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have you ever gone to a concert alone?
like, fully alone, not meeting anyone not meeting up with anyone afterword just you and the venue and the music?
how was it like?
Mother Mother
All the time. Why not? I don’t need someone there to make me feel safe, I’m a grown man
almost every time. it's good although it's much more fun with friends. If you don't have anyone who's into the stuff you're into, then encourage your friends to come either to have a good time, or explain to them how it'd be good for them to branch out. If that all sounds too gay, or if you have dickass friends, try talking to some other people at the shows you go to. you might make some new ones that way, but it's always good to interact with other people
Yes and I'll do it again too.
always. wtf is this aversion to going to concerts alone? you're there for the fucking music, anon.
>wtf is this aversion to going to concerts alone
Covert narcissism
once i did and a pretty girl pointed at me and laughed
yeah 4 times
>not meeting up with anyone afterword

well that wouldn't even be the concert anymore
The sequel to The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
KEK well done
Yeah. I ran into some people I knew via the band's discord and talked with them before and after, but wasn't with anyone during the actual show. It really doesn't matter, at least for standing room. No one will care.
the band's discord?
Many times. I care about the music, not the bullshit social aspect.
It was with the money from my first job and it went pretty well, although now that I think about it I never considered inviting anyone, I just showed up, listened and then called a taxi at about 3:00 am. I was quite autistic then.
How is that autistic?
i've done it but i wouldnt go to a movie alone idk why
no, i hate the car rides alone. i have gone to multiple concerts though where the person i invited decided to walk out half way through the performance. eventually stopped inviting them.
I got a drink at the bar and then wallflowered at the back of the crowd
It was nice
/mu/ really is a normalfag board, huh
Yes, and it was worth it. I had to go to another city and stay the night there. It's hard to describe but the whole experience is very introspective since there is no one else with you.
All the time. Several times this year.

I have to travel a bit for shows, have no friends with similar taste, and everyone has jobs and kids, can't just take off for a day or two like I can. I work from homw on my own schedule. My husband will sometimes comes with me if his schedule allows and he can tolerate the music
Nobody cares if you're alone.
Nobody is paying any attention to you.
You're not the main character of planet Earth.
Yeah, it's a bit embarassing but it's fine. If you drink alcool it;s better.
I went alone to see Red Hot Chilli Peppers last year in Milan, originally had planned to go with my ex and we got tickets and all but she cheated on me a week before the concert so I broke up. Still made the trip though, was worth it because I really like Frusciante and he was back with the band after a while

It was a good experience, met some people there and took an Uber back together to the city center, I would say any anons thinking about going alone should do it, better than staying home doing nothing
That's nothing. Between bands at the last concert I went to alone a girl turned around and told me she thought I was cute. She asked for my Instagram. I said I don't use Instagram. She pulled a face and walked away.
I've seen these bands alone

Queens of the stone age

It can be boring waiting for the bands to come out so I usually try and speak to someone to kill time
I used to go to a lot of concerts in my 20s to get laid. There's nothing cocaine can't fix. Have some confidence and find a good dealer
yes, often
"Oh no I can't be seen at an event without friends or a date, everyone will notice and judge me!"
Did that actually work? Seems like a bad environment to try getting laid. Loud, crowded, everyone's distracted, people aren't necessarily looking for sex the way they are in other nightlife scenarios. Plus you have to be for tickets
Yes, it worked in the 2000s, concert tickets were cheap and there were no stupid slags who thought that because they were drunk they couldn't consent. I'm not sure if it would work now, but I think cocaine would boost your self-esteem.
The avalanche of kporn, taylor swift, billie eilish, sabrina carpenter, and other normslop being spammed constantly didn’t immediately give it away?
She didn’t think you were that cute then.
Yes. Alternatively, "Everyone IS looking at me" which they obviously aren't. But if someone actually looks for a split second, that's even worse.
Yes, several times. Too many bad experiences, after the last one I told myself I was done with concert, rather spend the money on shrooms and enjoy the music from the comfort of my home.
She just wanted followers
Yes, many times. I love it. I get to scream like an autist and I have no irl that can judge me next to me. I've seen Neil Young, Descendents and Peter Gabriel that way.
yes. many times. would rather go alone than not at all.
all the time, i've tried my local meetup group in the past but it's full of middle aged men
When I was stationed in Jacksonville FL I went to see the lil wayne/blink182 concert by myself, saw other people there from my ship at a distance and snuck away before they saw me. Was an alcoholic recluse then
>Nobody cares if you're alone.
>Yeah, it's a bit embarassing
>be about 15
>cycling home drunk after a party from work
>well, just a saturdayjob, but still
>going past a racetrack that was made into a concertvenue for a weekend
>hear some fucking good rock 'n roll
>deceide to go there and see whats up
And thats how i discovered i knew allot of Status Quo's biggest hits. They even did Gerdundula
I went to an N.E.R.D concert alone because my girlfriend just dumped me and none of my friends liked them
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I went to a whole fucking festival by myself
I go to shows alone — everyone judges me, everyone looks at me, and it encourages me to do it again.
And you self-conscious faggots wonder why you get exactly zero pussy.
yes, it is fantastic every time. Fully focused on the band and music.
Yeah absolutely loads of times, dozens and dozens of times, what’s the big deal? When you go to a gig, cinema etc. alone you start to realise how many people are there alone. It is not in any way weird to go to these things alone. You want to see a band and you don’t know anyone who would want to go? Just go…

