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>While attending George Washington High School, Morrison maintained a grade average of 88 and tested in the top 0.1% with an IQ of 149.

>Morrison's senior year English teacher later said, "Jim read as much and probably more than any student in class, but everything he read was so offbeat I had another teacher (who was going to the Library of Congress) check to see if the books Jim was reporting on actually existed. I suspected he was making them up, as they were English books on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century demonology. I'd never heard of them, but they existed, and I'm convinced from the paper he wrote that he read them, and the Library of Congress would've been the only source."

What are some other giga brain musicians?
Jim Morrison was against race mixing.
Smartest Composers:
Stockhausen (inb4 avant meme/teen)

By the time 20th century rolls around, most composers are highly educated, and highly intelligent. I would value innovation and creativity as signs of intelligence in a composer.

The problem become that the composers get so smart, they're no longer writing nice music, but representing stock movement and buy/sell exchanges in music.
Brian Wilson is smart
149 IQ sounds impressive but when you account for the Flynn effect (an increase of the average IQ by 3 points with each passing decade in developed countries) that would translate to an IQ of "only" 130 were he to take the test today.
what does it say about this topic
Manzerek talks about how he was a proponent of "The Golden Race" basically just a hodge podge mix of every race in the end. He talked about it a lot in the book. His wife was Asian. He mentions how Morrison was the opposite of him and thought people should only procreate within their own race.
do you remember what page this is on?
>do you hope to pluck this dusky jewel
Morrison also threatened his grandparents I believe with bringing home a black girl according to No One Gets Out.
Holy fucking based
Also The Doors are probably the most /x/tier band ever. Literally connected to the CIA and playing shows in Masonic lodges. Not surprised Manzarek is a Kalergist
thats not a real thing and you're a retard if you believe it
I don't recall what page, but it's in the first half of the book because I quit reading it. I've read 3 books on the doors, haven't read the Krieger's yet, and man Manzerek and Dunsmore were absolute geeks. I think that's why I haven't read Krieger's yet. Afraid to find out he was a geek too. The way Morrison is portrayed in all of these books, he's basically the giga chad meme.
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Gigachad or not his music itself just want that interesting. I guess if all you want is a power fantasy that's fine,but The VU were way more engaging.
man when are you going to stop posting. youre just not a very interesting person.
Lol,yeah The Doors is le super special and unique music for being the most generic whitewashed blues jams of that entire era. You got me.
When I was like 10 I was watching some TV show with my grandma that started talking about how the Doors actually continued for a few years after Jim died then played some footage of a Jim free Doors show. She started laughing about how nerdy they all look.
First time I learned about the ick
Didn’t realise blues typically featured organs, synths and flamenco guitar.

My bad, it was the Densmore book that mentioned this not the Manzerek book. My mistake:

Densmore says that Jim and Ray Manzarek [Doors keyboard player] had "constant arguments ... about man's evolution. Ray wanted the golden race to come out of blending" and Jim "argued against the loss of individual characteristics." (Densmore p. 28) Ray married a Chinese girl, while Jim always sought out red-haired girls, so much so that the very Aryan Nico dyed her hair red to please him
holy fuck i need pics of nico with red hair. that sounds sexo
Organs,Electronic Insturments,and Latin Elements were alresdy in play so as we discussed before these are all minor differences.
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You just don’t like The Doors because they’re not European, don’t have any black people and sold millions of records. Objectively they were at the absolute vanguard of psychedelic music and blew boomers minds with music the likes of which had never been heard.
I like Quicksilver Messenger Service,The Grateful Dead,Jimi Hendrix,Country Joe and The Fish,Pearls Before Swine,The Association,Steppenwolf,Jefferson Airplane,The Human Expression,The Ugly Ducklings,Moonstone,and Funkadelic though lmao. Tons of American Acts that I namedrop constantly. The Doors simply weren't that good. They were uninspired.
You're aware Country Joe and The Fish and Quicksilver Messenger Service both had less European Influences than The Doors did aswell right? Love had some but clearly a US Band aswell but Human Expression also had like none. The Doors had a lot of Feench Influence though. Country Joe and The Fish and Quicksilver Messenger Service are literally just Country Music half the time.
All of those either have black people or did not sell millions of records.
>Grateful Dead
Lmao at calling The Doors generic
It is nonetheless literally country music prettymuch. Also some of the European bands I mentioned actually did sell a shitton of records like Shocking Blue and Cream (yea I'm counting England as Europe lol fuck you) as did at very least Jimi Hendrix and The Association so mute point. The Association were like a mainstream charting pop act in The 60s.
The Association is a bunch of White Dudes and one Asian and had multiple charting hits. You just literally don't know what you're talking about here. You're assmad because I didn't like the same band your dad does lol.
Yeah, Nico. We know you love the hecking joggers, Europeans and hipster bands no one has ever heard of. If The Doors were one of these you would be sucking Jimbo off every 5 seconds.
The singer from Offspring is a literal genius.
I just checked the sales numbers and Jefferson Airplane charted in The USA multiple times aswell as The UK and Canada. Also appear to have charted in Finland. Do you have a rebuttal to that? I get you think you're being an epic gigachad here lmao.
Hipster Bands no one has ever heard of?

Have you considered thst you're extremely slow and following along with something that has depth or neuance might be too hard for you? Nobody in real life thinks Jefferson Airplane,Jimi Hendrix,Santana,or Cream are obscure. Nobody really thinks Shocking Blue or CAN are that obscure either. Maybe some of the other ones but nonetheless I just think you like things you don't have to think about too much.
The Velvet Underground also charted in France The USA and Japan,I know for a fact Shocking Blue charted multiple times too although only once in The USA if not mistaken. I know you don't understand the genre but QMS and Country Joe also I'm pretty sure charted.
Literally all those bands either have blacks in them or are European so consider the point proven
>Shocking Blue
More like Literally Who
I mean you're a downie. The Doors are incredibly basic and Zappa and Beefheart have le funny screaming and funny sound effects to keep your attention. I understand you better than I think you might be capable of understanding yourself there lol. Funkadelic also charted BTW. So did The Moody Blues.
Jefferson Airplane is prettymuch entirely white dudes and entirely from California. You don't actually know anything about the topic in question. Just having a retarded meltdown because it's too hawd for your bug brain.
>The Moody Blues
Little downie boy with his self hating Ameritard white boy tastes literally incapable of following a conversation. Get your mayo ass to bed, you gotta work at the Car Wash tomorrow
Country Joe and QMS are also a bunch of white guys from California. The Velvet Underground are a bunch of white dudes from NY. You're talking out your ass. You've never listened to any of these bands because they aren't accessible to braindead retards like you with the five second attention spans and the power fantasy shit. QMS are like fucking Country Music too same with Country Joe and The Fish.
Jefferson Airplane had a black violinist. Lil bro doesn’t even know is in his favourite bands
Quicksilver Messenger Service

>White and from California but you're stuck at the emotional level of a 12 year old so you cannot appreciate them

Country Joe and The Fish

>White and from California but you're stuck at the emotional level of a 12 year old so you cannot appreciate them

