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>“I was never a big Nirvana fan. To me, it had too much plod in it. It didn’t swing, and it had that allegiance to metal that I never cared for. It comes from the drumming, the whole stop-and-start thing and turn on the loud button for the chorus. God, wasn’t that tedious when every fucking band did that to death? We had too much humor to go out like that; he didn’t seem to have much humor.”

>“Once Kurt Cobain and I rode up in an elevator together. Neither one of us said a word to each other. He was dying to be dying and I was dying to be somewhere else. We got off on the same floor and it’s like he’s in 516 and I’m in 517. It’s like it was scripted — both of us put our keys in, we fumble with them, go in and SLAM the door shut.”
Precious coming from a band who had literally no good songs other than the coffeehouse burner Here Comes a Regular
the replacements suck, one of those forgotten bands that totally deserved it. And this was all just being bitter that Nirvana made alt rock a thing with normies while the replacements are just a band for guys with no bitches
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>within your reach
>can’t hardly wait (acoustic)
>sixteen blue
>black diamond
>if only you were lonely
>raised in the city (demo)
>raised in the city
>treatment bound
>shiftless when idle
>johnny’s gonna die
>left of the dial
>here comes a regular
>I hate music
>take me down to the hospital
>swingin party
>waitress in the sky

better than anything nirvana ever shat out
>Favourite Accomplishment: Orgasm
me too!
bong detected, opinion discarded
he's secretly jealous of a few like Sliver or Drain You.
I live in Maine dude
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Slightly overweight girls need sex
paul westerberg is based. i'm literally wearing a replacements t shirt right now
the replacements could easily have been as big as nirvana but paul westerberg never bothered to sing in a way that is appealing to normies and they kinda blew every opportunity to get mainstream recognition they had by being too fucked up.
>dude you don't understand they wrote terrible songs AND they were drunk that's why they were so great
Embarrassments of MN, mogged completely by Husker Du
Pretty based quote. Kurt seemed like an insufferable faggot.
it's actually insane how many other american 90s alternative rock bands absolutely shit all over nirvana yet somehow them and the other slop like mudhoney and pearl jam get all the recognition

>the replacements
>husker du
>dinosaur jr
>archers of loaf
>guided by voices
husker du were WAY better at writing hardcore punk but the replacements shit all over them when it came to writing alt rock.
I can't imagine having the stick in your butt
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>btfos cobain so hard he blows his head off
Based Paul
>the replacements
>husker du

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I was rewatching Lost and Jack listens to Gouge Away while driving around LA pilled out of his mind. Normies love Pixies.
>it. It didn’t swing, and i
Huh?! Kris' bass bunces like a bouncing thing.
Bands like Husker Du are slightly underrated and very influential for sure, but their songs are nowhere near as good and complete as Nirvana's songs. Husker Du have the same problem as the Pixies, half of the songs are unlistenable filler. Wipers on the other hand have zero filler tracks and I still don't understand how they're so unknown
bastards of young is a top 10 GOAT song and I've never bothered to listen to anything else they've done and you're a homosexual
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>literally killed himself
>still has people seething about him decades later
Like bro who gives a shit, he’s gone, if all these guys that were supposedly so much better, then just be better. But people would rather listen to In Bloom than whatever post punk garbage college rock that was interesting in the 80s
>He was dying to be dying and I was dying to be somewhere else
>Wipers on the other hand have zero filler tracks
after the third album that discog became filler itself
Maybe they were bitter as they aged, and i'm biased but their debut is peak early punk. Its got great hooks, great melodies, really dirty and mean guitars that are like an outlaw punk version of johnny cash. A real american sound. I do disagree that nirvana were metal, because that is about the most ridiculous thing that one can say about them. Their first album? Sure, it was a melvins worship album with some punk, but nirvana were mostly a punk band. Grunge in general is kind of a dumb name for bands that came out of seattle, some playing punk, some playing metal/metallic riffs, and some playing more hard rock than anything. Both bands are good, I prefer replacements 9 times out of 10 the older i've gotten, Paul was an alcoholic, Kurt was a sad junkie. Both had their issues, both good at what they did, one more mainstream and more of a household name than the other.
It isn't unusual for musicians to be fucked up, whethe it be mental illness, drugs, booze, or degenerate sex.
the fact both seethed so much just at breathing the same air says a lot about them both
literally who
let it be is a better album than any nirvana record, sixteen blue is so so good
>doesnt even list androgynous
love unsatisfied though
wipers lack an aesthetic that wouldve got them more mainstream appeal, like the wire was pretty much the perfect punk band on pink flag but I don't know anyone that loves them like I do outside of the internet
I guess they self-sabotaged a lot. Or maybe Punk couldn’t get you far in Cascadia, idk.
wire are great anon. 1st album is basiclly everything good about 70s punk

