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>A jazz club is four guys on stage enjoying themselves more than the 50 people in the audience. That’s what it is. They’re all playing a different song, all at the same time, in different tempos, in different keys, and they call it jazz. It’s fucking nonsense.
>we should all strum Gs and As and play nursery rhyme songs like mine
What a brainlet
He's right, tho.
Have you ever seen a stadium full of 40,000 people sing Take 5?
Unlike an Oasis concert at least someone is enjoying themselves in a jazz club.
as you were, la LG x
jazzsissies eternally btfo
They made beatles-esque granny shit but acted like punks. Never understood these guys
>4 guys, all playing a different song, all at the same time, in different tempos, in different keys
oasis live '25
>posted it again award
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>popular is le good
For jazzlets, it's over.
Not music.
>They’re all playing a different song, all at the same time, in different tempos, in different keys
I notice this is a popular description among jazzlet plebs. It's like anything that isn't rigidly structured and predictable pop music is just incoherent noise to them.
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They need music to be laid out on a grid for them like an infant playing with a sorting cube. Anything more complex than verse-chorus-verse-chorus and they have autistic meltdowns
based noelito
most truly dumb thing he's ever said if he actually said it
jazzsissies coping hard in this thread
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Pseuds are not going to like this comment at all.
That might describe a few free jazz experiments. But if you can't enjoy Coltrane or Bill Evans you're a fucking tasteless retard
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>jazzsissies coping hard in this thread
The dumbest thing he said was about books
calm down :^)
>Duke Ellington is just a bunch of disconnected noise
Rockist brain rot. Little wonder he's never composed anything more complicated than a few open chords in a row
>retard who dislikes books
>makes most soulless vapid pop slop of all time
at least it checks out
not quite my tempo.
>in different keys
name 3 times this happened that wasn't free form jazz.
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> Muh complicated fallacy is alright as long as its directed at not-jazz music.
> You get filtered if you don't like simple jazz like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDqULFUg6CY
> Full hour of looping the same scale lmao so complicated.
>Duke Ellington
nice self report tourist, now go back
It never happened even in free jazz. Noel is just bantering anyway
>the same scale
Flamenco Sketches alone uses like 5 scales/modes retard lmao, brain damaged earlet take
the fallacy of something needing to be complicated to be good, you are a dumb ESL that doesn't understand english.
I'm sure I'll regret asking, but what did he say about reading books
>Duke Ellington
nice self report tourist, go back. now.
>the fallacy of something needing to be complicated to be good
This is not a real fallacy and you don't have an argument.
Never stated that fucking retard, you are a fucking moron third worlder lol back 70 reddit.
you want to be smart so bad lmao
>Zoomnigger who doesn't use capitalization accusing others of being ESLs
I think I get what you're trying to say, but there has to be a way of writing this out that doesn't make you seem mad
tl;dr version: he said he only reads nonfiction because fiction is dumb and a giant waste of time, like why read something that's not real?
then in the same interview they were discussing his favorite films (fictional), and the interviewer pointed out the contradiction and asked him how can he enjoy fiction on film but not in books. he gave some kind of a cope answer i don't exactly remember but it can basically be summarized as "i don't have the imagination for it".

i'll try to find it if it still exists.
>the fallacy of something needing to be complicated to be good
>"i don't have the imagination for it".
Lmao what a fucking faggot retard kek. Yeah, most people without an imagination tend to have dogshit taste in music, that checks out too.
i found it
> Ad hominem because I refuse to admit you not understanding what I said makes you have the last word in it.

Just off yourself bitch.
>my missus will come in with a book and it will be titled - and there's a lot of these, you can substitute any word, it's like a Rubik's Cube of shit titles - it'll be entitled The Incontinence Of Elephants. And I'll say "What's that book about?" And she'll say, "Oh it's about a girl and this load of fing nutters..." Right... so it's not about elephants, then? Why the f is it called The Incontinence Of Elephants?
Noel's a great comedian
lmao this guy is a grown man and he's so clearly intimidated by people who write and read
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>Noel says something controversial forgetting about it an hour later
>niggas keep being mad at his words many years after
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He can't visualize the fictional context inside his head, aphantasia. Very normal in normies lacking creativity or creative hobbies besides music since that's aural it doesn't require visual aspect for enjoyment. Movies let your eyes do the work rather than the theater of the mind.
>not an argument
>doesn't contend with the fallacy
I accept your concession.
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KEK. My mum used to have one called 'what colour is your parachute?' It was a self help book for career change, iirc.
> Misunderstanding what other person saying.