Jefferson Airplane

>White and from California but you're stuck at the emotional level of a 12 year old so you cannot appreciate them
> Country Joe and QMS
Lame hipster bands no one has heard of
Had a European in it, also used to be a lame hipster band no one ever heard of before Lou Reed started his cookie cutter blues crooning career.
They didn't on any of the main releases. Nice tile counting though ig. The real issue is you're a retard with a nonexistent attention span here. I don't know why you expect me to pretend otherwise. Peter Grudzien was literally a redneck too lol. I guess he was gay but still,just inserting your own insecurities onto me I think. I like fucking Lynyrd Skynyrd and The Outlaws aswell.
2 hipster bands and a band with a black guy. Dude is LITERALLY incapable of admitting he likes a single all-American, all-white band.
They sold well at the time though. Retarded Internet Zoomers maybe not but boomers and gen xers yeah. Also QMS had no Europeans in it and were a bunch of white guys from California and are stil relatively remembered in pop culture. It just doesn't appeal to your squirrel brain and lack of attention span the way le generic whitewashed blues rock ",gigachad" (schizophrenic) power fantasy does. Feel free to tard out though. I'm guessing you like KISS aswell?
>Thinks The Doors are generic
>Likes the most white bread, mass market pop-country of all time
Did Jimbo fuck your mom and never call her back or something?
You have literally down syndrome. You have never played a sport in your life,stop emulating things you saw on Disney channel when you were 12. I garuntee you aren't bullying anyone. I garuntee you're nothing like Jim Morrison either. Anyway in no sane world are Jefferson Airplane or The Velvet Underground still "hipster bands",both pretty mainstream popular culture fixtures lol.
>"incapable of admitting he likes a single all-American, all-white band."

I literally said I liked Southern Rock retard. Where do you think the Vwrage southern rock band qas from and what did they look like? You like The Doors because you have a nonexistent attention span. (And yes,Southern Rock does in fact require one. A lot of it was pretty long form.)
>Well remembered
Yeah about as well remembered as where you put your wallet, my lil Alzheimer’s buddy.
And what’s your beef with KISS? Did Gene Simmons pump and dump your mom too? You’re always seething about these guys.
Ok. QMS and Jefferson Airplane were also entirely white and from California. So we're Country Joe and The Fish. You feel threatened because I didn't pretend you were remotely normal for liking the "normie" thing probably. In no universe are The VU still remotely hipstery. It's no longer the 90s,CAN and ADii are prettymuch "classic rock bands" aswell.
Jefferson Airplane are pretty well remembered and The Grateful Dead lol. The issue is you're told big of a retard to sit still and need something more generic and formulaic. Since The Doors music isn't challenging at all it works better for you.
Ah yes, the band with 17 minute long songs, famously popular with those with low attention spans. Unlike the band singing about epic tranny sex and buying drugs from joggers that are beloved by a certain autistic individual.
Also once again I said I like Southern Rock lol.
But as established JA was not entirely white and the rest are hipster bands no one has ever heard of.
Lynyrd Skynyrd had 17 minute long songs? Also yes I'm aware you're too retarded to pay attention for more than 5 minutes. I already acknowledged this.
Jefferson Airplane literally get used in shampoo ads and on classic rock radio. CAN was sampled by both Kanye and Animal Collective. You are living in like The 1980s at latest with this one. Velvet Underground T-Shirts at strip malls same with Jimi Hendrix. Nothing alternative about that whatsoever.
>challenging music
Bruh you got so filtered by Beefheart that you seethe about him on a daily basis. Yeah, the highest “challenging” music you can stomach is TVU&N. Maybe Brat by Charli XCX is the next step for you.
Lil bro’s attention span is so short he couldn’t even finish reading the post beyond the second comma. Don’t even need to reason with this downie, just wind him up and watch him go prove your point for you.
I'm disabled because you're too retarded to sit still for more than 3 minutes or enjoy something where you can't predict the outcome immediately? Interesting. Not sure why you're bringing race into this either desu. Mostly talking about white guys from California versus other white guys from California here. Difference is one doesn't challenge you and you're too retarded to sit still.
Lil Bro Guy as long as you're not still pretending you don't do drugs to me because I think that was more insulting to my intelligence than anything else you could possibly say at this point. You gotta admit both Jimi Hendrix and CAN had some fucking rocking jams too as cringe as that probably is to say. Michael Kordil and Jimi himself were both killer guitarists with some genuinely triply ideas for that era. I think you should also like I said before give WCEPAB a chance and maybe like The Move and The Kinks.lot to enjoy there.
Like you're a band loyalist in the old school way too which i get but in the same way I can admit blue Jay Way was pretty cool and pretty heady you gotta admit both Jimi and Michael Krodil had some serious riffs and were just as good at songwriting as any of the 'boy band" bands aswell. Those were both guys who really knew how to cary the emotion.
D’aww, lil downie mush brain that can’t handle Zappa or The Doors thinks he can grandstand to make some point about song length and attention span. Doesn’t even have the attention span to finish a 4chan post and make just one coherent reply! Has to read it at least 2 or 3 times to comprehend just some of it and has to multi-reply to squeeze in points he forgot to make! Sad!
> Not sure why you're bringing race into this either desu.
Because you very clearly wish you were one of the Jamaican studs that rails your gf, hence why you pretend dancehall is good and can’t tolerate blues rock except when a black guy does it.
I like classical composers that you all hare for being atonal and disonent though? Idk bro seems more challenging than Beefheart to me lol. Anybody can bag random objects like a retard. Takes someone talented to pull off what The VU did.
Everybody can handle Zappa,it's like patting yourself on the back for "getting" South Park lol.
Playing out of tune guitars like a retard?
>"Because you very clearly wish you were one of the Jamaican studs that rails your gf, hence why you pretend dancehall is good and can’t tolerate blues rock except when a black guy does it."

I think this is your own violent schizophrenia. Yes,as you know The Moody Blues and Amon Düül ii were extremely black. Same with Jefferson Airplane. You'd be less angry if you'd ever actually had sex. I think you know that too. It's why me pointing it out makes you so assmad.
Peter Gabriel
Rivers Cuomo
Noel Gallagher
Tom Morello
Roger Waters

Ok i'll stop
But not you apparently. Must take at least 120 IQ.
>I'm convinced from the paper he wrote that he read them

What if he was just making that shit up too?
>2 European bands and a band with a black guy
Dude is LITERALLY incapable of remembering the point he’s even trying to refute!
Stay away from marijuana, kids. Or this will be you.
It takes being a spastic with no attention span achskhually. The average Zappa Fan is in fact retarded and dishygenic. Same with Beefheart. Level of autism I can't even comprehend. It's Sonic The Hedgehog for old men almost.
Jefferson Airplane were a bunch of White Guys from California and also did in fact chart multiple times,so the real issue si that you're too intellectually challenged to enjoy anything you can't understand in The first 5 seconds.
>"Stay away from Marijuana Kids"
>Guy who could never hold a coherent thought to begin with and is barely literate

