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timeghoul edition
old: >>123601659
faq: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
Yo yo niggas
Only death is real
Dark are these halls and the air that the prisoners breathe tastes so putrid So malevolent that it would make even the most immune feel very nauseous from the very first grasp of air... Such is the sickening Hail of this pits Known to someone as Hell Halls of Torture, Eternal Lair of Stillness, where moments of torture feel as mercy itself! Perpetual Monotony!
Fixed helpless onto these rotting walls the doomed await the coming torment Inhaling the upsetting scent of corpses and the repulsing smell of sulphur arising from the pits below their very feet Vomiting their lungs out, hoping to die, but they won't...
The master enters his torture chamber, his minions wait for his commands, helpless prisoners moan of fear everyone the master considered to be tortured, were tortured, some of them died, some didn't one day he'll come back again to torment the ones he doesn't appreciate.
Torture jew: Burn Swastikas onto his skin 1000 and 1 times with this burning hot marking iron... Torture priest: Boil him in thousand degree hot excrement. Penetrate his virgin ass with Satan-shaped phallus... Torture Jehovah: Tear down his kingdom and destroy his minions. Convert his followers or kill them if they resist... Torture Martin Luther: Destroy his life work and rip all his skin slowly. Beat him and impose thoughts of an anti-christian world to him... Torture Allah: Burn down Mecca and make him eat all muslims... Torture Hindu: Stick your hand into his anus and pull out his guts, then feed him with the holy cow... Torture Martin Luther King: Break his bones, cut off his penis, cut off his tongue, burn "White Power" onto his forehead... Torture all: Vomit on everyone, crush everyone's bones, rape everyone, burn everyone, post-mortem for everyone... Everyone left alive still wait for the next time. The waiting is even more horrid than the torture itself. One of the dead corpses still commits an act of diarrhoea, one of the hanging bodies still bleed a mixture of excrements and blood.
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Can anyone play frantic disembowelment? fucking hard and awkward, cannot pull of that first riff at speed

Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
It's fucking insane how much better metal that was recorded with vocals sounds without the vocals...everytime.
I can play it at double speed with one hand behind my back
Black metal doesn't know how to use the bass
or guitar, drums or vocals
Black metal doesn't know how to use your ass, you fucking guy
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I've been playing dissoshit and tremolo riffs for years, that will be a piece of cake!
black metal enjoyers are bussy experts thoughbeit
Incorrect, just look at me.
That's because anything lower than the highest three strings is scary to them
everything above the fifth fret on the low e string is hated here.
"Ass solo take one."
Bog vigna can shit out a solo after breakfast greater than your whole career playing guitar
More like bob vagina amirite?
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Chart day, innit? Believe it's the chart day yeah. Don't remember. Ducking the filters on this one.
Correct. Bald Bobby is loved and respected here.
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Mine's retarded I know.
can't bust the krust
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Black metal knows very well how to utilize every instrument, much better than other genres do, in fact. This is inarguable.
dawn apart from maiden its like you picked the worst possible bands in their respective genres and put them on a chart
thank you tourist sister
>he's not a Woods of Ypres fan
Opinion immediately discarded.
Aye, probably their best too. That or Long Cold Stare.
Love the Dayglo Abortions; Orchid, not so much.
>What are we going to post today, Brain?
>The same thing we post every day, Pinky
Thank you power chord sloppa tourismo
Thank you schizo sister
Correct. Chuggers only here.
I just play "I Am Nietzsche" over and over cause I love that song lmao.
Incorrect. Chugsloppa is hated here.
We love slam with hip-hop elements here
If you don't like Iron Maiden you are not of european descent
>Iron Maiden
Not metal.
I just find the first riff awkward as fuck, its a simple one on paper too
the top 5 records of 2024 so far are all brutal death metal. based
Name them.
please answer
My answer: stop smoking meth
sanguinary consummation
foul deformity
My answer: smoke a fuckton of meth
I will soon, only reason i did today was to hang out with a friend and also because i thought i was going to play electric drums all night
ok, well since i got no answer i'm going to try the keyboard again and just add very simplistic bass and snare beats. i think the material is true enough to hold up but that's just me. you guys would probably hate it
fuck this was underrated
>This is inarguable
inarguable doesn't mean you can't make an argument for it. So no. You're using that word wrong.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
And if you actually write without lyrics in mind, you could easier break out of pop-structure for something more interesting too.
So true retarded sister, so true.
>diminished fifths are hated here
Why? If you're not gonna play real drums you might as well just program them.
Any great thrash or trad with topics about specific things in history? Like specific battles, people, events
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Midnight Force
Yknow, I think the genre autists were right. Speed metal? Total misnomer. Doesn't exist.
Historical revisionism
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>see shitty local thrash band open for Gama Bomb
>see them half a year later, opening for Heathen
>they now claim they are a speed metal band
>still play the exact same shitty thrash style
Post ice cream truck riffs NOW
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Why don’t you talk about this Norsetourist
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metal noob here, where do i go from pantera? metallica? in addition to pantera i also have this album, it's alright i don't like when the vocals aren't harsh tho
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So how did they get away re-releasing this demo as Spectrum of Death but sped up?
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damn,this album feels like I'm getting killed by some sort of lovecraftian monster.

