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How did he know that? Did he consult the Guinness World Records book?
I think he compared himself to black people in his life
It's a cover of some black guy's song in which he brags about how much pussy he's eaten
Blacks were always dumb and vulgar, which was probably a source of amusement for a smart white guy like Jim
he just looked at his massive belly and gave it a pat
such a sinister statement requires questions Jim, wht are you planning exactly?
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she was Jims dealer
it's kosher chicken.

Why is his head so big and the others are small, like he's a solo artist?
He was the frontman
Keyword: front
Ask Howlin' Wolf, it's his song.
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“Hey, all you people that tryin' to sleep
I'm out to make it with my midnight dream, yeah
'Cause I'm a back door man
The men don't know
But the little girls understand, all right, yeah”
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>*shitty mk ultra funded generic blues riff starts playing*
>*nothing interesting happens for the entire song*
Arthur Lee was like 30× more clever than Jim was and also a huge source of his music lmao. He just ripped off black artists and then ripped off the French mostly. Guy seems like he was kind of a retard if anything,versus Peter Grudzien who actually was an all American Folk Musician/Country Singer Type a couple years later doing truly experimental shit,or Jimi Hendrix,or any number of southern rock bands,or Country Joe and The Fish,etc,etc.
You should read Mahagonny by Brecht, which woild explain the lyrics to the Kurt Veil song
*shittiest riff you've ever heard starts playing*
It's the most generic shit imaginable and the safest shit too. What exactly is there to be filtered by?
>What exactly is there to be filtered by?
poetic sensibility n metaphysics for starters
formal experimentations had little to do with it
The Velvet Underground did that better lol. So did The Rising Storm. Instrumentals are still bland as fuck and kinda directionless. Overrated shit.
You know Jim gave Nico a lot of her lyrics, right?
>"formal experimentations had little to do with it"