Lol ok. What about Lynyrd Skynyrd and The Outlaws?
Had a black guy in it. Dude does not even know this little about his face bands, he can’t even remember information he learned minutes ago. Jelly brain.
That’s just shitty taste
Is this ebonics or something? Spending too much time with your GFs boyfriends.
Not really dude. They had great slow jams with incredible composition and pacing. Southern Rock was low-key kino. I'm sure you wouldn't understand that though.
It didn't though. I'm a long term fan of Jefferson Airplane. They were a bunch h of white dudes from California. You either have dementia or paranoid schizophrenia. Southern Rock Bands were generally more neuanced and varied than The Doors EVER were though. So was The Grateful Dead and sure as fuck nothing CAN and Hendrix. This entire conversation is just funny desu.
Lol ok,enjoy your spazz out ig "jelly brain",you're talking like a retard again an running yourself in circles. You like The Doors because they're extremely basic and you aren't The Brightest. Spiffys fucking MOG them.
The Girfriends Boyfriends thing is also something thst never happened that you basically told yourself so that you don't put a bullet through your head. Really see through shit. Totally delusional. If you could sit still longer maybe any of these bands would appeal to you.
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But they literally did. Today you learned something, keep it up and maybe in a few years you can get your GED and finally be able to listen to more challenging music, like The Doors.
She wasn’t hitting up black studs on Bumble?
This guy was never in the original lineup though was he? i dont remember hom being on any of the albumcovers or appearing at woodstock. Seems like you're grasping at straws.
he was fat or at least chubby through most of his adolescence. the '67 'greek god', shirt off jimbo only last for probably 1.5 years (if that) and was the result of starving himself for about a year prior.
>challenging music like *most generic buttrock band of all time*

Lol ok. Nice job repeating something back to me ig.
No she was not. This literally never happened lmao. You're just retarded and kinda insecure about it so you're prone to conspiracy stuff extra easy.
Next you'll tell me that I don't really "get" Nickleback.
Right because you are a brainlet that judges whether music is good or not by the album cover. I should not have expected you to have any kind of deeper understanding about the band lineup, apologies, unless you see them in a picture on the cover you wouldn’t know because that would require reading. Let alone expecting the tone deaf to even notice there’s a violin being played here.
He only joined in fucking 1970,so basically he was on none of the classic recordings. Good job digging deep ig. Played on maybe a grand total of one or two songs off Saucers I like and nothing else. Really grasping at strings here.
Because you can't sit still and pay attention so you like generic blues backing tracks with le cool guy "gigachad" singing over them. Most milqtose forgettable shit imaginable,versus the bands I like (which are actually even remotely interesting,something The Doors fail to be).
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What’s this then? Lil bro is so ashamed his gf is getting Jamaican bucks on the side that he’a trying to lie about it, he knows.
Also I just checked dude and he was in fact not in the original lineup. He joined after they'd fallen off critically and around the time they stopped charting. The Lead Singer of Love on the other hand was Black and is the only one most fans really discuss even,but I guess knowing who Arthur Lee was when you like the fucking doors is a bit much to ask.
I don't think that says this anywhere but I understand the idea of someone else having a girlfriend makes you extremely angry yeah.
When you say The Doors are “generic”, what you really mean is “influential”, because any band that sounds like The Doors came after The Doors. And there were many because The Doors are awesome.
When you say “interesting”, what you really mean is “irrelevant, because no one gave enough of a shit about them to rip them off.
Usual Doors W
>"Let alone expecting the tone deaf to even notice there’s a violin being played here."

Maybe that has to do with him being exclusively on the albums nobody cares about and not having played Woodstock or anything else people actually remember.
I get this argument somewhat except that The Monks,Cream,The Velvet Underground,The Human Expression,Rolling Stones,Love,and others were already a thing. Even for the time they were pretty bland lol.
>O-oh yeah well I bet you never heard of Arthur Lee
Lil bro thinks he’s enlightening anyone with his basic bitch band. As always insecure as fuck that someone knows something he didn’t, keep tilting at windmills.
You ever ask her if she fucked this negro?
You just named 6 bands that sound nothing like The Doors. Dude is literally tone deaf. ChatGPT is unironically better equipped to comprehend music.
>“irrelevant, because no one gave enough of a shit about them to rip them off."

I think you meant "I haven't heard of because I'm a Friendless retard who likes MUSE and gets his information from Discord" but alright. All these bands have seen re releases so someone cared enough to buy their albums and have been mentioned by real life musicians. CAN inspired bands far more popular than they themselves. I guess if you hadn't had the entire garage psych genre as a stable thing before then sure,but as it stands The Doors were just a bland and wattered down version of that. Velvet Underground did way way more for music than they ever did. I will admit to liking TRULY who are probably Doors inspired though,but they were like from The 90s that was way way after the fact and also like Grunge.
No I just sort of know you haven't because you don't talk to people offline and you aren't able to search for your own music so you sort of just repeat the funny meme lists ad nauseum.
She didn't. You're unironically mad because you're unironically a virgin at 40. It's super obvious shit. You've never had sex ever.
>Noel Gallagher
>"he’s enlightening anyone with his basic bitch band. As always insecure as fuck that someone knows something he didn’t"

You didn't know anything though. It was just you being an angry retard and repeating yourself 40 times. Everything you think The Doors were so unique for had already been done.
Muse are awesome, bro. Not hipster enough for you?
What I mean by “irrelevant”, lil bro. Is that they never achieved the tremendous influence of The Doors, who are influential to such a degree that your attention span deprived zoomer ear cannot appreciate enough about music history to see how the degree to which so many bands that came after ripped off their sound is precisely the benchmark for influence. Like Little Richard before them. First it was The Doors, then came all the bands that sound like The Doors. Kind of like how Burzum came before Donkey Kong Country
Bro you think Love sounds like The Doors. To you music must just be a flat, featureless desert like the taste palette of a 60 year old cigar chain-smoker. Such is life for the tone deaf.
So she told you that or you just hope she didn’t?
They do just with more prominent jazz influences. The intro to Light My Fire could easily be on a Love Album. Regardless though The Doors were 1000% a watered down version of a band like The Litter,The Seeds,The Velvet Underground,The Human Expression,The Kinks,or Painted Faces though. Not really sure how that is up for debate. I believe you believe you know something and are enlightening me and I find your attempts to be funny and lighthearted. Would probably have bought this at your age too ig. No way your 27 either. Like 24 at most morelikely in late high-school.
You're are too low IQ to realize the high IQ it takes to be as funny as he is, not to mention the songs. It's like explaining relativity to a tortoise.
She told me he said she had "chinky eyes" and then they kinda completely stopped talking and I never heard about him again. I think I asked once but women love lying to be fair so thst doesn't really mean as much. Pretty sure though yeah. We were both fighting and talking to other people.
Bro none of the bands you listed sound like each other let alone like The Doors
Fucking kek. Trying to talk to this tone deaf spastic about music is like trying to talk to a random number generator. He just vomits out a random list of bands he likes and insists bands he doesn’t ripped them off, even when they sound nothing alike.
So she got close enough to him to tell he had chinky eyes? Be concerned.
>"To you music must just be a flat, featureless desert like the taste palette of a 60 year old cigar chain-smoker. Such is life for the tone deaf."

