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this is your daily reminder that scene/emo mogs the hell out of söy filled midwest emo, don't @ me.
Mallrats have always made better music than hipsters
emotional hardcore mogs both
Both suck but at this point I've grown to hate annoying and retarded music far less than mediocre and boring music.
AA and the like are the former and ALL midwest emo bands are the latter.
I used to jam with a bunch of retarded scene kids and even though our playing styles were radically different and everything sounded terrible, that shit was fun.
Grow up
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>My Space
>Hot Topic
You're living in the PAST, OP!
and yet midwest emo has had a nearly 30 year old run and counting while the shitty faggy mallcore stuff was only around for like 5-7 years in the mid 2000s
Isn't Emo supposed to be "onions" though? Like its subverting gender norms or whatever? Idk dude. Emo really isn't that heavy lol. I mean I guess Shoegaze has some of those themes too and was heavy as fudk but still.
Yeah this is a good point aswell,although I have to say I don't think any emo in America had the same cultural impact as Black Metal did in Europe and South America.
Midwest emo is the genuine article. It's not some Hot Topic cash grab. We're talking real emotion, complex guitar work, and lyrics with actual depth.

Pop punk and scene emo? That's normie-tier rebellion. It's manufactured angst for kids who think they're edgy. Midwest emo speaks to true feelings, not just "my gf dumped me" tier drama. 2000s emo was just pop music with guyliner. Midwest emo is timeless because it's authentic. That MySpace era stuff? Already dated and cringe
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teeeuriiiiiiddd, vonnivonvon vonigig grrrrr, voniarvvenvarckq
>staunch supporter of capitalist values
Dead giveaway this image was made by a 17 year old
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because ton-oight will be the n-oight that will fall for you-u~, ouvre agaain...
me and this album are the same age now you guys
What are you on about? The scene emo bands are still around and garner more listeners than the midwest guys
If you musical autists were at all in tune with society you would be aware of the fact that Scene is coming back stronger than ever. Just what do you think Billie Eilish is?
*raises hand* im aware of this
Or a Cokehead desu.
Fair but also music that actually sounds like this isn't coming back anytime soon for the same reasons Pop-Punk isn't.
nope. its gonna come back and its gonna sound even better.
Of course nobody is gonna do music exactly like the old days. But the two biggest names in heavy music right now (BMTH and FIR) both have heavy scene emo leanings, and were originally from that style, but are now just more modernized.
It's visibly not though while both Black Metal and Nu Metal (clear competition in terms of marketing demographics and artistic appeal admit it or not) have been though. I'm nit hearing or seeing those supposed new scene bands much. They don't seem to be there,feels like the main audiance "grew up" and moved into either indie or screamo. The fashion itself yes but when I was in high-school you just had kids who dressed like this listening to 80s Punk Bands or Black Metal so I thunk the internet may have also broken that. The fashion yes the music no though which is alresdy what you see eith the modern dsbm scene. The average consumer ofc won't care enough to notice the difference either,if scene music wanted a comeback they should have gotten going sooner or tried to offset newer black metal or newer nu metal or newer pop punk even bands in someway even though pop punk is also fucked for more depressing reasons. Black Metal seems less scary in retrospect though whereas Scene and Pop-Punk maybe seem a little more which doesn't help. Euronymous seems endearing,charming,and colorful whereas the early scene bands seem like massive creeps now. Same thing with Nu Metal. I think both Scene and Pop-Punk suffered more directly from the whole warped tour thing.
I think it will just be the same fashions but Black Metal,Nu Metal,some kind of HC/Metalcore,or modern midwest emo. You still clearly have scene kids in the way you still clearly have guys who dress like skinheads but like with skinheads (albeit dor different reasons) people are now pretty reluctant to ever admit they are one. Both fantasy nerd type guys in the power Metal or black metal communities and HC Kids and Nu Metal Fans will joke about this and those are kinda the two target demographics for a lot of this stuff. Both Varg Virkenes and Jello Biafra aswell as a ton of more mainstream pop acts would probably have some very cynical comments about it if they tried genuinely bringing scene music back. Sort of like how there's never going to be mainstream radio oi! Bands again in Europe. People associate the words scene and pop punk with sexual predators now and that recontextualizes everything Hardcore/Nu Metal Bros and that dorky guy in a cape you met at a Metal show when you were 13 said about scene music for a lot of millennials and zoomers. Without greater context for scene (lol) rivalries etc it's easy to just assume the nerdier more fantasy oriented Metal bands and the more hardcore/nu Metal "tough guy" end of the scene were rejecting these people for that reason. Obviously it was more differences in fashion or music but like with skinheads retrospectively a mainstream reporter talking to some guy in nerdy fantasy armor in corpsepaint or talking to some old guys from an 80s hardcore band will think "Oh yeah,good for them" even if they're a "conservative news source" or whatever. The Fox News Anchor is still going to think that's what it was even if he thinks the said bands he's talking to are satanic or whatever. From a marketing standpoint Pop Punk and Scene Music are absolutely completely fucked. History will think that The Black Metal Nerds hated them because they were all rapists or sleeping with teenagers or something.
The fashion will come back but it won't be explicitly labeled pop punk or scene and the music itself took a big hit communally from the fucking warped tour thing. They'll be the antagonists in future movies about the 90s and 2000s.
The new FIR album is doing very well despite all the controversy behind Ronnie Radke, not to mention Ronnie's got some conservative leanings himself. Not only that, there has always been overlap between HC Kids and Scene Emo since day one. The recent years' trend in metalcore and scene emo adjacent music has been Nu Metal influences, which were arguably there from the start since scene emo bands were basically Underoath+Linkin Park but now a bit more Korn/Limp Bizkit/Slipknot sounds so those two don't hate each other as much. Power metal has had tremendous staying power more than other non-core/numetal heavy genres and they just do their thing. Black metal communities continue to get smaller I feel like this music barely has staying power even when it's more consumer friendly like Deafheaven.
Imagine typing out all this gay shit. Don't you gotta get the car wash?
I mean since day one of scene/emo since hardcore predates it but yeah.

