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happy birthday, angel.

Biggest most eternal Fs
It's not even the kind of music I listen to most often but they were such an exuberant person how terrible and premature their death was sticks out by contrast even worse than other musicians I like more who died e.g. Ian Curtis, it feels so cosmically wrong the future is dead already
glad this tranny killed himself
seemed like a cunt, honestly
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last noise this tranny ever made:
Based on what? She was just really posh
>Sophie accidentally fell three stories from the rooftop of a building in Athens, Greece while attempting to take a picture of the full moon

Anybody else wonder how this actually happened? Pic related is the building supposedly. But doesn't the roof look flat up there? Like how close to the edge are you, do you stumble over something...are drugs/alcohol involved/etc.?

Plus if she's wearing "drag" or whatever, what if her shoes were heels or some ridiculously inappropriate footwear for that situation?
He was actually alive for a while after the fall so it was probably something more like aaaaugggghhhgggguuuuuuaaaaaaaaggggggh
I love her work a lot, so much so that I don't talk about her here because, well obviously that's pointless lol. but let's be real she was high as fuck on God knows what. people want to do the tranny suicide meme but she had a pretty stable career. was charging like 10k for a song and people were paying it so I really doubt she killed herself, I think she was just lost in the sauce and ended up falling.
Yeah but don't they do an autopsy where they'll check for substances in the blood or whatever? I don't remember reading anything about that.
I doubt they'd have released it. if they said nothing, people would say she killed herself for being trans. if they said she had drugs in her system, people would say she killed herself for being trans. if they said she was found with a bullet in her head and a gunman 2 metres away, people would say she killed herself for being trans. I completely understand why there wouldn't be any point to releasing the actual info.
he didn't fly so good
She wasn't on the roof, she was trying to climb from that top balcony up the wall onto the roof like Tobet Maguire's Spiderman. Dumb sheltered rich kid behaviour. Allegedly you could see the supermoon rising directly over the Acropolis from that part of town.
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*Tobey Maguire
Another drugged up tranny offed himself? Woah...
I laughed.

I generally don’t mind about people’s sexual orientation or how they look if they art is something redeemable. But, in all seriousness, what was so good about this person? I hear nothing but generic bubblegum pop with some irony flair, that is, utter crap.
I'm sorry, I still don't understand what is it about her music that is supposedly so great. I'm curious about it but it mostly just sounds hyperactive and too busy to me.
good riddance sir
Bruh it's insanely kinetic, not just hyperactive, the way the sound design and the composition are one is absurdly complex and finessed but beyond a technical level it informs how emotive and kinetic the experience of the music is, especially if you're a queer clubber type and are familiar with where she's coming from and the musical genre tropes she's referencing and building more experimental tangents off of
Rip, we miss you. You won't be forgotten.
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>this is what hyperpop stans actually believe
Go write art theory schlock for $0.25 a paragraph, you'll be a hundredaire in no time at all and you can get off welfare!
Prove me wrong faggot, she input a lot more manual variation in the sound design from element to element of the beat than most producers would bother with, and it makes what are individually very sterile and digital sounds sound like they're moving and breathing as a whole in quite an organic way similar to a nuanced instrument performance. Not many EDM producers are doing that, Jon Hopkins is the closest easy one I can think of and like him or not he's considered notable for his style for similar reasons.
Pentimento 1 & 2 by Jon Hassell would be another maybe better example
>Sophie accidentally fell three stories from the rooftop of a building in Athens, Greece while attempting to take a picture of the full moon
that's nuts. what a weird, sad way to die
Lol the album is entirely pop tunes and contains almost none of the fan favourites people were hoping for
hbd in the heavenly choir
coincidentally today will have another supermoon
>trying to juke the stats by saying he "slipped" off that rooftop
kek come on now let's be real here this ghoulish MF swan dived
From three floors up? You're more retarded than she was for Looney Tunes'ing a charmed life away.
I thought there would be a huge thread about the google doodle in remembrance of Sophie
Died cuz of trying to take a pic?
godddamit, at least John Balance desth made more sense cuz he was drunk af
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>happy birthday, ange-ACK
You know this bitch thought to himself moments before falling "Tee hee I'm a quirky little tranny taking pictures of the moon tee hee"
manic pixie ass
who's this nonce
I remember hearing that Sophie tried to "climb" up to the roof to taka a photo of the full moon and then somehow fell and "got stuck" before hitting the ground. Maybe she caught a limb in one of those air conditioning units? Apparently that building is in a very secluded part of town so the ambulance took ages to find her as well. It didn't sound like she fell and hit the ground and died instantly.
Yeah and Sophie was high as a kite on k and god only knows what else
That is the face of a creature who has fucked a lot of children. And I mean a LOT.
Based. I respect him but he's a man
It was a jesuit moon ritual obviously
i'm going to celebrate by getting wasted and falling off a roof
theres a supermoon on her birthday
I think the 'got stuck' thing was just speculation based on how long it took to get her to the hospital, sounds more like the ambulance couldn't reach her
He earned them
they should have sampled it and cut it up for the charli xcx album...would have been better than most of her vocals..
it was made by a tranny. thats what the fuss is all about. PC music had been doing the hyperpop thing for ages with a little interest but Sophie was all gender quer/tranny/etc.
Gay marriage had been agreed in the UK and the progressives were like "fuck now what to do we argue about". they split into two camps -browns and trannies. The tranny camp won and Sophie caught the zietgiest* of press interest and the heralding of the 'new thing'

