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Adam Kalmbach is the greatest composer of the 21st century

Old >>123515949

FAQ: https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com
the electronica interludes don’t provide anything to heighten the experience of the metal: I want my electronica to be as fragmented as my metal. Speaking of fragmented, the main riff in “Only Castles Burn” is fucked. Warped beyond recognition, the main “melody” sounds tonally like the already out-there Kostnatêni if one heard Kostnatêni on a drug-fueled rager after days of sleepless partying. The track is utterly destabilizing, and yet that impossible riff paradoxically becomes the one thing I’m desperately latching onto as the rest becomes total noise. Jute Gyte’s compositional mastery is on full display in “Only Castles Burn.”
I will drink from the mead of poetry.
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
Amon Amarth is actually very good.
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They really aren't.
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They're a fun live band.
tenth for Kultur
Sabaton of Black Metal, try something like Immortal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFMqrVNpw9U&list=PLiN-7mukU_REX0F9tTLMV5aHnA7DqAsos
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why does most death metal call itself "death" metal when it has more to do with stomping in cargo shorts in the mud and groping other dudes? what other death metal actually exudes the feeling of darkness and death like this, abhorrence, infester, etc.
Libelous screed like this is unacceptable. We completely reject these lies here.
>Immortal Fate
BASED. I've never seen anyone mention this album/band on here except for me. It's a weird album isn't it. The guitars and vox go really fast but the drums are really slow. Or is it the other way round? I haven't listened to it in awhile.
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Should I listen to metal to fall asleep?
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There is nothing better than ultra kult black metal cassette demos. Raw is always better
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vocals are the slow part. even during the blasting parts, and the whole thing sounds like its in the process of being buried ]in rubble.
I should have specified Blind Guardian.
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Revenge reigns supreme
best Teitanblood album?
warrened power metal
Immolation - Here in After
J-Dawg is our new savior.
Blasphemy, Conqueror, Revenge
Just saw them live, it was pretty good.
brutal death metal peaked in the early 2000's

death metal riffs be like

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