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not karina
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where the heck is moky
J is the perfect example why all idols should gain healthy weight
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Breaking her
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would wony cuck me?
yeah probably
would I enjoy it?
yes, I'd take anything wony, even if it's only a sliver. she's my goddess and my queen
with all due respect i want to absolutely fucking destroy her
she's going down on a blacky
karina and eunchy laying side by side
both getting plapped at the same time
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gentle breeze...
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quit projecting your fetishes
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remember apink
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weird combo
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imagine starting off your lonely conversations with chatgpt with "hey"
star diary wild for this one
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She actually eats
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i remember saving this webm that someone made. it's their background dancer mogging them
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yikes bogny
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moka hates *******
my kpop idol is at the perfect weight
this nigga thinks i'm gonna wake up at 9am to post here i'm not getting up until 6pm minimum.
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>not leeseo chatbot
wait hours start in the morning? i thought they start at like 4-5pm and last until midnight or so
Choi Yoo Jung
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this doesnt concern you mongrel anorexic faggots. No men likes ugly sticks like wony
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still more active than everglow
Look at how small her bite is and how much she chews lmao.
it'd be cool if juria did that to me instead lol
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she's bulimic
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mfw unis and classy
Choi Ye Won
that's ador and soumu you dumb bitch
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he's right
imagine how much food wony wastes
what is the kpop equivalent of a shameful self delete?
hot ningger
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Where the fuck do you think you are fatty
spraying all over those hobbit feet
>its _______ hours
>not even 9 am
goes to show how early he starts posting on 4chan lmao
he thinks everyone clocks in at the same time like him
these look like fucking transsexual men so I'm glad I don't remember them
which idol have full bush asking for a friend
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she is blooming
eunchae but don't think about it
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hayoung is hotter when she's meatier too
the difference is euros actually have families and jobs while seashitters are terminally online to still their nugushit
the seashitters don't know what life outside of their laptop is like so they'll just shit up and ruin kpg instead
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we log in at 5am to begin posting
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kino chink
kpg is my 9-5 to be honest, even on sundays
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this, brother. carpe diem!
I know for a fact Yeri does
go back to your edtwt containment shithole. You're not welcome here
get this hobbit shit outta here
they were the initial connection between aespa and lsf
Why she eating near the toilet
that's what manager-nim is for
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nagomi, mire, kotoko, nana(2007)
the dancer on the right mogs hard
she needs to be fired
would you eat wony's leftovers?
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obvious projection
some of these girls look a bit sexually active
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when do winty hours start
the difference is blah blah blah headcanon and dumbshit cope that fits my bogeyman narrative
its always funny when people say this and then euro hours are always full of gay spam and mia posts
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>fatfuck twitterrace loser telling others they aren't welcome
fuck off fatty
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nice collarbone
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Wony would be the perfect GF since I don't have to order 2 meals for myself and I can just eat hers
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>he doesn't post on kpg at work
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If wony was part of newjeans
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>kpg's body type
maybe the trick is to take tiny tiny bites and chew them extraordinarily long..
>your waifu
>your 4chan shift
if by active you mean getting cummed in by Rado
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I'm trying not to think about all the spiders and the eggs they're laying in there
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post nana (2001)
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love autumn
she looks really fucking healthy
they aren't. they are perfect princess angels, raised in a sheltered environment until they became trainees. at that point they're never again interested in the other sex, because it would ruin their careers. nobody in the kpop industry has had sex
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moonface, looks like a nork spy
3 pm to 3 am

I waifu them all, except the uggos
I've been here since kpg moved over from r9k 10 years ago
if you think you know more about what kpg acts like then by all means have your melty
euro hours hard carry posting quality and one or two schizos don't negate that
the problem is that euro hours are only good for 6-8 hours while subhumans ruin the other 16
there's a reason why many of the good posters graduated from here years ago
get his ass
i would literally live inside her belly button to be completely honest with you lads and lasses
definitely not eunchae, she has no body hair. Leeseo looks like she doesn't shave seeing her men hairy legs
yes crap tiem
point the camera at feetning
not even nana?
ehem, I LOVE kpop
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>not getting up before sunrise to shitpost and getting it out of the way
i'm always here
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wish she would beat me up
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it's saturday night. why are you here?
post her ass
killing time before work
brother it's 3 am. we're sleeping
6am - 12am
if you're defending and promoting certain hours on kpg:

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>killing time before work
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>i would literally live inside her belly button
seashitters are beyond help
I Love Cute Yunky
get cancer paul, cunt
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ugly :/
winter and ningning were using socks
holy shit that total lack of self awareness
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why so much animosity towards based Paul
like 10,000 spoons
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Usually I only shitpost while on the clock during wagie cagie 7am-3pm, but it's 100 degrees outside so I'm shitposting an overtime shift today.
lewd white sokcs?
eunchy bikini concept!?
>looks down on the keyboard
bitch never used a computer in her life we can tell
based mega manlet bro
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a beacon of fitness
me too
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she would never
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she's so talented
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eunchae doing this
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And that's a good thing.
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Why is he french
I still do that...
they dont make them like this anymore
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keep minors out of kpop
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fuck paul
keep hags out of kpop
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ahhhh cute kot
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this but the opposite
keep kotoko in my bed
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keep minors out of kpg
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soshi were the best
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pretty :)
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>“CRAZY” by LE SSERAFIM debuts at #1 on this week’s YouTube Music Korea (3,604,020 streams).
checking out vinyls with suhye
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the fact you continue to dodge it tells me what you are
Keep fags out of KPG
unzip that hoodie
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anon she was 16...
white girls love hip hop
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>“CRAZY” by LE SSERAFIM debuts at #1 on this week’s poopy music poop penis (3,604,020 streams).
look at all those classic cassettes back there
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why did she do it bros?
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keep YOU out of kpg!
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>“CRAZY” by LE SSERAFIM debuts at #1 on this week’s YouTube Music Indonesia (3,604,020 streams).
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kpg's girls
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i don't recognize any of them
is there some award show or something
what happened to their eyebrows
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2024 The Fact Music Awards Day 2
LINEUP: ITZY, aespa, JO1, NewJeans, &TEAM, xikers, KISS OF LIFE, NCT WISH, UNIS
Stream: https://plus.idolverse.me/

yeah the Asian fetishist loser awards, you won!
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humiliation ritual
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>“CRAZY” by LE SSERAFIM to debut at #76 on Billboard Hot 100. This will be the group 2nd and highest entry on the chart
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aah i love these pics
>it takes a nation
marriage material
he was a hero
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is it true ITZY can't do their old choreography because it hurts their bodies now? :(
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he was a faggot
they just say that cuz beanwiga can't keep up
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what do you get for winning that
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are you awarding it as last year's winner?
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>“PAAG Bubble Butt” by NewJeans debuts at #1 on this week’s YouTube Music Indonesia (3,604,020 streams)
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WaSuta Ruka
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we need them back
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shouldnt we praise lia when she keeps up though? ryujin is an excellent dancer and so are yeji and squid. yuna has her trouble but she's good too.
>“CRAZY” by LE SSERAFIM to debut at #76 on Billboard Sissy Chart. This will be the group 2nd and highest entry on the chart
no posse. we will not be there.
you couldnt
shame about the hobbit clompers
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how sweet was an excellent song. you faggots just were salty at the time.
yejibros is this true
My weight would crush her
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you can't blame her
nah newjeans fell off
shame about the goddess feet not being in my mouth
damn how short is their fridge freezer
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lol dubu prepare
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>“How Sweet” by NewJeans to debut at #76 on Billboard Groomed Chart. This will be the group 2nd and highest entry on the chart
and aespa botted views
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lol no
you are underestimating the strength of her spirit
it's ok, kinda boring
that guy is obsessed with hobbits
yejibros still around?
>Beanwiga being so lost
>Ryujin trying to correct her constantly and grabbing her hand
>Beanwiga fails to pick up the hand tug and gets more lost
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I see you
>Chaewon debuts #1 on Kpop General's best Waifu Chart. This will be her 15th entry on the chart
this is legit not her fault and its mean to even make fun of her
just us shartman
that's why i love ning2 so much
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her earpiece was messed up you stupid nigger and was playing the wrong song. itzy flops without lia
she can't sing but she can't dance either but at least she's ugly as shit but it's ok she's boring and hey nobody likes her
real itzybro
very good
ning2 my beloved chinese princess
cool kot
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honestly this is bahi
eunchae is cute wtf are you on about
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just some beanfag melty
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id fuck her
i love gigi
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>Acts cute
>Sweet personality never been mean
>Lives in kpg's head rent free
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that was her weeks' worth
who is this
this is the coolest kpop ive ever seen
>It's acceptable to hate Lia
>But we can't hate Bitchselle
actually Babysoul was very close to that, but she could sing I guess
shouldn't Irene's weapon be a shoe?
minju loves music too!
king taeyeon
jeon s oyeon
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bitch just can't keep up
buy it yourself, you do have a job right?
she's literally paid to be beautiful
shit is crazy
she just exists and be beautiful
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I would like to see you dance
this is the best way to watch UNO (so far)
get his ass
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i'm not an idol with years of training paid an obscene amount of money to dance
not an excuse
post a webm of you dancing
yes it is
ladies please! stop fighting
didn't stop tinny
i dont even care about newjeans and now kpg expects me to care about illit, wtf?
yeah that shit was uncalled for

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