This is literally what The Doors were going for artisticly though. They were supposed to be dry and cynical compared to the more colorful and light hearted or whimsical bands from that time. Same thing CAN was going for and The Velvet Underground among others. A more grim and I guess "realistic" (although really what the fuck does that mean in terms of music) take on the genre.
Human Expression aren't comparable to The Doors to you OR The Dovers? They seem pretty similar to me. What would you say the difference is. I've listened to maybe one or two Doors Albums and I think it's a pretty obvious comparison ngl.
Fair. She was still manic as fuck though but yeah. I have been keeping an eye on her somewhat still,although tbf were both on much better terms at the moment than we were back then.
I think this is also what Love was going for and The Human Expression aswell as maybe like The Kinks in contrast to The Grateful Dead,The Beatles,The Moody Blues,Cream,and other bands who were a bit more fantastical. This was a huge split in psychedelic acts which you've probably already noticed I'm assuming. Not sure about your favorites (The Monkees) but I'm going to assume they fit more in with The Velvet Underground in this particular case and that despite both being "Boy Bands" The Beatles would fit in more with Frank Zappa. This was maybe a split in artistic direction at that time in other genres aswell I'm not too sure,but definetely in psychedelia you had the more "grimdark" realistic generally kinda processed and chromatic sounding bands and the shit that sounds like fantasy music on the other end. The Doors are overall more on the "dry" and "grimdark" end of that,The Monkees weren't exactly "grimdark" but probably still less fantastical than a Moody Blues.
I see my language was too literary for you because my point went straight over your head. It’s not about whether this band or that band is flat, featureless and desert-like. It’s that the experience of listening to any music at all to your ear is flat, featureless and desert like as you are tone deaf. You literally cannot detect the nuances of tonality. Like how someone who has smoked 30 a day for decades can barely taste or smell and thus all food tastes more or less the same and only the most intense possible flavours make any impression. Hence why you list random psych folk bands and TVU as sounding like The Doors.
Read my attached comment here >>123648677 to have a real feel for what I mean though. I would also say Osych Era Beach Boys despite still being a "boy band" is closer to both The Velvet Underground and The Doors in the sense than The Beatles. Less escapist too maybe. More grounded in reality from a creative view and above all sort of dry genre deconstructions. But of a subtler break in styles there I think. I don't know if it has a tag on RYM but in that sense The Doors verymuch are more comparable to CAN or The Velvet Underground or any of the earlier or just similar bands I've mentioned. They weren't trying to be lighthearted and whimsical. There's not a whole lot of motifs or themes from fantasy either. Compare that to The Beatles,The Hollies,or Jefferson Airplane who were above all whimsical and generally sang about Sci-fi and Fantasy settings aswell. In that sense The Doors where verymuch closer to the vast bulk of the garage psych acts aswell which as I said prior also heavily inspired The VU. Also to be clear not claiming any of these acts inspired The Monkees I honestly wouldn't fucking know,but thematically I'd still put them as more down to earth and "realistic" overall. The Doors were maybe more "grimdark" than "down to earth" but still pretty "realistic". I don't know if you follow but yeah.
OK but the purpose of said bands listening experience is also to be flat,featureless,and desertlike,that's what makes it feel surreal and ominous I would say. Not sure you can seperate those things.

>"You literally cannot detect the nuances of tonality.Like how someone who has smoked 30 a day for decades can barely taste or smell and thus all food tastes more or less the same and only the most intense possible flavours make any impression. Hence why you list random psych folk bands and TVU as sounding like The Doors."

Lmao fucking retard,The Dovers and The Human Expression were not "psych folk bands",neither were The Blues Magoos. The only reason you'd think this is because you haven't actually listened to them. These all have more in common with The Seeds if anything.
Both Pet Sounds and The VU with Nico are intended to be "flat featureless and Desertlike" in terms of presentation and how you experience said music as is bands like The Human Expression a year or too earlier and maybe some Blue Magoos Shit. The Beatles and Frank Zappa were definetely not. The Monkees probably were going for that too. If they succeeded in that is a different question but that's what I'm saying is similar to The Doors. Once again none of these bands are "Psych Folk" at all except for I guess The Rising Storm who I didn't even mention today and barely at that.
I think these bands were proto-punk weren't they?
>"random psych folk bands"

>The Dovers and The Human Expression
>The Litter

Jim was so cool, he also hated abortions
Yeah that would be more accurate,or garage rock but when you get to Psychedelia in Germany that wasn't really a thing anymore. I guess obviously The Beach Boys weren't Proto-Punk but they were still sort of amorphous,mechanical,and stark sounding at The Pet Sounds Stage,so even if they were a "boy band" that's a pretty big split from The Hollies and Beatkes trying to be surreal in more of a whimsical sense. Think Sgt.Pepper compared to The Doors though. Obviously both The Doors and Pet Sounds woild in a sense be closer to The Velvet Underground artistically. Maybe not in intended audiance but still,more gritty and mechanical sounding while also more in a sense "down to earth" which despite his use of both soul and eurofolk elements I think is more what Arthur Lee was going for aswell. Love conjurs more the image of a shitty dive bar with said elements than the image let's say Small Faces does. This and the overall lack of fantasy motifs even if there are some and some of the darker tone in songwriting etc. Obviously there's exceptions to this (Fool on The Hill is "boyband" or not just inherently a bit unnerving and likely singing about Charles Manson) but overall this is a huge visible split in what different psych acts wanted artistically.
I don't really care about these guys political stances,I do hope you all understand that. Prettymuch just if I enjoy the music I'm listening to or not. I don't try to force myself to enjoy bands that don't "click" for me at least not that hard.
That's not a unique stance to have, but it's cool that Jim was based
Put down the reefer for a second and actually read the post you replied to, maybe take some Ritalin and concentrate really hard. Because it had nothing to do with the music actually being flat, featureless and desert-like. Rather I was insulting you by saying you cannot actually comprehend music because you have a defect known as tone deafness.
>The Dovers
Literally a psych folk band. Granted discussing genre categories with the tone deaf is an exercise in futility.
I understand that but I'm not sure there's really another way to accurately perceive art like this. Just trying to explain it a hit for you ig.

>"Literally a psych folk band. Granted discussing genre categories with the tone deaf is an exercise in futility"

You've never actuslly heard them lol. That figures though. It's prettymuch all just Garage Rock/Proto Punk shit. You're talking out your ass with this and also don't seem capable of drawing larger comparisons.
>"Rather I was insulting you by saying you cannot actually comprehend music because you have a defect known as tone deafness."
>Some retard who's favorite bands are Beefheart and The Monkees thinks he has an eye for tone and texture"

Yes I'm aware. I was trying to have an honest discussion instead of just insulting you back outright though.
The similarities are maybe just to subtle for you to understand,you were so fucking close for a minute there though lol. No. The Dovers are not a "psych folk" band. Wondering where you read that.