I wonder when that elevator meeting was
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>after the third album that discog became filler itself
Suuuuuch a conventional lukewarm take and I won’t stand for it!
LAND OF THE LOST is incredible…. “Nothing Left To Lose” might be the definitive Wipers song.
Paul Westerberg wrote a song about tranny sex and Kurt Cobain did not. Don't care what this disgusting faggot has to say. He will go to hell.
imma steal this neat lonely "o" >:)
Paul Westerberg wrote some good songs. So did Kurt Cobain. Still, only one of them is dead, so I guess I'll listen to the live one.
i dont like this literal who jewberg guy
he isn't Jewish mong.
I like the mats more than nirvana but they both have their hits and misses. People discuss their contemporaries all the time, why is this at all scandalous or newsworthy? You have no real life if you truly care what either of these boomers say or do and let it affect your experience here.
Sorry, but I've already subjugated myself to the rest of their discog and Greg's solo stuff, and it was extremely underwhelming. The two albums that follow their third (Land of the lost and Follow Blind) are kinda amusing for me, though. Because each of them have a side of good music and other of filler.
Greg's debut was far more interesting imo. A departure from his punk roots and a more stripped down sound while doing Slowcore before it was cool
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>it had that allegiance to metal
Well when the interview was conducted, social media didn't exist and thus neither did zebragnome-fucktrashcore genres and the like. Certainly you can't have expected him to be as nuanced as some spergs on /mu/ today.
Replacements sounds like 80s hair glam metal. Aged like milk.
it's close but to me, of all the influential alt rock/punk bands, husker du has aged the worst. I don't think I can listen to a single song on Zen Arcade
>no good songs beside the good song
you don't even know the meaning of 'no'. you're probably a rapist. no wonder you like cobain.
Nirvana was never a normie band you dumb zoomer you weren't there.
The whole alternative breakthrough thing was because of genX supporting local acts and looking away from mainstream which at the time was Madonna and Michael Jackson, those were what normies listened to, you haven't a fucking clue. Even at the absolute height of alternative it wasn't normie at all until post-grunge, Foo Fighters and fucking Nickelback. Normies liked U2.
What happened was genX had money to support what they liked by then whereas earlier on they were too young to be making money
I haven't to a lot of their stuff, but I'm drawing a blank on that. Just heard college rock tunes.
Where's the proof that the music on Lost was put there by a normie, huh? You absolute tool
sorry distracted
Such a great song
>johnny cash
>He was dying to be dying and I was dying to be somewhere else.

Why did he say it like this. Wouldn't it be like, "dying to be dead"?
I am just saying they had a really american sound, like johnny cash, but punk, you dolt.
I like some of those bands but Pavement suck and always sucked. They weren't some underground band who bucked the establishment, they were pushed hard by MTV, they wanted to be Nirvana despite their "too cool" act, but their material was no good. Their posturing was literally all they had.
>Their posturing was literally all they had.
they had lyrics for days, dont kid yourself
Don't listen to this complete fucking retard. Yeah, in 1990, alt rock was non-normie, but by 1992/1993 it was what was most popular. Nirvana was fucking huge. Whenever you saw multiple local FM stations format shift in a very short period, you knew what was up. Cash dash in motion.