Weird that you don't know much about metal yet listen to this album,it's honestly a hidden gem and one of the few in the djent scene that isn't derivative bullshit.Maybe you'll like Tesseract but they're more focused on clean vocals. I suggest you listen to some early 90s death and black metal and see what you like from the extreme metal scene and go from there. Check out bands like Death,Immolation,Entombed,Carcass,Atheist,Morbid Angel for death metal and Darkthrone,Burzum,Immortal,Emperor for black metal.
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Listen to black metal. The real thing, not first wave thrash diapershit. Start with the nordics, early 90's.
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>damn,this album feels like I'm getting killed by some sort of lovecraftian monster.
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>windows: covered in black out curtains
>body odor: pungent
>breakfast: coca cola and granola bars
>sex: never had
>blasting: pic related
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good album
If you end up preferring it more there tons of stuff quite similar to Metallica & co too
Name one album similar to Master of Puppets that approaches its quality. Protip: you can't. And don't embarrass yourself by mentioning Testament.
Pantera? More like PanTERRIBLE. hahahahahahhhahahaaahahahahah
>Master of Puppets
ok that was lame, i don't think metallica is for me
Be nice Mr. Kpopper. Knoll ain't the worst shit.
Here lad, try this one. This was my gateway into extreme metal.
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How about this
yes chuck is still alive.
Also a noob. You have to check out Aussie Osmond, dude.
She faked her death (pun) and now lives as Charlene Schuldiner.
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It's been a week
>mines retarded I know
Never say something like that about yourself
Listen to the first two Foo fighters albums, the first 3 Rage Against the Machine albums, Audioslave, the first 3 Pearl Jam albums, and The Smashing Pumpkins first 3
I wonder how many first faps that nurse contributed to
unironically years of decay, improves metallica's childish song structures 10x over
Overkills actually sucks.
well yes its thrash, they aren't nearly as bad as metalica though
>Black metal cover of Hey, Hey, My My
Our lady of seven sorrows,
Mother of mourning, precious lich...

A white horse found your grave,
Then it was beheaded.
The funeral goat's semen
Annoints your resting place.

Far below, the state you're in replenishes
My well of loss
As things from beyond watch as you rot
Beneath me.
Wretchedly, I pine as I begin at once to claw
The earth
To free you from the worms, to free you
From damnation.

The stake in your bosom pains me too...

Wistfully, I gaze into those empty holes
Which once were eyes
That beheld so much blood, that beheld so
Much evil...
Cyanotic lips caress the cold grey face of
One interred
Whose flesh is much too frail, whose flesh
Begins to quiver.

Mistress of my flesh,
Your servant longs for your kiss,
To hold you once again,
All pretty with blood...

Now shall all of heaven weep.
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My charts are always schizophrenic

>not a single "real" metal album
Based beyond belief
This is a metal general, you dumb cunt.
There are at least five things wrong with this comment.
Metal is hated here.
Johnny Dio rock on \m/
post them pussy
You guys ever hear of Timeghoul?
15 of 25 on my chart are metal and i only recommended metal
No the timeghoul demos remain hidden away in one of the band members mom’s attic.
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Its not bad
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Excellent choice
There is 0 Metal on your chart zoomer faggot
i tried out some of the metal you recommended, but the riffs were too extreme for me to handle :c
Once you stop skipping the 12 minute acoustic track you have graduated to the next level
What """person""" would skip that track? It somehow fits the tone of the album while also keeping the momentum. It's bizarre how well it works in context.
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forgot how good this is
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Should i go or no
Are they playing at an actual drugstore/pharmacy? Very strange.

