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dead general


faq: https://www.patreon.com/snorreruch
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Preparing for an evening blasting Striborg
stop posting this awful soi
What am I donating to the spooky tunes man for
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For me, it's Esoteric
Cadleinass sucks
Esoteric, Nuerosis, Ulcerate, Mgla

The four horsemen of boring bullshit
Quiet poser!
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How are they posers? They're still on Northern Heritage despite it killing all the mainstream hype they got after Exercises in Futility
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>Northern Heritage
Clandestine Blaze and DsO are for posers as well.
Best blastings of the thread:
Never mind, looks like they're on their own independent label now.
It’s a sub label. Sub labels are for posers
Get fucked, tasteless posers.
Any of you anons gonna see Whitechapel and Lorna Shore? I'm pretty hyped for it.
I would but tickets are like $200+ CAD.
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>anon, this metal song is hella mid!
>finna skibidi some metal that straight up slaps, and goes hard
well, what do you do, /metal/?
floor it towards a cliff or a lake then tuck and roll
I know almost all the lyrics to None So Vile by heart.
Flip on Skibbidi Biden Slowed and Reverb
your mum must be very proud of you!!
I'd turn on Wiggin Temptation and then proceed to fuck all five of them. I'm just kidding (black metal preserves my virginity).
I'm very proud of you, son!!
change your diaper
Metalcore truly killed Metal. Like sure if you go in online spaces most people despise metalcore, but metalcore has FAR more bands than the rest of metal that have more than 1 million monthly listeners on Spotify. This is despite Metalcore being much younger. It just has longer staying power than Metal with only big boomer bands being the exception.

Hell, it’s not Metal nor Metalcore but Linkin Park has more listeners than Metallica, meaning even Nu Metal will in its own way outlast Metal.
I put on some Wiggerslam of course.
>The retarded wigger, third world masses like commercial metal like Slaughter to Prevail over Incantation.

No shit retard. And that's a good thing.
Oh fuck, duh.
Popularity is not an indication of bad nor good. Thus not a real argument. What we do know is that
1. Metalcore managed to get more popular than Metal in a shorter time without “dying” like Glam.
2. Metalcore continues to innovate, keeping the genre alive.
Is Whitechapel playing alt rock yet? They were slightly less deplorable than most deathcore but the lyrics were absolute ass. I would have a hard time buying a ticket to a Lorna Shore show. Maybe he's improved but the drums are pretty sloppy live and half the music is backing track.
Whitechapel’s pretty hype that new track is great, probably the heaviest they have been in almost 15 years. Looking at Lorna’s setlist, outside of the three part Pain Remains the rest of their songs they play are the ones that follow their formula so idk about that.
They "innovate" by just taking elements of extreme metal and watering it down. It is the genre for new metal listeners. The fans are kids just discovering metal and most will eventually grow out of it. Even the fucking mainstream breakthrough metalcore bands mostly grew out of it and now play buttrock. Of course extreme metal will never have as many listeners as metalcore. The whole formula is just pop song structures with """"heavy""" verses, catchy melodic choruses, and a break down thrown in for retards.
>Is Whitechapel playing alt rock yet?
Man, the last few albums of theirs have been painful. Fine, he wants to write lyrics that aren't just "lmao kill women", but this clean singing, power chord strumming buttrock stuff is just plain awful.
Objectively untrue considering that
1. Extreme Metal isn’t their only influence this they have nowhere close to the same goal as extreme metal despite some similarities
2. If the kids outgrew it, it wouldn’t consistently have higher listeners on average relative to Metal bands
3. Metalcore has songs that do and don’t fit verse chorus structures; it doesn’t limit itself one way or the other.
I liked it. Like proggy deathcore meets the grunge/postgrunge vibe. Probably my favorite of theirs since those first three albums.
I didn't mean they grew out of metalcore and into actual metal, I meant they grew out of heavy music altogether and became indie pop /mu/ posters.
If anything this would be more true of Metal since it doesn't have the same retention stats as shown by Metalcore having more listeners.
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Ok, this is kewl

