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gidle is peak performance
bangs one is very cute, honest smile
some posters are so identifiable no matter what
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it's mhj press conference 2.0. the flood gates have been opened. these 2 fat fucks are gonna get spitroasted
ive won
new jeans lost
>5 barely literate highschool dropouts, one who is only 16, with no education, no business acumen, no anything
>making demands to a billion dollar publically owned corporation with rabid shareholders who demand the line goes up
>the only person on their side was already axed
it makes for a great underdog story, but they're finito
they'll most likely all redebut with new agencies into nugu groups. hope they saved some of the cash they earned at least
is that his sister
not a single person gives a shit about the top group in north mexico amigo
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Jennifer would NEVER stand for being rude to Hanni

it couldn't have been le sserafim
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i love arin
>they'll most likely all redebut with new agencies into nugu groups.
if they get out of hybe why wouldn't they redebut together tho, it'd be their best chance
post kyujin
What makes you think they wont stay together?
Appropriate for the ongoing meltdown
Why wouldn’t they just stick together? What agency wouldn’t hire them? Hybe are the only retards so greedy they don’t want to make money.
now that newjeans is no more what is your favorite song by them
of course, you should
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Nah man, after this newjeans is as good as dead
Without mhj they don't have much chance to do another good comeback. Without hybe they are probably gonna get nothing in terms of resources and budget.
The whole livestream wasn't technically a bad idea bc they don't have anything left, there are no good options for them. They died when mhj was fired as the ceo.
mhj had the taste and the vision. they can just put any other gook in charge of art direction but who's to say he's gonna rip off good ideas from the 90s and 2000s and not the thousands of popular but garbage ideas that flooded those decades
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i'm not even referring to their physical lives either
quit being so emotional

if i tell my employer
>i demand 50 hookers by the end of the week, or I QUIT!
would you agree my prospects at that company are over?
you might even say my career there is 'dead', right?
i am sorry bootlicker anon but newjeans will never come to mexico again
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Allow me to demonstrate, here we have a Boeing 767 aircraft traveling at roughly 440mph
>ESL calls me "ESL" because the joke went over their head
many such cases
god please let haerin join triples
see if these last 6 months have taught us anything its that koreans are going to eat this hybe bad lol!!!! narrative up like the good little drone npcs they are
let's hope the legal system is a little bit more sensible this time
NewJeans to redebut as PoloJacket
do you know about hybe's financial crisis? yes or no?
Oh no chuwi where is it going?
Do you guys and gals and gays and helis have Hanni T H I C C Super Shy version?
hybe is bad
generally when you make demands of your board you do so in writing, not in a youtube livestream where you delete the channel 5 minutes after the stream ends, but I'm not a business expert haha
Thank god we have level headed people like you miserable fuck
Once MHJ in totally gone from Hybe then she’ll start a label and sign NewJeans right away. She’ll be able to buy out any non-compete bullshit with the seventy-million dollars Hybe owes her.
what value do you bring to your employer
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ditto is best kpop song of the last decade
ETA is my next favourite by the jeans
>platform shoes on a container
when will they learn
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>They died when mhj was fired as the ceo.
not necessarily
illit is the discount nj ripoff, right?
and yet magnetic was really successful
that could've been the same for nj
I don't really listen to music anymore. I spend most of my time trying to be a better man. This is the first time I've been in this thread for months. I just don't like seeing Haerin upset. Well, I got to get back to learning Greek.
enough for them to keep me at the company if i hadn't made a ridiculous demand,
just like the members of nj
90% bots bro
kakao is botting this almost as hard as they botted the SM buyout
kyujin is so ugly next to sully princess
cope chimpsissy
i want to hug fromis
So are the going to get fired (contracts cancelled) or dungeoned? What do you mean by “career over”? And “don’t fire a big money maker because of some petty fuckin bullshit or we’ll be unhappy” isn’t exactly unreasonable.
>you miserable fuck
a bit of projection lol
like I said, these girls are retards who don't know what they're doing
why the fuck would they not hire a lawyer to represent them and do this in writing?
because they're not serious. they are drumming up attention thinking their fans are somehow going to do something
it's cool and all that they're taking a stand but like come on, thinking you can change how a publicly traded corporation works is extremely naive
even BTS at their peak couldn't pull this shit off
please delete your comment
yejibros sometimes we wonder if almost all kpops wear the same size clothes
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Oh yeah because drones are known to stand with individuals against massive corporations. Retard.
Right back at you in your original comment sis
holy larp
only the ones from the same factory
>didnt get to see newjeans on tour because they'll be disbanded by the end of the year

