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Metal is a genre where weak people pretend they have power
No, that would be rap.
Every man has the power to split another man’s skull if he has the guts to do so. Doesn’t matter who they are
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Out there I may be weak and have to put on a smile...
... but in my dungeon I am all powerful.
>Rappers: Have actually committed crimes, done drugs, fought for respect
>Metalheads: ?????
>committed crimes
>done drugs

that's just what blacks do
Might be both if you understand sociology. I fucking love Metal though. Great music to smoke weed to.
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Varg is an honorary nigga
He smoked a motherfucker and did 21 years in the pen, he also has an illegitimate daughter that he abandoned.
Absolute 100% real nigga, blacker than Drake.
The vast majority of metal music isn't about having power trips. You're confusing it with rap.
>judging genres based on the FUCKING LYRICS
Metal lyrics have more substance than just "I'm the big man".
Ok Timmy.
80s metalheads were cool delinquents that still got laid.
that guy is not even a metaler(?)
>>Rappers: Have actually committed crimes, done drugs, fought for respect
kek yeah real powerful shit nigga
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Does this look weak to you?
trvke, but metal is still the best genre.
Same goes for posting pepes, bro. Time to blast some L-I-M-P BIZKIT MOTHERFUCKERS WHO'S WITH ME?!
>doing nigger shit makes you powerful
American moment
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Correct. The seething replies demonstrate just how insecure rap fans are about their masculinity.
music uplift the soul and let people enjoy what they don't have, isn't it wonderful?
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Why not both?
I dont know about that. I would admit there is a fantasy/horror/nerd element to it though. Conversely there is also a fratboy/partyanimal element to it.

You could say the same about most of the music industry. Most "creative" and "artistic" people arent exactly "strong".
OP status: BTFO
same situation with rap music
Music is for the weak people period. Would a strong man ever consider learning how to pluck the noise-making instrument and yell into the crowd about his feelings in rhyme? Masculine men are quiet and introspective. All male musicians are feminine sissies. It's really a riot to watch metal performers shit themselves on stage growling about satan's cum or rappers in baggy pants drop n-words and fuckdapolices when you realise that ultimately these are grown men whose profession is to yell about their feelings to the rhythm of a noise-making machine.
Yeah this
Kill yourself loser.
Dubs of... ahem.
He is. Just admit that metalheads commit crime
I don't disagree, but I would phrase it differently.
Metal as a genre is about empowerment. It's about the power imbalance inherent in human society and the all the feelings that that imbalance creates.

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