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>we hate Christianity but yearn for lifestyle it provides
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You mean confused BM trannies?

I do listen to metal (instead of metal wannabe tranny bm screeching) and it's rather far from "christian lifestyle" quite the opposite. Fun fact is that I don't even hate christians just love cosmic horror.
What do you mean, exactly? This kind of black metal is pagan, and hates Christianity from a perspective that is older than Christianity. Maybe you are stupid.
>live on a homestead with clothes
Believe it or not, Christianity didn't create clothing or agriculture.
If you think people were homeless nudists before they were colonized by Judaism, you shouldn't be calling other people stupid.
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We're already enjoying the benefits of Christianity.
That lifestyle didn’t originate with Christianity. Tell me how I know you’re historically illiterate
those are NSBM "fans" and yes we know
lWhat are you talking about? The only lifestyle trve metal fans yearn for is pizza, beer, and shitty horror movies with the bros.
I genuinely think a lot of people don’t know the history, that’s why. They don’t realize that most Norse pagans consensually converted to Christianity in order to live a more stable lifestyle as they themselves could not afford it (thus the Viking pillaging that happened beforehand.)
Norse had jack shit for resources back then, this why they eventually converted to Christianity so they can live a stable life without needing to loot.
This album is more of a "kill the Jews" type of metal, desu
>the spirit of antichrist is infecting the vatican
Metrosexual nazi rock is not metal.
I admit that glorifying pre-Christian Norse culture is retarded, since they were barbarians living in mud huts. But the Greeks and Romans still prove that paganism can be based, if not superior to Christianity. But black metal singers never sing about Classical myth.
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You are so stupid and uneducated it hurts.
Evangelical christcucks like you should be forcefully euthanized.
Greatest album of the 21st century award
what's the name of this mental illness?
We don’t speak its name
Never mind I thought you were talking about pic related which is also a mental illness
>completely missing the point of Kultur
>assuming the "Christian lifestyle" was actually invented by Christians
It's extremely mediocre. You only like it, because you agree with its nazi politics.
the nordic countries have the lowest amount of viable farm land by % of total area out of all the countries in the world.
>zero self-awareness: the post
Anons have written entire essays on why it is a great album from every angle. You are a low IQ monkey projecting your exact behavior onto other
Who else invented the “Christian lifestyle” other than Christians you fucking mong.

I get what you’re trying to say but the way you worded it is insanely stupid.
>if someone writes an essay that means its a good album
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>”im the actual smart one” schtick
>convenient lack of rebuttal to any points mentioned

I listened to thousands of metal records and hundreds of BM ones. This album is the equivalent of unseasoned chicken: bland and boring. There is nothing new, interesting, or creative about it. It rehashes the same sound that has been done a billion times before.
Quit stealing my words and phrases asshole. I’ve already told you this
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so much religious conversion is a lot more simple than people think.
>missionaries and knights show up to podunk town
>hello, we're the brotherhood of the chosen lamb, we believe in god, the one god, what do you people believe in?
>we believe in granulok, the god of harvest, and rivanyan, the god of water
>but your crops aren't doing great, and and your rivers run dry
>true lol. what's the one god about?
>he's the lord and savior, and...
>*endless bible talk*
>anyways, you in?
>ok lol
>cool, we'll build a church over here, pop in every sunday. god bless.
>ok lol
yes, there was psycho retards that would convert by force, yes there were and still are psycho fanatics, but so much conversion was just someone going "come to our shack with the cross on top, and we'll tell you why god is the tits".
There are people here who can't form even one original sentence. They pick things from all the posts they read and like some AI sloppa vomit out a conglomeration that you can tell has no human intellect behind it.
Nice bait, but anyway, how are you all doing?
We need to talk about how this album cover has become so iconic
>christianity invented agriculture
it did
i mean yeah
What do you mean "back then"? You do realise history is far more vast than whatever single snippet you're obsessing over, right? You also do realise non-jewish faiths existed outside of Norway, right?
Why would nationalists sing about foreign myths? Might as well make christian metal.

Bro you sound like an example of someone I’d rather not be like. Christianity is the truth.

Evolution, dinosaurs and space are freemasonic inventions.

“Whoa we play our instruments like shit and record like shit, and also worship satan for ??? reasons.” - truly groundbreaking life philosophy you got there black metal fans
You have no foreskin.
fuck off and die in hell christfag

you and your kind didn't even create shit, you're just a cultural parasite
seethe lmao

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