Yes if they did it would lose your attention lol. Sort of what ii was getting at.
Most cutting edge music technology 1967 had to offer
One of the best guitarists of their generation
Never before combined elements in rock music
Jim Morrison’s lyrical genius
Stick to Beatles cover bands, bro. This shit is a little over your head.
Guess the CIA propaganda worked on you because you're a retard who gets high everyday
What if the Tavistock mkultra people behind the doors were the good faction and the cher and sonny cia faction were the evil globohomo faction?
Just a slightly different brand if electronics lol. Human Expression are way heavier than The Doors ever where and for my money The Dovers were too but each there own ig. You're listening to the fucjing doors though. Shit is generic and bland as fuck.
To be fair you need a pretty high iq to understand the Doors.
Fair lol
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh idfk know dude. I mostly just find them to be kinda bland musically. Little Skibbidi Ohio Bro I guess must have seen a video about them in TikTok or something. Fine for his age,,I liked The Doors decently in High-school but now after having heard so much other psychedelia including stuff that came our before it it just sounds flat idfk.
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It's a cover of an old Howlin' Wolf song!
Because The Doors were incapable of being original or interesting. Tbf you could say the same for Ten Years After but I feel like they had more of a genuine psych element than The Doors did. Idk dude. I think Morrison could have taken more risks. He played it too safe and it just doesn't feel as engaging in current year as some other bands do.
What exactly is unoriginal abou the Doors?
I already explained this,they took the basic garage psych sound,cleaned up it's edges,and dumbed it down for boomer consoomers who wanted generic white washed hard rock blues type stuff. I guess you could say the same for Jimi Hendrix,Funkadelic,or Ten Years After (although I guess both Jimi Hendrix and Funkadelic were in fact black),aswell as Cream maybe but these bands all had moments of creativity that The Doors just didn't have music wise. Same with the earlier bands the doors were inspired by aswell (like I said US Garage Style which tbf isn't as related to the commercial blues hard rock bit). The Doors never would have recorded Following Me or Optical Sound IMHO. Overrated band. Can you explain what's so unique other than you haven't heard better?
I mean they used a keyboard for bass. They had long prog songs. They had various different influencers, from blues to classical music. Its fair to say you don't like them but they don't sound like anyone else.
They sound aa LOT like both The Human Expression and Blue Magoos dude. You can't explain why the distinction between Moog,Meloteon,and Keyboard is meaningful from a musical perspective because it isn't,the average consumer can't tell the difference. Literally everything else you mentioned was done by an earlier band better. People would have just ended up adapting to the new technology had the doors not existed anyway. You cannot tell me with a straight face thst The Human Expression,The Dovers,Painted Faces,The Rising Storm,Love,Cream,The Monkees,The Moody Blues,and Ten Years After amoung a couple others don't at least have extremely similar elements here and there. You think it was super unique for the time because you lack scope and range. There were better bands both before and after.
On some levels I agree, but not 100%
I'm not sure I'd really say The Doors themselves were "Edgy" but they were/are kind of fun to listen too if you're high, tripping, or drunk.
Lyrically, there's nothing deep about them, and Jim Morrison was/is a hack poet/lyricist, at best. I still like them on many levels, though, but let's face it, the only really interesting thing about The Doors was Ray Manzarek.
The only thing that ever saved Ten Years After was Alvin Lee, and, while he was a good guitar player, he wasn't as great as people make him out to be. Plus, live, his solos were way too long.
And he spends so much time singing about how he's going home, he misses his flight.
Of course, that being said, A Space in Time is a pretty good album.
Not really. If anything The Doors were more like a proto prog band with the keyboard based arrangements and non rock influences
Jimi Hendrix and Funkadelic were good, though.
I get what you're saying but prog fans are absolutely retarded about this so prepare for some dumbass responses about how "PSYCHEDELIA ISN'T LE PROG" even though the original Prog Bands all basically started playing acid rock or something similar.
On the song LA woman you can clearly hear the bass is not a guitar. All these bands that you say sound like them all sound like generic garage rock which just isn't the sound thr Doors had. I mean my guy there's a reason the doors were extremely popular at the time when these other bands had smaller fanbases.
And The Human Expression weren't? Optical Sound is fucking insane dude.
You do see how the doors dree on that "generic garage rock" sound though right and kinda commercialized it? At least on their first two albums? Tbf I'm not sure if I've even listened to LA Woman but wasn't that in like The Early 70s? Not sure that was so unique by then. Fair enough though,sounds like a cool little detail ig. Overall though no I think what I'm saying is true. The Rising Storm was already using synths to create bass noise or keyboards or whatever the fuck I'm prettysure on their tbf singular and independently released album. Magma also already existed and I'm prettysure was alresdy doing that when LA Woman came out,and like I said Jim was listening to French Shit alresdy and basically ripping it off. Like Loght My Fire is based on a French pop song he straight up bought the rights to.
If I wanted heaviness I’d just listen to The Stooges, a band that credits their inspiration entirely to The Doors. Don’t need some failed Rolling Stones clone
> Shit is generic and bland as fuck.
Translation: my attention span is too short.
You're literally too retarded to listen to The Velvet Underground and instead like fucjing Trout Mask Replica. If anyone has attention problems it would be you. Lol if you think The Doors require a attention span either. You heard Gunter Shickert? Way later tbf but that is some slow churn psychedelia.
I have never heard anything by The Human Expression, so I am not qualified to render an opinion at this time.
Yeah I went through that phase too. But eventually when you get deeper into music history you realise what a landmark The Doors really was, plus by this point you should be heavily bluespilled anyway.
Every psych enthusiast starts with the doors, becomes too hipster for The Doors, and then eventually goes back to The Doors.
The doors sound so different from The Human Expression and these other bands. The classical and blues influences, the song structures. I mean I'm almost getting an impression that you haven't even really listened to the doors. I mean you admit yourself you haven't even heard LA woman.
That's fair dude.
The Doors are generally a band for like high-schoolers which I think was even true at the time lol. As big of a creep as Markley was WCEPAB is way darker and more psychological. Guy was severely mentally ill and his parents just locked him in a basement I think. Weird shit.
LA Woman is actually a decent album.
It has some interesting twists and turns that separate it from everything before it, but there also a lot of stuff on it that sounds like stuff they did before.
It's the last album with Jim Morrison on it.
It doesn't rely as heavily on the keyboards like previous albums, but the keyboards are still there.
The classical influences are actually French Pop influences but probably shit French Pop got from The Classical Cannon so fair enough. That being said Love,The Beatles,Jefferson Airplane,and other were all using similar influences. The Blues part is literally just from "generic garage rock",that sort of bouncy whitewashed blues sound. If you'd heard more psych rock you'd realize this aswell. The "Classical" influences weren't that unique either and Jim Morrison was HEAVILY inspired by both Love and The Bestles in this department. Probably Cream too for both the "blues" (roughly) and "classical" (roughly). None of this I'd as crazy as you think.
I think I've hear it once or twice maybe but not extensively.
Is it like the last "real" or "classic era" album for the band? Like how Love isn't really Love after the third album or Jimi Hendrix releases after War Heroes even though he was already dead sort of thing?
> You can't explain why the distinction between Moog,Meloteon,and Keyboard is meaningful from a musical perspective because it isn't,the average consumer can't tell the difference.
Is this dude for real?
A synth, specifically a moog modular synth like The Doors used, is basically a giant electronic effects generator that can sound like anything based on what modules you want it to consist of. It can use a manual (what you call a keyboard) as a console to control parts of it, but that isn’t the instrument in the same way your computer keyboard isn’t the computer.
A Mellotron is basically a sampling machine that plays a tape corresponding to particular keys.
A keyboard is a set of levers devised for controlling a huge variety of different instruments, more properly called a manual. What you mean by “keyboard” is probably an electric piano, which is a kind of piano and has nothing to do with synths or the mellotron besides the fact you use a manual to play it.
Jesus Christ, you may as well try and pretend every string instrument is the same thing too.
Dude I've listened to a lot of 60s psych and garage the doors stand out. There's a reason most of these bands aren't remembered and the Doors are. I think you should actually listen to the Doors with an open mind and you might actually get a sense of what I'm talking about.
This is like true on some dorky academic level I'm suee,but in practice it sounds the same. It's a minute difference.
I guess maybe I genuinely am "mogged" but they just never really kept my attention. Always felt they lacked something. I also kinda doubt you have since you didn't know who The Dovers or human Expression were and appeared not to know who Love were but sure ig.
Did Captain Beefheart kill your parents or something? No idea why you constantly bring that album up out of nowhere.
Ah yes, the famously challenging and impenetrable band from the car ads and t shirts.
Yeah, kinda.
The Doors put out two more albums after Morrison died, but a lot of people don't really consider them Doors albums because Jim Morrison isn't on either of them.
Yeah and eventually you grow out of the “I need music to be as weird and obscure as possible” and just go back to liking good music like The Doors or Jimi Hendrix.
>". I think you should actually listen to the Doors with an open mind and you might actually get a sense of what I'm talking about."

