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>J Marr has successfully applied for 100% trademark rights / Intellectual Property ownership of The Smiths name. His application has been accepted on whatever oaths or proclamations he has put forward. This action was done without any consultation to Morrissey, and without allowing Morrissey the standard opportunity of 'objection'. Amongst many other things, this means that Marr can now tour as The Smiths using the vocalist of his choice, and it also prohibits Morrissey from using the name whilst also denying Morrissey considerable financial livelihood.

>Morrissey alone created the musical unit name 'The Smiths' in May 1982.

(via morrisseycentral)

Grab your sodas and your popcorn, the '96 court case is back on the menu!
Reminder that they were never friends. Marr and Rourke hired Morrissey for their band after an audition. They had a working relationship for about 5 years where they barely tolerated each other, then went their separate ways.
Marr should do a small tour as The Smiths with Joyce and Gannon but no Morrissey
That would just be funny, and not that it would matter since Rourke died so there can't be a real reunion
Morrissey doesnt need the smiths name to tour Marr does. Im a big fan of the smiths but if they tour i wont go without moz and andy its just Marr jacking of his guitar which i have no interest in watching
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It's that he COULD do it, not that he will. It's really just a way to keep Stephen seething harder.
Who listens to The Smiths without Morissey
Marr should tour as the Smiths but with Rick Astley as the singer. he does a great Morrissey impression and Stephen would sperg out massively
people who buy tickets to johnny marr solo gigs would be thrilled. to them it's more about owning racist gammon mozza than the music. with morrissey doing everything he can to tarnish the legacy, you gotta give marr credit for trying to salvage whatever's left, even if it means turning into a shitlib caricature in order to most effectively battle morrissey's facebook boomerisms
the smiths would not have been famous without morrissey. make sure to always bring this up because rhetorically marrfags literally cant respond
The Smiths with a non-Moz singer isn't The Smiths. Marr with some random is just fucking Electronic, and nobody is paying to see that
this. you need both elements to make it the smiths.
morrissey without marr is just moz solo. the closest they could approximate it would have been gannon + rourke + joyce but thats not possible anymore

marr without morrissey is obviously not the smiths. you couldnt have a non moz singer do smiths songs without it coming off like a tribute band
And Marrfags paint Moz as the bad guy. Just proving what I have been saying forever. He is a smarmy fucking snake and I can't stand this faggot.
initially marr actually was in the right, but once morrissey matured and stopped being a whiny faggot as much he became the more reasonable one
He was based even back then. This is an incredibly shitty move and I am not even sure how it's legal but I hope it blows up in that shifty wig wearing faggot's face. There is no Smiths without Moz. This tribute band would do well to remember it.
no morrissey used to be a whiny fag, most of the smiths songs are him venting his frustrations on not having a handsome boyfriend
He has always been incredibly based and funny and insightful. Sorry it went over your head.
fuck off stephen everyone still thinks youre gay
>isn't smart enough to see humor and depth so he seethes
Johnny marr on his his own is very bland.
they're both fags
You'd fit right in with them
You just know Mozza busted this twinks boy hymen right open, absolute bitter breakup energy
Should have been this untalented dipshit instead of Andy
And we wouldn't know who Stephen was without Marr. Make sure to always bring this up because most of Stephen's fans have a big fat Irish cock in their mouth and it disrupts their hearing.
I get the humor and nuance, and yet, Stephen still is/was/will always be a whiny fag.
>says he gets it
>doesn't get it
Johnny hasn't done anything relevant since that one song with the dude from New Order and that one awful nautical Modest Mouse album. He is nothing without Moz and it kills you. It kills him too. Sleazy fucking faggot. Hope the sales for all of this are the drizzling shits.
You miss the point entirely. I don't care for/against Marr. But we wouldn't know either of them without either of them. I thought Stephen and his followers prided themselves on their ability to read?
No one would know who Marr is either. It's a two way street, dipshit. I don't want to hear you go on and on about how he was already known in the music scene, had a deal, all that usual cope.
>but once morrissey matured and stopped being a whiny faggot as much
he never stopped kek, the entire bonfire of teenagers debacle proves this. but still, marrs a fag and will forever be mogged by morrissey.
Morrissey is the worst part of the band
Morrissey is the best part of the band
Retarded take
Extremely based take
That time they replaced him with Sandie Shaw was the best the band ever was
Could have easily gone on without Marr
I don't get it. Anyone can just trademark a band name and take ownership of it? If a random band didn't trademark their name, I can apply, take over and sue the band?
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well, I was referring to after morrissey became a star he was able to get the sweaty handsome sex out of his system and write songs about different things
He wrote plenty of songs about things other than wanting someone. I don't know why people say this.
Morrissey is apart of the band
why do you spell his name like that, faggot?
He is a fucking fag who can't handle Moz and his basedness
iggy pops boomer albums are better than morrisseys boomer albums
no they aren't. his only really good album since the 90s was post pop depression. morrissey's modern albums, even if not to the level of the smiths or his early solo work, are definitely in the upper tier of legacy artist releases
You're out of your fucking mind
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People who grew up slamming pussy and being based listen to Echo and The Bunnymen. They listened to Ian Mcculloch, the superior band to the smiths, the superior new wave front man to morrissey.

people who listened to the smiths were moping sexless incels]
Another retarded take
>They listened to Ian Mcculloch, the superior band to the smiths
You just love his deliciously luscious lips
if you dont win this little internet argument youre probably going to go cry and cut yourself huh you smiths wanker

ian mcculloch rules
Imagine two concerts: one is Morrissey, the other is J Marr. Which one would you go to?

Now imagine it's Morrissey, and J Marr and The Smiths. Which one would you go to?

