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/mu/ - Music

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conqueror edition
old: >>123533915
faq: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
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First for Morbid Angel sucks.
Beloved here!
only by faggots with no taste
Why do you insist on fucking up our general? Go fuckin kys tranny
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Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Solitude kind of day
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Techy death metal without the sterile production and wankery
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We love Morbid Angel here.

Looks interesting. I'll give it a spin later.
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>Varg Vikernes about the Earl-ACK!
>We love Morbid Angel here.

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>tfw listening to the newest Arghoslent
shock collar?
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>not cats
I sleep!
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schizo architect
M.C. Escher metal
>me going to work in the morning and coming up from the subway
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well, heh, time for Napalm Death

one of the best thrash bands around today
I don't know what emotion this is supposed to be. Incredulity? Doesn't really make sense in context.
these album covers make me cringe
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this is a little more your speed
biggest retard in metal?
*raises spork*
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I just saw it as a mixture of pain and despair.
Every member of an RABM band is tied for first.
Jon from Iced Earth
the Batushka guy
Niklas Kvarforth
michael kiske for becoming christian
>Jon from Ice Earth
Is he still in prison?
Glen benton
house arrest atm
Finally, a based /metal/ op
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he's taken
File deleted.
/metal/ is an anime brutal technical blackened melodeath general
this is actually a punk general
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Kys tranny
rent free
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Also the most based
What the fuck do I even write lyrics about
Kiss my balls
Violence, gore, the occult, horror movies, abstract nonsense to trick midwits. Endless possibilities.
politics of course!
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first metal band that comes to mind?
Whatever, as long as it's honest
tell me, don't you
see what ain't there
when you look in the mirror

you're miles away, like a candle burning down
Better than most metal lyrics

Keep it up, brother
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Those are Avantasia lyrics.
Well then it's shit
high school diary-core
It's sung by a woman as well.
Well then it's good
>{person name}'s {band}
100% guaranteed to be unlistenable shit for fags.
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>makes one good album after nearly 30 years of making music
>everything after it is complete shit

What the fuck actually happened?
>The Satanist
One of the most over hyped metal albums of all time. Pitchforkbabbies' second album after they got tired of Filosofem.
I don't think it's mindblowing like everyone else seemingly did but Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel and O Father O Satan O Sun are killer tracks. The rest of the album is bretty decent, by far their best effort.
I dunno man, it's fine, but I feel like those tracks you dropped have been done better by other bands. The whole "grandiose i fukken love satan" song concept wasn't anything new to me.
If you just mean good as like "yeah its good, 6/10" then I can get behind that, but I never really listen to it as it didn't grab me at all.
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By good I do mean 6-7/10, depending on my mood. I just think it stands as an extreme outlier in their catalog because the rest of their music is shit.
I fucking love satan!!
Step it up and make it a love song.
Based Dark Funeral vocalist
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pic related
>O Father O Satan O Sun
Which is mostly a boring Kashmir-style riff broken but also the best track on the album by far. I really think that the selling point of The Satanist was the band's aesthetic, basically a very "serious" theistic Satanism which you can contrast with the overwhelming of black metal musicians who aren't really threatening or offensive as much as they are edgy and immature. It was an entry point in the genre that a certain person could admit they listen to not only without being embarrassed but while showing their tolerance for something dark and evil. Without the aesthetic and the imagery and marketing surrounding it, I don't think the album would have been as popular.
Reminds me of this. (I love this)
>open all the lyrics
>ctrl+f "satan"
>0 results
Do we love rock/metal opera here?
I was going to listen to this but it's about gay new york shit.
>Genre: Progressive/Power Metal
>Themes: Psychological cleansing, Purity of body and mind
Absolutely fucking FOUL
I love those tracks in the middle of the album
>A Journey To Nowhere
does seem like the kind of thing you'd listen to if you're into things getting blacker
Sometimes I like to imagine a black void, but it isn't a void, it's home.
The album's name is referring to Satan.
>cletus = satan
Could've picked SMRC which literally opens with "Oh Satan, I acknowledge you as the great destroyer"
I imagine you mostly just think of being bottom for an anthropomorphic eagle or any animal really.
It's still not as much satan as loads of other albums, and a lot of DsO is less "I HECKIN LOVE SATAN" and more just articulating how he's supposed to work or be.
Kenose or >>123543725 are probably more THE Satan albums for them.
Loved dearly by all who reside here
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>watch beloved swedish comedy series Macken from the 80s
>last words spoken are "SATAN SATAN SATAN"
Usually when I fall asleep I imagine gripping a giant beast(like a gryphon) and saying "hold me.... hold me......." and then when it grabs me with it's claw I hold on to its (male) claw and then his big beak will preen my long hair (falling out).
And then I grip his big muscluar tight body and speak with deep soul in to his ear:
This makes me now wonder what song/album says "satan" the most times.
Shit like https://youtu.be/Qjg90Kg_UL4?si=inpEqeX2KqqdNTSW&t=45
dso fans are the tool fans of black metal
Anal Nutsack is retard music
I quite literally do not care about a single thing you say, I will just keep calling you the homosexual furry who hasn't produced a single thing despite years of claiming you will.
"in the constellation" kicks your favorite album's ass
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>retard music
So absolutely based?
Besides, this is an INTELLECTUAL's choice of album cover
You're tickled with me; enamoured.
Paracletus > Synarchy > Katechon > Furnaces = Fas > Drought > earlier crap
The only thing you want tickled is your prostate.
prostate massages are metal and kvlt as fuck
I was joking, I think their lyrics are a little dorky and self serious but yeah I could have chosen a different example like >>123543767 or SMRC

