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>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Use vocaroo to post WIPs.
No youtube, soundcloud and other shilling websites allowed.

Previous: >>123603646
how do you guys feel about the mix on this and the song in general?
I'm really unsure on how the bass fits in and I think the effects I'm using to get a certain sound ruins the rythm
The mix is too far off from being good to advise
Shoegaze attempt
sounds extremely muddy to me
Bros I think I might be retarded…

>know basic music theory
>make a bunch of songs
>start learning piano and sheet music reading
>theory now has become 10x more difficult
>piano skills are shit
>3 months without making a track, only obsessively trying to learn piano and sheet music
>can barely play on time, fingers are stiff as fuck, can’t jump from a chord to the next without pausing

I feel like I have done irreparable damage to my music writing skills just to learn how to play instead of going with the “ohhh the white keys and black keys together sound cool”
an SK-1 is enough
is anyone doing drum stem separation yet (kick/snare/tom/cymbals)?

How to get bass to sound like this, it is so fucking loud but doesn't clip:
Sounds like you have reverb on every track or something. Everything sounds so far away.
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>stop using plugins like "air" "soothe" etc
>start just EQ-ing
>sounds way better
Should I buy an Akai MPK?
where can i find good stuff to sample ?
>Guitar pedal demos
>Bass demos
>Synth channels like Hainbach and BoBeats, EA Ski (don’t sample Loopop he’s a jew and will sue you)
>”learn this drum pattern” tutorials
>get some vinylz from your local goodwill/record shop and hope for the best (expensive)
>political/religious speeches
punch me and kill me
Finally figuring out how phase shifts fuck up your mix
it's really wip but I was trying to eq the kick and accidentally low-passed the hell out of it and it kinda sounds better this way. maybe? just want someone else's opinion on this because I'm retarded
>Hard pan
What's wrong with this?
Stupid retard faggot kys
>hahah i'm so retarded, i can't ever be genuine for fear of my ego, look at me self deprecate xdddd
not listening to your music
>Stupid retard faggot kys
That was a sane post though
whats a good band-aid fix for an untreated room? I feel like I'm fighting the recording more than my actual vocals when i try to EQ.
why is this thread so slow?
I was working, now I’m getting drunk so I can start practicing
I want practicing so now I can drink and get some work done
>untreated room?
post the raw recording

Not to be a dick but i'm willing to bet it's a skill issue with EQ and your singing as opposed to it being the rooms fault

>i'm willing to bet it's a skill issue with EQ
it is. But having a good recording would help make it easier.
Writing is work negro
I know that every gearslutz boomer is going to say otherwise because they live in a different world, but you're focusing on the part that's going to make the least difference in your stiuation
Ill have to agree with this guy all you need at most is some clothes on the walls to cut down on the reflections
use a dynamic mic, problem solved
>post the raw recording
I'm not the best singer in the world but there you go.
there's plenty of worse singers that can sound good with good mixing/recording quality
"hella" gay lyrics lol
your recording setup/technique is fucked and or that's not raw
raw compression and drenched in raw verb
>or that's not raw
It's not, this is https://vocaroo.com/16YdsNS2qOL9
Theres this effect like i'm singing through a toilet paper tube or something. using an AT2035 to record.
You do realize you're too close to your microphone, right?
You're using a semi-cardioid microphone and putting your mouth right next to it and it's creating bass boost.
PS, that shit still ain't raw I can hear your compressor.
Is the compressor in the room with you?
yeah okay your voice just sounds like that lmao
what do you mean your voice doesn't just CRUNCHETIZE all other sounds around you?
Isn't this normal?
apparently it does because i turned everything off nigga
>brain dead and a gamer word user

i'll leave you with the note of you've still got other shit on it and you just don't realize it.
Good stuff, anon
There's zero audio, then a glissando from nothingness into white noise.
Also, you're too close to the mic.