Whoever this J Marr guy is, I don't think he'll be getting much from this either way.
I like Echo just fine but your take is beyond fucking retarded and nothing they have done touches Moz solo or The Smiths. Keep dreaming.
Marr is such a whiney buttblasted faggot
Morrissey was 100% The Smiths
Reminder: I heard Johnny Marr hates Morrissey because Morrissey, even though he is GAY, fucked Marrs wife!
Imagine that!
Based Moz. What a Chad.
That's funny as fuck, I can't imagine him having sex with anyone except some random glory holes in gay porn theaters or wherever.
Morrissey has never written a single song
Voice and lyrics are part of the songwriting process, anon.
lyrics are poems
he didn't even come up with the vocal melodies
>Marrfags thinking his jangly guitar is everything
Moz's voice and lyrics are iconic and essential to this band. You're a dumbass if you think otherwise.
Anon, he did come up with the vocal melodies. Marr said so.
>Morrissey, even though he is GAY, fucked Marrs wife
Haha. What the hell? Was it some statement he needed to make or something?
Viva Hate has many strong songs and diverse sounds. I credit Stephen Street to a certain percentage. But Moz's solo records other than that don't do much for me beyond the occasional song. Still clever, provocative lyrics, yes, but that's it IMO.
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Gene Simmons take:

"If you go down the street and ask the general person, 'Who's Johnny Marr?' they won't know who you're talking about"
I just listened to The Smiths discography for the first time (the 4 studio albums), all in one sitting.

Really amazing band but I can't get around Morrissey's voice to really say I love them in full.
Give it a few more spins. It will click and you can't get enough of it
Saddo Smiths historian and resident Tounger of Johnny Marr's Perenium reporting for duty...

I'm lost for words. Never heard that rumour. Did hear that Marr sort of cheated on the wife, and when she dumped him he panicked and begged her to marry him because she was basically running his life and keeping him from OD'ing on drugs, but it would be very Morrissey to at least spread rumours if not try to put the moves on her. What better way to put Johnny's ego in check.

Only flaw in your gossip is that she's steelier than Marr, a bit of a legal eagle, and responsible for most of his career/business and the fact he's so rich. She was also the one who pushed him to quit the band. Probably the only person Morrissey is afraid of! Cant see her sleeping with him at all.

Morrissey isn't gay... there was a Japanese girlfriend (on/off) during the Smiths era, the very androgynous and politically well connected woman he dated in the 00s (see Autobiography), and its rumoured he fathered 2 kids on the road during the LA years... he overwhelmingly prefers men sexually, but will pick up women for fun/ego or if its otherwise useful to him
absolutely based
So mad his wife didn't let his faggot ass die when she had the chance.
A quick google search shows via Comapnies House that Marr registered trademark ownership in 2018. At the same time, another business tried to poach/operate under the name. Sounds like a smart move.

How the FUCK did this escape Morrissey's notice for 6 years? Did he delete the emails from marrs legal team in a drunken stupor and just forget about it until now?
Probably didn't expect the person he created all of this with to stab in the back but I can't say I'm surprised Marr would do this. He is a snake.
im sorry but its not the smiths without morrissey
Stephen isn't gay he's just a fag
Tf? How can you go 40+ years without registering a tm for your own feckin band???? Sloppy as fuck. Its basic business sense. Name me another rich businessman with access to good lawyers who would make that kind of oversight? (I assumed they each owned 50% of it).
Showing your inability to read again lol now I understand why Stephen is such a role model.
I agree. Doesn't change that Johnny is a wig wearing snake.
Begging you to find a new gimmick, faggot
Other way around, bucko. Remember morrissey was found guilty of perjury in court and is a notorious bender of truths.

Read this part again:

Amongst many other things, this means that Marr can now tour as The Smiths using the vocalist of his choice, and it also prohibits Morrissey from using the name whilst also denying Morrissey considerable financial livelihood.

Marr filed in 2018 and has done exactly 0 of those things since then. Hasnt tried to capitalise on it at all. Refused an offer to reunite and all.

Its morrissey who has tried to use the name by agreeing to tour in 2025 as the Smiths, only for marr to reject that offer. Steven's throwing his toys out the pram becauuse marr wont let him make a quick buck by shitting all over their joint legacy. Replacing him with another guitarist would be like Jagger trying to tour the Stones without Keef... which is what it sounds like El Moz was up to. Marr just anticipated it years in advance.
I don't care about your autistic Marr defense. This is a shitty ass move and you know it. He's two faced, has no spine, has no career worth everything and he's clinging to this.
>Remember morrissey was found guilty of perjury in court
the same shitty brit cuck courts that sided with amber heard? not a ringing endorsement.
Remember when that same judge though Marr was the smart one? Any time he's ever opened his mouth it's something stupid. Same as this. It's a bad look on him. It's a bad look for the band. And you have no idea what Moz was gonna do if anything at all. You're just throwing around ideas.
British courts are Russia tier corrupt. Literally letting war criminals and pedophiles off while sending people to jail for thought crimes.
Morrissey is a notorious bender but not when it comes to the truth
Aw did I strike a nerve? Do you wish you could just go by your last name too or is that also completely unremarkable?
You like a fag
>you gotta give marr credit for trying to salvage whatever's left, even if it means turning into a shitlib caricature in order to most effectively battle morrissey's facebook boomerisms
Lmao holy shit you're such a fag
Love Moz
Hate Johnny
Simple as
I really wanna hear yr take on James Maker.
Moz also had a girlfriend at the time they recorded the first Smiths album. Her voice can be heard on Pretty Girls Make Graves and Suffer Little Children
In a letter to a pen pal he also wrote "I have a girlfriend called Annalisa. We're both bisexual. Real hip, huh? I hate sex."
ooo tellem why u mad tho
Name 1 thing moz has done wrong. Marr is a talentless wanker. Why hasn't he written a single decent melody in any of the 50 bands he's joined or tried to start since the smiths? Why are there more iconic Morrissey solo riffs than smiths riffs at this point in time? Just honest questions. I think he is painfully aware of all this and is utterly seething 24/7. Im saying this as someone who would put smiths era marr in my top 3 favorite guitar fags. He's a twat
That's such a reach. Morrissey's gans are proto-swiftie tier. Marr has nothing to do with that. He could have joined any shit band and added his unique bitchy self centered lyrics and he'd just be a few golden era hits lighter than he is right now. Marr would still be on the dole or already necked himself
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Okay really though what the fuck is up with all the ledditor types that have a raging hard on hate-wise for Morrissey despite the fact that the worst thing he's done over the years is say some retarded shit in favour of a political party that he knew very little about because he was friends with the founder (and then retracted?)
You'd think he was a serial rapist based off the way people talk about him
Love their music but remembering this always brings it down just a little bit.
They're all faggots with no spine and no thoughts of their own. Of course they side with Marr. They second someone says they love The Smiths and hate Morrissey is the second I stop taking anything they say seriously.
Marr is a virtue signally faggot, always has been. Mozza is a genius who creates his own path, Marr only cares about approval that's why he wanted to be in a gay electronic band instead of create music with a charismatic front man and one of music best lyricist

