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Absolutely biblical, another top Waysis tune cmon you know as you were LG x
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that's all the notes you'll ever need, d'you know what I mean?
this is the shittest meme of the year
Based SOUL creator.
Theoryfags will seethe.
It's crazy how nobody could come up with such an innovation before him
thats been a meme for like a decade
Probably the most important guitarist of the last 59 years. As you were LG x
its become significantly more prevalent for obvious reasons
His songs have enough interesting chords and non-diatonic chord progressions that he's not particularly basic.
He's no Steely Dan or Yngwie but the people who hit him with this criticism most are usually fans of similar level of musicians. They just don't know shit themselves.
If you write chords like this you can't talk shit about anyone. Any musician who learned by is better than any tabtard.
... learned by ear*...
the first one is a Maj7sus2 chord, what now faguette?
It's literally just a G major
Noel has to be the most british looking man walking the earth, Johnny Rotten being the most british sounding man ever.
They're both Irish, thoughever.
He says he knows nothing about chord names or anything and just found chords by noodling around and using what sounds good. Is he bullshitting?
I don't think he is bullshitting, outside of knowing the most basic ones. I remember there was an episode of Matt Morgan's podcast during covid where Matt was trying to learn some guitar while they were talking, at one point Noel was guiding him how to play a chord, I think it was Amin7, and the way he explained it was like "no you should not play an A minor there, hold A minor and then lift the ring finger, A minor is sad, this one is a little brighter" something like that. He also said he never bothers learning songs by ear perfectly, just "I play it my own way, d'you know what I mean?".

I know Noel likes to bullshit a lot in interviews, especially "official" ones, like for magazines and stuff, but that podcast was very friendly and he said plenty of private stuff there over time. Even when his marriage was falling apart and no one knew about it some people picked up on it because at some point he started talking about his wife less and less positively there.

So I do believe he learned the guitar and songwriting through pure trial & error and mimicry. He's a very lazy guitarist and I know multiple times he said he was interested in songwriting, not the guitar as an instrument. So probably what happened is he stopped learning new things as soon as he could write a pop song, that's why he never evolved past his usual repertoire.
based Johnny and based Noel embracing England more than the english themselves, right to the fuckin' genes mate
I play lead like Noel. Or I used to anyway. It comes from learning out of a book on your own rather than off records. In fact, I bet it was the same book stolen from the library, The Guitar Handbook by Ralph Denyer with a foreword by Robert Fripp. First position pentatonic box without any context, move it four frets if you have to.
nah one of the best on /mu/ which is generally not funny at all and i'm a waysis fan
I'll say

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