That's not to say that everyone knew all the grunge and alt rock bands by then. From the perspective of high-schoolers in 1993 that had all the time in the world to listen to and talk about music, I distinctly remember bringing up the Butthole Surfers in a discussion about alt rock bands and the other guys I was talking to being completely confounded by the band name. These were the guys that were eager to sell you their Poison, Damn Yankees, and Color Me Badd CDs for cheap so they could get more funds to buy the new Smashing Pumpins and Soul Asylum albums. Only the poor kids listened to music from 2 years ago. Music was fashion, and Grunge was Gucci.
>literal who cries about someone being more famous than them
>"literal who" paved the way for a whiny fuck fraud to cry about being famous while playing ball with mtv and the press
> The two albums that follow their third (Land of the lost and Follow Blind) are kinda amusing for me, though. Because each of them have a side of good music and other of filler.
Get filtered.
And three of their best songs are on the Live ‘84 album — “Moonrider”, “Think About It”, “Tell Me”…

STRAIGHT AHEAD is an amazing solo LP though, you got that right at least — it all but invented J Mascis.
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Ok autist. I was saying LOST was a normie show and even Pixies were allowed on the soundtrack. And in my experience, normies do indeed love Pixies. Where Is My Mind is basically Creep-tier for them.
>literal early pioneer of punk rock
Guided by Voices was spiritually a boomer 70s band that just happened to exist in the 90s. Bob pretty much said so himself when I saw them last night.
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>A lot of people thought “World Class Fad” [14 Songs] was about Kurt Cobain.
>WESTERBERG: I know for a fact that he did.
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also Paul
>“I never respected Kurt Cobain enough to write something about him,”
One day
>Paul Westerberg

>it had too much plod in it. It didn’t swing
But you are wrong.
If there's anything that made Nevermind successful, that was that it fucking rocked. Teen Spirit, Territorial Pissings, Breed, Lithium, those tunes swang and rocked your socks off, which I suppose you never was able to write anything close to. Since I never heard of you. Last time I tried to listen to one Replacement song, I just closed the tab, it was too cringe. I wondered why is this band so revered, they're like worse than Soul Asylum. At least the latter band had a few good songs. The Replacements has none.

>the whole stop-and-start thing and turn on the loud button for the chorus
Welcom to rock. Would you say Pixies is shit for the same reason? Or Nine Inch Nails? Or Smashing Pumpkins? Or Michael Jackson? They all used soft verse, loud chorus dynamics, it's a very common thing in popular music. Think 'Since I've been loving you' by Led Zep: same slow and soft verse and a big feeling and sound explosion in the chorus. If that bores you, maybe listen to Slayer, it's not so uneven, you can barely tell when it goes from verse to chorus.

>We had too much humor to go out like that; he didn’t seem to have much humor.”
Neither did Beethoven or Bach. That doesn't make their music bad in itself. Some composers or music makers were more specialised in certain moods, due to their personality. Mozart was more upbeat and jocular. The others heavier, slower and more serious. Same shit in popular music.

>He was dying to be dying and I was dying to be somewhere else.
Maybe that's the price of that level of genius, social awkwardness and living in perpetual mental desperation and hell. He was a stranger, he could not reconcile with this realm.
Cobain's balls are slapping against your chin.
This attitude apparently was common among some of the dons of the alt-rock scene.

I remember seeing a radio show (yeah it was filmed too) with Grant Hart in the 10s and he was so butthurt by Nirvana and Cobain, every time there was a mention of them, he rolled his eyes and refused to even mention them.

There seems to be this very negative attitude in this alt-rock world possibly fueled by envy and incredulity at the status that Nirvana achieved which is beyond what any other underground band could ever reach. I saw the same passive-aggressive thing in Francis Black's interviews. He literally seethes when he's asked about them.

Some people just could never stomach the fact that some guy shot to stardom from nothing in just a few years from the same scene as theirs. And they were forever stuck in that niche scene as just some minor acts known by music nerds and critics. It's really just envy.
Go fuck yourself moron
And i mean that literally, unbe yourself right this instant
all those words just to say you have no fucking clue what 'it didn't swing' even means.
Excuse me, I wasn't aware there's some deeper meaning that is not so obvious and needs a special hermeneutic treatment to get it.
every band did the quiet/loud thing but Kurt did it with blonde hair cut just below the jawline. that was the winning combination.
That haircut was very common back then.
In fact, they used to taunt him for it and say he looks like Dave Pirner.