What about this song sounds like Garage rock?
This appears to be a completely unrelated band who I've never actually heard of. The stuff I'm talking about is way way earlier. I do like some psych folk stuff but never heard of these guys at all desu. Fair enough ig similar name and seems veaugly psychedelic ig although I didn't actually listen to it yet. That's not The Dovers though lol.
I've literally never heard of these guys in my entire life and assumed you were confusing The Dovers with The Rising Storm (who actually did have a couple of Psych Folk songs) or I guess maybe early Velvet Underground. This is The Dovers:


I guess the first one is more "fantastical" but overall I woild say these guys are more "tone deaf and desertlike" in intended artistic effect,although "I could be Happy" could maybe warrant some comparisons to The Beatles I guess.
Nico is unironically tone deaf, don’t expect him to actually be able to explain any of the shit he talks about. He thinks every instrument with keys is basically the same thing because he listens with his eyes.
> I woild say these guys are more "tone deaf and desertlike" in intended artistic effect
You don’t know what tone deafness is do you?
You listen to retarded screeching and banging shit. The Dovers are not a Psych Folk Band and are in fact way closer to The Doors than the completely unrelated band that the "anon" posted.
Monochromatic or drab might be better terms given that these features are more or less intentional,but the Velvet Underground especially had a lot of disonent,monochromatic,and atonal stuff going on with this one,which is pretty different from what The Beatles,Jefferson Airplane,or The Hollies let's say we're trying for. That's literally all I'm saying here. You can nitpick about words as much as you like but in this sense The Doors were in fact closer to The Velvet Underground artistically. So we're The Kinks I would say although tbf I only really just started even giving them a shot.
I love smegma

Another Dovers song for you so that you can pretend to have some idea who I'm talking about next time I mention them I guess. Help you develop a little bit of taste maybe also.
Mahnt by Magma but instead of chanting their own band name their chanting "Smegma" (alright gamers,this is EPIC)
Tone deafness is a defect, more scientifically known as congenital amusia. It is the inability to recognise differences in pitch. It’s not for describing music, it’s a description of a person that is literally incapable of a proper sensory comprehension of music. Someone who is gone deaf would only comprehend music as a flat, featureless desert compared to the lush valleys and mountains attainable to the able ear. This is the point that went whooshing over your head.
This sounds less like The Doors and more like some dudes trying their absolute hardest to sound like The Beatles
Though I can see why Wikipedia calls them folk rock.
Yeah that would be what causes you to like Tdkut Mask Replica right? Haha. The Doors could totally be compared to The Dovers and The Human Expression,neither of which you've actually heard clearly. You listening to random retards banging on shit with no sense of time,melody,or pacing to it is way worse than the shit I like,but I guess you're doing a sort of try hard contrarian thing anyway.

>"This is the point that went whooshing over your head."

No I got it. You're jot that smart or clever. It's a delusion of grandeur thing for you.

This is fair enough I guess,at least on "I could be happy",the other stuff is definetely more in line with a US Garage Rock Sound though. That being said Wikipedia is wildly off in calling it folk rock. She's Gone and The Third Eye definetely seem more Doorslike to me ig. Idk.
Flynn effect isn't real through.
I mean they only ever put out 8 Songs so it's really hard to say. I think some of them also are from well before The Beatles "went psych" also,that being said I do think "I could be Happy" might have been insoired by them. Cool band regardless though. Obscure ofc but not for lack of talent and I think they do stand on their own terms. It's just a shame they didn't put out more shit. Same with The Human Expression. A lot of Garage-Osyxh Bands prettymuch only released one or two songs and then fucked off into obscurity though so tbf having like 8 songs means The Dovers at least had somewhat of a tangible legacy especially as early acts in the psychedelic rock scene (and 65 is really fucking early when you consider this shit was going prettymuch consistently until like The Mid 70s). Wish The Es Shades or A-440 had even had that many,although ofc in a way it's a mixed blessing since bigger bands basically always have at least some filler in there.
Let's be honest you consider them to be a better band purely because they are more obscure.
My bad:They mostly predated the release of Revolver aswell. So yk these guys may have also INSPIRED THE BEATLES somewhat (although I think it's morelikely that other UK Bands did than that The Beatles had ever truly heard of them). Nonetheless extremely early psych rock band though and definetely lead the way in predicting how that sound would develop etc. Cool that they were actually able to put stuff out aswell despite having "Underground Cult Band" "Hipster/Literally who" status more than any type of mainstream appeal. Lots of bands like this are probably lost to time more or less.
Nah I don't. I like their songwriting more. You respond like this out of pure jealously lmao. If I only cared about shit being so obscure why would I be so dead set on Jimi Hendrix or Jefferson Airplane? Beatles just seem kinda flat and don't speak to me personally. I do like some more popular or mainstream bands from this time,but The Dovers are more than worth getting into for what niche impact they had. A lot of this stuff was pretty drugged and crazy for that era and still kinda is. The Rising Storm too although they thankfully have a little more in terms of available recorded material albeit not by much. It was this type of more local or independent act and the more monochrome presentation they went with which helped inspire both The Velvet Underground and The Doors though.
Now that I'm listening to some shit by them I hadn't heard before I can see the Beatles comparisons more tbf but I do maintain that they were a strong early influence in of themselves. In terms if bigger name bands I like I said do enjoy Santana,Shocking Blue,Jimi Hendrix,Grateful Dead,CAN,Quicksilver Messenger Service,Country Joe and The Fish,Cream,The Moody Blues,and Steppenwolf,none of which are truly that obscure. I think you're just increasingly reaching for excuses to throw a fit for me not nameddopping the exact same bands you do because le funny meme lists. Cmglad to have been able to curate my own taste ig.
I mean shit is some subjective to some degree but even then I don't think you could say these guys are better than the Beatles.
I like the grit to them idk. I like them more personally. I just like The American Garage Style more overall than British Beat Music (save for maybe The Hollies and The Move) ig though so I'm extremely biased. I am overall more of a fan of this style than the more British one although I do enjoy Cream and The Pretty Things aswell. Surprised you haven't said anything about Pretty Things being Beatles inspired as they are WAY WAY more directly comparable than The Dovers who seem to have mostly predated Revolver and whatnot.
I find them to have a charm The Beatles don't. Too overproduction and plastic sounding for my tastes although I'm sure you'll say that is "contrarian" aswell. They regardless did this type of shit before The Doors nor Beatles did. Think a better comparison for Beatles would be Yardbirds or Cream or The Move by a big margin although RYM also likely conditioned me to think that.
stop replying to this guy
You're right. Fuck this shit.
Get pussy+ I was right which I already knew but you guys are too plugged into /pol/ and discord to actually debate this type of thing nor have taste in it. You can shit on me for liking some Videogame Soundtracks but I think your ebic gaming tike may have fried your brain more than weed ever did to me. Idfk.
Nice,you got a clean chance to dip from the conversation now that it's been established you in fact aren't that cool (I already knew this) and that you have literally no idea shT you are talking about. Great shit.
> No I got it.
Yes that’s why you wrote multiple posts totalling probably thousands of characters about how The Doors, TVU and Jefferson Airplane “sound tone deaf and desertlike”
The Doors rule.
Sure thing lol,like I said if you could get it while being this fucking braindead than I can probably figure it out. Check out The Human Expression too. Great stuff. The Rising Storm. A-440.
>"Yes that’s why you wrote multiple posts totalling probably thousands of characters about how The Doors, TVU and Jefferson Airplane “sound tone deaf and desertlike”"