Oh, and I'm using a cheapass Blue Yeti for that little voice clip, not any of my actual studio mics.
holy based
whats wrong with tool?
when i was in school there was this tall skelly weirdo dude who walked around wearing some weird trench coat and an Indiana jones hat wearing the same tool t-shirt every day looking like he never shaved or bathed and that sets a pretty good bar to measure most tool fans ime

so there's that
think of what you want really specifically like '50s electro whizz sounds' and then put sample pack after it and google and torrent it
>whats wrong with tool?
I'm not the frontman
Just imagine, instead of Maynard Keynan, you hear my SOARING voice
you sound like you look like the chud wojak
that's what canadians sound like
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that description fits most people here who sing but yes

cuh ringe

please read a book. poetry. anything
first 6 seconds were good, rest is garbage :)
your singing is awful, i'm impressed by how horrible it is.
ok but how tho
Your mic sounded perfect right when you started that clip, but when you went in to *where you're supposed to be* it started sounding distorted.
The mic is good, the recording is solid, it's just clipping and bass boost that we're hearing.
I can barely see my wave-forms in my DAW when I record straight from my Blue Yeti, and I would boost the levels to sound exactly like what you had in the beginning of that clip.

TL;DR; your gain is too high
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he's just saying things

that's not why it sounds better lol
hey at least your giving actual help. most people on here would just either say nothing or just say it sounds shit. I'll turn my gain down a bit and see how it goes.
Here is me reading the script to the Bee Movie.
I'm not talking loud, and I'm not close to the mic, and it's in semi-cardioid mode (directional), so when you hear the audio dip out it's because I'm looking away from the microphone.

finished i think, id rather keep this meme music simple, thank u for liking this silly garbage is there anything wrong with the mix or other bullshit? probably is as i didnt put much effort but yeah i think majority of ppl dont give a fuck
I'm a technician; I see a problem I solve it.
or at least try to help
Total ignorant here.

How can I start to create music?

Its for a small mobile game, so just aiming to do simple tunes here
creating a bunch of random phase shifts and boosts will absolutely make your shit sound worse if you use it on a bunch of tracks indiscriminantly
You're already most of the way.
You answered the most fundamental question of all;
Now you just have to figure out the "How".

PS, most musicians envy people in your position, because we know how, we just can't figure out a reason why.
FL Studio is the best beginner DAW
Get it from rutracker and use the Sakura plugin which comes stock
There's a feature to generate chord progressions too
If you want 8-bit, use NESpulse or BPB 64
This is a lie; FL Studio is the worst beginner DAW for anyone trying to record instruments.
It's an average DAW when it comes to MIDI sampling, FX looping and plugins, but it's free so whatever.

Reaper is the best Free-to-Play DAW, and frankly it's probably the best DAW of all time.
>This is a lie; FL Studio is the worst beginner DAW for anyone trying to record instruments.
He isn't trying to record music Reaper autist
Your question is answered summarily
Cute pic.
Is this one Father Figure? Fuck nuscreamo.
I recognized Raein in the last thread; fuck them too.
Cool beeps and boops though.
UI, abstraction, a limitless bank of samples, etc
You don't need a grid-aligned midi drum track as the most prominent UI element when most of your users use Direct Input.
NTA but he is right, Reaper is better and Garageband is on par. The reason is because the playlist on FL Studio de-emphasizes tracks. By default FL Studio records audio clips to random places on the playlist. It's also terrible at tempo changes. It's come a long way. If you're just recording vocals then it's fine. Anything else and it sucks.
And for some reason I have never had the same CPU issues using tons of amp sims on Reaper as I have in FL Studio which can barely handle one
acquire ableton then download splice and start stacking loops using whichever descriptors you want. can be totally clueless and get instant decent-sounding results

the only people who think FL studio is beginner friendly are people who've been using it for 20 years and haven't tried anything else. the UI looks like shit and the pattern/mixer systems are extremely convoluted and unintuitive
fl requires extreme levels of intelligence i agree
bot replies. nothing about this impacts recording audio in fl
>the only people who think FL studio is beginner friendly are people who've been using it for 20 years and haven't tried anything else. the UI looks like shit and the pattern/mixer systems are extremely convoluted and unintuitive
How is
>Load an instrument
>Send to FX track 1
>Put notes in piano roll
>Put pattern on playlist
Any harder than Ableton, which has no separation between effects VSTs and synth VSTs and starts out in a weird live loops mode
Also you need 5 shortcuts to make the piano roll useable
Are you talking in a technical sense?
If you are, you are opening a door that cannot be closed, and I'm not sure you're quite comfortable going past that door.
dawsisters calm down now
>Also you need 5 shortcuts to make the piano roll useable
What do you mean by this? I'm trying to get better and I always end up accidentally pressing keyboard shortcuts that I use in Bluebeam Revu at work.
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I'm going to break away from the self-promotion, the ego and the lies for a second; real quick.
Pyrrhon just released an album and it is absolutely devastating.
You are not safe in your home, you are a fucking weakling and I'm coming to kill you.

i use multiple daws: ableton, reaper, fl. there is literally nothing wrong with recording live instruments in fl studio
Did they fix it? Last I remember, you needed to use Edison to record audio.
you can record right into the playlist
That was like 200 years ago
It still sucks, don't listen to this guy
It's good if you're singing or something but it's bad in every other way. They just added crossfading btw lol
fl studio had loop recording well before ableton added comp mode
Don't get it.