NOBODY is looking at you and judging you for being there alone. NOBODY gives a shit. You’re not that important.
The first two were paraphrasing and being sarcastic. That’s what the “”s mean. The third one is the kind of dude that the first two were talking about.
It’s pretty chill, at worst you just kind of shuffle around a bit being bored before it starts and at best you make some five minute friends talking about some band on their t-shirt and you mosh together or whatever.
That's ever concert I've been to
I went to a rave alone once, I was also completely sober and remained so the entire time.
>melvins/boris alone
>ween alone
>ariel pink alone
>ween alone again
>skinny puppy
I like shows alone better than with company, you can do what you like and it leaves you open for anything. I’m seeing Buzzo alone this weekend, and next month going to Levitation Fest alone.
A couple of times and they were among the best concerts I have been to
I've only ever been to shows by myself. I'm constantly on the train to Brooklyn to see whatever Metal act is playing in the small bars that weekend. Sometimes a big arena farther out, sometimes I'll get a hotel. Someday I'd like to visit a whole festival alone. My friends don't listen to Metal.
Did this a couple of times, it was great to see the band but a bit lonely. Too loud to really start talking to anyone and assumed most groups there were friends, but I did see a few others on their own too. Talked to one at the bar after the gig but it was brief. There's not a lot to do between sets except buy a drink and stand there.
One time I took my friend out to see Between The Buried and Me and Chon and it was the dictionary definition of a culture class.
I was the for BTBAM, and I was there to mosh.
My friend was there for Chon, and him and all the other Chon fans came to sit the fuck down.
People actually came into the crowd and tried to stop people from moshing during BTBAM's set, and I remember getting a groan out of the Chon guys when I belted out a (insanely shitty) guttural before their set.

TL;DR I would've had WAY more fun if I went to that concert alone instead of babysitting my friend
Went to see Beck alone. He was impressively energetic on stage. Blue Moon sounds amazing live. I am actually deeply in shock how few views that song has on youtube it won best song Grammy much to everyones chagrin but its really good. I jumped around because Beck told me too and then the floor was at an incline which I didn't really notice so I ended up kinda unintentionally leaping into two guys who got pissed at me but I just smiled and they didn't punch me.
blow me
As a fellow social anxiety enjoyer, trust me when I say people can be angry and not think ill of you.
Like what, they're going to hold a grudge because some bespectacled autist is jumping around and enjoying themselves at a concert?
Nah, I guarantee you they forgot about you even existing literally five nano-seconds after you bumped into them.
Bruh if it's a band I really like I'll go to some house show two hours away alone in some 20 year old college kids basement venue while a bunch of underages drink and do drugs (I'm a 30 year old now but still into punk and metal). You don't know awkwardness until you do that.
That's when you get REALLY invested in what the sound guy is doing.
No. I drink heavily and will be making a buddy regardless.
I hear you man, my friends want to stand politely at the back of the room and only if the band they came to see is playing. If I want to relax with some music I'll stay home, I'd rather let loose and smash into shit if I'm going to a metal gig.
Every single concert I've been to since 2012 has been by myself and I wouldn't do it any other way now, people who have an existential crisis over the thought of going to concerts alone are goofy fuckers
Yeah been to a few nights where I was seeing a DJ I liked alone and it's great. Can leave whenever you want, talk to whoever you want etc. No one cares dude and if youre not a total sperg you can usually talk to someone and make a friend
The first concert I ever went to, I went by myself. My friends weren't fans. Death Grips in Toronto, September 2023. It was one of the best experiences I ever had
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saw Pinegrove alone in 2017 a month before they cancelled themselves, didn't really think anything of it

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