Yes because you're a literal retard and that is the way in which their intended to be taken. You like almost almost got the point of the band you've been spending hours defending for about 5 seconds lmao. Not my fault you can't firmly grasp it. Check out The Rising Storm,A-440,Love,The Human Expression,The Ugly Ducklings,and Painted Faces a little bit more. All way better than The Doors were.
But you clearly did not figure it out, wrote many posts in which you wildly misinterpreted it and had to have it explained to you. You ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed, bud.
They’re intended to be taken as tone deaf? lol
Ok,in terms of the larger argument about music though I'm still right and you still have fucking zero idea what your actually talking about here. Whatever makes you feel better,like I said anything you can understand I'm prettysure I can follow. You really couldn't have been THAT clever.
Sort of yeah,a bit drab and grim or whatever. You're too retarded to actually understand your favorite band and i get this but yeah in a way or something that could be described as "tone deaf",drab and mechanical compared to a band like The Beatles or Jefferson Airplane.
You literally thought “tone deaf” was some kind of figure of speech to describe music, and you double down on this retardation in your very next post. Really does make you mad as fuck to not know about something others do, huh. Probably because it happens a lot and always has.
Nice attempt at shifting the argument back to a minor detail you thought you could pretend to win on I guess. I was just trying to ignore your condescension while also adjusting my language to further my point. I'm sure there were other words I could have used but ultimately it isn't wrong persay,bit awkward in use I guess,but kinda grim and monochromatic yeah. Not heavily bright or poppy. More space for atonal forms and all that bullshit.
You're a retard with no friends and that's why your grasping this so aggressively lol. You'd never heard of The Dovers ever until like 5 minutes ago. I'm not sure you even know what tone in a musical context would be. You seem to think Zappa is extremely toneful and melodic,but yeah you can only really be a bully if you can lift several boxes and talk to a woman in real life without stuttering so good luck on that one aswell ig. Be extra funny when you start spouting incel shit about minor celebrities or whatnot.
>"does make you mad as fuck to not know about something others do, huh. Probably because it happens a lot and always has."

Am I supposed to not see through this? Yeah you're really special for knowing about The Doors. You can finally be included in something that isn't The TF2 Community "bro". What a bunch of fucking bullshit lol.
Weird Al Yankovic
all you do on this board is argue. how have you stayed alive this long
Don’t worry, lil bro. Now that you know what tone deafness is you can understand the problem and stop living your life in anger and confusion that so much music is too challenging for you. Just stop worrying about it, you can’t help it, it’s just another disability you can learn to live with.
Lol no but ok. I was trying to avoid eating you out by ignoring it. Point is you still understand The Doors significantly less than I do muchless the genre as a whole. Good attempt at changing the topic though. What have you been included in exactly? Seems like there's a couple issues here which aren't really my fault.
>"confusion that so much music is too challenging for you"
>Listens to random retarded banging and screeching funni meem albums when I actually listen to classical
>posts the wrong band
>later admits he was in fact using "tone deaf" in the musical sense which was 100% the intent of making grim monochromatic music at that time especially for The Velvet Underground and Doors

Awesome. So I'm still right then lol.
The Dovers are undeniably closer to The Doors than literally any psych folk band. I'm not tone deaf you're just too retarded to be discussing this. The Human Expression were too. Shooting in the dark about things you barely understand.
>Anyone having literally ever been challenged by The Doors
>The Doors being more musically challenging than The Velvet Underground,CAN,or jimi Hendrix
Bro, your shitty Beatles knock off band sounds nothing like The Doors. This is doing the opposite of convincing anyone you’re not tone deaf.
They prepare Revolver almost completely,you're just too retarded to have ever been included in genuine discussion on the topic. Time to stop commenting.
The Doors sound like a shitty garage band that Ray Manzarek joined by mistake
They probably inspired The Doors,same with The Human Expression,also Revolver came out after The Dovers prettymuch had stopped putting out music. There's like fucking nothing after 1966 and it's all before Revolver had come out. What you're responding to is fairly generic elements of psychedelic,but that whole gritty roots rock quality being applied to psychedelia is undeniably pretty Doorsey. Same with The Human Expression. I mean initially you were talking about entirely the wrong band but whatever. Sure dude,The Doors were totally super original and high iq lol. You listened to one dovers song I'm guessing?
You say this like Revolver isn’t just Rubber Soul 2. These dudes sound like they heard Help and decided immediately to form a band.
They are quite literally just a overproduction dumbed down version of what shitty garage rock bands were doing. Anon is too retarded and incel to have heard of said bands and admitting they do will mean admitting this but he has no idea what he's actually saying.
Fair I guess but it's still a pretty early psych rock release. Noticed you haven't mentioned The Human Expression at all either,but regardless dude this stuff does at very least predict if not fully realize most of the elements you are crediting The Doors for. The Mariachi Shit and Military and Classical Shit was all Love Insoired directly probably. Just because you can't make the connection (and I'm not surprised you can't) doesn't Mena it's not there. Can we admit you didn't know who Love were without me telling you or are we not doing that one either? The Human Expression certainly sounds fucking nothing like The Beatles least not directly. Neither did The Seeds or Blue Magoos.
Yeah, lil bro, this shitty failed Beatles clone sounds just like The Doors. Ignore the fact that there’s no organist/synth, Jimbo has at least a solid 2 octaves on the vocalist and the guitar/drums are so basic that they couldn’t influence a paper bag.
Not that anon but you sound so fucking autistic rambling about this shit to no one. Let it go dude.
The Human Expression does? Ok "Lil bro",whatever you say I guess. The organs aren't that unique either BTW.
You sound like an angey virgin retard but sure thing "dude". You've probably never even seen a woman in real life naked before but I guess reading too much pitchfork when you were 15 makes you a really cool guy right? Awesome.
Bro, Love are only slightly less well known than The Doors. Literally remember them selling Forever Changes on vinyl at HMV back in 2014. You’re not on to some deep underground obscure shit with this one.
Your posts are weak and feminine. Go have a period you beast
>"Jimbo has at least a solid 2 octaves on the vocalist and the guitar/drums are so basic that they couldn’t influence a paper bag."
>Doesn't realize that The Doors were the most basic/generic band on the planet
>doesn't realize most of The Beatles comparisons are for shit The Beatles hadn't even recorded yet
He’s mad as hell
How do Doors threads always have this effect on him?
This is kinda just getting ironic now but sure. You're a total "Aloha Male" on 4Chan lol. Bitchy little retard who's mad his daddy didn't buy him a gaming PC. Likely overweight I'm the extreme. The Human Expression still sound nothing like The Beatles. Nothing The Doors did was remotely new or interesting simple as.
Just trying to give you a heads up, faggot. I know you have nothing better to do in between jerking it to trannies on facebook and working at the car wash.
>"He's mad as hell"

No I'm just right lol. Enjoy being a delusional retard and larping on 4chan though. I'm sure you're really calm and well adjusted. I'm gonna go smoke a joint. Lmk when you're a little older and I'll try showing you better bands again.
This song literally sounds like some garage band covering some unreleased offcut from Help. No idea why you want to compare them to Revolver in particular, probably because you think it’s more patrician than boyband Beatles (which is exactly what it sounds like The Dovers want to sound like)
Yeah ok,talk shit but in real life you wouldn't because you're the first one to get hit always. Go back to smoking pot,watching tiktok,and playing genshin impact. You're clearly like 15 which tbf at your age I probably would have agreed,but you are way way over your head on this one.
>implying you're gonna do anything but goon to trannies and get a terrible paycheck while you listen to your dog shit music
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Nothing psychedelic at all on help dude. You keep saying that but it just doesn't. I'm assuming you straight up just don't know who The other bands I mentioned are? Never actually heard Love,The Litter,Painted Faces,Es-Shades,or The Human Expression? Sort of the gist of this entire conversation is just that you're unaware garage psych existed prior to Morrison which it definetely did. He was copying them not the other way around,and for the most part I'd say these smaller acts were more interesting songwriters and musicians. Doors kinda have generic lounge type vibes to me at least.
Having a meltdown because I actually am in fact right and because you've never seen a woman naked before yes. Thank you for finally admitting this. Doors are gay and lame as fuck. You're just stuck developmentally at teenage level which tbf makes sense ig.
>thinking you've ever been right about anything in your insane autistic rambling
>thinking anyone here believe you look at women let alone been near one
>says nothing about the tranny gooning or car wash allegations
These Dovers dudes sound barely psychedelic either. Hence why I compare to Help, that intersection of pop rock and folk that comes off as vaguely proto-psychedelic. Which checks out for a wannabee boyband that formed the same year that album came out.
>but what about
Don’t give a shit about these other bands and your takes are inevitably retarded so I shan’t be listening to them. You tried to pretend the Dovers sound like the Doors, and we see now how retarded that is, no point continuing on to more and more bands that inevitably won’t sound like the Doors.
And you’re not as special as you think you are for knowing about Love, bro.
>"Gooning at the car wash"