Are you telling me that the easy part is to know how to make the music, and the hard part is to have a motive like music for a "robot boss fight fast instrumental"?
Reaper is FREE for personal use, but it's not an EDM DAW.
It's not tailor made for shitty club beats and repetition, it's tailor made for people who want to record instruments and make music.
It does everything Pro-Tools does, but faster and with a less shitty UI.
It's THE professional DAW; and everyone else who doesn't use REAPER outs themselves as a fucking has-been, a poser or a *sequencer*
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you listed 4 steps and half of them are unnecessary, thanks for making my point.
>no separation between effects VSTs and synth VSTs
what are you talking about
Yeah, it really is.
Because the second you start to grasp the concept you wish to create, you understand the effort required.
And the effort is quite simply not worth the squeeze.
Do you dream of dying poor, homeless and friendless?
That's your fate as an artist, as a musician.
You're not an artist, or else you would inherently understand this simple reality.
They go in the same place
doesn't that just make it sound mono again
Because every other DAW let’s you just go direct on the timeline and half the shit in FL like the whole pattern thing is superfluous bloat

You just proved his point

Also ableton doesn’t “start” in a loop mode, you can completely ignore it
FL Studio has produced most of the great pop and hip hop songs of the last 20 years
Reaper is behind every metal band by now
ProTools had a good run
Cubase ruled dance music for 15 years
Renoise has an interesting workflow and has been used by genius producers
Garageband made hit records
Meanwhile Ableton is used by dubstep and future bass royalty-free intro music creators and people who make twinkly Porter Robinson ripoffa
Reaper also doesn't start in a "loop" mode.
In fact, it starts with absolutely fucking nothing.
Not even a single empty track.
That's your job, you lazy fuck. Get to work.
for anyone who has them, did moving to open-back headphones improve your mixes much? i've been curious to try them but i feel like i've been using my closed back ones for ages that i'd have to 're-learn' how stuff sounds
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You are insecure about an aspect of your personality that transpires through your music
No, an artificial gimmick, a fakery, will not make you less self-conscious
The frequency response matters way more
the fuck are you talking about
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So.. which DAW is the best for a complete beginner that doesn't play instruments but wants to make simple instrumental songs?

A free one please.
If the game succeeds it will be smarter for me to use the money to hire a music fag to make one or two songs than to try to become good at making music.
i just want to know what open-backs have over closed backs and whether its worth the cost, where did you get "insecurity" from you strange person
None of them.
Apply yourself you lazy cunt.
>A free one
For your own good, pirate or GTFO
Rutracker is trustworthy
If you really must have a free DAW:
Reaper is a legit DAW that is pesterware and technically paid, but you have to wait 5 seconds at start up if you don't pay. It's made for recording but can do MIDI editing
Bandlab is the easiest possible DAW and used by tons of amateurs. It's an online only service and has a lot of microtransactions for new sounds but you can manage without paying
Cakewalk is a middle ground between the two but will be gone soon
Where did I come up with your insecurity?
Look in the mirror.
Your headphones don't mean anything to anyone, least of all towards yourself.
If you thought your headphones brought you quality of life, you wouldn't have to beg me to recognize said truth.
It would just fucking be.
what do mirrors have to do with sound
>acid case is in the thread
take your ego death someplace else
Perception is reality.
You see yourself in the mirror and you reflexively tense up in anger.
Even if all of that were true, it has nothing to do with the merits of the software independent of who used it in the past. Protools was first to market and still dominates the industry, doesn't mean it's the best daw in a vacuum
will this get me closer to an answer about open-back headphones
No. I die every time, all day every day, I don't give a fuck who sees me and who is ashamed of their own self in the wake of my magnanimity

No prisoners; no witnesses
Ask yourself that question; I don't know what you want.

