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Why doesn't America have any notable or great classical composers? It's a very large country, you think there'd be some. There should at least be a few in the 19th century, when Europe had Chopin and Wagner. But no, there's none. What's the deal? Are Americans just soulless or something? Where are the great American classical composers?
(And no, the token picks like Charles Ives are not good. Ives is pretty shit compared to what was going on across the pond.)
They imported them during the war. Thanks. Also the Romantics new world. Thanks again.
America primarily siphoned off Chads out for gold and glory, to these people this music has no appeal
While white Americans were circle jerking European Classical music, Black Americans created Jazz music. That's basically the reason.

White people were more interested in European supremacy they weren't interested in making their own thing or improving the European culture they were proud of.
What music did they like then?
So the great American composer is an immigrant? Someone like Stravinsky? Jeez.
probs cuz the stuffy classical stuff was from Britain and they were trying to get away from that. We have Phillip Glass, idk. As you can see I know nothing about classical.
It's Germany and Austria that are known for their classical music, not Britain. Which may mean it has something to do with the Anglo character itself perhaps?
You got the Star Wars theme. And Raiders of the Lost Ark.
so is jazz just american classical? that doesn't really bode well for america either
Britain has always been out to romanticize itself, The state itself loves classical music a shit ton, not just the people like in any other country- bizarrely.
>so is jazz just american classical?
It's American art music; classical is European art music.
okay america sucks dick then. understood
All of the Americans who would have made classical music became the people who made show turned during theater’s heyday. Stuff like Oklahoma and South Pacific.
All European countries have great classical music traditions, simply by virtue of their history. England had great classical in the Renaissance and early Baroque, then Handel came along and English people just gave up ever rivalling him for the next two centuries until late Romanticism/early Modernism and the English got their shit together again. Handel composed most of his music in England.
It is weird yeah, even latin american countries had a baroque tradition.
Faggot OP has never heard of George Gershwin? Frank Zappa? Next thread.
Jazz and mostly rock.
It seems like they didn't value it very highly. Of course America does have two truly excellent composers: Philip Glass and Steve Reich
link? i've never heard latin american classical, is it any good?
gershwin sucks and zappa's pee pee poo poo music is not comparable to something like beethoven. i think zappa himself would agree with that.
modernist garbage. tuneless.
Do you know if Quebec had any notable composers?
Aaron Copland. Also, America has led the world in music since the 30s.
Americans are spiritually black and barely relate to European cultural and spiritual history
Why are none of them WASPs?
No idea.
That's the 20th century, i think OP's is more about from the settling of the US up to the 20th century.
Does John Philip Sousa count?
How are Americans spiritually black when they are far more likely to be Christian than any western European? France and Sweden are some of the most atheistic places on the planet. The spiritually blackest things I've ever read had been French...(Celine, De Sade, Houellebecq, etc)
To be fair, France is probably the most similar to America out of any country in Europe (perhaps even moreso than England). France has been a liberal nation founded on civic nationalism for over 200 years. It makes sense that America and France would also be the most black.
Also I slightly digress here, but I think jazz is probably more influenced by French classical than it is by the classical music of other European countries. It sounds more French to my ears at least.
Sir I don't mean any disrespect to your studies and degree, but the truth is that the woman lead school that Dvorak taught at closed in the great depression while other schools continued
French classical is also shit, so this adds up.
>George Gershwin? Frank Zappa?
Uncle tom shit and Skibidi classical dont qualify, anon.
I know who Gershwin is. However, if you recall, I said this:
>And no, the token picks like Charles Ives are not good. Ives is pretty shit compared to what was going on across the pond.
The same would apply to Gershwin.







Only thing they created was crime
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>Black Americans created Jazz music.
It seems a lot of people here are very confused and think that Black people invented Jazz, so let me explain the history of Jazz real quick.

From the mid-17th century, North American white settlers strongly encouraged or enslaved their slaves with their religious and cultural values (the first slave baptism took place in 1641). The owners strongly urge or oblige their black slaves to attend religious services in churches where whites, gathered in choirs, practice psalms, sermons and hymns which, by their simplicity and authenticity, serve as tools for mass evangelization of Negro slaves, this evangelization meeting an important success among the nigger population

From there, the whites taught Black people to sing English, and later to dance and play musical instruments.

Black people adapted the religious melodies of the whites with their animalistic instinct and made use of them in the plantation fields to give themselves courage; Here is the true origin of the religious songs called "Negro spirituals" then "gospels", terms invented by the Jews to hide those of Psalm, sermon, hymns etc...
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Another characteristic example; the world's first new orleans-style jazz recording where dixieland first appeared in Chicago (USA) on February 26, 1917, thanks to the band "The Original Dixieland Jass Band" which will soon become "The Original Dixieland Jazz Band", with the title "Livery Stable Blues". The word "jass" is one of the least flattering expressions of jazz in the early 20th century, literally meaning ass music. This is why the creators of jazz abandoned this very prosaic term for the time. This immense formation founded in 1916 in New Orleans, whose original members were Larry Shields (clarinet), Eddie Edwards (trombone), Henry Ragas (piano), Tony Sbarbaro (drums), and Nick La Rocca (trumpet) practiced the jazz for many years in different orchestras such as the "Jack Laine Daddy Brass Reliance Reliance" with a wide range of musicians who will be the pioneers of jazz called new orleans or dixieland. We owe to this formation the greatest jazz standards such as the greatest of the greatest "Tiger Rag" recorded on August 17, 1917 (back of the disc was Dixie Band Jass One Step), written by Nick La Rocca. It is one of the most recorded compositions of all time so much that this recording was put on the US Congress Library in 2003. Another version of "Tiger Rag" recorded on February 9, 1936.