*unironically i dont this he/she/whatever was looking to do that, but success=luck meeting preperation
really? like where? lemonade? taxi? what track was (s)he so sonically interesting.
hopefully that means he got impaled on a fence and when the paramedics arrived they misgendered him
The PRODUCT singles & her co-production jobs were getting hyped like fuck years before SOPHIE came out as trans, don't rewrite history
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no matter how many (yous) this gets it will be underated... bravo
kill yours-Oh wait... hahahahaha
Heaven Suspended would be a good example
>The PRODUCT singles & her co-production jobs were getting hyped like fuck years before SOPHIE came out as trans, don't rewrite history
nice try but 'officially coming out' and being very obviously gender non-conforming are not the same thing.
even in motherland (s)he was clearly very different and by the Bipp era 'he' was already using the female vocals as his own etc. If there was any doubt about his at least 'androgony' he was called "SOPHIE" ffs.

so yeah i stand by the coment unless there's some wierd alt universe pre 2014 where sophie's work is being hyped and he's in a muscle top.
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I’m somewhat convinced this whole thing was an extended larp just so he could get away with doing shit like this and instead of calling it misogynistic and degrading, people would call it groundbreaking and brave instead
She just looked like a standard faggy art school boy in the Motherland days and I don't think anyone outside of a few insiders knew she was who was making the PRODUCT stuff, a big part of the point of the SOPHIE project at first was that the project was anonymous
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then how come in 2014 (s)he was receiving criticism for her female appropriation and appearance...shit even grimes was slagging her off.