Im pretty new to production. Any pointers??
yeah look in the mirror and see if you reflexively tense up in anger
Nothing, if your listening environment permits you to use open backs then you should just get speakers
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I'm a smart artist, hence the game developing. The video game industry is huge and good developers are on demand.

In the likely scenario that my creation doesn't become popular then I still became a better game developer and is another addition to my portfolio.

But I do agree, betting your future on being a musician is teenager levels of retardation.
>good developers are on demand.
In demand, Pedro.
Why are you telling me how successful you are?
What makes you so willing to pretend?
You're weak.
go get raped
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one dayyyy
some dayyyy

i volunteer as tribute (again)
don't ever post this noise here again.
That hit that comes on the 4 should be on the and of 4
it's very much up to personal preference and it depends on what other controllers you already have. akai and a couple of other brands are under the same umbrella corporation so the quality is decent but not really that special. personally i have an irig keys 37 pro (fullsize keys), an irig keys 25 (mini keys), and a midi fighter twister all of which i bought used for pretty cheap in my country. i prefer slim bezels with separate mixer controls so i can move things around on my desk and fit them next to my computer keyboard and mouse etc. irig isn't the most popular brand for keyboards but they don't seem bad at all to me especially if you can get them cheap like 20-50 bucks.
>The iRig Keys Pro actually does have a very light action and is fully unweighted, but I don't think they make one beyond 37 keys and it's a pretty cheap construction without any bells or whistles.
>And It's not just about it being cheap, the iRig is an even cheaper MIDI controller but it doesn't suffer from the same keypad issues.
anyone know where to find some kick samples that aren't excessively boomy with a bunch of high end shit in them?
Is this Midwest emo?
this is my dream drum machine mpc 1000 x Classic 2000/XL Faceplate
Your dream is a free plugin?
This is awful. Learn some music theory and don't just repeat the same thing over and over. Also, that FM synth instrument is terrible. Try to put more thought into your work rather than just making it up as you go along.
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do you only listen to honeywell and orchid and saetia and call any skramz band after 90s "nuscreamo"
>Rather than becoming fluent in music through countless trial and error (the only learning process), just time travel to the point where you can think about music in le correct way
Great advice anon
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FL Studio Tutorials:
>Here's the sauce on how to make great melodies, basslines, and drum parts
>Here's how to make a hit song
>Here's a powerful patcher trick
Ableton tutorials:
>15 years later
>trial and error (the only learning process)
Patently false.
it's okay anon i spend a lot of time thinking about cock too
Tiktoks, the actual engineer Toks, much better than long form YouTube zoomer scammers
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Hope you're doing marvelously well!

Do the weird noises need some sound balancing? I think they mostly work, but not sure how to get them to sit in the mix better. Outro needs some work yet, but going good so far.
I've encountered a ton of trannies using FL, especially in this glitch/experimental/electronic music genres.

But it is almost everywhere. Yesterday I've watched a review of some headphones someone did like three years ago. I look up what else he had reviewed and he is a tranny now. I hope this is just the Youtube algorithm and not a real world phenomenon.
desu i think you should just thin them out a a bit and let the musical elements dominate more, it's mostly fine as is

you didn't ask but imo the song should be much more concise, it kind of just goes
I'll look into that, they do dominate the mix a bit.

Noted. It wasn't written with a plan, mostly stream of consciousness. The only thing that feels out of place to me is the intro. The rest of the song mostly goes together, though the outro needs work with the weird noises. Thanks for your feedback.
same with abelton, some former He turned into a she youtuber.
This is not a specific DAW problem, anon. You can blame the american democrats for it.
>It's the Democrats
Look at some point we need to recognize that what's going on is being caused by the all seeing eye in the sky that knows all our thoughts and makes all our rules
>all seeing eye in the sky
The Illuminatie Deep State Elite fonds?
yeah it took off like crazy during the second half of obama's term as if it was some kind of glownig psyop. you suddenly weren't allowed to say "that's gay" in school, there were suddenly an infinite spectrum of genders and so on.
it's become so sad, this is like when all of a sudden the gays popped up out of nowhere some decades ago and their numbers started to skyrocket