thatwhich really fell off
All metal is camp obviously but what is some super campy metal? obviously like overkill, slayer, early kreator have a lot of camp to them but what are some other cool ones?
One of those faggots named an entire band Hauntologist (probably after reading about Derrida on wikipedia) so if not posers they're at least massive gay nerds
Attila is hella campy with bangers like Middle Fingers Up
Funny logo lol
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kek true
they look so ugly
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Alternative metal reigns supreme
>rehashing the Euro story
Kek based glenny
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I'm finally giving Blind Guardian a fair shake and I'm not impressed with what I've heard so far.
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What are some other bands ruined by TRASH vocals?
>ITT people shit on Candlemass and defend Metalcore and Memespell Omega
you guys are so fucking false and wrong Holy fuck
More than one of them works in Academia
You're one for three.
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this is the best nu metal album.
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Are there any similar bands to X Japan, jap or not, but without any jpop/piano crap? Just well produced obnoxious speed metal.
have a good night metalheads
Maybe Loudness idk never listened to them
I heard a few songs from them, not vicious enough
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Maybe try that new band Butcher
This general lost all credibility the moment they started shilling melodeath. I just stay to check the BLASTANS
Infant Annihilator are p cool
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It’s been dead since the early 90s.
Looks cool, I will check it. But I was thinking more of an 80s speed metal band. I think X Japan is like a cross between metallica and judas priest (yes, with tons of shitty ballads thrown into the mix, for some reason)
nah. They're a pedophile deathcore band. Only deathcore I like is blunt force trauma.
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I really wish this wasn't produced like Rick Rubin on meth
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You mean the Japanese band with only one album? Deathcore? Lol?
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I also didn't like their early stuff that much at first, it's more of an acquired taste perhaps. You should start with Imaginations or Nightfall.
Helloween - Walls of Jericho
Killers - Mise aux poings
Iron Angel - Hellish Crossfire
I don’t know how many of you guy are into cinema at all but early motorhead is to metal what bresson is to film
I listened to Nightfall years ago but only two songs (Into the Storm and The Curse of Fëanor) stuck with me.
I never got into Blind Guardian either, personally I only like power metal when it's bat-shit insane fast.
Pic related, I really like this album
kek based glen always getting the last word
randys vocals are (maybe were i havent paid attention since ashes of the wake) are very good howeverbeit
>JDawg has his own clips channel
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Fuck, I don't listen to the Waltz enough
Tony Martin era sabbath infact
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Tony Martin was the saving grace from Headless Cross and TYR, the other albums just suck.
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>click your shit boots together
What were these old farts thinking?
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
good melancholic riff on the title track
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the other ones do suck regardless yeah but he’s easily the worst part of cross and tyr for me
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "homosexuals", they were anti-women, they were pro-aids, we cultivated this
I need some weird, dissonant black metal in the vein of Krallice but with more experimental instrumentation and atmosphere
Ok, it's not a bad album, but it's not great like Darkthrone should be
Serpent Column
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300,000 with no name
Arriving by Reichsbahn train

based album
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Have you or any of you tried gotsu totsu kotsu? Japanese death metal band. Although most of you apparently loath and detest death metal for some strange fucking reason, if its not black metal it gets shat on.

I like the bass on this one

full album. I mean, its gimmicky with the whole samurai thing but I like it

does japan have much in the way of metal?
Metal isn’t ruined by vocals Mr tourist
>if its not black metal it gets shat on.
Just a vocal minority.

>does japan have much in the way of metal?
Intense Baalism is the one I always roll out, Sigh is obvious, and then you have goofy stuff like Fastkill. Japan has a fair bit but it's not as widely circulated from what I can tell.
have you heard them without it? It's better