I mean tbf I did enjoy Soft Machine and The Kinks when I gave them more of a real chance so maybe,but I have listened to then before. I even liked them in high-school but never stuck with me. I just think other bands had more charecter and maybe oomph to them which is an important thing with rock. Jim Morrison has le generic chugga chugga blues riffs or whatever but it somehow still misses tht drive. Idk dude. For me personally I think they might just jot have the same appeal. I can listen to The Human Expression,Painted Faces,The Deviants,Love,Blue Magoos,Jimi Hendrix,and others on repeat a way I just can't with The Doors. I like Waiting for The Sun ig but that might be about it.
The Black Angels Death Song is way heavier and crazier than anything The Doors ever did same with Venus in Furs. Mostly just Sunday Morning and maybe Sweet Nothin you're talking about here.
In practice it doesn’t sound the same at all, you’re just tone deaf and couldn’t point out which part on a doors song is the synth part if your life depended on it.
A synth sounds like any kind of weird electronic effect that analog electronics can produce, covering a huge range of options. The actual machinery of the instrument is more akin to the effects pedals of a guitar or a theremin than a conventional piano.
A mellotron sounds like whatever tapes it’s programmed to play.
An electric piano sounds like a piano.
Venus and Furs is the one that was literally in a car ad. And I’m also pretty sure a PlayStation ad.
Yeah, some real challenging music you got here Buddy.
OK yeah,the opposite happened with The West Coast Experimental Pop Art Band where virtually everyone considers "Markley:A Band" to be a WCEPAB Album and Hendrixes record label basically just kept shitting out posthumerous records after he'd died of which only the first three are good but are like fucking incredible for the most part just yk less talked about than the stuff put out while he was living except by real fans. Love would probably be the closer comparison on this since Arthur Lee basically angerly fired the entire rest of the band after Forever Changes,so it was basically just random backing bands with The Lead Singers name on it masquerading as Love after that. Soft Machine is also similar after The Third Album.
>"I need music to be weird and obscure as possible"