you can't even call people faggots irl anymore without being accused of being homophobic now, it's gotten ridiculous
I never see anything like the second, that's your algo knowing what you are
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This Velvet Underground remix goes so hard
Look at this post humanist retard actually sit and worship his god Google
Why do leftists always deny that problems exist?
>Relax Chud. I never see troons or LGBT ever in real life. Even if I did that wouldn't be bad of course but I just don't okay. Maybe YOU'RE gay for seeing trannies everywhere?
>I NEVER see black people in real life, Chud. There's nothing to worry about. Maybe YOU'RE secretly black, hmmm?
Always in denial. Fuck off.
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Check out this remix anons it's freaking sick >>123666382
nobody's denying the problem m7, it's you lol
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Oh my science, I searched ableton tutorial and just got light skinned males
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Also I like this dub techno track. I think that it would fit really well as the soundtrack for a montage scene in a movie like a sort of atmospheric and moody but also kind of upbeat scene where the protagonist is driving in a car on a road through the woods with dense trees on each side.
anon be careful some of those """men""" could be freaks with vaginas just pretending trying to trick you
How do I get my bedroom studio to sound like this?
i you can afford all that shit don't fuck around and just hire a professional to set it up for you lol
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>Oh my science
blow out your bedroom so it has the footprint an entire suburban house
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It's not a tiktok so I don't care about it
Here this is actually sick
Sadly it can only ever be what it is
Isolate guitar amp/use amp sim, DI bass with comp and eq, Glyn Johns technique on drum kit in a larger semi treated room. Be a competent player for all the instruments.
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im slowly getting tired of this
be a millionaire
The vocals filtered me
feels quite forced tbqh
kick isn't well integrated into the mix either
mix in general is too tame
can u expand on the word tame and how i can impove this? thank u for feedback fren
your pads, stabs aren't driven and compressed enough or top end heavy imo - i think they would benefit by being on the edge of unpleasantness
i would it to feel like the mix is rushing past me. maybe additonal sidechain noise to supplement the synth, unless opening filter/lifting the top end is enough.
just my 2c
found a neat new bass preset for some liquid dnb stuff i guess:


i really need to get some speakers to learn how to master meh
why the fuck do all the kick samples in fl studio have extremely long tails and reverb. I just want a simple dry kick that i can add my own effects to.
Gate Bait Mc Hard fart
why does such a simple question cause this retardation? kill yourself faggot.
better to have long tails you can edit instead of not having a tail at all. learn 2 edison, nub
Thanks for listening
How to credit yourself as a persecuted snowflake for $0
whenever I make something I find decent/good I tend to listen to it over and over again until i hate it, is this a bad habit?
the absolute worst kind of timewasting question, "uhhhhh is it.....eto..... is it bad to x?"
yes and brainlets like you that can not answer it probably are what i hate even more.
yes objectively a stupid thing to do as you have only so many hours where you can stay objective.
there has never been a good question asked with "is it bad" in it
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is it bad to tip a whore?
Anyone have any educational material or advice on songwriting? I have experience in copywriting and creative writing like poetry. I would like to express myself through songwriting while learning to produce although it seems kind of daunting.
just b urself
>>123671412 Another job soon to be taken by a.i.
>Anyone have any educational material or advice on songwriting?
yeah, don't download any books or courses for it. there are hardly any and it's all dogshit. just write songs like ones you like already or see what comes out and marries to your music. i tried two books by pat pattison and they were poo poo
Bros, I'm feeling like I've outgrown GarageBand's Drummer, despite how much I'm dependent on it. What is the fastest pathway to drum programming? Is it actually feasible to achieve such level with virtual drums/percussion to emulate wild human dynamic? Something like this:
Or like Soft Machine (III)
I'd recommend experimentation in both respects. I'm not much of a songwriter but my friend who is very good at it will just start spouting words and phrases off the top of his head and it always turns into amazing lyrics. My process with production is similarly random and while the results might not always be perfect it's very gratifying. There's an element of discovery and wonder that comes from blind experimentation and un-checked/un-edited/un-dictated expression, as opposed to meticulously designing/composing/revising a piece (a valid method but I think more the approach of a master who has a very specific vision they are trying to realize, it can be very easy for a beginner to get overwhelmed and stuck in the details with this approach, instead of just letting it flow)
why is peoples first instinct to read a fucking book. you can write a song with 2 chords.
just look up theory tutorials and practice using it to analyze songs you like. Cover a lot of music too and save structure templates to reuse in your originals. Writing good music is really hard and most people take that for granted.
because they don't want to do the thing, they want to learn how to do it

Do you have small to medium size hands? I've fairly big hands and I find mine a bit of a hinderance. I didn't find the pads as much use as I thought I would, either.

