs will be filled with ÖÜGHS, GOs, and THRASHs
Embarrassing that you would think those are evil or angry whatsoever. Post an example so we can all laugh at you
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Problem is that many metal bands deliberately rip off diaper vocalists (Death, Darkthrone, Deicide...) instead of even trying to sound angry
Black - Wonderful Life
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Behold, thousand times more powerful than anything punk or punk influenced, eviler and brutaler than any album you could hope to name except those of Swedish black metal
Behemoth - The Satanist
Daily reminder that the diaper posters are the same who shit on more recent bands aka the eternal contrarian shitters.
Nothing eviler than the 'duk
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>why are so many death/thrash metal album covers so damn formulaic?
No different than the thousands of variations on shit like picrel
please double check to make sure the black metal bands you post here aren't problematic. thank you.
Such as?
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You're really asking for more examples of black metal albums with a blurred forest and limited color palette?
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hi there
how do I become a good frontman? I'd just say random cringe shit
Asking for similar album covers, as you claimed in your post.
easy, just be fit, physically attractive and charismatic
You're delusional.
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shit band
This is good.
You're braindead.
t. Brian Ross
there's only 1 more overrated band in doom. Paradise Lost
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You want thousands? Or would just one suffice?
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I love black metal
I guess I'll just have to not give a shit if my neighbors hear my vocals. How the fuck else would I practice them?
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Completely different. Only thing common are the forest, even the type of forest are different. Logos are much different, so is the design.
Still waiting for 'thousand variations'
This is black metal general!
>just one tree
Put more effort
>denying reality
Concession accepted
You're a joke of a poster. There's not one band you post that can be considered above average, and you post them all the time. Kill yourself
>A lot has happened between the beginning of recording and now. I started laying down the tracks for the first song in August, 2001. The song was about ancient Assyria and I had decided to add a strong Middle Eastern flair to the music and vocals. Not long after I started recording came the world shaking events of September 11th and all of the sudden all things Arabic were a target of derision and suspicion. Now, most of what I record goes directly into the sound card of my Mac. I play the guitars through an amplifier simulator to give them body and the drum sounds come out of a machine, so none of my neighbors can hear what I'm doing, which is important since I live in an apartment and I would be kicked out if I insisted on playing a real drum set and belting out take after take of guitar solos through a Marshall stack cranked up to 10. However, the vocals I cannot record direct, and since my singing style is what could be called 'operatic' I need to sing as loud as I can to get the sound that I want. Over the years my voice has become very strong and it carries considerably beyond the walls of my humble studio. So here it is in the days and weeks after 9/11 and I am doing this Arabic wailing at the top of my lungs for all to hear. I half expected the FBI to show up at my door after one of my flag-waving neighbors reported me for performing suspicious activities. I can imagine them overhearing me and saying "Listen to that! Holy Shit! We got one of them Muslim terrorists living right next door!" Fortunately nothing happened.
You're braindead nobody who thinks he's figured it all out LMAO. You know nothing of quality, nor what I post.
Reality that they are all different pics and differ vastly? No, I am not denying that at all.
>bad opinions
Name some John Travolta metal?
I want more bands like this.
Anon's demo leaked?
Admiral Angry
Insanely based post and I am ASHAMED at this board for not recognizing it.
>wiggerslam band
>black frontman
So what do we call this genre now?
Jungle breaks?
The biggest influence on melodic wiggerslam.
who are you?
>literally blows your symphonic norsecuckery out of the water
heh, nothing personal .ca
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Fucking opened my eyes here, that's what I am looking for but more with more metal.
does he do it to spite the void?
Partly. He's strong-headed and battered. Many would've blown their head off at least 10 years ago.
Chris Rea - The Road to Hell Pt 2
>Nu Metalcore
dunno anon, i only know about gabber, speedcore stuff that has some of that jungle beat going on with metal guitar samples
Shittt, thanks anyway bro.
Listen to Graphic Nature and Memorrhage
You only start to live once you die. Don't stress over it. It's all idiotic anyways.
this but unironically
go get some sleep bro

sabaton if it they were good
i'll leave these in case you get bored or want to try something else out. Hope you find what you are looking for.
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I almost fainted while sitting on my couch today. Somethin' ain't right.

Anyway, check this out if you wanna have a good time.

