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Previous >>123553528

>upcoming schedule
09.22 - Pepsi Festa
09.24 - Gaeul BD
10.12 - Golden Wave Tokyo

>fan account list
https://pastebin.com/2sJmjcfC (embed)

>video content
you fucked up
Delete it and do it again properly.
*licks wony's toes*
i purposely didnt include the other shit, he should put it in a pastebin. as for the embed yea i did.
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padding doesn't bother me, i just look at that wony and go oooga
you're the Dem Jointz of thread baking and that's all I will say.
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too far
i would pull down that flimsy top
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glad theyre getting some rest
there's nothing underneath
boys boys boys you mean?
tfw im not worthy of posting in ive thread ;(
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i like looking thru miumiu bras and panties and wondering if Wony wears them
leeseo is busy watching baking videos
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Remember when IVE Thread was good?
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why u bully
Yea, you are the reason it's worse now. You wouldn't know.
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fuck what they are saying, what an ass
her ass flatter than a pancake can confirm i saw with my own eyes in real life
This is the old Seolhyun argument, nice thighs makes it look like she has a big ass
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Letting Yujin be the big spoon
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nice p
i wasnt joking
shut up
pancakes are soft warm and delicious
rei acting like she could actually think
pouring maple syrup on yujin's bum
it's true sorry yujinbro
What about Wonyoung's ass?
cute tight and made for mouth
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don't do that it's sticky
It is days like these that I am grateful how unproblematic our girls are.
she can tho
small but perky
helps that they're busy all the time
need a sniff of young yujin who didnt shower
They are on break now aren't they?
what the hell is wrong with you people
Best time of the year, chuseok festivals. Always hope for new hanbok pics
idle hands do the devil's deed
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celebrating chuseok with my wony wife and her family of angels
no dating scandals or gauche dating announcements
no divisive political agenda or propaganda
no problem singing live throughout an entire world tour
no astroturfing documentaries to draw sympathy to the group's flaws
no feud with their own agency or anyone else's

instead they have tons of hits, they're the best-selling group of their generation and second-best all-time, and have the admiration of every segment of the nation's population including kids

essentially ive are pop royalty
the unblemished pride of south korea
They had one scandal with lipsyncing during strawberry moon and decided to fuck every single hater by doing everything live afterwards. Fucking love them.
IVE is a diamond above a sea of kpop manure
I liked Newjeans music. Sadly they self imploded. Doubt they would make good music under HYBE as well.
yeah ive got targeted by everyone because after like dominated the charts over newjeans and blackpink
but we are past that point now
And the Wony strawberry eating incident. I fucking hate Sojang so much. I am so glad wonyoung dunked on her.
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there's a special place in hell for these grifters
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love ponytail wonyoung
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>i liked payola'd manure
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need to snoop on this girl, see what Leeseo's friend looks like
I don't care for charts. I legit like their songs. Just like I like OTR even if it didn't chart.
this man right here, officer
nobody mentioned charts.
i just said their "music" is manure that was fed to the gp with ungodly amounts of payola, which is a factual statement.
pretty for a regular girl, not sure she'll make as an idol
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nooo leeseo how could you
I respect your opinion. But I still like their music.
>making "friends" with someone for clout
time for your daily viewing guys
i watched this instead
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i love this picture so much
Fuck colonizers
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Title: IVE’s Rei Sparks Outrage After Filming Content at Yasukuni Shrine with a Selfie Stick — K-Netizens Explode with Fury

Rei from the girl group IVE has ignited a firestorm of controversy after being spotted filming content at the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan — a place notorious for honoring Japanese war criminals. The backlash intensified when it was revealed that Rei was holding a selfie stick and seemingly capturing footage for future IVE content at the site, which is a deeply sensitive and offensive location for many Koreans due to its connection to Japan’s colonial past and wartime atrocities.

K-Netizens' Reactions:

[+20,300, -850] "Who the hell uses a shrine for war criminals as a fcking vlog location? Rei, get the fck out of IVE."

[+19,800, -800] "Wow, taking a selfie at Yasukuni like it’s some tourist attraction? Have you no shame, you clueless jokbal b*tch?"

[+18,400, -770] "Rei thinks it’s okay to use our pain as f*cking content? Send her back to Japan. Korea doesn’t need her."

[+17,900, -750] "Get this jokbal idiot out of K-pop. She’s mocking our history and our people!"

[+17,300, -730] "Imagine filming content at a place that glorifies war criminals… Is she seriously this stupid or just evil?"

[+16,800, -710] "Rei, you clueless jokbal b*tch. You really thought this was okay? Disgusting."

[+16,200, -690] "IVE better kick her out or they’ll lose every Korean fan they have left. What a disgrace."

[+15,700, -670] "Filming at Yasukuni? She just spat in the face of every Korean. She needs to leave the industry."