If oyu have any Apple hardware, Garageband is free and actually quite useable.
Write poetry, in various meters and free
Write a lot In general
Learn a lot about music and jazz
Spend (a lot) of time making crazy 2-4-8-16-32 bar loops that really want to be repeated
Look up all those most popular chord progression and drum beat videos
Treat writing and production and music as a full time job
Do a lot, a lot, for a very long time
Learn how to walk bass lines, 2 feel bass lines
Learn all your chords arpeggios target approach note shenanigans
I suggest playing around with the following rhythm in musescore
>Dotted quarter, quarter, eighth
Write ensemble passages using descending arpeggios, so G F# B D B
And write lyrical lines for these notes in various rhythms
Enter and exit these in exciting and boring ways, all the ways
Be boring, and very square, and simple as possible, as well as totally crazy and rediculous
Also not this and steal sht as best you can, both direct copying and vaguely copying
A lot of my Inspo comes from wanting to ripoff tiktok songs and I end up doing a totally different thing with a similar setup
Ah ofc I can merely
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Thanks anons, I will heed your advice and focus on making music for the most part
Quality books are one of the best ways to access the mind of an expert in a timeless manner. I was going through the wiki in the OP and didnt see anything on songwriting which is mainly why I posted that. I played a few instruments as a kid but stopped playing and making art in general when I was young. Ive worked in business for the last roughly ten years which is where my copywriting experience comes from. The last few years ive found myself making art again, mostly writing and learning different visual art. Making music is something ive stayed away from because of the complexity but ive realized its the art form i'm most drawn to. Im thinking my path is going to be continuing learning music theory, fucking around in a DAW and free associating til I get better.
It's perfectly doable. You just need to really understand how drums work.
>a bit of a hinderance.
;_; at least you can play Ab major 10ths
is there any point to actually learning keyboard/piano. I usually just figure out what buttons sounds good together and that works for me
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>want to incorporate realistic orchestral sounds with proper articulations etc. into my pop tracks
>pirate 150gb brass library that's apparently considered "one of the best"
>realise all the sounds are recorded with """natural panning""" to account for the instruments' typical placement within an orchestra
>this sounds completely off & stands out like a sore thumb in the mix given that most of the other instruments (this is a pop track after all) are panned centre
>can't pan the orchestral sounds back centre without messing up the baked in reverb and making it sound even worse
>making the sounds mono destroys the quality in a way that chorusing/additional reverb won't fix
>virtually ALL other decent orchestral libraries are like this too
Lol , LMAO
Idk man but doesn't kontakt have string libs?
>>this sounds completely off & stands out like a sore thumb in the mix given that most of the other instruments (this is a pop track after all) are panned centre
also just use xpand 2 strings.
learn to play the instruments yourself
i've tried EastWest's Hollywood series (PLAY engine) and they have this issue
Orchestral Tools' Berlin series (Kontakt-based) also has this issue
gonna try a few more before giving up though, it's just a pain to download them all given their size

this is for brass anon, not strings
anyways synths don't offer the variety of playing styles, realism and/or effects that are present in the sampled libraries
i already have synth brasses and synth strings that i usually use but they aren't suitable for when i want to add actual realistic-sounding orchestral sections to my tracks

and the "natural panning" that's baked into the recordings makes it sound like it's coming from the left/right side, as opposed to the centre - this is impossible to fix by simply panning the track the other way as the samples have baked in reverb and it ends up sounding worse
most of my mix is panned centre so when the orchestral pieces come in it instantly sounds wrong due to the sudden heavy weight being placed on one side
Ok bros, red pill me on reverbs, is there actually any difference between Hall A and Hall B or let’s say Room and Small Room? Sounds literally the same to me, I feel like I’m going insane
Yes but it's more about how the sound interacts with the verb than the other way around
Let’s say I want to mimic a live venue with tons of reverb, do I apply individually and set the damp and behavior per instrument or just dump one over the mix? I feel like the later just muds up my mix while also making it sound “closer” to what you would hear live I guess
Seems like you already know how to do it. Figure it out yourself faggot im not spoonfeeding you
Have to tweak to taste I don't often like bussing reverb but sometimes it works tho there's often low end problems and stuff gets muddy
you are a literal retard
>Dotted quarter,
Are dotted 8ths good for you?
At least learn basic scales, how to construct chords, circle of fifths.
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slept all day

