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Or did we....
Kind of guy that would tell his security the 6’5 NFL player was accosting him after playing with that kind of fire
imagine how powerful their kid would be... literal Übermensch
Western culture is such a fucking joke
>steady-handed gifted leader
>did nothing for four years, including her actual job
Must be nice to just memory-hole half a decade of FUCKING NOTHING for convenience.
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Oh good, a thinly veiled /pol/ thread to make everybody up in the club mad
God damn, everything this guy does is cringe. Grimes let this dork nut in her lmao
>makes cool cars
>makes cool rockets
>buys a social media company and spends his free time shitposting
I do not understand his mindset
gross as fuck
>buys shit with trust fund daddy slave money
>buys more shit with trust fund daddy slave money
>runs a once significant web media company into the fucking ground
dude is a joke
What pragmatic equation is he going to name Taylor’s baby?
Twitter was always retarded cancer. It’s just now the leftist retarded cancer moved to TikTok while the rightist retarded cancer stayed.
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So basically she froze her eggs. Okay? Why would repubs give a shit?
Her political “activism” is so fucking fake
The US is a tinderbox.
>"cool" cars
Fucker are you blind?
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>I will give you a child
Meh, we already knew Elon doesn't love hos own kids. How many of them has he disowned? IIRC he's even outs on the one he had with picrel. (assuming the child is his to begin with)
>the club
u wot
>Grimes let this dork nut in her lmao
Grimes is more of a dork than most people, she deserves much worse
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>cool cars

One of Elon kids is transgender. He is an awful parent,a wful human being, who failed his son, and allow him to become.
He doesn't get to judge anyone.

Elon even married a woman, divorded her, married her again, and divorced her again. Tried to stall and withdraw his twitter offer, once he realized how retarded his offer was.
He is a typical african, with low iq and low impulse.
extremely weird
>sexually harassing the most famous female celebrity on the planet
surely THIS will convince women to vote republican!
Damn bros why is trump struggling with female voters so much?
She's fucking an Italian rn so depending on who you may ask she's actually getting BROWNED
leftroons be like
>NOOOOOO Musk is a le heckin chud and nationalismo and amerikkkan matriot goodbye
>now imma update my chinese comrades on everything i do :) get f'd Dumbtrump!
Whats the problem?
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>It's real
What the actual fuck I though this was a parody account, the fuck is this dude smoking
wheres the punchline?
He has enough children to give her one. Clearly she's barren or the childlessness thing wouldn't have upset her so much.
Yeah it's a joke except we still have the highest GDP on Earth yeah?
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>literally just made an instagram post
Mostly that they keep voting for a democrat (pro corporate, pro war, pro immigration) rather than a party actually in line with their beliefs. How do you see what they did to bernie and continue voting for such a corrupt evil party. Join the socialists or green party. The democrats only make the lives of working people worse.
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Why would cats need guarding really. Doesn't make sense
>Join the socialists or green party.
That’s just a round about way of saying to vote for Trump, the only people still whining about Bernie are the same people who thought RFK Jr’s ringing endorsement would propel Trump ahead
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>Then he heaves a sigh and ends his effort at composure. “I just broke up with my girlfriend,” he says hesitantly. “I was really in love, and it hurt bad.”

>He pauses and corrects himself: “Well, she broke up with me more than I broke up with her, I think.”

>Musk discusses the breakup for a few more minutes, then asks, earnestly, deadpan, “Is there anybody you think I should date? It’s so hard for me to even meet people.” He swallows and clarifies, stammering softly, “I’m looking for a long-term relationship. I’m not looking for a one-night stand. I’m looking for a serious companion or soulmate, that kind of thing.”

>I eventually tell him that it may not be a good idea to jump right into another relationship.

>Musk shakes his head and grimaces: “If I’m not in love, if I’m not with a long-term companion, I cannot be happy.” “I will never be happy without having someone. Going to sleep alone kills me.” He hesitates, shakes his head, falters, continues. “It’s not like I don’t know what that feels like: Being in a big empty house, and the footsteps echoing through the hallway, no one there – and no one on the pillow next to you. Fuck. How do you make yourself happy in a situation like that?”

