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Looks like drunken drama queen Moz was bullshitting once again.

This is what happens when you don't read your emails
Morrissey really is a loser. No wonder he's so popular here
>Anyone who speaks the truth is a paki

Grow up loser.
expect the blowback when you insult both the artist and his fans regardless of who it is and even more pathetically without making a case. you simply follow what the media tells you to think.
Pathetic losers
>got so btfo in the other thread he had to run away and make another thread

Oh my god. Who the fuck cares. Pakistan sucks, England sucks. Europe sucks. Asia sucks. You guys are choosing to spend you time doing this faggot shit in a faggot thread congratulations.
You should cry some more.
You should all shut the fuck up really. You guys shit in the street and your food sucks. Who tf thinks beans are a suitable breakfast food
Keep crying, faggot
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>Honey get your boyfriend in here quick! Johnny Marr just BTFO that racist chud Morrisey!
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>As for the offer to tour, I didn't ignore the offer. I said no.
Pakistan is number 1, bastard
Kek what a Chad.

Entitled rapist Morrissey couldn't hack being told NO, and had to insinuate Marr was being deceitful when it was his crusty old ass that was ignoring everything.

Morrisseys like that ex girlfriend who accuses you of rape when you dump her and move on to better things.
Poor Steven. a true incel to the end, surrounded by greasy MAGA hat wearers, mentally ill middle aged women simps and fat Mexicans.
Meanwhile Johnny's out here with hot 18 year olds throwing themselves at him for selfies and autographs after every show. Some things never change.
turbo keks
You're both fags and Marr is replaceable.
Morissey is a tall handsome chad
Marr is a tiny frail manlet
Kek. Marrs just started his american tour tonight off the back of a 5th album with BMG (the guys who dropped Morrissey due to poor album sales), while morrissey cancelled half of his last tour, still has no record deal for the 6th year in a row, and absolutely no interest from anyone...
Morrissey at 60... looks more like a creepy hobo
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Exhibit a
You eat orange beans and uncooked sausage together and call it a delicacy
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Exhibit b at 60

Cope n seethe
You're the tranny constantly licking Marr's asshole, right? Same as always. Moz was the Smiths. Moz is more important than Marr and Marr will always live in his shadow. It has to hurt but it's the truth. Accept it.
Unironically still handsome. Just needs some new pants.
This faggot looks like a newborn bird. You aren't doing yourself any favors.
And Morrissey can expect blowback when he posts lies in an attempt to set his rabid fanbase on someone else, then doubles down when exposed as a lying fraud
>Unironically still handsome. Just needs some new pants.
you sound like you fuck dogs.
he looks like he does heroin.
>Seething because Marr looks like a dyke and is somehow gayer than the famously gay frontman
Marr looks like a faggot, Mozz looks like a homeless drug addict, I'm glad we can come to some agreement here.
Moz looks like a handsome Irish guy. Same as always. Don't know what you're on about with the drugs. Get your eyes checked.
Handsome? looks like Jimmy Saville with that creepy grin
Does anyone know where Marr’s successful solo career is?
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They both looked like ugly dyke vegans in 1980 and they still look like butt ugly dykes in 2024
Though marr at least looks like he takes good care of himself. unlike whatever the fuck this creep is doing when he gets dressed in the morning.
what the fuck is going on with people's eyesight on this shitty site, absolute tastelets simping over these crusty hoes and shitting up the board
He does look like he's been at the crack pipe in that photo and is doing the tweaker's walk of shame. It's the janky teeth.
pick one. Cos neither of these inbred munters shares the same dna as Peirce Brosnan
Wherever Morrissey left his 15 successful recording contracts... oh wait, he was dropped from every single one
Imagine spending 3 whole years pathetically emailing miley cyrus and her management, begging and pleading for a crumb of pussy to bring you back into the mainstream, only for her to sic her legal team on ya and get you booted off yet another label and into irrelevance. Sad.
But all this is heartbreaking. I can't stand it. We'll go to the grave having never seen the Smiths play live.
even moz at his lowest is still rivaling marr at his peak, quite embarrassing really
This. Holy shit. They got a "win" today and still lost and still this fucking mad that their wig wearing idol will never be on Moz's level
You're not missing anything, according to the people on here. Just buy a ticket to Morrissey's tour next month.
This. Spot on. Moz sounds better than ever. Marr will probably be playing your local bowling alley soon so you can probably cross that off the list as well.
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Considering Marr shits on Moz's touring numbers I don't think that's correct. Also no, Moz has an all time unique voice and cadence especially on the smiths first 4 but the other half of the appeal is all Marr's playing and tone.
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>As for the offer to tour, I didn't ignore the offer. I said no.
morrissey really is stupid and idle
Who gives a fuck about Marr though? Morrisey can get easily get another mediocre guitarist and make money touring as The Smiths but Marr can't find anyone else as iconic and Moz.
Marr sold out several nights at the biggest concert hall in Northern England with his orchestra (he's been teaching himself orchestral arrangement and composition in his spare time). It was also filmed by British media for later broadcast.

