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The fan base is now torn in two – the people who hate Emily and the people who love her. What will come out of this?
>Sexist trash bullied a LP moderator out of his high paying job
Fuck this is bad
>browsing reddit
their fault
You mean redditors are having a meltdown.
im genuinely looking forward to the album from the one song they did it sounds like it’s just gonna be minutes to midnight with a female vocalist and that’s the third best linkin park album
Normies hate 4chan, but the lack of community and hostility here is clearly much better for you than the faggotry they have on reddit, twitter, etc. I can't imagine being this emotionally attached to a website.
I just hate how you need to pass a checklist nowadays before you can become famous. If you did something wrong then people get mad and it just ruins the enjoyment.
Can this chick actually sing? If she has pipes I don't see what the problem is. Female vocals should work fine with Linkin Park's style. It's not like she's trying to cover for Chris Cornell or Phil Anselmo or something
there is just as much if not more hostility and hatred on those sites, they just conceal it under passive aggression.
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Linkin Park is over.
toxic in reddit speak means not conforming to the opinions I want
>I don't see what the problem is.
She's a scientologist.
Hating Scientologists is the one thing the entirety of the internet can come together in agreement with
> Chester connected to pedophilia and sex abuse ring of children, dead.
> Scientologist takes their place.

Couldn't be any more blatant... Didn't one of the scientology leaders basically kidnap and kill one woman already or what?
His wife hasn’t been seen since 2007
Shelley Miscaviagge
Exactly, murdered, gone, snuffed, tied up somewhere, probably burned so there's nothing but ashes left.

Anything to do with scientology should be just straight up banned and taken down as a RICO case.
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>Make Chester proud.
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The extra heavy part is that Tom Cruise and other high up Scientologists know what happened and didn’t say anything. Meaning that Tom Cruise is complicit in covering up a murder. All that just to hide his gayness from the world.
the heavy part is there are people convicted by judges on their dime that will do whatever they want to and they are indicting people in a corrupted manner...

Wouldn't that be a shocker if there were some scientology linked judges that gave bullshit statements and sentences recently about politicians? Just a theory what about the judges involved with the bidens case? maybe?
>linkin park is back!!!
i hate franchise fags so fucking much
omg it has the same font yas my childhood is back my life wasn't wasted after all hajahahahaHAHAHAGASDSAASSSS
yeah its pretty wild 4chan still has this
reaction while twitter and reddit i can feel actively making me mentally ill as i browse them, so much hatred and pettiness being celebrated
go to the Indian sub reddit if you want to lose your hope and get really black pilled.
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John Podesta was his father. He was against child abuse and the other disgusting things his father did.
Exactly the reason why I said couldn't be more blatant the connection there with who had him killed.
See what women cause?
Is she a currently active scientologist or what?
Like Cedric Bixler-Zavala got involved in scientology but has since left it (and is being harrassed by them) I'm not going to hate him even if he is a dumbass
What did they mean by this?
low iq conspiracy theory with zero proof
Sup podesta, you are still a child fucker that deserves a beating in GP, you better go in protective custody you faggot.
Podesta detected. Burn in hell pedo.
go back polfag
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That's what they call themselves?
public hates child fuckers like you.
every accusation is an admission
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Zero proof? Simply Google his name. Plenty of proof.
this is what goreleaf and other pedofriends of yours who have been quietly saying about anyone naysaying to your real life dirt