guess i'll see aespa again if they add more dates to their tour...
you're right that they're not serious, about changing the CEO
they ARE serious about using this in a contract termination suit that's probably coming up

basically this stream's only purpose was to paint them as the victims, because if they had just cold dropped a unilateral contract termination on the korean news sphere they would get made out to look like ungrateful little shits
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honey gives excellent hugs
1. not my post
2. i don't see how that guy sounded miserable
newjeans unironically saved kpop yet countless bugs in here will bandwagon with fatman and bts roasties at all costs simply because their groups were eclipsed by nwjns and they're still butthurt about it
New Jeans is weak sauce it seems, all fake news it seems.
hybe good!
mhj bad!
he posted him opening the first lesson of koine greek a few months ago trying to read the new testament
kinda sad christcucks start with the bible when there's so many better ways to learn the language
garbage upscale
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i think so too
They’re doing the smartest possible thing. Get the people on your side using your sympathetic plight. Make Hybe look like the jackasses they are. Force them to act. You people are dumb as bricks I swear.
why would anyone learn greek
>living in a country so 3rd world even aespa did not considered touring on it
I want to kill myself
The hag is sending her best clearly
aespa's tour is a joke lol
That's too much of a wishful thinking. Doubt it'll happen or go as smooth as that.
Dont think hybe would have done the same for newjeans seeing as they resent them. Besides they wanted to prioritize illit into he first place. And don't think illit will ever reach newjeans peak.
me as a random employee, fired, duh
but in either case for nj, fired or dungeoned,
they're still effectively dead