Paraclete means Holy Ghost and directly translate to advocate/comforter. If you read the lyrics with that in mind you'll come to realize the name is being used ironically and is referring to Satan rather than God. My understanding of the album is that humans are fundamentally corrupt and have driven God from this world or caused him to abandon us leaving us to take comfort in the only person who share our fate, Satan.

All that bullshit is to say that the album is very much about Satan and his relationship to mankind. Although I'm unsure if they think the relationship is a good or bad thing.
Paracletus > Fas >Furnaces > Kenose > SMRC > most of the other EPs > all the other shit >>>>>>>>>> Synarchy
I have no interest in penises and I think anal is very undesirable.
David Ellefson
The vocalist has a master's degree after doing a dissertation on objective moral theory or some shit, I don't remember.
if cattle decapitation are so brutal and hateful and misanthropic why did they write a pro-trans song? shouldn't they hate trans people too?
Synarchy > Paracletus > Kenose = Katecheon = Drought > FAS > Diabolus Absconditus/Mass Grave Aesthetics > Furnaces >> SMRC >>> everything else
They probably aren't actually misanthropic and simply just hate women.
>Synarchy >
Stopped reading and dismissed as laughable.
Making someone turn trans, and encouraging them to do it, is a fate worse than death.
Sounds pretty hateful to me.
Sucks to get filtered :(
Can't get filtered by their simplest and most one-note album outside of the first 2.
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wait people actually like deathspell omega?
no we only listen to them as a joke
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I only like them ironically.
I only listen to music as a joke. People don't actually like music, right?
i wonder what the 1st artist is

correct. we hate music here
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>i wonder what the 1st artist is
It's embarrassing.
sde is just an emo version of alcest, correct?
Depends which album you listen to, some aren't even that metal and some aren't really blackgaze.
But yes it's sadfag shit.
Is it cathartic sadfag shit?
Again, depends on the release. The dude had some BM leanings and then other times more focus on postrock/postpunk.
Like here's your cataharsis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVTUY4JDSLw (namely from when it kicks off at 2:20 ish)
or even https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J21J6ajyV3A despite not being that metal
but I'm more a fan of the tired/defeated shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9cbVak8Yfc
Cattle Redditation is buttmetal and we hate that here
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Bro's skin care game is out of this world
Why wouldn’t I? DsO is pretty jammin actually
How old is he?
The second one isn't too bad. The first one was too forlorne.
Who is the Elon musk of the metal world
Eh I dunno mate, but really the "I Wish I Would Never Wake Up" release which the first one is off of is probably his most meal one.
Otherwise you're stuck trying to find the odd metal track amongst all the rest that dabble in post rock/punk more.
He's basically barely metal, and only pulled from it from time to time. My favourites by him aren't really that metal.
Dave Mustaine
Me because I am always late.
Just two more years, baby
Dave Mustaine
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A wizard is never late
I love this.
nice webm
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nor is he early
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>vargzard is never late
>nor is he early
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Transilvanian Hunger
Song: Transilvanian Hunger