If you were alive back then, you could have noticed some figures in popular culture who sported that kind of cut: River Phoenix, Prince at some point, Sting, Dave Pirner, some other guys in the alt-rock scene.
I think A Bell is Cup is their best album but no one cares about it.
The Herd is about as good as Over the Edge
>. Teen Spirit, Territorial Pissings, Breed, Lithium, those tunes swang and rocked your socks off
They didn't, they're shit, Shitvana is shit.
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The Replacements fizzled out right as the alt rock boom took off in the early 90s. Unfortunately for them they peaked too soon for it.
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You unironically wrote all that
Middle schooler having a meltdown over his favorite band.
>My old manager called, and my first reaction was slight relief, because he said, “Have you heard the news?” And I immediately thought it was someone else I knew who was dead. And when he said it was Kurt, my first reaction was “Well, at least it wasn’t Tommy.”
Yeah, because the type of Metal he is referring to and what Nirvana did on Bleach, aka Sludge Metal like The Melvins etc., didn't exist. Oh, wait, it did and what he said made sense if you knew anything about music.
I agree with Paul. Nirvana welded heavy metal drumming to indie (post-hardcore, whatever) to connect to the mass audience. Maybe other grunge bands did it first, but I don't care enough about grunge to find out.

i'm 45 i was 'around back then' and every kid had a blonde, usually died, parted in the middle, straightened too the chin, under cut, 'Kurt Cobain' (you even asked for that at the hair dressers) cut.
they were the ones watching mtv/much music and buying the cd's/cassettes and couldn't give a fuck about Mudhoney or Edie Brikell or Soul Asylum (Pirner had bedhead dreads anyway) especially a fat fuck like Black Francis. Kurts peers were jealous of his look and his Beatles influence which they erroneously thought was passe and were somehow improving on with their strictly underground and hookless dirges.
I'll never understand why Kurt Cobain never mentioned the Replacements. Of all the bands that he talked about or wrote about, the Replacements are probably the one that has the most similarities to Nirvana.

The voice, the quiet/loud dynamics, the tongue in cheek attitude, the self destructive bullshit... Was it just jealousy ?
I don't get how he never mentioned Squirrel Bait. At least Dave has.

Yeah like not ever from before he was famous is kind of weird since the influence seems obvious. After I could kind of understand since Kurt was very much aware Westerberg did not like him.
Yeah, that's a very Kurt vocal. Don't care for Nirvana's music, but to their credit they never claimed they were reinventing the wheel as is obvious to anyone familiar with 80s indie rock.

>to their credit they never claimed they were reinventing the wheel as is obvious to anyone familiar with 80s indie rock.
Very true however a lot of Nirvana fans especially the zoomers nowadays aren't aware of this and would have you think nothing existed before Nirvana came out.
>We had too much humor to go out like that
Judging from OPs mage. this guy thought he was the funniest and quirkiest guy on the planet.
The more I listen to indie landfill like that the more I realise the hardest thing is to write songs with a melody that really sounds like nothing before, a completely new pattern.

Like the verse from Beatles' Yesterday. Or the verse from Husker's Flexible Flyer. Or Nirvana's Drain You. That kind of stuff is the hardest to pull off in popular music. Anyone can do these angsty shouted indie songs or crap like Replacements.
Very few can do simple and golden.
The rest will gossip, vent and whine like this guy.
>Anyone can do these angsty shouted indie songs or crap like Replacements.
Very few can do simple and golden.
The replacements and others did both and before Nirvana as shocking as it may be for you to hear.
I want to like husker du and songs like Don't Wanna Know are pretty great. But the majority of their songs sound like the band is fronted by the host of Motorweek.
I really don't get the appeal of most of these bands that get harolded as "better than Nirvana"
I like the sludgy hard rock sound way better than whatever Dinosaur Jr is doing.
Wipers first 3 > Nevermind > Let It Be > Dolittle/Bossanova > Pleased to Meet Me/Tim > New Day Rising > Zen Arcade
Husker only has about 2-3 great songs on each album.

But then I have the same opinion about The Police, so not sure how representative is what I think. A lot of bands for me are like that. Them having a few great songs doesn't make their albums or everything they ever did great too.
>The replacements and others did both and before Nirvana as shocking as it may be for you to hear.

Did what? What did they do? Where are their epochal, classic, unbelievably great songs they ever composed? Never heard of them.
Who said they were better than Nirvana. They were not lol.