>"The recent years' trend in metalcore and scene emo adjacent music has been Nu Metal influences"

I play fucking Black Metal with sometimes Nu Metal influences but I'm also stoned all the fucking time lol. I just like to go as intense as I possibly can though. As nerdy as it might be I think Black Metal was better at setting mood and setting pacing than emo was. Feels a bit more authentic. I'm also part German and Part Danish as I said before and Emo and Scene where already out of mainstream fashion by the time I reached high-school so that might be why.
Fashion and music evolved to styles used by modern bands like BMTH and FIR. Big finance and Military Industrial Complex is probably more likely to be antagonists. Even if you mean in a bullying context, scene emo guys were more often the guys getting bullied (at least in my school) so nope.
>"Black metal communities continue to get smaller I feel like this music barely has staying power "

Pffft lolno. It's been spreading internationally pretty consistently for decades if anything especially with the normalization of widespread internet use. New Black Metal coming out all the fucking time.
Because they'll be viewed as having been sexual predators,retard. I wasn't talking about anything else with this. Honestly also how it should have been. Scene is cancer.
That's your opinion on which works better. But talking objectively measurable trends, social media and spotify, those scene emo bands still command millions of listeners per band while black metal doesn't have a single band that even comes close to 1 million. American Football on the midwest side of things commands the most at 1.2 million, but not on the scene emo level of popularity. So like not mainstream levels of big for scene emo, but still above many other genres
Fad Revival 20 Year Rule versus genuine cultural institution desu. We'll see lol. Your claim about it shrinking all the time was mostly just funny.
This affects other music, too and the numbers show it has affected them far more than black metal unfortunately.
And yet again, the evidence shows this didn't stop the music and it's modern offshoots from success.
OK yeah and to be fair to you some of the original black metal scene weren't great people either. Both Varg Virkenes and Mika Luttinen were basically white supremacists. The problems with Black Metal I guess are less ones where a suburban dad would be afraid to let their kids go to a concert though partially BECAUSE of how nerdy these guys were but I also will give you that Emo was a way bigger Fad in The USA. I could definetely see some parents being more ok with their kids listening to Burzum or Cradle of Filth than Blood on The Dancefloor though which might habe some effect. To say Black Metal is dying out though is simply untrue. It if anything spread globally in the 2010s with the standardization of internet usage. TikTok and shit also reflect this. Lot of the "metal elements" in trap just sound like black metal. I just don't really see this happening,especially not when their are constantly new bands and original bands still touring.
>Guys an old genre is getting revived because the same 2 bands that were popular 15 years ago.... still are.
Is there a single mainstream rock fan that isn't YouTube commenter levels of retarded?
>That MySpace era stuff? Already dated and cringe
It's extremely popular right now and has made a major comeback, meanwhile, where's Midwest emo? In the gutter where it belongs
Like idk if dad is going to care if you go to the burzum concert when he can't even understand the right wing subtext and correctly assumes you can't either >>123656982