Specialists from the city of Lyon in France, say that this music was actually born in Europe and especially in Britain in a bandstand for fanfares. No less than 2300 orchestras existed in this country.
Reich and Glass are God tier easily
George Vetiala (1873-1966) aka George Vital Laine, was a conductor and drummer, one of the pioneers of jazz; he was not technically a jazz musician himself but he was a discoverer of master talent. His career dates back to his teens as he formed his first band in 1888 at the age of 15, and a few years later he founded and directed the Brass Band Reliance in New Orleans, a band that lasted more than four decades.

Similarly, the funeral jazz, musical funeral processions of the city of New Orleans, attributed again and again arbitrarily to the Negro while we know that the origin of funeral jazz is Italian for ages with the brass bands (brass, wind and percussions) who escorted the dead; the city of New Orleans had the highest concentration of Sicilians of all the United States which explains the funeral jazz in this city. See also the work of Hertor Berlioz (1803-1869), "The Great Symphony Funeral and Triumphal", for a funeral ceremony that took place on July 28, 1840 in France in Paris with a large brass band of 200 musicians, funeral procession through the Concorde, the Madeleine and the Grands Boulevards.

In addition, almost all musical instruments are of European origin which proves undeniably that the whites did not wait for Black people to use it!
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Initially, in order to imitate the whites, the blacks set up orchestras with heteroclite instruments made of odds and ends that produced sounds of horns and animals... Much later, like any exception that proves the rule, there will be songs written by North American blacks and then taken up by whites such as "Saint Louis Blues" wrongly attributed to the Black Louis Armstrong (1901-1971) but composed (? ) by the Black man Williams Christopher Handy (1873-1958) which remains to prove that it was not inspired by an old forgotten white song, the blacks being customary of the fact. The group "The Original Dixieland Jazz Band" made a great standard of jazz in 1921 while Louis Armstrong (notorious plagiarist) recorded it on the design of that famous white group that existed 1929, and did not hesitate to draw heavily on the rich repertoire of this extraordinary legendary orchestra

In 1950, Dominic James Nick The Rocca or Nick LaRocca (1889-1961), disgusted and scandalized by the fake news of the Jewish medias, declared loud and clear that he was the inventor of jazz, and that Negro origins were part of a communist conspiracy. This immense creator, composer and musician, was already very close to the Truth, as the Negro origin of Jazz is nothing but a part of the massive Judeo-Masonic propaganda at the service of Zionism and Israel. Nick La Rocca formed his first orchestra in 1908. From 1910 to 1916, Nick La Rocca played in various bands such as the Jack Laine's Reliance Band. He will compose other great jazz songs like The Jazz Band Ball, Fidgety Feet, Original Dixieland One Step, Clarinet Marmalade, Sensation Rag, etc...
holy shit it's over americabros
not music
>no scott joplin
The thread is about classical music, numbnuts.
You forgot your handle, Nico tranny.
TIL that ferneyhough was a bong
Cuz we were too busy inventing or perfecting every other genre. Fuck you you foreign freak!
Aaron Freeman.
Yes, Quebec has produced several notable classical composers. Some of them include:

>Claude Vivier (1948-1983) - A prominent composer known for his innovative and unique style, Vivier's works often incorporate elements of spirituality and personal experience.
>André Mathieu (1929-1968) - Often referred to as the "Canadian Mozart," Mathieu was a child prodigy and composed several piano concertos and other works that gained recognition both in Canada and internationally.
>Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) - Although he was born in Avignon, France, Messiaen spent significant time in Quebec, where he influenced many Canadian composers. His works are known for their complex rhythms and use of color.
>Jean Lesage (b. 1934) - A composer and conductor, Lesage has contributed to various musical forms, including orchestral and chamber music.
>Ana Sokolović (b. 1961) - A contemporary composer known for her vocal and instrumental works, Sokolović's music often reflects her Serbian heritage and her experiences in Canada.

These composers represent a range of styles and periods, contributing to the rich musical landscape of Quebec.
Again, that's the 20th century, the anon was responding to me showing him latin american baroque music and asking if i knew any quebecois ones.
ALL shit
>So the great American composer is an immigrant?
Every America is an immigrant, you fucking retard.
no, they aren't. now get the fuck out of my country ellis islander scum
I'm sorry, do you imagine that you become less of an immigrant if the boat you arrived on came slightly earlier? The only non-immigrant Americans are the natives.
So there really weren't any pre-19th century american composers? Novody itt has mentioned anyone from before the 1900s.
If having classical composers mattered, which it doesn't, someone would find a way to compose classical music with a computer, which is probably possible now.
Reich is for sheer influence alone. Glass fucking sucks.
people just accept chatgpt replies now?
America never really cared about classical, for better or worse.

Hymns were the foundation of American music. Then country, jazz, "the blues"...

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