marr is the most despicable type of person
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is there any challenge that morrissey can do here? this seems unreasonable but i don't know the full legality of the situation
Beyond the "rayciss" bullshit morrissey is just kind of a douchebag in general. Very preachy, rude, arrogant, and defends gay pederasts like Kevin Spacey
The Smiths broke up because Mozza took a hot steamy plant based shit on Johnny's face while he was sleeping.
Johnny didn't want to tell anyone about this because obviously it's humiliating and he doesn't want to be known as the guy who got shit on by mozza for the rest of his life.

I heard this from a reliable source
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>I'm a morose poofter desolate with a murderous idiom la-di-la-di-la

What did the mozzer mean by this?
It's anti-veganism, anti-Irish racism and homophobia disguised as hating morrissey for "racism"

Mozza is also neurodivergent which they hate him for
>Mozza is also neurodivergent
I didnt know that, autism or what?
Marr, by age 16 had already been offerred a record deal by elvis costello and his management company, and released an EP with his and Andy Rourke's pre smiths band.

By 17 he'd been asked to join the Cult (sold 6 million albums, still touring/recording and popular in the US) and The The (sold 2-3 mil, still popular and touring/recording in UK/EU). He turned both bands down to write with Morrissey, but joined them later on in his career

Morrissey meanwhile was 23, with 0 music experience and a failed writing career, and had been in and out of low paid jobs, claiming welfare.

Remind me again which one of them was likely to have been a nobody without the other one?????? Not a single soul wanted to work with Morrissey besides James Maker and Linder Sterling of Ludus... two bands that nobody has ever heard of.

Morrissey would still be in his mother's basement without Marr
This makes the Mozfags an hero in droves
Dunno abour that. Marr is also vegan, irish and gets plenty of homophobia directed at him on social media, he just hasn't made a career out of being a world class bitch to everyone in the industry, and falling out with everyone he's ever worked with.

Lied about being sexually assaulted at an airport by security staff.
Lied about being held at gunpoint by Italian police in Rome.
Lied about giving all the proceeds from a reissue of Im Throwing My Arms Around Paris to victims of the paris Bataclan terror attack (the label boss published an email chain where Morrissey attempts to force the record label to divert the profits to himself and issued threats when they refused)
Yet Morrissey's involvement was the once-in-a-generation secret sauce that single-handedly overshadows those other bands' entire careers.
>Lied about giving all the proceeds from a reissue of Im Throwing My Arms Around Paris to victims of the paris Bataclan terror attack (the label boss published an email chain where Morrissey attempts to force the record label to divert the profits to himself and issued threats when they refused)
damn that's low
Hence why Marr grabbed the trademark. Morrissey is, in the late Andy Rourke's words, obsessed with money and would do anything for it... including going on tour under the Smiths name with a different guitarist. He tried it in 1988 and Marr had to get a court injunction to halt it. I wouldnt put it past him to revive the band by himself in the hopes of getting Bonfire of Teenagers released as a smiths album
You're such a fucking retard holy shit
>Stephen would've found success anyway!
>receives evidence to the contrary
>b-b-b-but he was the magic of the smiths!
Stay on topic idiot
Both are massive cunts who deserve each other. The Smiths are dead and have been for decades, pretty pathetic that they are playing tug of war with a corpse. Just goes to show that they are both coasting on fumes and they know it

He's a histrionic narcissist, not autistic. Autism is a social communication disorder that impairs language development. Ability varies, but they all use straightforward language, nothing flowery. Look at Gary Numan for an example.

Morrissey is far too eloquent. He writes like a narc - overblown emotional language full of double entendre and backhanded compliments.

No autistic could have written his autobiography. 600 pages of ranting, attacking people who tried to help him, and paranoia. He's forever claiming to be the victim, or the hero. Everything is written in extremes.

He criticises his parents for being poor, mocks his dad's work ethic, who would take any job when he was unemployed rather than claim welfare. He spends a lot of time critiquing people's body parts and social status, obsessing over Marr's inability to pronounce vowel sounds, his lower class accent and refusal to posh it up, making fun of his lack of education (Morrissey failed his higher eduction exams twice, so he's no Einstein either) and his weight/looks.

He compares every woman's body to his mother's (who he is oddly obsessed with - the book is full of pictures of her in bikinis) and rants about fat people non stop.