>don’t fire a big money maker because of some petty fuckin bullshit
mhj wasn't the money maker
nj is
it would be easy to redebut as a youtube channel and occasionally do music with the ad revenue and product placement dosh, and it would not need to be as NewJeans if ADOR/HYBE owns the brand name.
they definitely know what's been popular so far and they're clearly popular enough for getting big on youtube without a corporation.
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I hope my image is properly formated for your viewing pleasure: https://youtu.be/PVjiKRfKpPI?feature=shared
their contract cancellation fees are probably YUGE, but these complaints are definitely not enough to make the contract null and void
they're not even getting people on their side. most people think they were groomed by mhj
kpop is actually over and doomed if njs disband, 4th gen kpop that is.
At least babymonster will take the mantle and usher in a new glory in 5th gen kpop
stop making kpop threads in lowercase
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Not my upscale brother, been nipping this from elon's cespool.
hybe tried so hard to make lsf bigger than newjeans and failed terribly
it's swissy it's on brand for him leave him alone
lsf is the new blackpink in that they're garbage
do you spell rock and pop with uppercase first letter?
Nothing ever goes the way we think it might, but that’s the plan and it’s a decent one. What do they have to lose? They’ve already got money, and even if they don’t, I personally am not gonna be anyones bitch, so I can see where they’re coming from.
HYBE is bad. I hope you don't think that Reddit is right.
>most people think they were groomed by mhj
Translation: most ratmys and other roasties from different fandoms think they were groomed.
I dont need to remind you that ratmys are not people
they won't disband, they want out of hybe and they'll manage to do it by the end of the year, they're big enough to pay the fees, unless hybe keeps insisting in those comically big termination charges (not sure how legal they are)
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newjeans disbanding soonTM
X gonna give it to you
>korean sentiment starting to turn against mhj
uh oh tokkibros, it's not looking good
Fired: that’s what they want
Dungeoned: breach of contract. Hybe has to faithfully promote them. NewJeans all have enough money for good lawyers and they have public sympathy.
Solid threesome
lsf is nugu
id better not fuck with you, im so sorry
very informative
Alright I respect that. Might even apply it to my life unironically
it comes and goes
so you can romance a goat
Also, MHJ was the brains behind the entire thing. She was a big money maker.
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eunha is of plapping age
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some of the universities here still require knowledge of (ancient) greek, hebrew, and latin for certain studies in linguistics, the humanities, and theology
dayeon and chaehyun are the best groupmate friends i've ever seen, theres no innuendo lesbian gay shit between them and thats refreshing. they're probably having sweaty hot sex behind the scenes but at least their not rubbing their gayness in our faces like yujin and xiaoting.
divebrowns and hybebrowns falseflsgging has reached new heights
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i want min hee jin gone because she insulted my girls, that's it
hybe can implode for all i care i dont give a single fuck
most hybe group fans hate these corpo jews ceo's mind you, only army roasts are full on company stans
divechads support newjeans against hybe!
Roastie don't use the great art that is Hajime no ippo to suck fatman's penis
Takamura would be ashamed
Lip and Heej >>>>
Nice cope.
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Does Hyein have a degree in corporate finance/governance/law to be making these demands?
divechads fucking hate mhj and hope hybe takes that bitch to court
why do retards online always resort to saying "mhj groomed them!" as if they're all grooming experts and they have any clue about what the fuck they're talking about. It's the single most parroted thing you see hybedrones say in reddit threads
post her ass
stop phoneposting brother its not a good look
don't make me think about that
we must protect lia's private homosexual life
if only koreans would listen to Crazy
i agree with you but still the popular opinion is that they have stockholm syndrome. if it were up to me mhj would still be on ador. she's the quincy jones to nj's michael jackson. the george martin to nj's beatles
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ggs were a mistake
irrational conjecture
newjeans is a huge chunk of the company's income
money always come first for a big corporate business

and yet it was emulated well enough with illit
can't stop thinking about her ass
le sserafim = blackpink : extremely popular dogshit group, npc choice
newjeans = twice : popular group with decent songs, normalfag choice
aespa = red velvet : great discography but overshadowed by the other big groups, kpop enjoyers choice
please return to reddit and stay there
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but you dont understand korean so how would you know?
i'm divechad
i support newjeans
>"The Napalm wasn't that bad." Hayoung would loudly exclaim when Hanni walked by. "Look they even have enough left to send them here."
that's a triple!
shoulda just suicided MHJ at the first sign of trouble

tragic loss, etc etc, who thing dead and buried (literally)
flawless brown goddess
no you dont. you fuckers are the biggest falseflaggers on kpg by far
sex with angry Haerin
You should want fatman gone as well since he keeps giving LSF trash title tracks.
hyeju pegging
“Emulated” is a pretty nice way of saying “plagiarized.” And Illit is not even close to as big as NewJeans. They had one good hit (a really greet song, for sure) while NewJeans has like six.
dumb whores
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>Min Hee Jin asked: "These dumb kids will listen to me obediently, right? None of them will give me trouble?
>Shaman answered: "No, they won't."
i would do anything gowon wants to have hyeju
it doesn't make a difference because I still see the same reddit tier comments on here saying the same thing
agree for lsf, but i feel aespa's audience is similar to blackpink's.
newjeans i can't tell, they have nothing to do with twice. chemistry and discography wise
Haney dressed up like her second mommy
"My biggest role model is Marky Mark. Musically speaking maybe snsd." - Song Hayoung
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yes i do support nj
hybe is the bad guy here
she dropped out of high school at age 14
haha they look fucking stupid
also who is standing off-camera?
boring bogeyman 2bh
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so staged. zero organi.
fugg :D
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nigga gonna beat you up if u insult his mama
>also who is standing off-camera?
me, naked
you know i'm right
Oh no a CEO wanting her employees to listen to her. Also, she didn’t say that, she said something in Korean that you’ve translated to mean what you want it to mean.
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i think it's mainly a megatone / 13 issue (their main producers)
i for one would love a great title track but those dudes just produce nothing but mid
bang pd is more like a manager, he is also credited on magnetic which is a great album
Not everyone wants to be corporate bootlicker
my girls
fake and gay
the difference is nobody wants you here nigger
hybe is the israel of the kpop industry
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there's a convicted criminal in BTS. why hasn't he been kicked out?
no chemi
>biggest falseflaggers on kpg by far
laughing at you tokkibrowns, rip bozos
heejin's blonde hair was all i needed to lose all attraction
god damn seethe about it harder you complete reddit tranny
Miss me yet?
this is so embarrassing
you should replace narin
not really
that's not how a shaman works you DUMB RETARD, she would ask her what to do not telling her what she's doing
when she sees my slightly below average for a white male penis
Shit niggu I started missing her the day she was booted…
divebrowns really living up to the name rn tbqh
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major shitflingers they just fly under the radar because everyone forgets they exist
its nmixxicans
oh nayoung
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you know i'm right. your whole life revolves around wonyong. you bring down every other group in the way.
beautiful ella
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Who gave them the main producers who has produced ZERO hits