Meanwhile Morrissey's UK tour venues were closing down the seating areas because ticket sales were so poor and he cancelled several shows as a result.

They're actually playing the same sized venues here, but only Marr is selling them out. I would never have expected that in a million years.
Everyone in his industry, anon. Find a person who has a bad word to say about working with him. He's worked with just about everyone who matters and is never unemployed. Even Keith Richards tried to get him to audition for the Stones and he ended up spending a month chilling at Keef's house, followed by a month's holiday at Paul McCartney's manor. Thats every player's dream, to be rated by their heroes.
>with his orchestra
They aren't buying tickets for him, buddy
I guess the public weren't buying tickets for 3 hours of his solo career songs, but that's all he played at each concert and they still sold out. I don't think anons realise how popular he is in the UK. He had a sell out guitar book tour at the same time as well. Morrissey is bigger in America
Yeah people just go to orchestras regardless of who's playing
Lol no they don't. No one is queing up for a Sondheim or Mahler orchestra without being a fan.

Stop moving the goalposts and give me that 10 year list of Morrissey's amazing solo achievements.

You can't, because his career died in 2010.
I hate it when Mom & Dad fight ;(
I’m a massive Morrissey solo fan, prefer him as an artist/musician over Marr, and even think he made The Smiths special more than Marr did (though their partnership was magic). I think people who downplay Morrissey’s artistic greatness and solely laud Marr ‘instead’, are often just bad faith coping, because they can’t handle admitting they love the art of a politically ‘impure’ artist.
Even I can admit Morrissey is often a bitch, and he’s being a bitch in this situation. Surely no one thinks Morrissey is always in the right lol. It’s always been that his fans love him while recognizing his characteristic bitch-ness.
Marr seems like a much more professional, straightforward mature man.
Morrissey is the better artist, but is clearly very immature & unreliable as a professional, in comparison
We all knew this to be the case, Mozzheads. Marr isn't a total asshole that would boz out the mozza man though he may drag his name through the dirt. Morrissey's laziness is the stuff of legend and I suppose it has come back to bite him on the tony british cock once again. Maybe mozz had another reason for not signing? He still mogs the fuck out of Marr
Checked... Marr sisters, i kneel
He wanted total ownership and complete control.

Which would be fine, if he could be trusted to manage the back catalogue professionally, read his emails and keep up with business dealings in a timely fashion. Instead of being sued left right and centre by ex musicians, bodyguards and employees for failing to pay them on time or even in full at all, not showing up to concerts, and generally disrespecting people's professional livelihoods.

Apparently he's too intelligent and busy to open his own mail, which is how he missed 6 years of legal correspondence.
It's just dad trying to start shit with mom because he misses that sweet, sweet bussy and mom won't answer his booty calls or cries for attention... or give him that big 100 million final divorce payment he was banking on.