yours is the non-argument here retard, you are brown ese aren't you?
>self help book
cognitive junk food
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thanks for proving my point
LG xx
better than a therapist that doesn't talk back to you and force you on meds though on level of humbuck.
bill evans is so fucking overrated not sure why cucks like you love him so much. listen to some bud powell you fucking retard zoomer
>I still concede
I still accept
I concede nothing, you are still a retarded bitch that should've been aborted and I'm not the type of guy to say that about a lot of people.
>white guy is the best pianist in jazz history
That makes you seethe and it makes me laugh
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faggot op thought he was gonna get a nice safe space echo chamber for his retard opinions and instead he gets bent over and assraped in a gangbang LMAO
>thanks for proving my point
oh man and I thought these dudes were based
i look like this and say this
I don't think he's intimidated, just pissed off at the British conceit that all working class kids from council estates are thickos. He ran a successful business and 'made it' all the way to the top on his own skills, which is every middle class English person's worst nightmare. It makes them seethe.

It's why they hate footballers and anyone who makes millions after leaving school at 16 with no advanced qualifications, while they have a load of letters and university credidentials after their name but are only paid 50k a year to push paper or teach kids.

A lot of Brits are consumed by social class snobbery, status jockeying and appearing posher than they actually are. You cant imagine unless you grew up here how fucking petty they are. He's probably been made to feel stupid enough times in his life where it annoys him
Male narcissist emotional manipulator music
oasis, not jazz
that is a best selling book
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>“Who wants to be Jimmy Page? I’d rather be George Harrison and write ‘Something’ than be Jimmy Page and go fucking ‘diddle-uh-diddle-uh-biddle-uh-buh,’” explained Gallagher, “That’s too much like hard work, innit?”

>Despite his desire to “be George Harrison”, the Beatle himself was not overly fond of Oasis. During a 1995 interview, he lamented Gallagher’s band as being “not very interesting”, and he had previously taken aim at Liam, referring to the frontman as “a bit out of date, you know. I mean, he’s a bit, he’s just silly.”

>He's probably been made to feel stupid enough times in his life where it annoys him
Only part I disagree with, he clearly needs to be reminded who fucking retarded he truly is a lot more.
Mccoy Tyner and Mal Waldron were white?
Liam's response: I respect George Harrison, but he's a fucking nipple.
nah that guy's right. bill evans is a top 25 best jazz piano player ever but tourists love name dropping him because he's the only guy they know because he played on that one miles album everyone has heard
it's literally that "miles, coltrane, list goes on" redditor meme
>I don't think he's intimidated, just pissed
Naw it's both.
>in different tempos
>in different keys
there are more than 5 tones in a key
This, I love him a lot but he's like the Mike Tyson of jazz
>The Incontinence Of Elephants
That's about his wife shitting the marital bed
Good post
>he said he only reads nonfiction because fiction is dumb and a giant waste of time
thats the proper attitude to books if youre older than 30. imagine reading fucking harry potter at 30. or some dumb spies novel.
>all fiction is wizard boy fantasy slop
Or you could read Faulkner or Pynchon like an actual adult, retard
>Pynchon mentioned on mu
I just waiting for my copy of Gravitys rainbow to come
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>television??? isn't that just teletubbies and anime?
>film???? isn't that just the barbie movie and capeshit????
If first time reading I envy you
Difficulty with imagination and fictional world building, prefers guitar knobs and pedals to adult fiction... autism? Or maybe hes just a basic garden variety bri'ish mong
I think undiagnosed autism is a strong possibility
Is it that good?
I read a part of inherent vice already and it was really really good
Although GR seems more dense and a harder read
sure is babby's first books in here
It's actually wild how often jazz gets shit from relatively famous pop stars considering how culturally irrelevant it is, why do they care so much?
They probably get insecure because of how much better jazz musicians are at their instruments
Oh no guys, look out, we've got a psuedo intellectual over here and he's ready to school us all on Jaques Lacan, Kierkgaard, Proust and Pound!
Im also waiting for my Kierkgaard book to arrive- Purity of Heart or To will one thing
You haven't read a book in 10 years that didn't have a self-help guru or a dragon on the cover. Go stick to something more your speed like Berserk or Dark Souls lore video essays.
Im guessing hes reading Evola/ Mishima or something like that
>Tryhard moron from one of the shittest bands of all time has an opinion on a better genre of music
>What did the rock musician said to the jazz musician?
>To the airport, please
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>enjoying themselves more than the [...] the audience
i agree with in principle but
1. it's not a bad thing... if you go to the zoo would you say the same thing?
2. even it was a bad thing, that kinda evaporated when smartphones entered the scene
3. even before the smartphones, unless it was some artsy-fartsy venue/event, people were talking LOUDLY all the time and eating and farting and beating each other up i.e. don't worry they had fun, even more than the players
4. pic related
5. would listen to any jazz over that flaming faggot of a trainwreck whore in OP's post
Jazz is one of the ultimate musical pleb filters. It can just exist and mind its own business and people still get upset and have to form weird copes at it. My theory is that it’s because people can’t necessarily understand or play if they randomly decide they want to on a lark. It has barriers to entry that pop, punk or rock don’t.
>4. pic related
Holy kek
Guess Noel was right after all
the pynchonfag cries out in pain as he strikes you
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yeah but for the wrong reasons
wouldn't surprise me, people who are easily funneled through all the predictable online pipelines read all that watered-down Baudelaire
>the not an argument cries out in pain as he takes the gangbang up the ass again
A pop musician who doesn't know how to talk about music properly? Shocking!
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They're cultural totalitarians, they have to have all the praise and all the success and glory for themselves
Jazz was the original pop (if you discount folk songs etc. which did not have the same status in the USA as had in Europe) before the CIA and the commies started to squabble over it
So pop was engineered... but to this day poppies feel like the man who has just robbed a passer-by and when people notice he starts to yell NO VIOLENCE! PEACE! PEACE! PEACE! LETS RESPECT PRIVATE PROPERTY!
In their minds it's a safe target. There are few fans, therefore there's likely to be little to no backlash. They always act so edgy and daring when they talk about it but it's all just acting tough.
This, it's the same as with mocking Christianity in the West.
It's close enough I suppose. Jazz is an easy target because it's not popular, Christianity is an easy target because it's too popular. Jazz is closer to some weird, overly superstitious denomination that's kinda obscure.
damn dude at least buy the kids bigger tents, goddamn
Of course Christianity is still culturally relevant and it's a bit of a sloppy analogy on my part, but I meant that true believers that would get offended and defend it are few and meek, just like jazz fans. It doesn't have a critical mass of people behind it anymore. They made a public mockery of the Last Supper with half naked trannies for the Olympic ceremony and barely anyone cared. It's very popular to criticize because you can show yourself as a progressive thinker with no risk of a backlash. With jazz it's similar in a sense that it's a genre most people don't understand and find unpleasant to listen to so you come off as funny and likeable by mocking it.
yeah i dunno dude i still see way more Christians arguing with atheists and whatnot than the musical equivalent, all the "true" living jazz believers and legends like rollins or roy haynes just ignore this culture war stuff and mind their own business like >>123520343 says.
the post here at >>123520533 is another good example too, because im pretty sure esperanza spalding never even responded to the drake diss
don't swear because that's as bad as the communists stealing the children's air
most famous jazz musicians were Christian tho
>Miles Davis
>Dave Brubeck
>Jelly Roll Morton