>Transilvanian Hunger...
... from a lacerated sky
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post only the most based live performances
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>name 3 songs
What was the hammer price?
Dismember - Live Blasphemies
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Satanic Warmaster live in... Mexico
bifocal core
Seeing Goatwhore next saturday alone cause none of my friends want to go with me. Not really a Goatwhore fan but I love concerts so it's alright
what am I in for bros?
also first for Von Goat
With Vitriol and Necrofier? That show came through my town the other day. It was great. All three bands put on a good show. Vitriol absolutely killed it though. His vocals are unreal live, I was not expecting him to pull it off.
redpill me on lizzy borden
My nigga looks like Benjamin Franklin
Awesome I've never really listened to Vitriol so I gotta catch up before I go. I wish I coulda caught a date with Thantifaxath too but it's all good.
We have grindcore, metalcore, deathcore... but when do we get blackcore?
Their newest album is really good, but you can't go wrong with any of their releases.
It’s called Norsecore. What a lot of bands started playing after a few albums. Dark Funeral, Obtained Enslavement, Marduk, Mayhem, Gorgoroth, Watain
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I really like this album, if it was you that posted it as an OP image maybe a week ago thank you for that.
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i really like black metal that has pro-european themes, but most nsbm is kinda cringe
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/meal/ utterly obliterated as the posers you are
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leftoids desparately trying to hang onto the 'anti-establishment' aesthetic
this is the correct answer
>can't reject weird people
I thought trump was weird??
I can do whatever the hell I want to. Funny how that works.
No lies detected. /metal/ will screech, but the metal scene at large has completely left chuds behind.
For me, it will be /x/ themed BM
Its good faggot, just not groundbreaking.
>Reddit was right! The chud boogeyman is real!

write about how gay you are
like Morbid Angel
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how did they get it so wrong?
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Decided to check it out to see what all the hate was about. It has absolutelly no rifs.
fine album overhated by opportunistic, spiteful libtards acting in bad faith.
no I’m a huge fan and was massively disappointed
it just straight up sucks, not just the production, just utterly forgettable riffs. everything sounds like a weird rehash
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These threads have been downright comfy lately
Are we back?
Burzum (NEW)
New York Death Metal
I accidentally ripped part of my thumbnail off and it hurts more than I expected
Why the fuck is that part below your nails so painful? why does it hurt for it just to be exposed?
and most importantly, song recommendation for this???
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How did they get it so right?
I don't know any songs about being a crybaby retard, sorry
You have never had a nail ripped off before have you?
forced memes and shilled albums will be ignored
ice cream truck riffs just get old
the vocals make this. everything else is just okay
Limited edition LP press of Anon's demo

not the guy but based blastings
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we writing an album about demon nazis? fuck yeah we are!
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breddy gud
maybe this has already been posted but RIP to the guy from abigor. I wonder why he killed himself.
mental illness
mental wellness. life is a disease and it only makes sense to rid yourself of it by means of a bullet or rope regimen
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Death metal


The fucking retard cannot even play basic tremolo riffs,ha


Arghoslent playing one of their only good SONGS


Conformation that they can really play their songs


The best cryptopsy lineup playing the songs off their best album


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Life is indeed gloom and doom but you can live well to spite it! We should be spit in the face of the misery and find our own meaning!
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I shouldn’t like this band but I do
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you are correct
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>the Batushka guy
Which one?
No, black metal is the antithesis of core-metal
I'm supposed to be listening Time II right now but instead I keep coming back to this.
Abigail Williams was 15 years ago, zoomer. Also, this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkt6e3bEDqc
aoty so far?
We don't spoonfeed tourists here
listening to colored sands lads

Coreshit, not black metal.
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Gelal necrosodomy is a fucking idiot and should die

but not before putting out another banger album with argho and gbk
A bunch of GWAR lately, chronological order. It was War Party today, Beyond Hell tomorrow.
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bretti gud
Shut the fuck up idiot
what the fuck are you gonna do low life? make a 5 minute recording about me?
APE, I make enough to Purchase Alexander halacs entire argentinian b
subhuman family and still have enough to buy all gelal Related products off the internet and set it ALL on fire off a months work.

You and gaylol negrosodomy are mentally retarded and deserve to die for your LIFE FAILURES
What other websites do you use to discover metal?
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>Can't drum for shit
>Shit Vocalist
>Fat as fuck
> Publicly a Pedophile race tratior

I hope he dies of autoerotic asphyxiation.
>just utterly forgettable riffs
Nah I hear good riffs in there, Terra Nullis has some of my favourite Argho guitars, but the production gives it no chance of being any good.
None really. At most my routine is if I want something new but /metal/ isn't providing anything then:
>pick an artist I want to hear more of, or a favourite in a genre I want more of
>similar artists on MA, and find the ones that are at least in the same genre as otherwise their algorithm is shit
>similar on last.fm if that doesn't give me much
>just go to a site full of metal downloads, usually getmetal
>search the newest releases
>search by genre
>download anything that looks like I won't hate it
>but the production gives it no chance of being any good.

