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/mu/ - Music

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why can't /mu/ into electronic music? nobody talks about anything interesting on this board anymore
Too many different sects all of whom hate one another
O've tried to force them to talk about anything remotely interesting and you all hate me for it.
https://youtu.be/-7sV3usf3HY?si=9z6-xrfz6bs4TivM This got in my algorithm the other day. More electronic like this?
to be fair when was the last time electronic music was interesting
you don't talk about anything interesting too retard, just jerking off the same fifteen bands again in your wall of retard
and you barely even talk about the one 'electronic' genre you apparently like (dancehall) you're a worthless addition to /mu/, kys
you could say the same for music in general
though i've atleast found interesting music this decade
i feel everything did already peak a while back but it still feels weird to just talk about the same 25 rock bands and celebs (yuck)
isn't this just trance and techno? the last bleep thread had trance as a theme in fact
though i dunno much about techno....
...why are we auto-saged?
in current year /mu/ you can only discuss boomer rock (70s) and future boomer rock (90s), preferably only songs in radio-friendly format with the bad words censored.
we used to have an electronic general but a schizo camped it for years and ruined it
Because fans of "real" electronic music will bitch and whine about "fake" electronic music (including Aphex Twin) unprompted and are thus relegated to their own autismo general (which you can make if you care that much)
sorry, I only litsen electronic music from the 50s and 60s
Why is her hand drawn in such a weird way?
the real question is what the fuck is wrong with music now
>name one good piece of music from the last 20 years challenge (impossible)
do something about it
anime posting ruined this board
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No celebrities to worship
Is this supposed to be an electronic music thread or an EDM thread?
erectile dysfunction medication? what?
Electronic Dance Music, something that women and fags like.
those threads are the schizoest shit Ive ever seen but at least somebody was trying to put in the effort
yeah the blogposting schizo didn't appear in that thread so it was a lot more better than the ones i saw before
super-wanky idm doesn't really interest people outside of very niche circles that build altars to qebrus and pray to the ganz graf video

still better than the dreck posted here though so carry on, weeb
This board is incapable of discussing classical, jazz, electronic, or traditional folk music (any kind of interesting music, really) because it's full of soulless American bugmen with little to no musical education.
>that build altars to qebrus
literally me. it's a shame it's only in more autistic circles like rym or discord servers, i'd really like to talk about it without having to act a name
i'll keep posting a bit more
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2INpMiNu7-c (underrated ep)
cool stuff, i've been meaning to hear more of this raw electronic stuff like this. the last thing i heard like this was a cluster album
i don't have much to offer you unfortunately but there's some new objekt tunes coming, if you google for chicken garaage you'll find it in one of his sets
>DJ Rashad
Based. Sadly people aren't interested that much in Footwork today, I think it's because of trendhopping and similar shit, which is sad because there was a lot of tracks worthy of revisiting.
interest in footwork was largely a mirage t bh.
it got pushed by paradinas and kode9 for a few years but it petered out really quick because the club crowd couldn't dance to it. even by their own admission the chicago house and techno scene wasn't interested.
i mean what was the most popular footwork track? footcrab maybe lol?
>i mean what was the most popular footwork track?
If we go by Youtube views, probably DJ Rashad's I Don't Give a Fuck. I'm not counting compilations that have more views than the standalone tracks but yeah I agree that Footwork fell off quickly in terms of people making it and listening. I still found something worthy of listening to in Footwork because of the rhytmic patterns.
yeah there's definitely merit in the music; just too fast for dancefloors and the vocal stuff can be very abrasive (good). too much for folks who just want to sway to some techno though lol.
Electronic music is made by autists who mostly just stay in their lane and make music passionately.
4chan is just a culture war site now. Nobody in electronic music is either an outspoken SJW or a reactionary so nobody who came here after 2016 cares about it.
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>Nobody in electronic music is either an outspoken SJW or a reactionary
I can't name a single electronic mus8c act who had a culture war controversy. And I doubt you can either.
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yeah man remember when the owner of r&s called one of his artists a pure breed black and didn't destroy the reputation of his (historically important) label overnight? i don't remember that happening either.

or when levon vincent was like french bros please start taking guns and knives to clubs to protect yourselves and destroyed his year long hype train

lmao bro, /bleep/ is one of the most politically radical scenes, they will excise you like a tumor the second you step out of line
kys pedo
pedo website
>muh bleepblops are so trad and conser... I mean apoltical and autistic!
Little chuddie, you seem to have forgotten one siimple fact: electronic music is inherently black and queer. It is also an inherently social experience (with the exception of rockist tourist shit but we don't talk about that here). Now put two and two together
rec some rockist tourist shit
Electronic music is just not memorable. I like listening to breakcore while doing chores cause it's good backround noise but it's just that.
People will forever say 'God, I really like THAT bit from a day in the life' but nobody will ever say 'God, I really like that bit from "garbled japanese text" where it stops going WOWOWOWOWOOEOWWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW and goes BEBEBEHEHEEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBE instead
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synth oriented music sucks. get over it.
no, i think a lot of people do say stuff like that for electronic music, even if it's simple stuff like that one gigi d'agostino synth line
i personally do this for vsnares, i'm different because i'm able to focus instead of tuning out
you sound like you live a very boring life
>you sound like you live a very boring life
youre posting tranime on 4chans music board
because the main exciting electronic music coming out is harsh noise and plunderphonic shit with samples of Korn and shit mixed into acid techno, and /mu/ stopped talking about anything even remotely unconventional ("pretentious" "pseudo-intellectual") about ten years ago. No one here cares about what people like Argiflex are doing. Breakcore influenced hyperpop sounds are about as progressive as this community can tolerate.
ahhh, the jakparty tourist is getting uppity again
Nice 9gag meme:)
dam thats crazy youll never be a woman for even a second in your life tho
Or DJ Assault getting banned in german clubs over shit he wrote on twitter or insta or whatever
lmao i just remembered the HOR drama from this year. going from the next boiler room to getting boycotted by everyone was hilarious.

any album recommendations that sounds like this?
why doesn't /mu/ talk about Supercollider or Pure Data? Do I have to go to /g/ for that?


you can check /prod/ or /dmp/ but there aren't really any maxfags in them afaik
i've only taken a small peek at /g/ but they seem a lot more interested in production than the literal music board kekypow
though, it does make a lot more sense for it to be more of a /g/ thing since it's more visual programming
Anime website, newfag
I don't fucking know what they were expecting from a guy whose biggest hit is called "Ass 'n Titties" and has songs like Nympho and Drop Dem Panties in his repertoire.
>electronic music is inherently black and queer.
*Electronic dance music.
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it's okay if you're into that sort of thing
All 15 of which are too challenging for you to ever possibly accept.
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>Rafael Toral
Yeah depends on the type. Like o said I think le wholesome black queer techno performers were basically looking to Kraftwerk as a sort of proxy role model because if you're an openly gay man at the peak of the aids crisis and a huge portion of your life style is doing hard drugs and shit your parents probably aren't super close to you,so the level of credit Kraftwerk got for the creation of techno is likely just a reflection of this.
One of the best albums I've ever heard
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the new floating points album is okay
i'd personally give it like a 7
there's nothing really wrong with it, anyone else putting this out would turn heads
but coming from fp, it's missing something, just a really well made but forgettable record
honestly it's because I don't want you foul people getting into what I'm into. it's quite good, much too good for you, so I don't talk about it. they won't be as open as me but this is the case for many many people here.
Gatekeeping is so fucking gay.
>pedo tranny lecturing me on what good music is
I think not.
who are you talking to
you tell me

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