>Duke Ellington
>Fats Waller
>Thelonious Monk (later in life Catholic)

>Bix Beiderbecke

>Bill Evans
Russian Orthodox
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>He doesn't know Niko was two steps ahead of him and was playing a character the entire time
Yeah there were a lot of religious and christian jazzers. Mary Lou Williams made her best compositions after converting to Catholicism
>yeah i dunno dude i still see way more Christians arguing with atheists and whatnot
Okay then, maybe I'm wrong, I guess the impressions heavily depends on where exactly you live.
I remember the Drake thing was about something that happened ages ago and he was still seething that someone who's an actual musician beat him to an award, how fucking embarrassing. Being silent about it is probably the best way to deal with something so petty, caring or not.
Big (and based) if true
> the Drake thing was about something that happened ages ago and he was still seething that someone who's an actual musician beat him to an award
Pretty much this, they were both nominated for some New Artist category. Justin Bieber was also nominated so the whole world was just in a massive debate over who would win, Bieber or Drake, so when some random jazz bassist won it was considered a huge upset and it pissed off a bunch of pop stans lmao. Kinda based desu
It's very true. He lost 200 pounds and pretended to be obese up until yesterday posting pretecorded videos.
holy shit it's real
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>Being silent about it is probably the best way to deal with something so petty, caring or not.
Drake deeply overestimated the number of people who care about clout relevance and popularity. He was expecting the reaction to be "yeah he's right who is this nobody" but instead people googled her and ended up liking what they read and heard. It also just comes off as someone incapable of picking on someone their own size, so to speak.
One of the most quotable men who ever lived. Up there with Oscar Wilde and Donald Trump.
Yes and Pitchfork elitists with no taste
>NG intimidated
By the Beatles, sure, but that's it.
need to put him in a cage and play pinoy jazz for 2 weeks to see what quotes will spill out afterwards
direct link: https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn3.cultureunplugged.com/lg/pinoy_jazz.mp4

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