Johnny got him pressed like a month-old mouldy orange at the bottom of the fruit bowl.
Indians love morrissey lol
>10 year list of Morrissey's amazing solo achievements.
All of his solo albums.
Low in high school was clunky Mexican soap opera music, world peace a plodder, california son forgettable. Dog on a chain was OK, 3 or 4 good songs.
his debut novel sank without trace, universally ignored by his fanbase and wider readers while Marr's debut sold 30k in its first week despite being an expensive art book ($70)
He hasn't done a dozen albums with other artists, TV documentaries, 4 film scores, built an orchestra, or a shoe line, or a bestselling guitar. They've released the same amount of solo albums but there the comparison ends. He's done nothing else in 10 years except tour and release 4 mediocre albums. As expected.
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It's only because they love each other so much :)

These decades-long rock feuds are always entertaining
Did they name a street after him? I'm sure he would love the idea of fans doing their daily ablutions on a street in his honor
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>Stop moving the goalposts and give me that 10 year list of Morrissey's amazing solo achievements.
his entire solo career. even at his lowest he still mogs marr who has been hobnobbing with everyone in the industry and STILL isnt able to beat moz at his lowest and when he hasnt been able to release a decent album in decades. he still lives off his legacy that will forever outlive marr who will just eventually be known as the guitarist from the smiths.
>Marr's shittiest album is his highest charting
No wonder Marr hates Morrissey, he still gets mogged by him.
Jesus christ so much shit talk for a mediocre, highly overrated band.
You listen to The Queen is Dead a couple of times and you get bored with it. It's a 6/10 at best.

Shitry overrated band. Listen to Wire, or Big Star, The Chameleons, Magazine.
Smiths is rubbish, talentless hacks.

>inb4 Muh morrissey lyrics.
Then fuck off and go read a book, if you care about The Message so much
Epic music guy gets filtered by The Smiths, lashes out at the environment. Many such cases!
I didn't ask for album sales charts, I asked for a list of what he's done apart from releasing a few poorly received albums. Your reading comprehension is poor.

All he's done in ten years is publish a novel that sank without trace. Even his fans avoided it, while Marr's art book sold insanely well (at an exorbitantly high price) and won several awards. I've read both books, but I doubt anyone here has which tells you how successful morrissey really is when even his own fans don't bother to support his artistic work (or are even aware of it)

Marr's done so much stuff it doesn't even fit in a single text box.
>but I doubt anyone here has which tells you how successful morrissey really is when even his own fans don't bother to support his artistic work (or are even aware of it)
they support his albums
>but marr's shitty guitar and book
yes because we like to listen to GOOD music and dont give a fuck about some shitty orchestra.

imagine that, moz hasnt released a decent album and he STILL charts higher than marr. morrissey could perform at childrens birthday parties for some cake and 20 bucks and he would still have far more cultural relevance than marr ever will. nobody will give a fuck about his orchestra or shitty book when moz and marr are gone from this earth, but they will still listen to moz's music. same cant be said fo rmarr.
>I asked for a list of what he's done apart
Even if this was the only thing he released, it would still btfo the entirety of Marr's solo career.
Funny, that's not what Morrissey's childhood pal and best friend James Maker has to say on the subject of Marr.

He wrote a whole chapter in his biography on the Smiths (he was, for a brief time, a 5th member of the band) and credits Marr with helping Morrissey with the image, aesthetic, themes etc as well as writing all the songs. He describes the band as being 50-50 m&m, with Morrissey often listening to the songs Marr wrote and then coming up with a lyric specifically to match the emotion/feeling Marr's playing suggested. The music came first and usually was the muse that inspired Morrissey's lyrics.

It's a fascinating read and he blows your 'Morrissey was the Smiths, Marr is irrelevant' claims to pieces.
I'd say actions speak louder than words and the fact that Marr has made poo poo after leaving the Smiths while Morrissey was able to create several bangers of albums is proof that 'Morrissey was the Smiths, Marr is irrelevant'

Or at the very least that Marr was replaceable.
>Morrissey really is a loser. No wonder he's so popular here
still having the mod look in his 60s?! based innit
Why the wife didn't pour his stash of $5 drugstore box dye down the drain before now, i don't know. Looks a lot better.
Maker goes on to say that Marr was a boon to him and taught him a lot about songwriting and craftsmanship as hed had 100x more experience than morrissey.