Autistics don't give a shit about any of that. He's a narc and he's currently on the warpath, if you read the Trumplike interview he gave to the UK Telegraph last week he said he's the most persecuted man in music, and ready to blow things up with Marr. Typical narc attention seeking. This is just the beginning!!!
Kek. Its over for Mozbots.
Why didn't he accept then lmfao?
he would have. his talent is too unique. even morrissey with his shittiest albums have charted higher than marr. hilarious and quite sad for marr who has been sucking up to everyone in the industry and cant even do better than washed up morrisseys shit albums.
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Ambition and creative control. Its obvious he wanted to be a co-writer given he was writing and recording at 16, rather than 'just' a player and vassel for someone else's riffs.
Easier to establish yourself if you can start your own band and succeed first, rather than joining someone else and having to fall in with their 'vision'. I should add that the Cult were all childhood neighbours/friends of marrs and still are. Billy Duffy's said he wanted him as a permenant member, but knew he'd reject it because he was too independent/restless to stay with one band for 30 years.
Also, morrissey had a better gimmick for pop success. Jangly, catchy riffs and a flamboyant yet sexually/gender ambiguous pop diva singer? A genius, subversive move - nobody else in alternative/indie/post punk was doing that.
Marr absolutely needed Morrisseys image and marketing skills, no doubt about it. Which is why he chased him.
What I was trying to say was, Morrissey needed him more at the start because nobody else was willing to give Morrissey's 'artistic vision' a chance. Everyone in Manchester disliked him. Yes he eclipsed Marr, but that doesnt change the fact Marr would have been rich and successful (in his niche lane) without him, while Morrissey would never have gotten another superstar 'big break' like that. At best maybe a small band with 1 or 2 top 40 hits and a few gold albums. Marr was a consistent melodic songwriter with pop sensibility, they dont come along often in indie circles.
How, when NOBODY in London or Manchester wanted to work with him and he had 0 music experience by his 20s? Who else was knocking on his door, inviting him to audition for their band? Ludus, a band who had 0 hits, no audience beyond 150 seater jazz clubs, a singer who wore meat dresses like Lady Gaga and who broke up shortly before Marr approached Morrissey???

Meanwhile Marr was going places and mixing with successful musicians as a kid (Costello also introduced him to Johnny Cash's grandaughter)
yes. talented people always shine through, either now or later. even if it would have taken morrissey until he was 50, he would have come through on his own, talented people always find a way.
That’s called being based.
Marr is so overrated and is only venerated bc he sucks left cock off in the media
Out of spite Marr should audition for a new singer to do the songs. Hire the best sounding, best looking and youngest auditioner that people would undoutedly love just to piss off Morrissey.

Why? Because its funnt.
Fucking stupid at best since there's no point in the Smiths without Morrissey (and Rourke is dead) and petty at worst. I've been on the fence about it all, but god damn this is lame. When Axl Rose took over the GnR name and made it into a weird supergroup cover band, people still paid to see it because the shows were still fucking great. No one gives a fuck about this.
Holy shit I never saw that one. Great stuff.
It's better to just admit your guy's bullshit is bullshit, and say you don't care about it because it's your guy doing it, rather than do mental gymnastics to legitimize it. It indicates a latent guilty conscience.
Okay now do Stephen's music from before 1980, before the smiths collectively helped catapult him to stardom. Not so easy is it?
>unique talent
He's just sensitive Elvis.
Marrs twitter account is blowing up right now. 10,000s of homicidal tweets from leigons of raging, unwashed, middle aged Morrissey stans posting death threats, insults, poorly worded invective and otherwise reeeeing under the weight of Marr Derangement Syndrome.

Imagine calling Marr a faggot like its an insult... while claiming to be a fan of a man who openly loves cock.
Why are Moz fans getting so hormonal about a dead band?
Were here to discuss what is and isn't. Otherwise, anyone can make any claim and everyone would be right and wrong at the same time. Get this retarded shit out of here.
They can't. The Greatest Lyricist of his Generation hasn't written a line befitting that repuation since 1998.
Marr never claimed to be anything other than the guy who redefined indie guitar music 40 years ago, while
Morrissey is giving interviews to mainstream media, claiming hes being gagged and silenced by mainstream media. His new album is also a victim of press censorship, and not his refusal to self-release.
The lyrics to Bonfire of Teenagers read like they were written by a 15 year old /pol spammer. Maybe if they were sharper, people might be interested
what is, is that morrissey is more popular and is the face of the smiths and has written far better music than marr ever has or ever will, and no doubt in my mind that he would have found success.
>but mar had recor-
doesnt matter, its all speculation about where their careers would have gone. for all we know marr would have been just another pair of hands to play guitar for other better songwriters and musicians leaving him in the footnotes of history while morrissey would have been a cult hit among those who know whats what.
They wouldn't know who Stephen Sondheim was either. Didnt stop him being the most groundbreaking and important composer of the 20th century and more successful than Gene Simmons, though.
Morrissey has never written music. He relies on band members, producers and other collaborators.
lyrics are music. and so is the voice. funny how the guy who never wrote music managed to have a stellar solo career than the supposed genius and savior of indie music. funny how that works.

either morrissey is a vital part of the music, or he is just as replaceable as any other guitarist. not a good look either way for the guitarist from the smiths.
Lyrics =/= music
If Marr bought the rights, it would have been with Morrissey's approval. He would have had to sell/relinquish his ownership of the name under UK intellectual law to Marr, and only patent attorneys can manage an application. To do it any other way would be grounds for a huge lawsuit, its an open and shut case. Look up the case on the UK's intellectual property database (which is open to the public) and the ownership application was handled by a firm of patent attorneys... which shows Marr did it by the books. Morrissey isnt telling the whole truth here. He must have signed the rights over to Marr, there's no other way.
Heres what Marr was writing and publishing at age 15, pre Smiths, with Andy on bass and his wife on vocals:


Its got shades of Barabarism/meat is murder era Smiths to it. Faux funk.

This >>123654097 was meant for you guys. C'mon, lets hear what Morrissey was publishing at 15... or 18... or 23
Cult of personality. He borrowed traits from his favorite performers/writers like a magpie. He was also charismatic, good looking, tall, with a fake middle class effete accent and that charmingly 'catty with a sensitive side' persona designed to appeal to sad adolescents who could cry alone in bed to his records and feel that he 'understood' them. He thrived on enigma and being slightly unknowable and by getting bitter, hostile and political in old age, he lost that air of mystery. And here we are. He destroyed his career/repuation and is now lashing out at the one guy who could have saved it.
He just wrote good music after the smiths. He was always an ass and a huge narcissist. That didn't matter because his music was so great.