Not a excuse

Here's some albums with a abysmal production job that manages to be enjoyable




black metal in a nutshell
I wasn't just saying "bad production = bad song" you fuckwit, the production is just flat out not enjoyable. Arghoslent have bragged about Arsenal of Glory being "inaccessible" and it still sounds good. Terra Nullis is still a song I really like in spite of the production, it would just be better if it was actually more distorted and crusty if anything.
Resuscitation just sounds bad. It's muddy and sucks any meat out of the riffs. It's not so lo-fi it makes the riffs sound raw and aggro, it just makes the album sound like I'm listening to it off a cassette player at the bottom of a bath.

Gay asf chorus lyrics. I love the first 3 mercyful fate albums (and the ep) but I can't stand king diamonds lyrics when hes not singing about random satan shit. He doesn't even bother finding cool vocal patterns in king diamond, its just shitting out his stupid lyrics about shit I dont care about, much like this mercyful fate album. Damn, what a shame!
Still never clicked a vocaroo
don't. they are cringe.
based and in love with the spirit of man pilled
What was the most expensive metal merch you bought?
what even is there other than shirts and records? I guess a hoodie
Loving the spirit of man is not metal. Metal is feminine.
Still the best outro ever
Post bands where every 2nd album is better.
motorhead played a gig in my small new zealand home town in the 90s and they made a shirt that says my towns name that was given to attendees. I brought one of them for a few hundred dollars last year
Black metal is already core. It's just the name that's wrong.
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Correct. Black punk would be a much more accurate name.
Black metal has zero punk in it. The only type of "black metal" than can be refered to as black punk is first wave,which itself is not black metal even a bit.
>Black metal has zero punk in it
extreme metal wouldn't exist without punk
Correct, which is why punk is beloved here.
>listen to album
>mid as fuck
>stop halfway through
when do you know it's time to stop listening?
Correct. Zero.
Norwegian black metal
Stylistic origins: Thrash metal, hardcore punk, punk rock, black metal
Cultural origins: Early 1990s, Norway
do people still download albums or just use spotify?
only tourists use spootify
>digital virgin
>digital chad
No arguments detected.
Yeah you have not made an argument, try to make one sister, then we will discuss.
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There are still some cases where I can't find an album I want to download online anywhere but Spotify has it.

Pic related. If anyone has it please share. (not meal tho)
You will do anything to avoid paying the artist, even rewarding Spotify instead. You're a leech.
I pay to download most music. If you can show me where to buy that demo I will. You can't even get a physical copy.
I don't pay for anything, lol!
this was me back when you could google any album name + "blogspot" and find what you were looking for
black metal is folk
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>Gorgoroth sticker for like 8 eurodollarydoos
not the most expensive, but the most "why is this piece of paper so expensive"
Name something that isn’t on soulseek and I’ll make it my personal mission to find it
physical media for me
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honestly their best album, don't why it's so overlooked
holy shit
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>Holy shit
Don’t panic, friend
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People in this general keep saying they like Morbid Angel and not a single one is singing along GHOULS

The absolute state of /metal/
i don't get it
Labrador – A Fist Full Of Valium
listening to classic and revered bands makes you bald apparently
I saw the reply first and my brain read the title as "Hairdressing Ruin:
metalcore actually sounds alright when blackened, why does black metal make everything better
Ildjarn and Jute Gyte aren’t giving me the cred they once did. Give me your most unlistenable tourist filtering metal.
That 7" was represed in 2005; and expanded to 9 tracks, plus a live radio set, on LP in 2016. Both are available on Discogs.
Also, Killing Time were better.
There are 2 tracks on YouTube but I could never find anything else from this album, only some live tracks.
Why yes I enjoy paying 3-4x what something is worth as well
it's a forced meme by perm-wearing wiggers, pay no attention
Unfortunately I don't have the ability to rip vinyl to my PC myself so even if I but it I will still have to stream it. I am going to grab a copy though, ty for the reminder.

also raw deal > killing time
I see there's a site called 7.digital.com that sells FLAC of the demo.
I had no idea that site existed. Holy shit thank you this has been on my "need to find" list for a couple of years.
Stupid general stop being dead
That's just black "metal" with different production style, and arguable different singer.
I've never used them, so let me know how it works out for you.
And zero thrash as well, right.
And no guitars either.
This was a local blackened hardcore band I saw in a basement.
Everyone stops posting for 4 hours when the bump limit is reached rather than making a new thread.
Best blastings of the thread
I am currently sharing this on soulseek
Speechless At Gunpoint 2005 demo

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