sometimes vocals are alright but in a lot of cases it do be sounding better without
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>better than any extreme metal drummer ever
How did he do it? And why did he join FUCKING scorpions
>This is despite Metalcore being much younger.
Metalcore has been around since 1990, which makes it only five years younger than death metal and two years older than second wave black metal. It's nearly 35 years old at this point.
1989 actually pal
metal only has vocals because pop has vocals, mr eruovision song contest
I was going by releases. If you want to get really anal about it, Integrity formed in 1988.
I was going by releases too, their first ep was 1989
I haven't heard them, but I like it.
Same for riffs, drums, and solos
>Just a vocal minority.
Just a vocal cope.
Everything about metal ruins metal, it should only exist in the abstract
I haven't heard them before, I mean. I didn't decide to like it without hearing it.
found your problem
get fucked up the asshole without lube Bart
Elaborate on that.
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the only thing is that this is still fucked but I'm sure it'll get fixed over time
I refuse
Shout at the Devil is my favorite black metal album
Why are they so fucking ugly? Literally look like lifeless plastic dolls.
>barely anything got deleted in the last thread
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Showing your age mate
Imagine thinking merauder is in the same subgenre as shit like the devil wears prada
Not imagining that
who are you talking to?
His deceased mother
does she blast Merauder or DWP?
No she’s dead
Truly sub 80 iq general
>t. TDWP listener
Why do people always make fun of us metalchads? Are they secretly afraid of us?
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smartypantses get heemed
Fitting for the genre.
why do bmfags make fun of osdm chads? are they secretly afraid of us?
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seeing these guys live in saturday
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Got this playing on the tape player
>t. pencil necked nerd
based rifflord
What's that dm band that popped up a while ago and everyone loved, again? advanced varied song-structure and pretty raw production style.
six feet under
gonna need more to go off than that
The Black Dahlia Murder
Ad Nauseam
Twink Mold?
Yeah. Sorry. I really don't have that much more.
Technical I guess. The writing-style definitely wasn't retro-revival, but the production was more in that direction. Maybe a bit avant-gard-ish. It wasn't Artificial Brain which I realize it sounds like I'm describing.
Blood Incantation?
You got it.
Not quite as raw I remember it. But that's the one. Thanks!
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New ЛEШИЙ album coming according to this t-shirt from the record label
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any reccs for good death metal albums without the growling?
I don't mind the typical black metal shrieking or stuff like that
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I love their trippy vintage sci-fi looking album covers
more bands should go for this style IMO
It’s played out now thanks to 20 buck spin
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It took many years to realize just how great Varg is. Feel sad for anyone who never gets it.
They have a new album in like 3 weeks I think
Glad you finally came to terms with your homosexuality after all that time. It's a bumpy road, I'm sure.
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Snorre ruch
Adam kalmbach
Phil tougas
Funny how you got pushed out, while your nemesis now posts freely.
Holy mother of projection
Negru? He’ll get what’s coming to him
It's been like a month now... where is he...
great bands, great songs, and ai slop music videos why are old people so blown away by ai? they use it for their album covers too
guy's surname is literally "Rat" kek
the HOF one is top line slop at least though
He lurks and jerks off to everyone in the general continuing to use his memespeak
NEW >>123651561
fuck yourself
Bros I’m not feeling so well, that guy Scaruffi reviewed the entire Jute Discography and called Adam a wannabe Mozart
hes right lol
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Check this out.
live yourself
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Found this, thought you guys would love this.
>this is what homosexuals discuss
Certainly not Steele. His cock was a dissapointment
I’d rather be a disappointment already and then my dick will be a nice surprise
>be 6'8 handsome chad with a successful music career
>still get cheated on because your cock is too small
The geneticspill is too brutal bros
I already know and like Vitriol (moreso than the band I was looking for right now, actually), but it really doesn't fit the raw production style description.
oblique metal
jagged metal
We do not care for tourist reviews here
have you seen his comment section? genuinely more autistic than /meal/
megakek bros
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Janny bait
Hector is a musician, why am I not allowed to discuss mexican bands here again?
I love Hector. He's even on Metal-Archives.
Better than to be a huge dicked incel loser
(like me)
I thought he was 8 inches what
I’m hector why am I not allowed to mention myself
Poodust Yeast is an embarrassment to metal.
Potty mouth poster
>invents metal
>some basement dweller talks shit about them 50 years later while they are still releasing bangers
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>while they are still releasing bangers
>while they are still releasing bangers
time to change your diaper, gramps
6.5 at most
>a NSBM album with actual riffs, catchy songwriting, listenable production and non-cringe vocals
This can't be real
Heavy metal = Judas Priest
Simple as
Correct. (They both suck)
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>heavy metal
>it's neither heavy nor metal
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1. checked
2. gross. academics and school teachers are the real scum of the middle class. greg graffin and the guy from sarcofago can shove it too.
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>I'll just spend my time shitting on everything posted that’s not NSBM. What a productive day, I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight
I remember liking The Chasm.
Ok brainlet
I am talking about Metal as a whole though, which has been around since 1970. Not to mention that true metalcore didn't start till the very late 90s with Aftershock, metallic hardcore is more hardcore meanwhile true metalcore is its own thing.
Better quality of data than 4chan/reddit/metallum posts
Spotify exclusively measures the numbers of people that do not buy records.
That’s everyone here except me
Untrue since Spotify advertises buying records in the merch, so there has to be overlap or else Spotify wouldn't spend money on having that feature.
Early Sepultura
Obtained enslavement
what do you think having a link on a site costs compared to not having it?
Just a link? Not much cost. The Merch tab, the ads on the front section/artist's section, the emails, and everything else that's part of that experience? Scaled for millions of artists? Costs more than one would expect. They can track how many people are clicking into it/buying through it, and there are definitely enough people doing it for them to expand it the way they have.
Any national socialist wigger slam?
Wignat slam?
Wigger nationalist blacked slam?
I get the impression that wiggers hate everything but aren't racist
Like, they'll hate blacks, Indians, Chinese, and Eskimos, but aren't very educated enough to put a reason behind their hate
Wiggers think racism is a waste of time, they have much more directed hate at the motherfucker who overcharged them on their gold teef, or that punk ass bitch who keeps raising the rent every year, which will invariably lead wiggers to becoming redpilled on the JQ
what kinda metal you like azza
Wiggers are rednecks that grew up around blacks so they had to assimilate or get their ass kicked
>meets none of the criteria
well done
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I grew up in a white upper middle class suburb so wrong. t. ex-wigger
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>doesn’t meet the strict criteria of miss disney princess
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Also, the most famous wigger is Eminem who, although he was poor, grew up around blacks and has in fact been beaten up by blacks, can't be called a redneck.
but he'll never do it...mmmh i wonder who behind this
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this is the heaviest album ever recorded
pack it up extremetoddlers, Electric Wizard won metal.
Acoustic Wizard was better. too bad they sued him.
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>people actually get filtered by the production on this
>people actually listen to metal
couldn't be me
We hate metal here.
literally their best release and the peak of thrash
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the only genres that matter currently are hip hop, pop, and shoegaze
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Honorary Aryan. These riffs slap.
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I have a big fat butt
metal for this feel?
You can't just say that without proving it.
Pics and you'll get your recs.
M. O. D. - Bubble Butt
I get filtered by the shitty music actually. Thrash sucks.
>I get filtered
Thank you for being honest with the class.
Anyone with taste is immediatelly filtered by thash as it is for talentless hacks.
Imagine making this statement with such conviction but being so utterly wrong lmao
melodeath is thrash but good
>metalcore is thrash
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>band has a high t groove metal phase
>contemporary wimp fans piss and shit themselves because it's different
>albums are regarded as shit for years
>they're all actually good
Dorks shouldn't be taken seriously.
fuck you and your Great Value Pantera
Nothing is heavier than Pantera though
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I hate Pantera so goddamn much
>you can't like both sides
stupid idort
>treats music like a console war
What's the point of this image? Proclaiming one bland average taste to be superior to another? That image doesn't even have the best records by the bands on the left displayed.
>tfw Morbid Angel will never released a 26th studio album with the letter Z
>Calls classics bland
I have a soft spot for this album since it was the first Overkill album I ever heard. Not great, but definitely overhated. They were pretty good at writing fat meathead groove riffs during the 90s.
Devourment is peak "shake your ass" metal
Steve Asheim "I was not butt fukked on the Deicide bus and you better have squeaky clean johns"
Altars of Madness is fine, really. Not my favorite record by Morbid Angel, but I couldn't fault you if it was yours. It's the ensemble of albums and the taste they indicate that I call bland. It's all very surface level. Pretty much Bongman-core.
>but he'll never do it...
You don't know that.
It's just a fun album. I especially like the prominent heavy metal influence mixed in with a bluesier take on groove. These aren't classics or anything but an interesting era/phase for a lot bands that gets overlooked because of genre purists.
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>Wrath, hate, pain and death
>The code we live by
>It's in our souls
>Metal is the way