The Doors are just generic and bland to my ears. Don't think I'm alone in saying that plus I named several bands that aren't really that weird or obscure in there. Don't tell me Jimi Hendrix or CAN are really deep cut bands now muchless fucking Cream. You admitted to knowing The VU have been used in advertisement and TV here also. Some of these are weird and obscure sure but some of these are also fairly popular.
>"and just go back to liking good music like The Doors or Jimi Hendrix."

I fucking love Jimi Hendrix. American Garage Rock albeit obscure wasn't really weird overall though. I do hope you realize this. The comparisons to The Doors here are largely from Blues,Country,Folk,RnB,and Pop Music.
That just means you’re growing out of your weird and obscure music phase. Eventually you’ll have forgotten all about these Z-list garage psych bands no one ever gave a fuck about.
It really really fucking does lmao. You can say "wash wash it doesn't because it just doesn't waaahhg" but the average musician doesn't even know the difference.
Was it really? Kind of a weird choice for a car ad lol. Honestly I'll believe it when I see it since this song was very blatantly about cock and ball torture. Sort of the opposite of what you want to project outward to men who like cars. If this is real though I'd fucking love to watch it and honestly I hope it is.
I've been listening to The Blue Magoos since high-school. Probably not no. When I initially got into some of these idlt did probably help but I've been listening to Garage Rock for years now. I think you should give the genre more of a chance.
When you get into it dude it's fucking great shit. I know you said "weird and obscure" but really lacks that forced quickness more mainstream or big name bands from that time had overall. That you would say that when you've all been defending Zapppa and Beefheart is pretty fucking funny. Obscure or underground sure but really meat and bones psych that hits you at your soul. American Garage-Psych Bands were god at that. If preferring The Dovers or Human Expression to The Beatles or whatever makes me a contrarian then so be it. I think a lot of that stuff is pretty interesting and creative to this day. There are bigger name bands I like though dude. I've said I like The Dead,Jimi Hendrix,Funkadelic,Cream,Jefferson Airplane,Shocking Blue,and a couple others multiple times. Bands that have in fact been used in film and advertising. Bands you could buy a t-shirt of at Newberry comics or whatever. I think just not the exact same bands you like ig? I do like Hendrix though.
It was actually a tire ad but yeah
I'll watch it in a minute. That's fucking weird dude. I still maintain they were a good band though. The Doors aren't much different in this regard either. Kinda gotta decide if Popular Thing Good or Pooular Thing Bad here I think.
>was in the uk

OK that explains it lol. Would be way weirder in the context of American Car Culture.
But it literally doesn’t and it’s been explained to you what any of these even do. All you’re accomplishing is looking like a massive retard. Just because you can’t tell the difference between a synth and a piano does not mean everyone is as stubbornly retarded as you are.
>25 and went through a Doors phase this year after shunning them as a high school t-shirt band my whole life