>He destroyed his career/repuation and is now lashing out at the one guy who could have saved it.
Even at his lowest, he still charts higher than Marr though. All Morrissey has to do is just release a damn good album that people won't be able to deny its greatness.
>He destroyed his career/reputation
According to who? Reddit? Trannies on Twitter? Johnny seems like he needed this more than anyone else. Must be cold there in Moz's shadow.
probably the same tranny that claimed marr had his albums chart in the top 5 in britain when a quick google search quickly proved that to be a lie
It's a shame the supposed genius of the band's music couldn't make it with just that. It kills you guitar fags knowing that Moz was the thing that made them special. Keep coping.
Many musicians peak in their later years. Also, thanks for proving that Marr badly needed Mozza.
She/it is fucking deranged. Does this every thread. Blows smoke up Marr's ass but in the process just makes him look pathetic.
>Seething this much over a Gene Simmons quote
He's right
Sounds pretty based. Hope someone decides to finally take this wig wearing snake out. The Marr tranny here might finally fuck off too.
>The The and The Cult
My fucking sides.Those groups struck while the iron was hot and got lucky. The The has half an album worth of decent material. The Cult chug dick and their (almost unknown) name will die with the boomers. Let's get a random group of people together and offer them $100 if they can name a single member of the fucking cult lmao

Any group Mozz joined would have gotten an iconic frontman and one of the best lyricists oat. That's what gets recognition. Not a manlet guitarist, no matter how ungodly he is at his instrument.

I will concede that maybe Morrissey would have never joined a band at all (he is famously lazy) if he didn't want to shag marr and would die nameless. Marr and Rourke definitely were the best thing that happened to mozz but it goes both ways.

I stand by the notion that Morrissey would still be a bigger name than Marr without the smiths.
With all due respect, who is Chiam Witz?
Elvis Costello is a great and pretty famous musician on the other hand. Nut imagine what a solo Marr album would sound like back then. He can't make a single song today to save his life today with all his money and the publicity each of his shitty albums get.

Let's face it guys, one of the greatest songwriters met one of the greatest guitarists ever and one of them happened to know a cracking bassist already. It was just dumb luck that it worked out for any of them.

The unfortunate truth that Marr fags just can't cope with is the fact that Morrissey is able to write successful music years after the Smith's. Marr has never made one above average song despite working with modest mouse at the peak of their fame, the new order guy at the peak of his fame, etc. It's a bitter pill I know. It kind of baffles me too because his playing on almost every smiths track is 10/10. Makes you wonder who was really calling the creative shots in the band tho
>Why are there more iconic Morrissey solo riffs than smiths riffs at this point in time? Just honest questions.
Are you saying Marr didn't actually write the iconic Smiths riffs?
This. Marr is a damn talented musician but he had no one but Moz to ever elevate him. His entire career has been dog shit since the Smiths broke up and Marrfags can't get over that fact.

he was writing letters to the NME, i.e. shitposting
I've never said anything to the contrary. I've argued before that the vocal melodies were Morrissey's, they make the songs unique. He had a phenomenally unorthodox approach to phrasing that nobody else could replicate and that delivery has never been beaten or matched.
Marr has written some nice solo albums, but can't produce catchy vocal lines and that's what he needed Moz for. He has, however had a more varied and creative career in his 50s than in his 30s, while Morrissey gave up after Ringleaders and retread old ground.

What people are taking out of context is my reply to the person who insinuated Morrissey would've left his mother's house at all, if he'd never met Marr. It's obviously untrue because Morrissey even admits it in his biography, he describes Marr as giving a raft to a drowning man.

Marr has managed to make hundreds of friends and keep ALL of them for over 40 years, and those connections are what enabled him to make inroads with everyone in the industry from the gallaghers to nile Rogers to Bert jansch to Ringo Starr, McCartney, Hans Zimmer etc. No one speaks badly of him.

Morrissey is prone to possessive jealousy, pushing freinds away by demanding absolute ownership/loyalty and alienating aquaintances, which is why no band wanted him as a member. His solo career was non existent without the launchpad of the Smiths. Just poems in his bedroom.

He's also alienated every last friend and musician associate with paranoid outbursts and/or spiteful bullying. Even the love of his life Jake Walters has given up on him, Noel Gallagher had to distance himself because Morrissey was getting increasingly odd (ie paranoid and passive agressive).

Only random outsiders who don't know him and have never worked with him like Gene Simmons defend him. If even your oldest friends abandon you, and not a single pal steps up to defend you in public anymore, what does that say?
I'd say that World Peace and I Am Not a Dog are varied albums, for Morrissey. Far more than Quarry or Ringleader anyway.
there it is
Managed to keep them because he is an kissing people pleaser. And if he never met the poem writing shut-in he would be even more of a failure than he is now.
Told you so.

This butter old fuck was pissed that Marr wouldn't reunite after Andy's passing and was trying to turn the Smiths fanbase against him for a bit of revenge
Mozbros… our response?
They don't have one, because they swallow any old lie this malignant grifter narcissist throws out.

Devious, truculent and unreliable.
>because they swallow any old lie this malignant grifter narcissist throws out.
but enough about Marr
>[moz:] johnny m8, you see how much coachella is throwing money at us? we need to do it so I can get pai— I mean honour Andy's memory

kinda transparent this old sad cunt hasn't signed the docs because he wants the full ownership
That's the secret to success bro. You can't go around being an edgelord and calling people fat, ugly, skinny, malformed and joking about killing people, calling other people talentless hacks etc and not expect some to take offence. You can't rip your collaborators off, cancel 300 shows for shits and giggles, walk out on your fans, and spend all day posting Infowars videos on your blog like an edgelord and expect to be taken seriously.

