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Imagine being so retarded that you genuinely get hyped up about the fucking monkees in current year. I do in fact assume most of you have facial hair of this sort.
they didn't even play their own instruments, that's a big inspiration to me
I'm Native American so my facial hair genes are very bad. My dad could grow a patchy mustache but I can't even manage that
You like that aspect of it from a performance perspective is what you're saying or am I reading too much into that?
Fair enough
Lil bro thinks his opinion matters
Ya know, I'm beginning to think this isn't the real Nico Sperg.
Your opinion definetely matters less desu. You listen to The Monkees lol. You have literally zero concept of what you are talking about.
It was in fact only a three day ban.
That maybe, but anyone can enter your name into the name field and impersonate you.
This is true. Fuck that guy whi was trying to say racist shit using my name lol. Yeah idk I have at least a handful of copycats so I can't blame you.
god i hope the next one is a perma ban. this guys so fucking annoying lol.
Yeah but you get hyped up about the Velvet Underground though
You're just mad I don't want to listen to your random retarded spork shit. The Monkees suck. Fucking irrelevant band. Your only pretending to like them to be contrarian or "own the libs" or whatever. I listened to that shit you guys kept hyping up and it was completely devoid of anything memorable. Complete waste of time.
Who were geniuses and have a extremely visible widespread following and presence. You just lack taste. Same reason none of you like Jimi Hendrix or CAN or Love. It neither made you feel included (which you aren't) or made you feel like le epic quirk chungu (like Frank Zappa).
The Velvet Underground are great. The Monkees wish they could have recorded a song like The Ocean or Sunday Morning.
You're not nicotranny, stop.
Wild how I don't give a shit about The 60s equivalent to the Jonas Brothers and instead like bands whi actually recorded good music

>"I have sex....ok!?!??!"

You probably don't if you need to larp this badly
I am. It was a three day ban. You're all retarded for getting this hyped about The Monkees. It's such an obvious larp.
do you like the kinks? i like can and jimi hendrix btw
Who are you even getting mad at? Have sex, my dude
I do not desu. Too "beatlesesque" for my tastes I think.
You have never done this. If you had you wouldn't feel the need to pretend to like The Monkees in the current year. It's super transparent shit.
That might change if I gave them more of a chance ig. I came around to the hollies who are also very clearly Beatles Inspired or at least I assume.
This nigga getting sent into a psychotic spiral by the fucking Monkees of all things lol
Nothing I said was at all psychotic but if that makes you feel better about being retarded I can't stop you pretending.
they don't really sound like the beatles, they kind of developed musically on their own. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lc7dmu4G8oc
just great 60s pop songwriting, check out village green preservation society or any live/compilation album really
ur ugly.
Your opinion is also against that of both almost all critics and rhe average consumer so good luck ig. They don't have a insular following enough that anybody remembered they exist.
This is not a photo of me. This is some random dude I found by looking up "neclbeard cringe" or something on Google. Like I said I understand that your clueless enough that you genuinely think that pretending to like forgotten 60s boybands will make it look like you get laid. I do believe you believe that.
>They don't have a insular following enough that anybody remembered they exist.
Yet you remember them enough to cry about them on /mu/
Your the only one crying but sure bro. Thanks for confirming thst you don't go outside. I could already tell.

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