You only believe this because you're a spastic retard with no concept of how the world works. Not even a remotely plausible thing to have happen. Sure though bro. Whatever makes you feel better about not going outside and getting all of your opinions from fellow funko pop collectors on reddit and discord. Still a lame ass band. Still too retarded for better ones.
? Then why have scores gone up?
I'm sure your mom loves hearing all of this autistic shit when she's driving you to the car wash, faggot
>thinks anyone believe womahn

I mean right back at you I guess but you definetely haven't.
OK I do see what you're saying. Personally I think they're VERY psychedelic at least to my ears but later bands were definetely weirder and heavier. This feels very ritualistic and sort of hypnotic to me which is most of what I'm thinking. I guess some people don't think The Doors are psychedelic either.

>Nobody gives a shit about

People clearly give enough of a shit about The Human Expression and The Rising Storm for their records to have been reprinted and all of their music to be readily available online. I don't doubt you prefer the dumbed down radio friendly version of this style that The Doors were known for though.
I don't know what Ian Anderson scored on any IQ test, but I've noticed Jethro Tull's lyrics seem very literary and poetic as rock lyrics go. A similar consideration applies to Dylan- stupid people don't generally go winning Nobel Prizes in literature.
>"And you’re not as special as you think you are for knowing about Love, bro."

I'm not claiming to be special for knowing who Love are "Bro" (pffft lmao),I just correctly assumed you wouldn't know about them since you prettymuch have no idea what you're talking about and have just been shooting in the dark this entire time. Go ahead and pretend you do retrospectively ig though. I know you didn't know who they were and I never claimed I was special for knowing about them regardless.
Spastic meltdown about a scenario you made up in order to make yourself feel better.
A spastic meltdown is everything you're retarded rambling ass has said this entire thread. You're deranged. You're autistic. You have god awful taste in music. You can't spell. You work at a car wash. You goon to trannies that you know on facebook. You should kill yourself immediately.
>The Human Expression
Another failed boy band, only this one sounds like they want to be The Rolling Stones.
Still no organ/synth, the singer is bass-mogged by many octaves by Jimbo and the guitar/drums here are amateur hour. If you think this sounds like The Doors I want a pound of whatever you’re smoking.
>The Rising Storm
Didn’t have a single record before The Doors, not even a demo.
They weren't a boy band at all but whatever lol. Enjoy believing whatever makes you feel better ig. We both know you've never heard any of these.

>"Didn’t have a single record before The Doors, not even a demo."

Probably true albeit meaningless. Just also another band you might like if you genuinely had as much taste as you think you do.
Lil Bro mad huh? Love the assertion thst most of these bands had any albums at all too. Notoriously common for these types of acts to exclusively do singles.
>It's not true because I said so
>Probably true but it doesn't go with what I said so it's meaningless
You're such a faggot
Are you trying to prove The Doors are unoriginal or are you just name dropping bands for no reason? Either way I accept your concession.
Usual Doorschads W
>"You work at a car wash. You goon to trannies that you know on facebook. You should kill yourself immediately."

You talk like a retard and have the logic of a paranoid schizophrenic when discussing literally anything. Just events that never happened that you need to believe in in order to even keep going I'm guessing.
Doesn't apply to what I said at all. You might be able to focus on your arguments if you could stop gooning for two seconds.
They weren't and I alresyd proved it. You've never actually listened to The Human Expression have you?
>retard thinks he can tell others they talk like a retard
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Can’t believe no one has posted the Captain yet.
Listened to them just now, sounds like some garage band that wishes they were The Rolling Stones. Not even Doors adjacent.
None of what you said was remotely important anyway. Just a bunch of negligible veauge statements when there were clearly already similar better bands prior that you're simply too lame to get into. The idea of The Doors not being a boy band but The Human Experience being one is pretty funny. The Rising Storm though fair enough ig since they literally only formed to get pussy according to basicallyyy the entire band. I'm sure you totally knew that though.
Are we Implying Rhe Doors weren't Stones adjacent? Giving them a lot of credit and clearly at least some of these bands helped inspire them.
Sure thing lol. Doors are lame as fuck.
Also how the fuck are Love or The Dovers "Rolling Stones inspired"? I'm sure it's there but I don't see it. Human Expression yeah though ofc and Blue Magoos probably aswell.
Stop jerking off at the car wash and learn how to use the English language.
He looks like how i imagine most of you would.
The Velvet Underground are terrible. Same every other fag band you've been spewing nonsense about.
Jim Morrison is reasonably Mick Jagger adjacent, in fact maybe if these guys had a better vocalist they could be more successful in being a boyband because man has all the range for a super soaker. I’m not sure which element of this band you think is either similar or better than any element of The Doors, because it’s certainly not the vocals, drums, guitar or the organist that they don’t have.
You're the only one jerking off in public let's be realistic. I can imagine you smearing yourself with shit aswell.
They’re not. Love are an actually good band and The Dovers are a failed Beatles clone. That post is about The Human Expression.
Why you fantasising about scat, bro?
You should stop imagining people smearing themselves in shit and go to night school, retard
I like the vocalist here but I will admit it's pretty unpolished. It has what the doors were trying to have more authentically I'd say. I like Ten Years After who were pretty normie and commercial though aswell so fair enough. I'm guessing you mean The Dovers? I fucking love The Dovers man. Idk.
You're clearly struggling to form a coherent thought here. You don't work and expect to get rich off bitcoin or something probably let's be honest.
But yeah idk dude a lot of Rock Stars were either trying to be Jager or Bo Diddley really. Probably extends well beyond any of this.
You're struggling to spell common words because you're a tranny loving faggot out of his gooned out mind.
Nah I own a car wash and I pay teenagers and illegal immigrants to work for me. Had to institute a no retards policy though after I gave one a chance and he wouldn’t stop using his phone on the clock and muttering about skibidi trouts or something.
The Dovers predate Revolver which is actually the material you're thinking of. The early Beatles were quite literally just a "boy band" closer to The Dave Clark Five. That being said The Doors,The Dovers,and every other band mentioned itt were likely Rolling Stones inspired at least somewhat. Maybe not The Velvet Underground or The Monkees but that would be about it.
I don't believe this because alright. Seems like you're imaginary future when you're a sigma male not investor which has not and Will not in all likelihood ever happen.
The Monkees are better than TVU, The Dovers and whatever other fag shit you listen to
I also have a hard time believing you don't have some kind of intellectual disability in there but alright "retard",you certainly don't seem capable of doing all that nor having a normal conversation. Guess I should just take your word for it?
>The Monkees not being faggy

Doubt,they were prettymuch the Justin beiber of the 60s lol. You're only saying this because you believe it's what woman want to hear and you're desperate for sex. Regardless though The Doors are a cringe fed band who played generic buttock.
I’m not, I’m very familiar with the Beatles discography and if there were some dudes that decided to form a band after hearing a couple of mid-60s Beatles records, particularly Help, this is exactly what I would expect it to sound like. You just don’t like the comparison because you think of the pre-Revolver Beatles as a pop band for teenagers (what The Dovers wished they could be)
Fair enough I guess. Can't personally say I've listened to that one much. I will also point out that Garage Rock predates The Beatles though,albeit not by a huge margin or anything.

