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the coolest bass of the 00s
Is this the "the ick" guy? I garuntee you most woman in real life get "the ick" from you collecting these images.
¡La Tóxica!
With a Queen Breaker or with an actual woman? An actual woman is going to be harder. I know that's actually all you care about because your interest in music is completely superficial.
holy projection
You can't even form normal sentences. I don't see any projection to it,you clearly don't even know how to interact.
Like is your idea of how sex works mostly based on TikTok and maybe some old music videos? That's the impression I'm getting. You talk like a massive dweeb too but I guess that's most zoomers.
the most filtered man alive
That didn't really prove what you think it did. But sure,I'm listening to classical lop. I like Eliot Carter. You're talking about some shitty dance pop song from the 2000s that nobody remembers right?
ooo yea bump me harder
>40 Year Old Male Virgin trying to talk like a popular girl from the early 2000s
>These are the only people who genuinely give a fuck about like 90% of ots and 2010s music
mogged by me
You're not mogging anybody. That's why you're so concerned about it.
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Beatles were fucking wild for this one I'll give you that.
Nico Sperg keeps trying, but can't seem to win a single one
will he ever learn?
I won this one pretty well lol. Keep being delusional though,the larping is painful.
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Point further proven. You guys are fucking creepy sometimes.
¡La boca grande!
>all valid criticism is just projection
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I need to jizz all over her sweaty feet
This is what they do every time too. They have no other way around it.
¡La Tetona Tóxica!
Think that might just be you there.
kek knew it
You pretend to "know" whatever makes you feel less suicidal about being a virgin way way past a normal age I think.
sorry bros, i'm just salty because i make the gusic threads and no one ever cares about them but xochitl threads get a hundred of replies and it makes me feel like i have salt in my vagina
quads of truth
Translate that from incel for me. I don't speak retard the way you do. I just correctly view these threads as retarded and sad. Project your insecurities into me if you will but normal men are simply not doing this.
kek quads of truth
See my previous comments. Going into a epic spastic tard fit like you do collectively on discord will not prove how "badass" you are either.
Stop posting her.
It's sad as fuck but they'll nonetheless continue I think.
You're literally just having a retarded meltdown because I pointed out the root cause of your bizzare and insanely depressing behavior lol.
qrd on that girl?
is she Nico Sperg's indian gf?
Because you were tarding out creepily over some e girl? That might be your own lack of self awareness there. This is gonna be extra funny when you inevitably get hospitalized too. Can't wait for that to happen. Seems like you might be close.
it's some anon's ex that he posted in a xochitl thread
It's him being a creepy retard lol.
then why do you care?
because there's blood coming out of my pee hole and i'm frightened
You're throwing a fit because I pointed out the actual cause of your weird childlike behavior. :)
If you weren't such a spastic retard reposting the funny meem comfort girl would not be a regular event. Nor would having a spastic meltdown that pussy exists.
hehe only i know about phone posting hehe btw does anyone know anything about urinary tract infections?
I never claimed this? I just correctly recomgize you as a fat angry retard,you can stop pretending to like K-Pop now "bro",it's ok,I don't care what the guy making sigma meme videos said. She's not going to fuck you.
i don't even like nico hehe

If anyone is a pedo it's probably you. That's why you like le heckin epic brainrot and skibbidi toilet anime shit lol. Also clearly stunted emotionally. Likely at risk for suicide aswell. Le epic Otaku shut in or whatever.
I never claimed this? I just correctly recomgize you as a fat angry retard,you can stop pretending to like K-Pop now "bro",it's ok,I don't care what the guy making sigma meme videos said. She's not going to fuck you.
Yeah you can stop using the word bro now,was trying to clue you in that The larp was backfiring.
You can't even form normal sentences. I don't see any projection to it,you clearly don't even know how to interact.
Right,that was a normal sentence. I can tell I bullied you too hard I guess and now you're mind broken. Repeating shit back to me won't make this little thread you made any less sad though. Advise you seek mental help. Take care.
I'm not throwing a fit, I just asked why you care so much about some dude posting a girl's pic if you have no relation to her
just ignore it, people are clearly trying to bait you
By the way, my father raped my bussy all throughout my childhood and named it Nico. He said nothing else in life made him feel like his hard cock was covered in shit than when Nico sang with the Velvet Underground.
Yeah haha,whatever you need to tell yourself dude. It's inherently sad behavior.
this explains so much
if that's real, sorry to hear that, nico sperg, that's rough
the most filtered man alive
nico sperg is an incest victim?
sorry, bro, was your dad ever caught?
Schizophrenic Retard Moment that proves you need to be sent to an institution Moment in Ohio skibbidi BOP frfr
OMG who is she, I love her
i fucking love her

my chich
ana queen
aren't you a little old to be typing that type of shit?
he is.... the Most Filtered Man Alive
nico sperg is mentally ill and i ignore all of his posts
holy shit...
based backstory
I will cum on that face

The archives are your friend. Original poster claims it's his basket case of an ex. She does look kinda like Xochitl.
this is the key that we all needed to unlock the door of you, nico sperg
so this is the lore
It's a schizophrenic tard out because I pointed out how pathetic this shit is. Never fucking happened.
Literally had to make some shit up to distract from how pathetic these threads are.
it's okay, bro, you opened up and shared something painful and it made us all understand you a little better
nah you had a tard out to prevent yourself from committing spaghetti. My dad was a good dad,100% cheated on my mom though lol.
you make up stories that protect your ego because you know I'm right and this shit is extremely sad for a grown man to be doing.
i didn't do shit
hahaha,ok sure. Larping Retard trying desperately to feel remotely valid.
makes sense

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