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This song is my guilty pleasure.
Live to Tell > Like a Prayer
La Isla Bonita >
Propped by a gospel choir with genuine SOVL, while she herself was soulless.
true classic. you should proudly show your love for it, no one will judge you unless they’re soulless losers. normies love it. supermarkets bump this on the regular and i dance in the aisle
>you should proudly show your love for it
I have a reputation as a rugged, manly man who listens to rock and metal. If my family and friends find out I actually enjoy a few of these old pop songs for women like this Madonna song (and a few others...), what's gonna happen to the image I've cultivated all these years of a stoic, manly man?
they will appreciate that side of you and become more open themselves. no need to retain a one-dimensional image. expand. grow. let yourself enjoy some fucking madonna
That's a pretty nice guilty pleasure track, here's mine https://youtu.be/U5-5a9VrDWs
yeah, everybody watched that mahvel capeshit goyslop deadpool & and wolverine zoom zoom
They'll have a giggle about it
Nah dude it's wierd, you wouldn't get it because the people around you probably already think you're a fruit (I do based on your manner of typing)
It's a song about religiously sucking cock, it's based
pretty sad existence having to lie and pit on a fake image to everyone you know but i guess that’s what some choose to do. caring what others think of you is a waste of time and energy. caring so much that you hide who you are is a tragedy
I wouldn't have been as confident if I thought my dad was a fag, and I will not do that to my children.
you really think your dad would be a fag for liking madonna? that is some major insecurity, homie. don’t you think? i mean you say you’re confident but yet you gotta protect an image. it’s okay to have a sense of humor and respect art. what the hell are you doing on the board otherwise? whatever, you’ll figure it out. someone is going to notice all that sexual insecurity and think you’re a latent fag trying to keep it hidden. it’s better to let your balls hang free
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>they will appreciate that side of you and become more open themselves. no need to retain a one-dimensional image. expand. grow. let yourself enjoy some fucking madonna

I wish that were true man. I wish I could be free to just enjoy the things I do without fear of people thinking I'm not the masculine ideal I so much desire to be seen as. But after living my life this way and now as a 32 year old man how am I just gonna let people find out I enjoy stuff like Madonna?

As I type this post I realize that the root cause of everything are my fears of being seen as an inadequate man. I long so much to be seen as a role model of masculinity in part because I'm proud of being a man, however, the other part of it are probably my deep rooted insecurities and my feelings of inadequacy due to personal failures like my inaction and laziness. I have opened myself to others before and let them know about things I enjoyed in private, only to be mocked, so I decided that I'd never do it again.

I'm a prisoner in a jail that I created myself. My only way out is to stop being a lazy, undisciplined man of inaction, and become the self-sufficient man of action, the protagonist of my own life, who others can depend upon, that I only daydream about.
i hear ya but i’m offering the alternate aproach here leading to the outcomd you want: start opening up and being more honest with yourself and others, and let yourself be mocked and show you are a man who does not give a fuck, (better example to show others) and let people see the dynamic person you are. otherwise people will interact less honestly with you back and life is less fulfilling. it’s a great example of strength to show your heart is open. it is strength, not weakness. i’m not pushing some faggy shit here, i’m being real with you especially now since you typed that and are sharing, which is healthy. for example, directors or the vision guy in a company might want to allow people to fear him a bit in order to be able to shout and get what they want when needed. another kind of director can get the same great performance from company by being really supportive, understanding and open, communicative and taking the lead to share and express without fear. it is my estimation that you get much better results from being kind. when you shiw yourself, people share more back. if you want the best of what your reality should be, you must put all of yourself into without fear. otherwise you’re only teaching others to lock themselves up as if there is sonething better to gain in reservation. there isn’t, it’s better to lead in love. you have to love yourself as you actually are, homor yourself. otherwise you have no business loving anyone else or setting a good example. a person who is honest and unafraid of ridicule and can shake off others’ opinion is more dependable and reliable and someone whom a person can confide in. not someone who is carrying shame and would hide their true feelings out of fear of being seen silly. past shouldn’t rule present and future and make you hide yourself. that’s living a half life if you can’t openly enjoy life as you truly would if there was no shame.
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lol she dances like elaine from seinfeld in this video

how about this? About the joy of being a mum
for me it's Bedtime Story, co-written by Bork.
my Madonna Top 5:
Bedtime Story
Live to Tell
Justify My Love
Into the Groove
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It's a catchy melody & the musicianship is quite good, especially Guy Pratt's bass playing. Unfortunately Madonna is on it, so lyrically it is about sucking off black men. The video is particularly cringe-worthy.
>religiously sucking cock
big black cock to be specific
She look so hot here
>feeling even an ounce of shame about anything ever
Thank you for those words anon. I think you are right and I'm going to start trying to live my life the way I want to. I can't say this is gonna happen quickly because I know it's not, but I'm gonna put effort into gradually being more honest and real about who I am.
We really are dynamic and trying to fit into stereotypes is a huge mistake. I love rock and metal, but I can also enjoy and see beauty in other genres of music such as pop or romantic songs. I like the instrumentals and the beautiful choir singing of Like a Prayer, but the real allure of the song for me is Madonna's soothing voice. It's so beautiful, so feminine, so sexy.
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Yeah, she used to be hot. Shame about the bogging.
>he still feels guilt or embarassed about anything he likes/enjoys
How’s it being 16, OP?
This, I sing the 1975 songs that come on at work and no one can stop me.
Madonna's 80s pop songs sound like nursery rhymes compared to the overproduced, overwritten shit we have today
Very nice
I doubt you are 100% open to everyone about every single thing you enjoy
not at all
there's nuance here, I also choose to never discuss my taste with people, not because I'm embarrassed about it but because I truly do not care about their opinion of it so why would i start some long conversation on the value of a work that the normie im discussing it doesn't really understand? no, as far as everyone I talk to is concerned, I like top 40 pop and nothing more interesting than that, stop talking to me please, I truly don't care what you think of what I think. so you can absolutely lie and give fake images without it being a negative, for me it's great, it stops people telling me their opinions.
Have you considered that you might miss out on amazing experiences by meeting people who are emotionally and intellectually invested in the same things as you, people who could become lovers or lifelong friends?
Live to tell is so dreary and so down tempo, it is a snooze fest imo. A bore, a yawn inducing boredom fest.
Love makes the world go round or true blue>live to tell
Papa don't preach/White heat>live to tell
NTA, but no. Have you ever had a lover tell you "we can't be together because we don't like the same music"?
Because I have. And I'll never forgive her.
Let me give you two things to think about based on what you said.

First, if she left you because of taste in music, was she really into you to begin with?
Second, if she left you with this lame ass excuse, which meant she wasn't really into you, doesn't that mean you being open about your interests and tastes in music saved you from an arrangement with someone that wouldn't love you anyway?

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