are you seriously suggesting her gender ambiguity played no part in the interest and intrigue leading to her success? If she'd litterally been Dave from Glasgow in a Rangers shirt there'd have been the same level of interest?
There was nothing to do with her appearance, it was just the name being female that had people like Grimes bitching. The image of the project was part of the hype but that image was more of neofuturist psychedelia with the hyper-femininity being part of that rather than anything as limiting as pedestrian tranny shit. When Bipp dropped people were praising the music more than speculating the gender of the person making it, that sort of conversation only ramped up hard closer to the time she came out when she was doing radio interviews with her voice masked and shit that drew peoples' attention to the gender-ambiguity.
>When Bipp dropped people were praising the music more than speculating the gender of the person making it
Ironic, considering the cover art
>calling it misogynistic and degrading
That never happens
Sounds based desu
>ive backed myself into a corner now and am chatting shit.
pic related.
This was pre- the tranny explosion of the mid-2010s, outside of those already clued up on lgbt stuff I don't think there was any kind of public conversation about the artwork having tranny flag colours at the time, I don't remember anything like that and I remember reading the first articles on it when it came out
She was smart to hop on the trend so early, I'll give her that
>chemically mutating yourself and getting bogged permanently for tens of thousands of dollars so that you... can express attraction to women in your art without getting mean words on the internet
Truly one of the greatest creative minds of the twenty-first century
Someone post the webm.
Real talk if nothing else she was the only person doing something genuinely new in music in some time and momentarily broke us out of the hauntology shit, I can't not respect that. Now we've wound up right back where we started.
i'm not trying to be combative, but what exactly did sophie do that was genuinely new? it seems like that deconstructed, heavy electronic sound had been around before SOPHIE and I feel like most of her contributions to hyperpop are mostly AG Cook's doing. I just genuinely want to see if SOPHIE was a pioneer that people claim her to be or if her death just has people romanticizing her music
There's been other deconstructed club artists but nothing like the sounds she was making, I still haven't come close to figuring out how she made some of those complex reverbs inside a DAW alone
yeah, i mean if there's one thing thats really difficult to do in a DAW is stack endless reverbs..how did they do it?
I'm talking about the metallic shit in her minimalist stuff, not the ambient reverb
Is there a complete list of her known compositions anywhere? I want to make sure I catch all of the leaked stuff.
Listen to more music
glad the trannoid killed himself, music was garbage
he definitely killed himself fyi, that was no accident
I honestly don't understand the shilling for this freak, I used to like PC and jammed to QT daily but all of that fad died pretty quickly so finding out there's some kind of cult surrounding it just because it was a trannoid and it died is pretty crazy
She was worshipped by her fans like a godlike, cult-like figure when she was still alive, gave me the creeps then too desu
Prove you wrong? bottom line it sounds like shit and its pop music that isn't catchy, that and it makes you cringe just to listen to
literally who?
Autistic covert narcissist vibes
you mean he
I really don't care man it's some words
I miss her bros...
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He is now sandwich spread
I really can't tell if posts like this are jokes or not
This sounds like pure fucking dogshit
Describe what you like about this
>posts track that is most well-known for not being representative of the artist's sound
Great argument
bump for important thread
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Why haven't they released Heaven Suspended as a lossless EP? Seems weird how stingy they're being given stuff like that was already greenlit for broadcast at the time of her death. Or releasing a comp of her hip-hop co-productions that were already released.
It's the OP pic and the first video that pops up on youtube you fucking ugly pavement apenigger coon. You think I'm doing a deep dive on someone's catalogue when their most popular song sounds like feces? Obviously I don't listen to this shit why would you expect me to know what is well-known about them? And I'm not making argument wtf are you saying? Omg I really fucking hate you and want you dead.
Typically articulate for a chud, the anti-SOPHIE crowd are not sending the best examples of the superior cultural crop they think faggot kino should be replaced with
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I want to run over that thing with a steamroller.
I don't think you'd need to, Sophie had one of the strangest bone structures I think I've ever seen on a person, even for a dude, oddly flat/shallow face... fascinatingly odd person all round
This might be my fav track off her album - love that crescendoing build up

Can anyone rec something similar by Sophie or other artists?
Why do some people take such effort to tell everyone they dont like trans people?
No one asked, yet you feel important enough to shove it up people's faces.
>Muh LGBT shoved up my face all the time.
No, bro. People are way more obnoxious when it comes to hating on trannies.
Why do some people take such effort to tell everyone they dont like people who dont like trans people?
No one asked, yet you feel important enough to shove it up people's faces.
>Muh people who dont like LGBT shoved up my face all the time.
No, bro. People are way more obnoxious when it comes to hating on people who dont like trannies.
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From my point of view you are equally intolerant.
it was a real shame what happened to her, I kinda liked her latest album and she was undoubtedly very talented but Jesus, I know accidents happen but that was such a retarded way to die, like really? just a fucking low-res picture of the moon on her shitty iphone, that's all it took to end everything?
>generic club garbage with platform vidya sounds
wow so groundbreaking
See you did it again. Why can't you just let them be trans and match their level of insufferably instead of being such obnoxious cunts.
If someone's going all trans right up your face, then you can do this brainslop tier assery, otherwise, you're just annoying.
I'm a straight male
incels need a sense of community too. they just want to fit in, don't be so hard on them.
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You have to hand it to him. His music was awful, but since he ACKed people are pretending it's good.

So is Charli XCX, free to rip thise troon off for the next 10 brat albums
Guy looks like a cross between carrot top and lurch
both are overrated
Threadly reminder that this is what her supposedly “groundbreaking” music actually sounds like, literal generic popslop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_S0qCeA-pc
He is fucking dead.
is the cat's mother
Average rich people behaviour unfortunately, they have little respect for life. Like that BBC dude who went hiking alone in the midday sun recently, or Julian Sands
Why are people this insane about trannies? It reminds me of the guys who made gangstalking actually real with chris-chan who don't think they're kooks themselves.
Evidence that he was a man: literally everything right down to the base components of his DNA.

Evidence that s(he) was a woman: “I feel like I might be a woman” followed by pseudoscientific, early 21st century western fad.
chappell roan isnt dead though
fuck off
"man" and "woman" have nothing to do with DNA. male and female do, but then we're talking about sex. which is immaterial to the topic.
I really don't think that's what sophie was all about though
what a fucking retard
Read this article and I'm sad again now :(

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