Reading between the lines I think Morrissey learned a lot from him and then developed his craft to the point he outgrew him, but marr still knows how to write better riffs than all his contemporaries.

Each solo album had some really stonking, catchy licks - he just lacks the direction and push that morrissey gave him to shape them into something bigger.

You listen to those riffs and with a morrissey vocal line, the songs would be almost equal to the Smiths. It's a shame they can't get it together for another record, as Morrissey's current collaborators are absolute cack.

Baby birds are qt tho. Morrissey looks like the sneaky Tom and Jerry meme. On his way to Johnny's house to steal those Smiths trademarks
>the fact that Marr has made poo poo after leaving the Smiths while Morrissey was able to create several bangers of albums is proof that 'Morrissey was the Smiths, Marr is irrelevant'
that's a complete non sequitur, you're dumb as fuck
>plz trust me marr was very important to the music
>hasnt made anything good after leaving morrissey
hmmmmm, your brain is a non sequitur
It's just one autist that is obsessed with Marr from some reason. Any time there's a thread they suck Johnny off until they realize no one gives a shit about anything he has done since 1987 and they fuck off.
*For some reason. Fucking phone.
He’s pigheaded too. He’s convinced himself hes right about everything and that he’s in the right all the time even when he isn’t
It’s kind of based ngl but this sort of shit comes back to haunt you. Not that he seems to give a shit either
When one dies, the other will do a massive shit on The Wall in front of the gravestone
isn't johnny marr like 5'3 kek
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Kek you're being generous. more like 4ft3
They always used to talk big about how Marr would have the number one charting album in the UK and when that was proven to be a lie, they then pivoted to
Fucking lmao. That is how you know Marr has lost the battle. When even your own fans start pivoting to books and how many friends they have without even trying to discuss his music, Marr is just a footnote in history. Another guitarist. Replaceable. But hey, at least he wrote that book.
Christ he’s tiny
Manlets keep seething
I personally like Electronic more than The Smiths, and I like Modest Mouse too. But yeah Marr's solo stuff is kinda bland.
I've noticed the friends thing more and more because no one cares about his book or his albums. They might be the sole person that knows that shit exists. The mental gymnastics they have to do to try and give their boy praise is crazy.
Yeah. The Electronic album isn't anything mindblowing. It's alright listen but that's about it. I like Modest Mouse too but i wouldn't say Marr's contributions were anything amazing either. Definitely one of their crappier listens though.
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Clap this, homo
I thought this was edited but nope it's real kek
Not a huge Marr fan but comparing how Morrissey bungled his solo reissues with the way Marr handled the 2011 Smiths ones I'd rather have the latter be in charge of the catalog.
who's lesbian aunt is this and why are you posting her?
That queen is dead boxset was sublime. High quality pressing, gorgeous artwork. Whatever possessed Morrissey to fuck with perfect tracklistings and truncating his solo songs would probably have him replace half the tracks on Smiths reissues with whale noises
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>gorgeous artwork
No, Morrissey fucked with it.

And that box showed that Smiths reissues are largely pointless. They have no great vault of alts/outtakes. A Troy Tate album and the complete BBC recordings will do me. The 2011 set should've been the last word (the hint was in the title), à la the Clash Sound System box, but they inexplicably left out a couple of masters.
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You guys are just pretending to care about these old people, right?
Like who listens to this granny shit?
fuck off how soon is now is really good
but holy shit this board is trash
I think that one was marrs idea and Morrissey approved it. the student protests of 2011 and the absolute parliamentary shit show that followed (Conservative government's dismantling of meritocracy and attempts to ban public demos), pretty much defined an entire decade of politics. Its the kind of visually arresting thing Morrissey loves to post on his crappy blog