Morrissey thought he was above being civil to people on the way up, and is now experiencing what it's like to be shit on when you're on the way down.

Now everyone has abandoned him, other than paid shills and random grifters like the dude from Kiss. Sad!
>other than paid shills
Kek delusional. Moz still outsellls that hack while not being "successful" while forever having the legacy of being the face of the Smiths and his iconic voice. People will always play HIS music long after they are dead, the same cant be said for Marr.
The man made Bona Drag. He can shit on Andy Rourke's dead body, I will still prefer him over Marr.
>thinking that isn't based
this is cringe as fuck
>with a fake middle class
Stopped reading there. You're a seething globalist faggot and I hope immigrants rape you to death.
>You're a seething globalist faggot and I hope immigrants rape you to death.
least deranged morrissey dick rider
When will you faggots realize there is a difference between a gay man and a FAGGOT?
Then there's also the fact that Morrissey was at that first sex pistols manchester gig in 1975 that was a weird Tavistock show in thingy and he was an industry plant before plants were a thing.
You're a fucking idiot
Based as fuck
He lied 3 times on his website to make Marr look like the bad guy, and sat back laughing while his delusional fanboys sent Johnny death threats on twitter. Like trump, firing up his fanbase with twisted half truths because the last source of his narcissistic supply has gone full grey rock on him and its the only way he can get his attention or make any money.

Doesn't matter how much morrissey sells. He has no friends anymore, no children, no grandchildren, or devoted partner (only a paid bag carrier), his band have all abandoned him save for Jessie (who has encouraged his paranoia and isolated him from all his old friends).

His own dad described him as batshit insane and poisoned by jealousy and self hatred.

Marr will die having lived a happy, wealthy, well enjoyed life with hundreds of musicians and industry friends behind him. While Morrissey will die a bitter old catlady with only his 'voice and his legacy' to hold his hand in his final hours. His music won't be there to help him.
Who cares? Marr is replaceable and who gives a fuck about his family. You think we spend time caring about who the fuck Caesars mom was or who he spent time with sucking dick off some Gaul manboy slave servant? No. We only look at their careers and what they have accomplished. Time will be kinder to Morrissey than Marr who will remembered as second fiddle to Morrissey and his music.
There's always the chance that Moz didn't know the full story. The blog post is called "The Plot Thickens" so he might have been in the dark on all the facts. It's clear he has some bad people surrounding him. Either way, it's a messy situation. You don't have to trash the man at every fucking turn though. We get you're a Marr meatrider.
You think Morrisey cares about you when he lives in a 20 million euro mansion next door to Bono, in a white gated community, and hasn't paid a penny of tax in England since 1993, hiding it all offshore in tax havens?

Unlike Marr who pays full UK taxes to fund the NHS and services your basement dwelling Brexiteer arse relys on? You know Morrisey's family are filthy rich Irish landowners on his mother's side and the working class thing was all pretense, he was pitifully mocking you but your 95 IQ thought he was affectionately championing you? Just like Farage, another billionaire grifter who has done nothing for his working class constituents except push for more cheap Indian immigrant labour to replace them? Wake up and realise you've been played, boyo.
>Paki having a meltdown
Morrissey will be remembered like Stalin and Hitler.

Marr will be forgotten like the shit I flushed down this morning.
Incredibly based
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For me, it's the RickRoll guy singing The Smiths

He's a delusional paranoid drunk who sees plots everywhere. The only plot here is the one that he's completely lost.

couldn't be arsed to respond to 6 years worth of legal emails, written letters, documents and affidats, even when Marr kept the door wide open just a few months ago. Now he's crying he can't monetise a dead legacy to get a new record deal.

Fuck the NHS, if Britain has another Thatcher then I’ll go back.
I am so sick of you holier than thou supreme righteous left wing faggots. I cannot wait for WW3 to wipe everyone off of this earth.
The only plot is the one I want that wig wearing faggot Marr in sooner than rather than later.
I don't base my like for someone in "Oh they live exactly like me" or "they're rich so I hate them".

You're a fucking faggot.
Marr wrote like 99% of their music
It's a shame he couldn't do anything with his solo career kek
>more cheap Indian immigrant labour
What's wrong with this, are you a racist?
I'm an idiot for knowing a thing that did happen apparently. Amazing you can tell that from me just saying a thing and not telling you my opinion or anything
You just radiate big retard energy, anon
It's not "they're rich, so I hate them," it's "they're rich, but theyre trying to grift me into thinking they're just like me, so I hate them." You're a faggot.
Somehow I doubt the marklarks that inhabit this Earth in a hundred thousand years will bust out Vauxhal and I when they're trying to chill. Nobody is ever really remembered so you're retarded to worry about shit like that.
>Nobody is ever really remembered so you're retarded to worry about shit like that.
Holy cope. Yeah, we just forget iconic music and people from the past. All forgotten. Yep.
I don't buy a fucking thing from Morrissey while you probably suck up everything Marr puts out like a grubby little turd.
Hey you're learning
>Somehow I doubt the marklarks that inhabit this Earth in a hundred thousand years will bust out Vauxhal and I when they're trying to chill
Yes they will.
>Noel Gallagher had to distance himself because Morrissey was getting increasingly odd (ie paranoid and passive agressive).
What happened between Moz and NG? I've been following Oasis and post-Oasis Noel, and I didn't know they had any interaction.
Neither can Morrissey these days. While Bowie and Cohen were producing the most profound swan songs, so called genius Morrissey's posting memes on Instagram, writing 4chan nursery rhyme lyrics and drinking himself into self induced Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome while claiming to be a persecuted artist. He can no longer offer a good return on investment to a record company, but refuses to accept this and just self release via paetron/bandcamp/his website.