Imagine being a parent of a 15 year old goth e girl in current year. You're not going to care that Varg is a "literal nazi" if the lyrics are completely Unintelligible and varg himself can barely speak English. A band like Peste Noire you might but there wasn't a bunch of hate crimes at Steelfest so you're not going to care as much let's be real. The shit with Warped Tour might convince you to not let your daughter go to emo shows or take up an interest in Emo. I see this as more something that will happen whereas the right wing politics with some of (not all but I will admit a lot) of Black Metal Bands don't really tangibly apply to an American Audiance. Why would you be concerned about your daughters opinions of Immigrants in Finland when she can't even speak Finnish muchless vote in Finnish Elections? The Blood on The Dancefloor shit will be more immediately concerning to said parents so it's morelikely to get immediately blacklisted or banned. Racism in Black Metal is read like racism in country music is especially by people who don't know much about Norway or how wealthy it became but even in general and especially with seeing some of the interviews with these people it's less something your kids are going to actusly get involved in. The moral backlash won't be nearly as crazy.
But there's less people making new stuff like that and they're nit as dedicated as the people writing Brooklin Hipster Articles or guys who unironically ladp are to Black Metal. It's not the same level of intensity from the fanbase. This is reflected in the infighting too. People treat both Varg and Euronynous and Ded like they were Jesus or actually just Wotan or whatever. Kinda goes a bit beyond that I think.
Thinking more their parents. I would nit car if Impaled Nazarene were racist in the mid 1990s bit fuck knows I'm not letting my daughter near Blood on The Dancefloor.
Zoomers are just now discovering classic Midwest emo songs from the '90s. Midwest emo has a timeless quality that resonates with genuine emotions, making it relatable to people of all ages, including Zoomers. Pop punk, on the other hand, has resurfaced largely due to millennial nostalgia, with many reminiscing about the old days. It's definitely not the same thing.
brave little abacus and snowing is some of the worst garbage I've heard in my entire life, the nu-male singing and weak voices unbearable, I don't understand why people call that true emo, they are nothing like sunny day real estate, rites of spring, or mineral
It really doesn't matter what people are listening to. There's less new band formations now than ever. It's not a revival until newfags come along amd pick up the mantle.
Never happening for anything mainstream rock related from the last 25 years.
Yeah but that's the Enos who won't be shown as cartoon villians in future historical dramas lol. Idk how you don't see that. Historians will just say Black Metal and Power Metal Nerds and Hardcore Kids hated Scene because they were sexual predators or something and point to Warped Tour as evidence of this. Shit is so fucking over dude. I can't see how the genre would feasibly ever recover from this and even Revival acts like MGK are defineteyl facing that perception. Even saw a animated sitcom on Netflix which was frequently joking about a "pop punk/skating teacher" so yeah. Normies are going to retrsoeptviely assume that's what the issue "real metalheads" or more mainstream pop audiances had with the genre. You can try to correct them but that definetely stuck.
You say that about Black Metal but your completely wrong. There's like a new band every week still. It's all over the fucking world now too. Outside the mainstream at very least Black Metal will be perfectly fine,but ultimately concerns over scene music would prevent it from ever supplementing the following it previously had.
>"It's not a revival until newfags come along amd pick up the mantle."

Exactly,which Black metal and nu Metal and shoegaze are all doing. Scene music not as much. It's prettymuch completely mogged by said Midwest Emo at this point.
glomps you
The hell does black metal have to do with either of the aforementioned genres retard?
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It's a supervisor genre which is clearly equivalent to it.
Literal retard logic
True ig but nonetheless,Black Metal achieves much of what Emo was going for far better and with more of a sense of authenticity.

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