>"You just don’t like the comparison because you think of the pre-Revolver Beatles as a pop band for teenagers (what The Dovers wished they could be)"

I guess fair but they also did have some pretty psychedelic stuff in there. Regardless they still seem more in line with The Doors,The Velvet Underground,The Einfields,and Love to me,but that could just be rym music genre poisoning lol.
It's extremely stone hard schizoid incel coded lol. More joggers than based. Maybe based to you because you lack any and all concept of the outside world and are a little bitch,so maybe The Monkees seem super badass to you or whatever.
im stroking it. threads moving too fast so no ones gonna know
Monkees are for alphas who don't work at car washes. You wouldn't get it.
Don’t care if the Monkees are badass or “joggers”, just make kino music. Fair enough if you need artists you like to have a cool image or whatever.
You don't work at all realistically,you're fucking retarded and your head is empty so you like the shittiest most vapid shit imaginable. I don't get it and I'm proud too. You're a fool and probably literally a little bitch incel playing anime osts at work. Fuck off with that.
Fair enough,I like The Hollies a lot who were basically a boy band aswell and The Beau Brummels and p. I like Strawberry Alarm Clock who were corperate whores and I like a lot of the progressive rock bands who were massive nerds. If you don't care and can still get into the meat of it it's fine with me,but it feels very superficial and polished. Doesn't really speak to me personally on a human level. The Beatles I just think are overrated but even if they were also a "boy band" I do see how they overshadowed The Monkees.Like I said though:I am eventually going to give Head a chance because I respect them for having an all silver album cover with just the word "HEAD" in all capslock on it. I know Lou Reed probably hated The Monkees aswell and honestly probably a lot of bands I like too but I think both John Cale and Nico would have respected that. I just don't know seems kinda lame to me musically aswell. I can mostly appreciate the sort of "psych pop bands" which did actually make moves towards a more heady directly like The Hollies and Bonnie and Wendy who had some more unusual songs in there. The Monkees just sound like stomp clap hey or some shit to me. It's just not nearly as heavy or as interesting to me. I like The Hollies more and Bonnie and Wendy and The Association More because they could do the bespecticalled twee thing but they could also take it more serious and do songs that albeit still in 4/4 and tonal or whatever were more psychedelia than pop when they wanted too. The Monkees are so painful and fake sounding. I get you can't tell the difference and think it is all that is but lmao.
Like if I was 12 I'd probably agree with you level ngl. Remember liking The Beatles quite a bit in Middleschool lol,but really just barely psychedelic and really dry and predictable stuff. Maybe you're just not a serious enough listener to see the difference between a band like The Monkees and a band like The Velvet Underground or Love or Bohemian Vendetta or Pearls before Swine beyond "cool factor" either because you can't conceptualize a song being "heavy" or whatever beyond drug use which is fine,but there's a huge difference in pacing and presentation. Bonnie and Wendy,The Beau Brummels,The Hollies,and The Association all had "boy band" or "flower pop" type statuses aswell but transcend this despite still not being "cool" through musicality and understanding of the movement. Hate to say it but The Monkees simply don't. The Beatles do also much as I shit on them,but The Monkees never would have recorded Across The Universe or Blue Jay Way either. You're just posturing too hard without understanding the genre whatsoever. I can't take it seriously.
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I don't know what you mean. Love GG though lol.
NG has the wisdom and wit. There is a reason Oasis took off when he joined.
Does anyone remember a song that says “million dollar baby” in the chorus? I think it was a 70’s rock band, but that new song floods the results. Rolling Stones?
Well good for Jim. He would've written this song had he not gotten so fucked-up: https://soundcloud.com/richmath/doing-drugs
imagine flexing being one of the biggest jackasses in history.
Million Dollar Babies by Alice Cooper
Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones Ltd. moggs anything those bands did though
Joan Dideon is a famous US writer and was interested in the Doors (tho she was a bit older than them at the time) and decided to write an article on them.
I never read that article, but the central gist seems to be her disappointment in how mundane rock and roll was (despite it's sexy veneer) and how the few days she spent with Doors to write article was just sitting around doing nothing, waiting for Jim to show up for recording and then scrapping it when he was too drunk.
Another observation she made was how Jim gave off total fat kid vibes (overappreciative of any female attention) and was not the mega-chad his stage persona implied. She probably knew he had been a fat kid tho, and might have been projecting that onto him unknowingly.
It's barely even listenable tbqh. I do respect them for putting out an album that was fucking called HEAD (all caps) in the late 60s though. That must have taken some balls ig. I get you can't be challenged and can't really go beyond very basic pop though.
I swear there's a good faction and a bad faction in all the freemason shit
All Tavistock artists I see. Very nice.
Always has been
Used to be Anglo Freemasons were the good guys and Franco Freemasons were the bad guys. These days it’s more like the Rosicrucian orders within Anglo freemasonry are the good guys while the Kabbalist orders in the same are the bad guys
Frank Zappa
Brian Jones was tested at like 135
David Bowie (here's him talking about the internet and its ability to break corporate/govt control of information and truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jlt7aT5XhDs )
yeh was gonna include him as well, but i couldn't think of why other than he just seemed so ahead of his time in everything he did, even if he operated from intuition
I like Bowie desu. Least the seventies shit.
Yeh Bowie's one of the most respected musical figures for a reason, made high concept music but never lost his sense of melody and pop songwriting. Great lyricist and performer as well, he was a package deal.
I can shit on pop sometimes but yeah you're right. His stuff is very succinct yet muti fascited.
plus he's very open about his influences and acts a great gateway artist to discovering other musicians and writers and such
True,I like Aladdin Sane a lot. Not sure if that would be considered Pop really but he was a good songwriter. What do you think about Here come The Warm Jets and Taking Tiger Mountain era-Eno?
I want a musician I liked as a kid to be more interesting than they really are
Half the discussion of classic rock here suffers from this.
Haven't listened to Eno much outside of a surface level listen for Fripp's solos, so I don't have much to say about it. I did like that album he did with Fripp though, no Pussyfooting. I'll given em a listen right now
Nicotranny, when are you planning to next start a fight with your gf and threaten to move in with your mom again? This thread is boring but I want to tune into your next manic phase
>he wanted to be known for his poetry
>becomes fat, grows a beard, gets offed by the CIA for creatures and new lords
he deserved better

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