Going to see Nile live soon can't wait
It breaks up the album nicely and the ending and transition to the next track is masterful. It’s my favorite part.
It's an abandoned factory or something
Sounds fun. Go if it's cheap enough.
What y'all think of this?

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I just wanna thank whoever posted the Trichomoniasis song last night. Been listening to them all morning. They are literally and unironically my favorite new band.

Why is this lyric "censored" on Google and other websites?
No one cares, edgelord
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Nazi shit has no place in modern society.
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It's a trap. Don't say I didn't warn you.
>satanic pig
>old guy meditating
pick one
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based or cringe?
It's very clearly a bearded man in the lotus pose. Fits the pretentious tone of the album and I forever miss old Gorguts.
Reminder that drum intros are always superior
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Cringe. Megadorks will always deserve to be heemed, swirlied, shoved into lockers, and kicked out of the bands they join.
>wintersun has twice as many monthly listeners as ensiferum with just 4 albums
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Based. Fuck normalfags.
Obviously it's cringe, but we all do cringey shit in high school.
While Ensiferum is basically Amon Amarth tier mallcore at this point, Wintersun is borderline Disney music with all the ebin midi synth stuff. Of course, they'll have more listeners. I'm sure Dream Theater has more as well.
Speak for yourself fag
There is nothing wrong with Amoth Amarth.
If you graduated high school over 10 years ago and still don't think you did any cringey shit, you're most likely a tenth degree cringelord.
Just ran a half marathon in the heat and am at the edge of death.
Albums for this feel?
(I already listened to Kultur during the run, obviously)
i graduated more recently and am a beloved normie jock Chad duh
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Get some Goblin Cock in you boy
Even the normies do cringey stuff, my friend. There's maybe one guy from my graduating class who probably didn't do any cringey shit, and he's now one of the most boring congressman of all time.
Everything I ever did was based and true
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I was expecting some war metal shit and instead I got some of the creamiest ice cream riffs I've ever heard
forced memes galore
based Haruhi poster
Somebody post the Jimmy Nu-male edit
I lost it
He's missing his cock
What bands do people either love or hate?
Now which bands are universally agreed to be just decent?
It's still extreme metal. Normalfags don't like it.
Sunn O)))
Mayhem? More like Gayhem.
the perfect band doesn't exist
>just decent

Now Gorguts is as close to a consensus as you’ll get here
Deep Purple Mark II
Ozzy-era Black Sabbath
I listened to some Burzum last night. Was very enjoyable, as always.
Nah I'm pretty sure I'm right and you're wrong
I haven't listened to Burzum in years. Should I change that?
Correct. Alternative metal is metal. This is a well-known, established fact outside of chud communities.
Overkill's horrible diaper vocals kill any chance of them being better than Metallica
>Using 'though' and not 'thoughever'
But we hate that
I'm certain you're a gay faggot who doesn't listen to any metal
Listen to Taake instead.
I like the vocals on this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8grf4N-zNOU
It's thoughbeit thoughbeit.
Good idea. I love Taake.
>diaper vocals
This obsession with feces and the paraphernalia surrounding it is a particularly American thing. Do you know why that is?
How the fuck do you pronounce Taake?
Similar to saying Tol-kuh
Like To-Kya
I definitely do listen to metal. Probably even listen to some of what you consider to be "real metal" but first I'm gonna need you to be a little more specific on what that is.
Listen 80s metal
Not real metal.
what the fuck are you talking about
Formulas is my favorite Morbid Angel record :)
i'm getting too old for this shit
>I definitely do listen to metal
Your gay chart proves otherwise.
we need more albums like that
"Heavy metal" is not an authentic genre label. All of you are listening to variations on hard rock music.
Metal keeps me young.
I'm thinking this obsession with feces is connected to the absence of your foreskin.
80's metal sucks. 90's metal defined an era. the rest is history.
Iron Maiden
Morbid Angel