[+15,100, -650] "This is the final straw. No more Japanese idols in Korea! Send her packing!"
knets are sissy snowflakes
Turbosexy one day, giga cute witty the other. Truly a complete package
i want an ive christmas album this year. doesn’t need to even have a cb associated with it, just want to hear them sing jingle bells and shit
one All I Want for Christmas Is You cover coming right up
All I want for Christmas is Yujin
gaeul said she likes going for long walks on her time off… omg she’s just like me
what if....you are gaeul?!?
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post comfy ghouls
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leeseo: cheap, ugly, by far the worst
yujin: ill fitting. tacky belt
rei: grandma length
wonyoung: decent, but too boring
gaeul: gorgeous but seems a little out of place, formally. terrible shoes.
liz: few inches noticeably too short. cheap looking fabric. but all-around the best.
joan rivers posting from the grave
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how is she so perfect
she needs to have on bottom lashes. she looks sickly without it
looking for no makeup gaeuls to better imagine waking up next to her
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I know gaeul is the squirrel but rei could be too, look at those cheeks
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I'm going to dream about holding her hand tonight
post pics of them lined up at the red carpet, i will critique
this is the bare minimum women should be held to.
i haven’t been lucky enough to have a gaeul dream yet
i get nmixx lily dreams most nights
oof, sorry to hear that
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somebody gets to plap wony
Yeah. Me.
she was sweating that day, that pit must have been saturated
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she's so perfect
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Eider puts out more attracitve ads than Northface.
Holy freak bros I love Gaeul ao much
sex hair
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how so
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help me post wony
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specifically her goon lips
photo composition, the northface ads look so fake
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Post Rei
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Ive and the nugus (and zico)
cravity are the biggest kpop group of all time
really? never heard of them
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>Weibo account of IVE randomly started uploading selfies

Is something chinese related comming?
Sure Chuseok will be next week but they didnt mention it at all
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my marshmellow
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post people who have slept with yujin
mother of Liz?
they remembered weibo exists
but thats managers sure and there should be some reason to start it
comeback/ new song/ ambasador/adds - something
nope, nothing. they just remembered to do their job
who is she wearing that skirt for...
they both do if we're being honest
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Daring Gaeul to flash the building next to us
>all day I dream about sunbae
hello ive friends please post womyoung's voluptuous lips
dont do it
Jesus christ.
What hope does my dick have against such witchcraft.
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if you don't post womy right the fuck now i will drop ive forever
gaeul made me break my 200 day nofap
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there's no need for drastic measures
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thank you womy fren
why did you post, we've wanted to get rid of that guy for ages now
she has a gun she can still shoot him
why do you persecute me so much?
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summer festa behind waiting room
asians with colored contacts is always cringe.
why blue? it's looks just as unnatural as purple, but at least purple would look interesting and not as a sign of low self esteem.
she's a contacts saleswoman so that's what they were trying to sell
they like blue eyes, get over it
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anyone else miss wony's face before facial reconstruction?
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Post your cutest cuteseo.
natural beauty, natural leader
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laboratory creature
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the inferiority complex bled thru
spanish eyes, african lips...what a mutt
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i cant choose one
We need to go cuter.
so buck broken
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licking wonys nectar
contemplate the aroma…
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>"leader" that for 2.5y has never, not even once, defended IVE members who were dragged in the media for no reason
impressive indeed
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karen moms are shitty moms
What did they mean by giving Iso these lyrics in supernova love, “Don’t you hold back on me, go all in”?
that wony in that dress prob makes me goon the most
You can add Starshit as they proved equally adept at doing their job and defending their artists.
the yujincel does seem quite insecure
itcs a metaphor
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why would you call rei a pig
explain the metaphor
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Who can match barefaced Gaeul?
gaeuls legs and feet are perfect
It's about meeting God/divinity after intense prayer and allowing the holy spirit to permeate every cell of your being.
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post the part where iso drops it
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she by far the best rapper in IVE, even though she's far from being my favorite. perfect voice for rapping

taking Liz to the record store to buy vinyls
there should be no rappers in ive
why dignify baseless attacks with a response?
do you think worthless perpetually online losers matter that much?
Imagine being a jap and stanning kekkura when Naoi Rei exists
kazahu better
why are the cables so low and cluttered like that?
is that wony is the grey? I legit cant tell because she's changed face so much
forehead kisseu for our vocal angel.
its shitomi
don't call her that
it's not a surprise he is literally retarded and face blind
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retards always end up outing themselves
wallahi https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXQdY8VbgAAzA16?format=jpg&name=orig
imagine being wonys son
is there a reliable on-time twitter account that post sall the bubble pics in good quality?
stop watching oshi no ko
cupidbbl but they dont always post full res
I see they're just posting IG quality pics on weibo. sad
pay for bubble you fuck
no i dont think i will
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thinking about getting a third
Rei and Gaeul for me
best liz cam for that?
had leeseo and gaeul since they switched to bubble, might get liz's too
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When Starship publicly announces Dem Jointz and similar ilk won't ever come near IVE's music again and songs like Holy moly won't be slept on for 2y to become baddie's b-side I will.
That day is still a ways off.
8EA was invited to ryan jhuns songwriting camp.
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that's crazy
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oh noeeeeeee, faaakeeeeeehhhh
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I'VE IVE is creeping up on Sw*tch and After Like.
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I'VE IVE is the best album
Until the next full album
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sexy babe
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more like this?
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this is the worst general in history
you guys act like we aren't even friends
I feel bad for Iso..............
you posted that goofy webm
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I don't like ive I think their music sucks
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Looked better pre bog

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