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I give up bros...i'm letting my audio engineer mix my song. I can't do this anymore.
audio engineer friend*
What do you struggle with?
everything. I'll have a problem like the vocals being muddy, only to fix it and suddenly the volume levels of the track are all out of wack or something. This just keeps happening over and over. it's just problem after problem. I'm starting to hate my own song because i've heard it so many times.
Just keep practicing
Are there any midi controllers that have 16 pads in a straight row that can be used as a step sequencer in Live?
Something similar to the form of the Polyend Play or Synthrom's Deluge, but just a midi controller. I don't need a standalone device.
8 pads in a row give me the ick.

based libtard

Hee Hee Hee
I plan on it. decided i'm gonna finish mixing my track and compare it to my friends version to see the difference in his vs mine and learn from that.
Michael Jackson?
...why did you laugh at me?
>me in the middle
those are tiny trees
that ceiling is probably insanely high they're literally in a mansion
most real-life sounds don't go straight to complete silence, you'll lose information if you chop or attenuate it
I don't like my kick sounds overlapping eachother
and since the technology has existed, producers and engineers have been doing everything possible to make real-life sounds not sound like real-life sounds, especially the case with kicks assuming they aren't outright replaced by heavily processed samples
most kicks sound gross, it's my least favorite part of listening to music. producers go to extreme lengths to work around technical limitations around kicks in particular.
when they did something cool with the kick they only used it for a second or two at 3:02
the so popular 808 has a long tail too at 5:30
this track has an usually good kick which basically carried this literal who to great commercial success and it got a remix with lil wayne etc
I started working on my album 3 years ago and it has been halfway finished for a year
just move it in center and resample it, it's not that hard.
literally every night i have dreams about prodoocing and synth stuff

i'm fuckin STRESSED there are no breaks for my mind bro FUCK
I always enjoy dreams like that, but I don't have them that often so maybe I'd hate them too if they were that frequent and I also produced all day every day lol
Try out this trick.
I've saved a ton of hard LCR panned samples with this simple delay trick.
How do I go about making a song sound like one of those old live jazz albums? I was thinking

Vinyl/tape hiss in the back
LPF/BPF on drums to make them sound thin
HPG on bass
Piano with a tape delay
Guitar with high reverb and no compression at all, maybe Leslie speaker(?)

I want it to sound as close to authentic jazz bar live experience
oh god
please anon don't add artificial tape hiss
just go record it on a cheapo tape player to get the authentic sound pleeeeaaasse don't add a fake tape hiss or vinyl pops pleeeeeeeaaaaasssseee
dae remember everybody and their dog doing this shit like 7-10 years ago on their lofi and synthwave slop lmao
Ohhh didn’t think of that, I do have some scratched up vinylz around so I might get the crackles from there, the tape delay still makes sense right? I just want to kinda saturate without it sounding like I just strapped a white noise drone to everything
What is HPG?

You forgot the most important and time-consuming part: Humanizing ALL of your sounds.
For example: Every hihat hit needs to sound a little bit different than the other. Velocity, off the grid / timing / swing, a drum pattern that a real drummer can play...
HPF sorry, and yeah I was actually thinking on live recording the drums from a rompler so it has different velocity and microtiming and whatnot since I can’t get an actual drummer to fill in

HPF is mostly so I can get that sound like in Duke Ellington’s five o’clock drag where you can hear the drums but they sound thin and more like shakers
fucking newgen get the FUCK off my board
Don't fuck around with random lp/bp/hp filters everywhere, it makes your mix sound like shit. Use volume sliders before any of that and only minimal EQ after. Old albums had very minimal mic usage per section, some only recorded with 1 mic in the room. They barely had any processing back in the day, they mixed the instruments by room placement and adjusting dynamics while playing.
For EQing, adjust the gain before you make any adjustments then make minimal adjustments of low shelf, a single bell boost, and/or high shelf.