Really some people still play stupid and pretend Nirvana became so acclaimed just because of some marketing campaign or lucky circumstances.

No they were fucking great, their stuff still sounds fascinating after 3 decades. I can't say the same about the Beatles. To me they sound old and boomerish as fuck. Except for a few songs maybe, because they were very simple ballads. But their elaborate songs sound so dated today. Stuff like Lucy in the sky... is just lol
Unsatisfied and Here Comes a Regular are stone cold rock n roll classics. Better than anything from Nirvana.
About the kind of post I'd expect from a shitvana fangirl. Read the thread, idiot.
Those two sound like dime-a-dozen Soul Asylum songs.
Now it makes more sense where Soul Asylum found inspiration for that style. But they wrote way better songs than this. Black Gold alone is better than anything Replacements ever did.
And Soul Asylum is a 2nd rate band in the alt-rock scene. Nowhere close to what Nirvana achieved.
More like just say it you're dumbass who has nothing to say.

>Hurrr mah obscure shit band from the early 80s is better than that thing everyone hails was great because I get superior taste internet points

Go jerk off to your RYM profile, dejected tranny
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>you're dumbass who has nothing to say.
I'm not you.

>everyone hails was great
This is very telling of the kind of shithead you are. And no you fucking idiot, people have always been critical of Nirvana, not like your zoomer ass would know. You know what is great, suck starting a shotgun, follow in Kurt's footsteps.

Jokes on Kurt cuz I bought all his records before I was a sexist racist homophobe and now I can’t un-buy them
When you're a public figure you start shit because it maintains relevance, its just business. And thats why these faggot millennial bands don't go anywhere
>And thats why these faggot millennial bands don't go anywhere
>jealous of his look and his Beatles influence which they erroneously thought was passe and were somehow improving on with their strictly underground and hookless dirges.
they said that about Green Day too

>how dare they write songs with pop hooks. fucking sellout traitors.
Why are new bands opening for old bands still when they're supposedly in their prime? Why the only rockstar from that generation who is outspoken and opinionated is Ronnie Radke? People just tell you dogshit like turnstile is good because they don't know what is actually good and are just deluding themselves into saying its good, because they like to think of themselves as taste makers when millennials aside from rappers are the most untalented and pathetic generation we have ever got. They're all conformist pussies and I am glad they are making fuck all in this industry.
>when millennials aside from rappers are the most untalented and pathetic generation we have ever got
There's no talented Millenial rappers either.
well at least you half agree, but there is a reason they're more successful then millennial rockers. White millennials grew up with the ethos of wanting to fit in and be recognized, but never really went through the adversity needed into order to innovate so put those 2 together and you got music that sounds like shit, and said dogshit is being made by passive aggressive manchildren. Young adults would rather identify with a literal serial killer like King Von than IPA drinking faggots like the Idles. This shit pisses me off because I actually want to support something current, but everything out there is so inauthentic
This is literally why Cobain and Courtney had those "fights" and scandals in the press.
They knew very well if you want to stay relevant, you need to generate controversy
Then they were complaining that the press harasses them.. well they liked playing that game until it wasn't convenient anymore
Thats why I shit on millennials, they think being nice and boring will make them money in the entertainment industry. A lot of them are almost 40 and still think this way. Like what have you fucks done to where you go through so little character growth that you still think like you're still a scene kid. Like bro get with the times, the elite are all fucking kids on an island what kind of fucking world do you live in lol.
This was rumored to be about Cobain, but he denied it. Great song.
>I just created a new genre of music in FL called floralgaze shinemetal. It exists so yeah if you don't know what it is, you're the retard.
Existing in the general public consciousness is important, sperg.
I dont give half of a fuck what one celebrity said about another celebrity he didnt even know 30 years ago. Kill yourself you dumb faggots.
just more proof that westerberg is a great writer
As I see it, Nevermind hit right when this guy's band was breaking up from a variety of causes. Jealousy. I love the 'Mats but they did not swing. Nirvana did swing with that rhythm section.
Guy, PW is unironically one of the best rock songwriters. Melody, chord changes, lyrics, all top shelf. Acquire taste.
>Nirvana did swing with that rhythm section.

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