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what "artist" is he talking about?
Whoever the writers of Family Guy hates
thom yorke?
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"it has no edge" he says from the comfort of his middle class home in the suburbs
Nah, they actually gave Thom such a safe gag in the show that it's a contender for least-funny bit the show ever did.
well the whole comment section seems to be offended by this safe gag
Tampe Impala
Youtube commenters are retards, news at 11
Seth Baskin Roberts hates anything that isnt corny lounge music
>can you guess which one it is
Radiohead stans are retards, news at 11
Ofc its the Trust fund band
actual answer: most of this hyperpop/hexd/zoomerslop thats adding layers and layers of shitty fl studio plugin synths
they literally have edge
Thats the joke...
Death Grips
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Any music that normies listen to
makes sense someone living an edgeless life would crave it
someone referred to it as cruel wtf, and theyre all saying it doesnt look like him which it does
00s Black Eyed Peas, and I only say that because for all I know they actually died after 2009.

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