>“When I was a child, there’s one thing I said,” Musk continues. His demeanor is stiff, yet in the sheen of his eyes and the trembling of his lips, a high tide of emotion is visible, pushing against the retaining walls. “‘I never want to be alone.’ That’s what I would say.” His voice drops to a whisper. “I don’t want to be alone.”

truly one of the all-time great losers
ITT: worked bitches
About half the republicans should join the libertarians. The simple fact is we have a uniparty.
I don't get it
ok Taylor, you win, I'll cum in your pussy
No need when Trump loses this one republicans will dump Trump-ism and win the next election in a landslide, they could literally win this one with ease but are performing the sunken cost fallacy
I can't tell if this is a serious post or you're just imitating a redditor's posts.
It's afraid
yeah he basically said this Lol
Why would that matter when it doesn't matter if a republican or a democrat wins because they are the same party. Neither one does anything they say they would do.
She's barren though.
dude's a psychopath with a lot of money
a lot of money to hire world class engineers to do engineering
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I liked Taylor Swift better before she was purchased by George Soros
I doubt it probably has tainted their legacy WAY to much. Might be approaching uniparty territory especially with the demo changes happening.
Republicans sure as shit got rid of abortion protections and affirmative action, those things matter to people even if they don’t impact you. If anything moreover the looming unconstitutional changes of Project 2025 should alarm more people to the danger of the far right
He only have Money he still ugly as hell Doe
>Muh Project 2025
Get a grip zogbot. Your precious cats are getting eaten by the third world horde and you’re worried about a complete hoax?
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Yeah I suppose when you skip past all the bad stuff the Republicans are doing exclusively and fixate on conspiracy theories of the terminally online the two parties do kinda look the same
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lmao they think being sassy means admitting defeat will taste less bitter, kek
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everything trump says
QRD on the top left?
screenshotting this post for when trump runs in 2028 and wins the primary in a landslide
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>I'm rich, beautiful, and important, and couldn't care less what you flyover hicks are paying for gasoline and groceries, or how many of your dumb kids end up raped, dead, or sexually mutilated, because at the end of the day you and your bastard offspring will still kiss and worship my gorgeous, naturally-gifted ass no matter how broke you end up. I'm just overall better than you and, as a victim of the patriarchy, deserve access to cheap migrant labor and the finest sweatshop-produced name brand merchandise to maintain my privileged lifestyle, so get used to your place in the social hierarchy and maybe I'll visit the nearest major city next to your hole-in-the-wall town. Love, Tay-Tay.
Trump and Elon Musk live in the ghetto?
>Project 2025
You need to go back
i don't understand anything about this post
we're not going back to the 1800s

that's why we vote blue
Taylor is going to have sex with Elon because Elon is looking after her cats.
You just don't get it do you, chud. Trump is going to abort us all.
It's most likely that it's crackheads eating the pets, not the illegals. Also, "Preforming transgender operations on illegals" has to be the funniest thing in that debate.
I can't tell if that photo is fake because it's so close to what celebrities like that actually do for virtue points
Reminder that Taylor doesn't flush after shitting
This isn't Western culture. It's globohomo culture.
the internet has really revealed how gay the world is, before you would've imagined the maverick self-made richest man way more interesting and less cringe than this
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the latest conservative talking point is that illegal aliens are eating our cats
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I don't want that satanic cyborg nerd to guard me, LEAVE ME ALONE
Always thought the unironic gay black trans lives matter thing was hilarious but holy fuck
That’s all vice presidents though
fine seethe lol
Neither of those things matter at all whatsoever.
dude the cybertruck looks like it was designed in blender by a noob after 20mins maximum, but get back to sucking tho, noone needs to hear "your opinions" anyway.
at least someone itt is trying to be funny
>cool cars
The cybertruck looks so geometrical and sharp because it's easier for the machines to manufacture those straight edges, stop falling for corporate multinational gaslighting
Comedian Jeff Dunham
the world learned how cringe elon musk was when he was going on about how "epic" rick and morty was and paid to get a guest spot on it
i didnt even hear about that, lmao what a manchild faggot