Did I get MK Ultra'd?
Yeah lol. Also 25 is a bit late to be having a "Doors Phase".
You just keep explaining how the instirments are physically different when in practice it'd just a later version of the same technology. Call me skeptical but I don't think you can actually hear the difference either.
I know, but they're good to listen to when drinking
Maximum kek
That's fair I guess. Most of this stuff was basically written for druggies lol.
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>t. working for minimum wage and considering moving back in with mom at age 27
Look at (You)rself
Everybody you just listed blows cock
You're probably long term unemployed based on this interaction.
Lolno,you're just too retarded for it.
I don't know about that. Trout mask replica? Thats a meme. And you know it. It's fucking garbage sounds.
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chomp chomp swallow
The Doors and The Monkees are pure Chadcore and can't be understood by people who work at the car wash.
the doors and jimi hendrix are both extremely boring bullshit.
LA woman does have a bass guitar in it tho.
It’s really not, you just barely comprehend what any of this technology even is. An electric piano is a fucking piano. A synth is an electric noise machine that doesn’t even need the keys. A mellotron is basically a key activated tape player, you can program the keys to exclusively play dialogue from Seinfeld if you want to.
> Call me skeptical but I don't think you can actually hear the difference either.
Yes, Nico, we know you’re a tone deaf retard that listens with your eyes.
This is a synth, the person playing it isn’t using a manual.
This is a mellotron, Paul McCartney has had it programmed so all the keys play jazzy backing music.
This is an electric piano, it sounds like a piano.
LA Woman is one of the worst songs ever recorded
He's a retard, anon. Stop putting effort into responding to him. He is here constantly blubbering about garage rock and the Dovers and people no one besides autists have ever heard of. Don't engage
Nico made shit music
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Nico is based unlike the resident schizosperg.
Yeah, the firs three posthumous Hendrix albums are really good.
I only really like the first Love album, although
everything up to Four Sale is GOAT, but their first is really the only one I can listen to without skipping any songs. I'd still need to hear the song Everlasting First because I'm interested in what Jimi Hendrix brought to the table.
That's not what's being argued, so your opinion on it is irrelevant.
>if I get my hands on a number five
>gonna skin that little girl alive
this lonely namefaggot knows only 5 fucking bands and he keeps repeating them in every thread, and he keeps giving his opinions and his resume like anyone gives a shit
nothing he posts is ever interesting or intelligent, it's just listing some band trivia
his double digit IQ oozes from every post he makes
please dox yourself already and get lost
I know more bands than literally any of you lmao. My opinion is worth a lot more than some guy who masturbates to TMR and Anime all day.
You work at a car wash, you smoke pot 24/7, you cannot even afford to smoke pot 24/7 and must take loans from drug dealers to finance it, every couple of weeks you’re threatening to move back in with your mom. You post on /mu/ every hour of every day.
The dudes who masturbate to TMR and anime all day are your peers and society would consider you their equal.
>Nicotranny... if you ain't pay me for that $50 eighth by Monday, I'M FINNA BOUTA BUST A CAP IN YO ASS
you can just say you,you're describing yourself lol
owe nobody shit atm
>You post on /mu/ every hour of every day.

Describing yourself a bit here I think.
>Nico Sperg
Nah,I'm just saying the truth though. You're imaginary scenarios don't matter. In real life you spend more time online,less time cleaning up after yourself,and more time masturbating. I'm not your fucking equal lmao. I'm not the one who only repeats "the same 5 bands" either. That's all you retards with your funny meme lists.
Bruh, you’re not even the real Nico. 0 effort impersonation.
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Yeah that retard sucks. Fake Nicosperg
nah I am. Paid back everyone still have my girl fuck off lol. I'm fucking leagues above you pussies.
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>calm down ese, nico tranny is scrubbing my cars for 8 bucks an hour with no benefits and no breaks. come back when his shift ends.
even if this were to be true it would still be more money than you'd ever seen in your life lol
He was too high-IQ. You wouldn't get it.
>making a cover means you can't be original
You don't deserve to have opinions about music.
At any point in your life, have you had two month's worth of rent in your bank account?
yeah lol,have you?
Not what I said but ig I can see where you might get that from.
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I have 6 months of gross pay rn. Why do you always have to move back into big momma's house if you're such a player?
Sad Satan ass music
Reddit ahh band

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