Neither do I. I don't give a shit about Marr beyond liking his 80s/90s stuff and 1 solo album. I've been critical of the dross he's put out as well as his son's childish behaviour. I can be objective on the pair of them because I'm not a parasocial obsessive who treats Morrissey's solipsistic lyrics and opportunist political takes like oxygen. I don't even know what Marr's current political takes are beyond opposing brexit like 16 million other voters, he's always been your run of the mill centrist. Unlike Morrissey he's never endorsed transgender rights or pedophiles like Kevin Spacey, which suggests he's not as 'left' as people paint him to be

Marr made a perfectly sensible, ethical legal decision to prevent the drummer from trying to set up his own version of the Smiths and host concerts with new members under the band's name. Without the trademark, any random person could have applied to do the same. Morrissey couldn't be bothered to uphold his end of legal obligations, but somehow this is now everyone else's fault in his crackpot mind
this Moz and Marr drama is very entertaining
I am the dashing, articulate rogue you have been jousting with. You make really solid points in Marr's defense regarding his public image and social reputation. I commend you for not sperging out and instead constructing a nice counter.

However, I would like to argue that while Marr gets points for some genre hopping (meanwhile Mozza more or less keeps that 60s pop rock backbone across almost every album), Marr's post smiths projects all really lack any defining quality that could be attributed to him on an individual creative level. I had no idea he was even on that modest mouse record, every song he features in I wouldn't be able to tell if he wasn't credited. If I'd never heard his voice and you gave me some of his solo work to listen to, I doubt I'd be able to notice that this was the same guy who wrote the guitar part to Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others.

This really begs the question: what happened? Why is his blindingly unique, trademark sound absent from every project that didn't involve Morrissey? One could argue he doesn't want to repeat himself or he grew tired of that sound. But surely there would be traces of innovation or even hints of his familiar licks in non-smiths works.

Listening to early Moz records, the band sounds almost exactly like the Smiths in terms of skin and bones. It just lacks that unique Marr sound (and rourke). But I'd wager if they never split and johnny played the same songs note for note with his jangley delay effect on it would sound like a seamless followup to Strangeways.
Back to Moz. I think that while 90% of his catalogue is built on that tried and true 60s rock foundation, his lyrics and song topics are wildly unique and creative (even now). And, more importantly to this case, many of the songs still have that old smiths kick to them.

Now you could say it's because anyone willing to work with him despite having to deal with his bullshit does so because they worship the smiths and I'd tell you yeah that's pretty fair and probably true. However, Morrissey s solo work still harkens back to the sound that made him and Marr famous, still has the energy. It leads me to believe that despite what we all take as true (Johnny and the band did all the music and Morrissey just the lyrics and singing), I would say that Morrissey had a much bigger hand in guiding the musical direction of the band than he gets credit for.

It seems to me that many of the turns and hooks and placement of codas and shit are all his doing, or at least his idea. I just don't hear any of the unique, interesting, or surprising elements in Marrs solo work.

I would argue that any solo project or Marr led project in an alternate youth would be relatively unremarkable other than his obvious mastery of his instrument. Thoughts?
They were pals and drinking buddies for a decade or so (between 2008 and up to about 2016). Then according to Noel, Morrissey 'started acting odd', to use Noel's words, and stopped talking to him. This was shortly after he started accusing the world of plotting to destroy him and the time he also started turning on Marr, who is Noel's best friend, so I'm assuming Morrissey decided to lash out.

The title track from his (unreleased) new album quotes Don't Look Back in Anger, mocking grieving families who held public vigils singing Oasis songs the day after their kids had been blown to pieces in the Manchester arena bombings. The whole song is painted as being an attack on the Establishment but it seems pretty spiteful and clumsily written, like a cheap attempt to be shocking.

Then 2 days after the Oasis reuinions were announced, morrissey drops the news that Marr turned down a Smiths reuinion from a concert promoter, and here we are.

He hates it when his (former) friends become successful. Johnny was a washed up nobody until 10 years ago which is when Morrisey's career started to slide off.

Marr will be guesting on stage with Noel & Liam like he always does, so you can imagine the jealousy Morrissey must feel. You can't buy the kind of publicity Johnny's going to get from 1.5 million ticket holders seeing him on stage with the biggest band of their generation, Morrissey must feel like he's being written out of Manchester history again

That's what this whole drama is about, really.
So basically you're some kind of Jew golem and you don't like his extremely mild centrist political views so you have to smear him in all possible ways?
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Nice try. You and I both know the real explaination for all this musical alchemy is that Morrissey's sperm was a potent stimulant, the kind not even 5 kilos of amphetamines could hope to match.

No-one else has been able to shag the same level of creative juices into Johnny since. He was the only vessel capable of containing Morrissey's precious liquids sloshing around inside with nary a leak.

This 40 year long war of sexual tension has even spilled over onto Morrissey's official accounts, is he posting on 4chan or what?? Look at that!
But Dorrissey is neither. He's a humasexual, don't you know? A special snowflake who can't be lumped in with all those other horrid homosexuals!
Did Morrissey say that when his parents and 500 aunties, uncles, cousins etc all emigrated to England, bringing their unEnglish immigrant culture and customs with them?
I haven't bought a record since I was 11 or 12. I sure as shit wouldn't be throwing money at I am not a dog on a chain, or paying $300 to hear Morrissey singing a setlist full of classics like Munich Air Disaster or another semi-comatose rendition of how soon is now
It's so fucking boring mate. I'm still waiting for Marr to drop a grainy home camera video of Morrissey binge eating steaks while on a 12 hour coke bender at a hotel buffet in Ohio in 1985, or Moz to leak a bunch of Johnny's compromising nudes.

Instead it's just page after page of sniping rage and gay bitching. These two crashing bores need to shit or get off the pot
it was always gonna end this way
>He can no longer offer a good return on investment to a record company, but refuses to accept this and just self release via paetron/bandcamp/his website.
God, this is so sad. Even up to World Peace, I'd say, Moz was a record company's dream, the way he dragged his pathologically faithful fanbase around even after all the dodgy records and cancelled tours.