>We fight the world
>With glowing metal
>Now the falses will pay
some corny lyrics from the 'marth
Says the poser
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>"viking" metal band
no way
What's a poser?
Anyone know where to listen to that Maestro Croque Mort/Wunderwaffe split besides buying a physical copy?
What's a krvsty and a Negru
Im making a grindcore demo
legend has it there was some kind of homosexual altercation between Prozak and member(s) of Pantera, afterwards Prozak talked shit about them at every chance
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You found it at long last?
You are so funny and cool, kvetchy
where's the gay kiss scene
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Yo big krvst, you heard Judiciary?
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>open /meal/
>anons are bickering about Morbid Angel for the zillionth time
What's your issue? It's not arghoslent tier riff fiesta but it covers the other three points.
>arghoslent tier riff fiesta
goddamn you're such a fag
Are you the anon who always rages about Gelal
Now (((who))) could possibly rage about Gelal constantly? Makes one thunk
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I regret to inform you that metalcore has won the year
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Gelal looks like THIS?
Great, that deserves its own thread on /mu/. No need to post here.
What would you do with yourself if you didn't have a boogeyman to hate and rebel against? I imagine you'd just evaporate into thin air.
Little early m8, I'll help us get there though
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Nah, I haven't. Looks interesting, though. The tags on RYM and the cover make me feel like it probably sounds a bit like Judge. I'll give it a spin.
He just looks marginally older and fatter than he does in every other picture. Also "gigaslav" is a little funny considering he's Latino.
Best blastings of the thread
Killing this thread
Blasting Master of Puppets
>Also "gigaslav" is a little funny considering he's Latino.
Really? He looks super Russian in that pic
Halac is czech/slovak i know from watching hockey
Yep, Gelal is Argentine. Granted, he's a very white Latino, but it's still funny given he's supposed to be in the hardcore neoconfederate band. I believe Richard Mills from GBK was also a related to the Du Pont family, who might as well be Jewish themselves lol. GBK is one of the only black metal acts (especially from the US) that I actually enjoy, but the details of their personal lives seem to be at odds with their image a lot of the time.
Oh well
>luv me GBK music
>luv the fact they actually push buttons with their lyrics
>don't care about the politics otherwise
Literally me

click if you dare
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How is your transition going? Btw you will never pass.

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