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/mu/ - Music

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I crave roots rock like oxygen. NOT "punk", NOT "alt-country"... "ROOTS ROCK". But I can't seem to find enough of it that's GOOD.

So I come to you, /mu/.

I'm not looking for hipsters and "sensitive singer-songwriters" pretending to be country singers. Ideally should be more bluesy, possibly with an early rock influence (optionally, some boogie woogie or R&B or soul or even gospel influence). I can dig J. J. Cale, but anything less rock 'n' roll than that is probably not going to be my thing.

(Aside from pic related,) I already know Creedence and The Band and Sir Douglas Quintet and those Flying Burrito motherfuckers, but I was never really feeling any of them.
you crave cock
you're a faggot lol
Where the fuck is this album?
Yo, that is dope as fuck! I only knew him from his early surf rock songs. Did he do more albums like that?
The Wallflowers, I guess?
Listen to Layla if you haven't
Yeah, I'm familiar with pretty much Clapton's entire career.
Quicksilver Messenger Service
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Atlanta Rhythm Section
The Outlaws
Black Oak Arkansas
Ursula Creek
Ten Years After

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