I guess I'm the naive one who wanted old clever Moz preserved in amber and not devolve into Just Another Weird Uncle with an iPad, but perhaps it is his long final act of contrarianism. Proof that no one, not even the most unique mind in popular music, is immune to brain worms.
The Irish are British so it’s okay
Moz could rape a baby and I'd still defend him

Would take a bullet for this based motherfucker
You fags only prefer Morrissey because he's right-wing. Johnny Marr wrote all of the Smiths' music while that retard wanted to do fucking 60s girl group covers
>supposed writer of all the good music
>hasnt made anything good after leaving mozza
the math aint mathing up
That dipshit won't have a response. There's nothing they can say to it. Feels good to be a MozChad
Yes, but Morrissey's vocals were a very distinct aspect of The Smiths. Put anyone else's voice over Marr's guitar lines and you get a different band. You get The Housemartins or Kristy Maccoll, not the transcendent Smiths
>he hasn't read the masterpiece "James Dean is not dead"
So why does Mozza’s solo career mogg Marr’s?
based question
His solo career is trash and only appreciated by Mexican women unlike The Smiths which has universal appeal
Okay and what about Marr’s solo career?
Even Marr fanboys don’t give a fuck about his solo career.
early solo moz had rourke
>Marr left a charismatic singer and one of musics greatest lyricist to pursue a oasis ripoff
What are the advantages of chewing gum while you're singing on live television?
>Morrissey is right wing
A few basic milquetoast conservative views, big deal.
You got filtered hard
Is there a bigger retard in music? How fucking stupid do you have to be to take part in this?
>mocking grieving families who held public vigils
No, it mocking faggots who will forgive a foreign ideology moments after having their ethnic kin blow into smithereens by durka durkas.
Lesson learned. Gay relationships always end up toxic and destructive
>that retard wanted to do fucking 60s girl group covers
meanwhile Marr wanted to make shitty synth music
>malignant grifter narcissist
>Devious, truculent and unreliable.
But enough about Marr
Kek. Based.
>In October 2007, Marr said on BBC Radio 5 Live: "Stranger things have happened so, you know, who knows? ... It's no biggie. Maybe we will in 10 or 15 years' time when we all need to for whatever reasons, but right now Morrissey is doing his thing and I'm doing mine."
So what was doing Mars exactly? I mean, we are in 2024, so we can look back at it and ask what was he talking about?
Morrissey went insane is what happened.
>go from the most legendary guitarist in indie rock to your dad's Steve Miller tribute bar band
absolutely grim
>touring as the smihs without morrissey
kek good luck selling tickets
Yes, but what was doing Mars at that time? what was his thing?
Was Morrissey a pedophile who groomed Johnny? Mozza meet Marr when he was 19 and John was 14.
Lesson to be learned here, kids. Some people have "it" and some don't. Look at how hard he's trying to seduce the camera. Meanwhile Morrissey pulled it off effortlessly.
It really says alot about Marrs ego doesn't it? He thought he could just sing half-heartily with some nonsense lyrics and masturbate his guitar and would become some kind of star. What a fall from grace.
Imagine going from a band where people throw flowers at your leader singer, dress like him wear the bands shirts and know every fucking word to being some dickhead oasis ripoff, grim.
That time Marr and Ian McCulloch wrote footy song which featured the Spice Girls
Building a best selling guitar and teaching himself classical/orchestral arrangement and composition, writing his first solo album, working on composition skills with Hans Zimmer (they then sat down to write the Inception soundtrack a few years later)
He groomed a 15 year old lad called Shaun Duggan, look up the youtube videos of Morrissey flirting and drooling all over him on British TV in 1987
why have i never heard of this
Down on the Corner is a gorgeous song though. He misfired by not writing an album full of songs like that one.
The record company executive's eyes lit up. "I know what the kids will go mental for in 1998!"

"Oh, yeah?" The UEFA representative put his espresso down. "What's that?"

The record company executive leaned back, index fingers pointed skyward. "Ian McCulloch," he said, stressing each syllable, relishing the final moments of anticipation, "and that bloke from The Smiths."

"The who?"

"No, The Smiths."

"Vee vant Oasis," the tubby little man of indeterminate European origin said, preparing to blow his nose again. "Kann you get Oasis."

Naomi appeared in the doorway, feebly waving a lime green pen to attract the record company executive's attention. "Sorry. Chris Evans is on line two."

"Tell him to fuck off."
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And if a double chocolate cake
Crashes into my stomach
To eat by your side
Is such a wonderful way to dine
I lol'd. That song was fucking dreadful.

However Johnny redeemed himself with this masterpiece, and Kirsty's follow up album too. The finest solo album of the decade (even Morrissey agrees nothing he did came close)
lose weight you fat bitch
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This you, tubby?
He still looks incredible at 65 years of age. How about you, you fat cunt
Based Mozza
Will check that album out, thanks.
It's a shame morrissey never collaborated with her (she did do backing vocals on The Queen is Dead).

All 3 were best friends, I think she was godmother to Johnny's kids. A vastly underrated storyteller-writer, similar to Moz.
Damn. He looks a bit like Marr did in the late era Smiths with that rockabilly hairstyle. Morrissey has a type, lol
Based Marr, fuck that moron bitch, he would like that though
>successfully applied
You say this like filling out a form correctly is some great achievement
Considering it took Morrissey 6 years to work out how to open an email and read a legal affidat, id wager Marr has slightly less dribble on his chin and poop in his diaper than the other dementia patient at this point
I love how mozz diehards will all readily admit that Marr's guitar playing on the smiths albums is fantastic. But Marrsisters will swear morrissey has no talent and marr was the whole band blah blah blah. Really make you think...
They have nothing else so they gotta prop him up as some genius. Talented guitarist and The Smiths were incredible but Marr is replaceable.
Fag opinion
>but Marr is replaceable.
I started this trend btw.
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Update: Marr's on twitter right now, bitchin and stamping on his wig again
It's very based of you

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