>Piano with a tape delay
>Guitar with high reverb and no compression at all, maybe Leslie speaker(?)
Where are you getting this? That's not how any old live jazz sounds that I can think of. Guitars are always dry as fuck, piano is not some spacey delay machine.
Some instruments, like piano and voice, they wouldn't have enough headroom with the pre-amps so you'd get clipping on loud notes. I'd push some instruments like that into tape saturation or crossover distortion.
any recs for a free plugin that allows you to simply draw a waveform by hand and have that played as if by an oscillator?
>spacey piano
No I want to put some warble into it to mimick the shit recording back then while still adding some character to the sound, delay and reverb just to give the impression of the size of the room and “distance”/echo on the mics, I know that some times the recordings were done with was basically a single mic for the venue while some other that directly mic’d the bass had some sound from the piano bleed into them

The Leslie sound I think might be more of my idea of giving the sound more movement, I want something to make it sound more “live-ish” than a super clean recording with a lo-fi plugin lol
how do i learn how to mix properly so i can release my first song on streamables?
Open your daw and start turning knobs lol
throw the concept of mixing out of the window
then think “does this sound good”
if the answer is no, identify why it doesn’t and get it to be yes
That sounds more like you want tape sim wow/flutter/vibrato

>The Leslie sound I think might be more of my idea of giving the sound more movement
It doesn't really work at all on guitar. It just sounds like a flanger/chorus effect, Leslies mainly work better for organ type sounds and long sustained notes. The liveish aspect is going to be from your playing more, and imperfections. You really don't hear much guitar at all until the 60s and the recordings aren't bad, when it's comping then it's small spurts here and there.
What recordings do you even have in mind for this theoretical guitar?
I mean it's completely true. How else do you expect to learn besides actually doing it? You can watch all the youtube tutorials and have /prod/ spoonfeed you to no end but you won't learn shit unless you go and practice it, silly
>roll off your tone knob
>put amp at edge of cracking up/overdriving
you are now a muddy live jazz guitar sound

2001 but pat martino rippin it
Probably, I’m just trying to give it more life

Check this one out https://youtu.be/-iVgONy8kMY?si=0WinDG4VOGUQQb7u

When he starts soloing it sounds kinda warbly and (to me) like if it had a slow LFO making small pans

That’s actually pretty good, sounds very “wooly”
>When he starts soloing it sounds kinda warbly and (to me) like if it had a slow LFO making small pans
I don't hear that at all. Are you sure you're not being tricked by the ride and other instruments?
Elaborate oh wait you can't
You aren't one of those "verb together to place the band in a room" right?
Oh my god is that a wes link in prod
>It's a fucking bossa
Only warble im hearing is his masterful vibrato
Newfag here. Is FL Studio appropriate for making space/dark ambient?
Yup. You could really use any DAW, it doesn't matter too much, just stick with whatever you get so you learn the ins and outs of it.
You can make anything with anything
daw literally doesn't matter, it's like asking what computer chair is good for music.

(unless it's lmms which you should never use for anything)
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trashing this tune in favor of making memes since memes = popularity
Popularity = attention = bad
If (parents) attention = bad
If (all) Attention = bad
This is such a weird groove what the fuck
idgi but i like your energy
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if it will get popular it will only prove my point and i will refuse to continue anything similar outside of that album as it's not the type of music i want to create really but yea attention is bad
i wanted to put that project in possibly some actual well thought out album but im running out of ideas (aka comming up with another shitty lazy generic stab chord pattern) so i decided to just use one of my previous projects
>attention is bad but i attentionwhore and avatar post all the time
didnt know that posting music with attached images is attentionwhoring and avatarposting
pretty much the definition, yes
unaware narcissist, yes
wtf do you think a narcissist is lmao
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They would need to be consistently posting various reaction images of one character and only that character to be an avatarfag. Attentionwhoring is usually namefag or tripfag territory (along with aforementioned correct definition of avatarfagging). This anon is doing neither of those things.
uwu anime mtf omg my life sucks and i hate my work "personality" is avatarring
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>yes michael, they are having a complete meltdown again
>ok i will tell them
grow a thicker skin
it's an anime website you fucking retard stay in your containment board
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ironic weebery is not anime
it's a fucking website for weebshit you fucking retard
these thing are not mutually exclusive
u can always disregard what the person is saying, i understand that some ppl may have low self esteem about their passion, i think the main point is giving a constructive criticism rather than bashing them completely and doing a yes man type shit where u just repeat what they say about themselves
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Very toxic here
i disregard what they post too because it's always the same shitty le epic anime breakcore/jungle. the other part of the equation for avatarfaggin
Don't lay attention to them were being invaded by >>>/lgbt/
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