top 5 kpop performance of the year
she's so cute
no, and i dont have enough time to care about other groups
i got you
you got me
love you till kingdom come
i'm not trying to by cute about words
if you want to call illit a nj ripoff, which you do,
then that's exactly what i'm referring to
and they were able to ripoff nj well enough to have a project that people liked

>They had one good hit (a really greet song, for sure) while NewJeans has like six.
you do realize how stupid it sounds to compare a group that's had a single debut album with a group that's released how many albums now?
i am shocked a group that's released more songs has more hits
the mhj-simp debate prowess is too strong..
illit for sure, she said manager though, not the group
minji and hanni beating the shit out of illit in the hallway for not greeting them
I bet it was Illit, but I don’t blame them since they see what Hybe does to people who don’t bend the knee. Poor girls had their teeth ripped out. Fuckin barbaric…
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could lip do a normal face?
schizophrenia general
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they got a yunah, she's the most alpha among all of them
these newgen posters
we all blamed womhee for being a bully bitch,
but she has to follow the fatman's demands to pay for her mother's treatment
the world is so cruel
flags are overdue
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what's the newest newjeans news
The point is: MHJ is the brains behind NewJeans, and if Illit is a ripoff (as you seem to be accepting) then MHJ is the brains behind Illit too. So firing her is a pretty stupid fuckin thing to do. She should be Hybe’s favorite daughter.
2022 newfags are killing kpg
it's not about greetings. it's about adults social-outcasting a kid. koreans take that shit super, super seriously because it strikes a nerve. the stuff that mhj has been accused of for the past few months? this is just as big if not bigger
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white chads fucking jisoo
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new jean are susceptible to grooming no wonder kpg is on their side
wear real clothes you fucking slouch sow
idols have no rights. shut up and dance, monkeys
she's accidentally showing her asscheeks again
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whatever you say, just know that i see right through you
Juri, formerly Rocket Punch, is basically openly escorting now
(and that's a good thing and she's a good girl for doing so)
new jeans are disbanding and you're fighting...
the only stupid thing bangshit did was not firing her immediately
>hard drive broke
>lost my carefully curated yunjin folder
I guess I have to start building the collection from the ground up again...
I have never stopped missing her
>plan a hostile takeover by subverting ADOR board members
>shit all over the floor insulting like half the other labels that work under hybe
>"we want mhj to be reinstated just like it was before!!!"
are they retarded
very soft and nice angel
nayoung is such a good little tight slut
did mhj work with illit? no
so firing her has no bearing on whether or not hybe can pump out more nj ripoff material
holy booba post more
I can give you some melancholic yunjins
they are, but they're children
it's to be expected
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asked for it
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As a rule of thumb, the darker the honey, the stronger its taste and the more antioxidants it contains. If you want a strong honey taste, you should choose dark honey, and if you only want to sweeten food or drink with honey, you should choose light honey
nooo that makes too much sense they cant reply to this
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Newjeans is the most pathetic group in existence
Are you people fuckin goldfish? He signed a contract with her that says if he fires her she gets seventy million + dollars. And why wouldn’t he just be happy he’s got a smart lady who’s good at her job?
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wonhee could beat them to death herself
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it's just absolutely weird behavior to keep mentioning you love your CEO, this shouldnt happen in a business setting
no other groups does this either
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always use backups friend, amazon glacier storage is at $0.00099 per GB right now
>are they retarded
no, this is all according to plan (from whoever made it): ask impossible things so you get to a middle ground, which is leaving hybe
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True and guess what bitches, i don't fucking care