All are Heavy Metal.
>all metal sounds the same
there are no such things as "heavy metal", "metal", and "* metal".
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>His non-musical interests include anime, video games, firearms, martial arts, occultism, nature, and spirituality. His favorite shows are Sailor Moon and Gundam and some of his favorite games include Doom, Metal Gear Solid, and Quake III: Arena.
black metal is death metal played very badly with shit production
You are a homosexual and you're probably gay.
I have a pet snake, and my favorite black metal band is Mutiilation. I look like a pale, lifeless undead, and I have claws I'm too lazy to cut. The extra length gives my tremolo picking an added dissonance, reinforcing the sorrow and dread I strive to convey in my music. My clothing, always black, blends me into the shadows, where I find solace from the light. I can't remember the last time I saw the light of the sun. Each riff I play feels like an echo from the void, a reminder of the bleak and black existence we’re all bound to endure.
most normal black metal fan
this general seems slower than usual
Ikr. Saturday used to be peak posting.
Hails to Enthral
If more than 5 people know about them, they are appropriately looked.
>All of that ice cream and funnel cake carnival ride metal
no wonder with dickheads like you making useless off-topic posts about the speed of a music general while contributing no musical content
>Natural. Norway is the land of Black Metal – it is a fact.

- Fenriz
Fenriz and Hellhammer would make a great trans couple.
Also they're both PoC
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I do listen to 80s metal

Thank you melanated sisters
Reddit spacing
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I'm loving these vocals.
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is the new
>the west has collapsed
>American zoomer moment
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Venom sucks.
Reddit memes aren't welcome here
>Reddit memes aren't welcome here
This better?
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Not me. I like them. Even got a shirt of theirs. Saw them and Nightmarer play in some dingy bar last year
ESL moment
so true when the banjo kicks in on that TAAKE record my jaw hit the floor I said damn TAAKE is kino af
Hoest is a jack of all trades, master of none
I think I prefer the BOIOIOIOIOIOIOING part on that other album.
They crave attention so they spam albums that generate controversy. They build an internet persona that consists of "liking the stuff that everyone else hates" and they think this makes them an intellectual.
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How the fuck do these literal diapershitting grandpas still churn out the riffs?
sooooo jute gyte and ad nauseam
Oh it's out? I didn't know that. Is it actually good? I really liked Earth Infernal.
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I drink the same way
I was sleeping, I got fucked up on booze on Friday, it was based
I'm such a fucking chad
Listen to good 80s metal Jesus fucking christ lad
It’s their best album since their first reunion album, the new flotsam is better actually though
Real chads can drink again on Saturday.
Beat me to it
Need to cut back, I did a 10 day long bender
You fags post about ice cream so much Im going to buy some tomorrow
I gave up sweets (including ice cream) until I lose some significant weight. Metal for this feel?
The best way to lose weight is to cut alcohol.
I did that as well. Also diet soda, thoughbeit that won't help me lose weight.
I found diet tonic water helpful as something to drink
Not music related, Brazilian faggot.
My boyfriend is very mad about the linkin park news
The Brazilian poster is a delusion brought on by fear and self-loathing for his own melanated skin
My BBC sugar daddy got really mad about it :(
>female vocalist
We love and respect women here
but only if they have big boobs
we hate chestlets here
Chester was already spiritually female
No. I listened to those albums and I can personally tell you they were good
The dio, white snake & van halen are good, the rest are genuine shite
I'm surprised you would like whitesnake but not motley crue. Ultramega OK should've been up your alley too since I'm pretty sure sg is deep purple inspired
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is it good
They have good albums but that’s not one of them
the single? sounds like standard deathcore with no frills except a couple whammy bar dives that were cool
they peaked at the Somatic Defilement and have been downhill since. that said love the dudes
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only good poster in these dogshit threads
he digs the underground stuff
Im going to start posting those webms but then 2 seconds in it cuts off to mexican gore if you dont stop spamming this shit
About to rip off-immolation, Demo '89
Black metal
A sassy black woman enters the thread and says:
"Ya'll niggas be boring af"
And then leaves.
He posts like 4 funny cat videos/pics per thread - and most anons seem to enjoy them. If this bothers you to the point where you feel inspired to post videos of people being brutally murdered, you should seek help. In fact, just err to the side of caution and get a good therapist, m8.
Kultur is truly the first 14/10 album
>Ultramega OK should've been up your alley too since I'm pretty sure sg is deep purple inspired
They took much more from Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin than Deep Purple.
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>Power chords
>Coherent musical structures
>Audible bass
>Drums in time with the rest of the music

What are some other things I should hate?
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Anyone here deep into stoner metal without being a pot head? Any obscure recs?
you guys need to chill and enjoy some post hardcore

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All of the Ukrainians and Russians are dead.

The only sensible reply in the entire thread
Maybe not exactly stoner metal, but close enough

New Horna out. What do we think?
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no-name frash

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