>Musk grabs a coffee-table book published by The Onion and starts leafing through it, laughing hysterically. "In order to understand the essential truth of things," he theorizes, "I think you can find it in The Onion and occasionally on Reddit." Afterward, he asks excitedly, "Have you ever seen Rick and Morty?"
The Onion fell off HARD after being bought out. But back in the day it was pretty funny.
the funniest shit about this guy is that he's one of the richest dudes in the world and wouldve been seen as some howard hughes tony stark figure by normies if he just shut the fuck up but instead he tanked his image to pander to literal redditors and /pol/tards
Redditors hate him, because they hate everyone who doesn't toe the progressive or socialist line.
now they do, but they loved the guy in like 2018 when he was pandering to them and before he went "anti-pc" to pander to 4chan
he's biggest fucking loser on earth and the only he can fix it is if he rides one of his stupid rockets to mars and never comes back.
Not beating the weird allegations
Grimes is fucking gross for having sex with this retard
Don't give a shit. Blumpf won't build the wall anyway.
Imagine dropping 20,000 haitians in the middle of ohio, like wtf is this fucking clown world
even republicans want to memoryhole the wall thing
Trump is against everything someone who would vote for those parties would believe in, the idea that he is anti war when he killed more civilians in 7 months than Obama his whole term is ridiculous, just because he didn't start a whole new war when we had more than enough already going? Not to mention the support for authoritarian evangelical policies and big businesses.
im amazed this retard became a billionaire. did he have a head injury at some point after he got rich?
Real life is Not Wrestling Autist Faggot
He stole a lot of his work from more intelligent autists and used it for himself.
All the seething söyboys in the replies lol
Electric cars are a meme. SpaceX is more impressive, to be fair. Twitter was always mostly shit but community notes is a massive improvement.
Pre-Musk Twitter was exposed as a vector of unchallenged establishment propaganda many times over. Cry more.
Y chromosome really showing off in this pic
TS trans sexual
Is that what we're calling schizo ramblings now?
You're right. These systemic problems can only be fixed when we throw off the two-party yoke and achieve international communism
He's a bizarre combo of high iq with R-selected reproduction strategy. I'm not saying he's a self made man and some Randian ubermensch or some shit like that, he's a welfare queen and a schemer and his intelligence doesn't make that any less bad, but he is intelligent.
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>listens to these on a continuous loop
shut up chud
One of those Facebook boomer schizos who think every celebrity is secretly a tranny has found their way to 4chan's /mu/.
pretty sure a child of Elon and Tay would bring about the apocalypse.
If you think it doesn't matter that millions of poor people in ghettos could be forced to have children they can't take care of themselves, you are an idiot, not to mention the problems it causes for people who aren't manchildren and could have someone they care about be denied medical help in some situations.
It's funny how progs used to love him and he was a golden god on Reddit, then he expressed a single dissident opinion and they all 180'd so hard they must've suffered some kind of irreparable spine trauma. It literally went from Elon will save the world and Tesla being a prog status symbol to evil incarnate over night
jeff dunham seems kinda inoffensive compared to the rest
why is he thirsting so hard after our tay? Lil bro has been at it for years
Seriously, how is the idea of border security so controversial when every other country has that. Fucking ridiculous globohomo bullshit
go back to your board, nigger
Musk is singlehandedly responsible for making me lose all interest in science and engineering, techbros are so fucking cringe
You shouldn't be surprised they have a lot in common. Starting with both being transhumanists.
>Your precious cats are getting eaten by the third world horde
thats a good thing, cats are literally invasive vermin from africa
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thankfully we have many native species taking care of those vermin, like coyotes. we must protect coyotes.
what a disgusting thing to say, feels like its violating a law
No, there wasn't an 180. Elon just lies, a lot, all the time. He is a compulsive liar.
The fact he hasn't been burned like Elizabeth Holmes ir SBF were, tells me he probably has very deep links with the status quo
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