Why do they want to involve their literal 10-15yo fanbase into their shitass billionaire dramas, that's so trash bruh
sometimes it feels like from is coomerbaits on purpose
me as the bear
this is only going to make people hate lsf even more
hes lost way more than 70m now that she's dragged newjeans under the bus
But how much dies it coat to retrieve the data?
newjeans saved kpop before they bit the hand that fed them like retards
this is kpop
>Big Hit has indeed used services to manipulate Jimin’s career
>On September 10th, it was recently discovered that a charting service provider called “ChartsYou” has Jimin of BTS (the only member of BTS) as an artist that uses their services to chart on multiple platforms such as iTunes, Spotify and Billboard.
uh oh stinky
It’s like I’m talking to an exceptionally stupid brick wall. Why wouldn’t they just keep her on and not treat her like shit? Or is that all lies? Is the benevolent mega-corporation too feed for that? I guess don’t believe your lying eyes and ignore those texts!

hybe bots spread so much misinformation just like right-wing russian bots
are you okay with the fact that jeff bezos knows you have a lonely huh folder?
she's said it in coded japanese
can't elaborate any futher
(those who know know)
it's ok they're fearless
yeah thats pretty embarrassing
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they're young stupid kids
uhh thanks but I don't believe it
>turn off ig comments
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>for example, a sunbae (that we won't name out of respect) passed us in the hallway, spit in my face and stuck a sticker with her face on it on my shirt, and stated she "owned" me..
nice try shill

koreans and international fans who aren't bots and psycho hybe stans love newjeans
based and true
yeah i wish
Ah, you’re just trolling. Right, we’ll, carry on.
Who are these girls?
i want to compare her and gahyeon side by side
this is like literally the total opposite of reality.
her fanbase is 80% male and she loves like this
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depends, usually around 1 or 2 cent per gb
but it's a backup solution so you will not be retreiving data very often
you can also buy some hard drives for backup but it's around the same price accounting for electricity and drive lifespan
encrypted + compressed all my folders
brown tokkies meltdown
even with all the hybe shilling lsf is flopping hard
why the hell do you need a fan inside an air conditioned room?
Reddit supports HYBE
Thus I support Newjeans
Pretty girls cannot be wrong
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fromisbros we eating good, with newjeans out of the picture there will be more opportunity for our girls
small brown having the time of his life rn finally getting to call other people "tokkibrowns" from his favela
ttyl kpg
Then why didn’t he just pay her and let them all off the hook? And why are you so hell bent on assuming that NewJeans aren’t just doing what they want? Why does your fantasy world require that they be manipulated? You must be some kinda bootlicking pussy that thinks everyone else is just as big a pushover as you are.
finally a virgin
shouldn't you be studying greek or watching motivational shorts or something
even with air conditioning, you still get hot from dancing
fatman was super salty about nj being way more successful than lsf, right?
comeback after comeback,
release after release,
deal after deal,
fatman couldn't do shit but cry and seethe about it
all he could do was pray "bitch, i wish you would give me a reason to.."
and mhj's retarded enough to give him a reason to by attempting that retarded takeover
divebrown deletey
HYBE deletey

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