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>deletes Contract
ah, perfection
>deletes the best song on the album
That and Natural's Not In It are my favorites. I like how robotic and dissonant Contract is.
Good music, shit lyrics tho
this album sucks. i dont get why people like it.
it's the best written political album of all time
the first 3 songs are probably my favorite 3 run song on any album, though Ritual De Lo Habitual would be my first pick if they got rid of that indian song so it was the two long songs and then classic girl
literally made by retards who have never picked up an economics or history book
sorry the right can't make good music
you're retard who can only think in two political sides lmaooooo
pointing out problems with capitalism is the only thing marxism is good for
Great music and great lyrics. You're just seething because they're pointing out things you'd prefer to ignore
because it sounds good
Naturals Not In It starts off arhythmically before it develops into one of the catchiest songs I've ever heard let alone in punk, its insanely perfect, the first 3 songs are literal 9-10/10s
you do know damaged goods is the fourth song, right? probably their best song
yes i do in fact know that song and I've had this identical conversation on mu but personally I think its a huge dropoff from the first 3 songs and then the rest of the album is hit or miss, not a bad song I just like the energy of the first 3 a lot more way groovier way more chaotic, damaged goods sounds like a pop song in comparison but if I remember it has a really great build toward the end
this album is so good,
That's one of the better songs, sounds proto Fugazi
>let's make an indian-sounding song
>it's the worst song on the album
many such cases
>many such cases
name seven
The India Song off Big Star's #1 record
Indian Song off Elastica s/t
Love You To off Revolver

there are 4+ others out there that I'm not gonna bother hunting down
with any trend like raga rock you're gonna get a lot of dogshit
this band sucks. i dont get why people put them in the post-punk goat conversations.

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