people like you have no rights, you get always caught with child sex abuse materials that's real pictures you sick fuckers.
Maybe they should get Dr. Rape to join Linkin Park
She is part of Scientology's Death Squad of sorts, if not related to Cedric's torment, she's done that to other people. To put it bluntly, it's like LP replaced a jew with an SS agent.
sadly this isn't bait
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>and we were the best fans in the world, Chester said it.
Fuck I remember that video clip of his voice screaming down at a child that was circling around, creepy stuff
>Armstrong supported actor and prominent Scientologist Danny Masterson at his 2020 rape trial, where he was convicted on two counts
>leaving reddit
did he live there or something
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qrd on this image
>You mean redditors are having a meltdown.
Fans like me who don't care for this new revival simply just... don't care? I won't be going to their show nearby in a few days. Wow, so hard. I'll just have to settle for listening to recordings of their old songs.
Off topic pol trash
Also to add on, is there no rage for the new drummer? Do these people realize it's two members that were replaced, not just Chester?
Fuck off
Anybody they got to fill Chester's spot would be polarizing
go back
You first, reddit fucker
i stopped caring about linken park after meteora
there is no proof that chester is his father, you retarded brainwashed freaks. oh wow he looks slightly similar. the rumor of him being killed was started by a lawyer on twitter who was on a crusade against pizzagate after his bryan singer documentary looked weak in comparison to all that was online. it’s well poisoning, he did it to prove anyone will believe a dumb rumor. chester was never working on a doc about child trafficking by the bryan singer doc filmmaker, he offered no proof and the rumor lives on. fake news spread maliciously to discredit you
*his son
chester had an epiphany of Mike converting the boys to scientology and killed himself.
Turns out that video was just jet neptune
>reddit mods quitting
lol they never quit
it's the only power they'll ever have
chester is such a gay name lol
It is though
I wonder if they could have gotten Mark Wakefield since that was the original vocalist before Chester replaced him pre-LP taking off.

Hunting Party had some promise in them turning back the clock in their sound but that was before One More Light literally killed any remaining momentum the band could have had from that. The band simply had no direction and was just trying to chase a new group of fans because they just kept bleeding fans since leaving the nu-metal era and refusing to acknowledge it.
You think you're hot shit, don't ya?
How did Deftones do it bros? They changed styles a number of times and only keep getting more popular
aside froma slightly similar appearence, there is nothing that remotely connects chester to podesta and it’s not orudejt ti spread nonsense theories when there are real ones that have actual evidence.
If that's the case why are they hiring a Scientologist woman to fill a man's role? Sounds like some fishy connections either way.
Some groups tend to just to work better for certain genres while others can transition in and out of stuff pretty well. I would say LP's problem was that they were considered foundational to the nu-metal genre itself. Making it hard for them to really transition out of it since that was what their fans and the wider audience expected and wanted out of them.

When they moved away from the genre they just couldn't maintain their appeal long term, and not sticking to a consistent genre didn't help maintain any new fans from their different albums either. Sometimes you can be like Beck and make a have a different genre per album while still maintaining fans or you can be like Papa Roach and lose your fans because they thought going into the emo music bracket was better than sticking to their classic sound since "Scars" was such an unexpected success to them.
nine inch nails have a scientologist in the band. it’s a coon thing for artists to get hooked into, especially as a meand to avoid drugs. there isn’t a connection of podesta to scientology to chester’s band. you’re reaching for horseshit
Nobody likes her. They defend it because they are whiteknighting a woman. Its a shit replacement for Chester. Could have worked if they didnt force her to be Chestroon 2.0 and adapter the music to her voice. But the growls trying to imitate Chester are shit. Not even a bad singer, she is doing the wrong job tho.
I do not recognize Emily as the singer of Linkin Park. I recognize her as a whore. Linkin Park no longer exist.
what motivates parents to name their newborn child chester
bring 6 children to the world then kill yourself so they get to grow up without a dad
Hello LowTierGod
at least they get his royalties, there’s a silver lining, they’re not hungry
can we go back to stigmatizing nu metal and its fans. i don't care if deftones had some good tunes. this is fucking embarassing
Based and if you support LP MkII you support cults & rape.
Don't turn your back on her, she won't be ignored
Very relevant, let's explore the Podesta connection to Bennington and abuse..
Mostly just depressing that they have a fanbase still.
I'm so old I remember learning they would melt people in bathtubs at the Fort Harrison Hotel in Florida on YTMND.

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