If you're posting here while under 200 pounds, you need to leave the hall.
Thems rookie numbers
350 reportan
No, my kidneys are all fucked up from years of heavy drinking. It's gotta be related to that. Probably anemic.
Based alcoholic
Memorrhage has hugh potential, digging it. Love graphic nature.
Just gonna rapid fire some of the bands I have come across for anyone going down this rabit hole.
Cut short
Half me
Weeping wound
Brand of sacrifice
Heavens gate
No life
Diamond construct
Hollow front.

Just to name a few.
Since when did last.fm not have groups anymore. i want to be in a group with you guys
Have you familiar with the work of his brother Diar?
Status Quo - In The Army Now
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true Hell's Angels are more kino than KKK anyway.
i heard he pops an egg in the bath before he gets in
I am pleased to inform you that Nailbomb reigns supreme
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it's on metal archives so it counts
one of the best blasts itt
one of the worst diaper disasters itt
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directed by a Bathory member and starring members from Candlemass, Morbid and Mayhem, this is the most cult video ever filmed...
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Awful. Never post here again.
was watching the Chiefs game. how was it? good turnout?
Thin Lizzy - Waiting For An Alibi
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Basadis Maximus
Petros Tabouris - On Living Unenviously (Greek Dorian Mode)
Diapered Dominance - Playpen Punishment
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I don't hate racism. I'm kinda racist, myself.

However, I do think the NSBM fags need to fuck off to /pol/ and stop shitting up this general with their mentally challenged politics. Actually, I'm pretty sure 99% of the nsbm bullshit is one extraordinarily autistic motherfucker who needs to be permabanned asap.
Where can I pre-order?
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half of this thread is 1 bot responding to itself, lmao
Shut your schizo ass up, getting tired of you
A bootleg of Anon's demo
If you disable the orchestrations, Time II sounds nearly identical to the S/T.
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early 2000s deathcore aint that bad, but newer shit is overly produced trash
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Gee, I wonder why they removed the IP count and stopped banning genuinely mental ill spammers. Is it perhaps Hiro wants to artificially inflate traffic in efforts to sell the site?
the prozak bot is finished

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Well done
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someone said Death Worship?
And does that have something to do with 3-year 4chan pass for $45? Exit scam anyone?
Recordbar was absolutely packed to the gills. Awesome turnout.
Prozak introduced me to 4chan back in 2007 during his GNAA days
Prozak touched me inappropriately in my no-no place.
you wish
Prozak would type "Yeth" instead of "yes" like he was pretending to be gay
kek, that's a good one
Prozak was obsessed with goatse and that guy who died taking a horse cock in his ass
fat fuck, you should die
The subhuman retard spammers are probably the only ones who would buy such a thing
To be fair, the horse cock thing is hot af.
this was meant for >>123507032
I made a post on the Timeghoul youtube and the guy deleted it because I mentioned Prozak
Was it about horse cock?
Why'd he call himself Spinoza? What's he trying to tell us?
Timeghoul was co-opted by Reddit but they owe their new found fame to Prozak and his website. Now they delete any mention of him. Despicable.
What the fuck are you talking about? You think young metal fans are going back and reading Prozak?
The guy operating all of the Timeghoul social media is an impostor who wasn't even in the band when they recorded anything
Jew that abandoned the jewish community
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You are doing a shit job at pretending to be me
Anyone else think Maestro Croque Mort is kinda mid compared to FP's other projects? I really dig Aufnorden, Ifernach, and Moosegut, but Maestro Croque Mort just doesn't do it for me for some reason.
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Only Wampyric NSBM is real
Indubitably the album of the Common Era
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Wagner Odegard is fantastic
Listen to Om kosmos och de tolv järtekn if you haven't already
It fucks
[good news]
Windir has returned but with a female vocalist
post remasters that are better than the original
Ice cream riff band
IIRC one of the timeghoul members did an interview with prozak.
last name ""rizzi""
I love aryan dick specifically because i am a self hating jew
I listen to RABM and I have a gigantic cock
Ok they are:
best shit to come out this year doko
ulcerate not welcome (im racist against disso)
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goregrind appreciator here

I eat cum and piss, and eat liquid diarrhea

Sincerely, Pissjuice
>I eat cum and piss, and eat liquid diarrhea
Blasting Diocletian.
Blasphemy, Beherit, Conqueror
based goregrinder
dead general
Based true war metal chads.
We need Pissjuice to start another plandemic so 4chan sees a resurgence again.
qrd on pissjuice?
Intestine Baalism
i am recommending that Wikipedia is sent through Mayhem Norwegian court.
He lives on skid row, eats piss and shit all day, listens to goregrind all day and posts from his government issued smartphone from inside a tent underneath a bridge.
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Satanic warmaster
I kneel

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