15 Million people on Spotify, apparently. They're one of the highest streamed 80s British bands (over 500 million on one song alone) and both their and Morrissey's streams are in the billions, impressive given how long ago they split and the fact they've never reformed.
feel free to fuck off to the "nosgov" thread
>morrissey solo
>the smiths with worse guitar parts
>marr solo
>generic pop-rock
This is all you really need to know.
>Like who listens to this granny shit?
mu has an infestation of smelly old queers who keep posting dinosaur rock
>>the smiths with worse guitar parts
But Vini Reilly is better than Johnny Marr
>copyrights band name
>refuses reunion tour
What a fucking kike
Yeah it's just for shitposting purposes, no one here listens to this jangly faggotry
You'd complain in the same faggy way if Joyce toured as the Smiths. You will never be happy.
Based Marr
lol feel free to fuck off where ever the next pager is about to explode
Morissey is a genuine charismatic rockstar, eccentric behaviour and all. Marr is a guy who could play guitar well. Theres's 500 of those. He would not have made it without Moz.
>>123676971 >>123676897
>>123670866 >>123677270

Marr solo:

>gets invited to play with an all-time American legend
>tries to upstage and embarass him during his own encore by mincing and gurning like a mong playing air guitar while the band back away and pretend he's not there.


Holy fucking cringe.

One of the most horrifying examples of a man overcompensating for having a tiny cock I've ever seen in my entire life.
Joyce tried to tour as the Smiths with a different line up, no morrissey/marr/rourke. That's why Marr stepped in and trademarked the name.

Morrissey was too busy selling $20 Covid masks on his website while claiming Covid was fake to realise Joyce was trying to make a quick buck behind his back
Should I skip work (at a very important time for the business) to see Morrissey later this year? Haven't been to a concert in maybe 15 years.
>Joyce tried to tour as the Smiths
kek what a based little retard. he was the only member that was truly replaceable.
Would morrisey skip anything to see you?
I doubt anyone of his status or higher would do such a thing.
He tried to claim it was all Rourke's idea (he wasn't even involved) when the lawyers came knocking. He still gives public 'lectures' on the Smiths for £30 a ticket where he attempts to break down Morrissey's songwriting. Like Pete Best giving a masterclass on how to write A Day In The Life, lol
Yeah but Alain could actually write good songs.
You're right about Marr at least
What reissues did he bungle? They're all fine and maybe one or two have worse cover art. I don't know why the Maladjusted cover art is just cursed no matter what happens to it.
He dropped several tracks and cut whole sections of songs on viva hate, bona drag, kill uncle etc. There was no need to mess with perfection but morrissey loves to sabotage shit.

Look at the cover he submitted to Marr for the Hand In Glove reissue. The original was probably the most iconic Smiths art ever printed, all it needed was a repressing... but he chose an ugly cropped image of Diana Ross????
I mean, the originals exist anon. Just listen to those?
>Just listen to those?
Not him but for a lot of people, they will only listen to whats officially out and on spotify. So those originals will basically be lost except for those who pirate.
How can anyone respect a man who doesnt even respect his own legacy anymore? From the flawless 90s/early 00s line ups and stuff like Southpaw, to allowing that ham-fisted prissy Mexican with the butthole for a mouth to churn out leaden pub rock cack... it's his life to wreck his own way i guess but none of this would have happened if Jessie had been sacked after Quarry instead of allowed to run a revolving door on band members.
Ah. I didn't think of that. My CD collecting autism saved me again
Jesse wasn't on Quarry, anon. Rest of your post is nonsense too.
>My CD collecting autism saved me again
be sure to be a nice guy and seed on soulseek :). the original listing of kill uncle is especially great.
You guys realise this whole beef between them is fake and pre agreed between them behind the scenes for clickbait and giggles, right?

Chrissie Hynde stood on stage with Johnny's son and Johnny last year and told the audience Morrissey is thr GOAT and not a racist. No complaints from the Marrs.

They just keep the public fued going because Morrissey is a master level troll who enjoys winding up the media and lower IQ end of the fanbase for the mythology
>Moz is so based and universally recognized as the GOAT no one can dispute
Thanks for confirming it, anon
T'was always true. She's had their back for decades while mainstream media tried to tear the band legacy to peices. The myth was built to keep a bunch of balding middle-class English journalists seething into infinity while the 3 of them sat crying with laughter over finest pub ale 'n chips

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