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undead general
faq: https://www.patreon.com/snorreruch
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Binland reigns subreme :DDD
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>link broken
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RIPpikoulu :---D
captcha: KHAARD :D
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Moonspell? why yes! Moonspell!
Why does he look like Roger Waters
chud phenotype
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Judge is one of the shittiest HC bands ofc those tripfag posers like them
strange looking cat
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love when a band finds a single gimmick and just rolls with it as their entire identity
at this point, slugs are /meal/ approved animals, along with goats and cats
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me listening to these rn
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Meme or cream (of the crop)?
beat me to it
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
This is now a /slug/ general
We hate salt here
Cream (not of the crop, but of the teet)
Solid shit right here. Really is a bit like Judge for modern corekids. Would see these guys live if given the chance. Thanks for throwing this my way.
Correct. Sodium is the arch nemesis of metal.
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Indonesians sure do love brootality
>love when a band finds a single gimmick and just rolls with it as their entire identity
That will be my band
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Always happy to throw recs toward my corefren who so valiantly fought against the Great Satan of /meal/
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Isn't this guy a redskin
preciate it lad
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Can someone other than me check this out? It's pretty good
Yup lol. I mean, it's not like Mexicans have a shitload of NSBM acts too. It's fucking weird but eh, it's got riffs.
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Anyone can be anything now, I spose. There's Asian NSBM from Southern, Eastern, and Caucasians. There's Latin American NSBM by Mestizos. Before you know it we'll have NS RABM.
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>Judge is one of the shittiest HC bands ofc those tripfag posers like them
Speaking of Maestro Croque Mort, anyone know where I can listen to that new split he did? I don't wanna buy a physical copy without listening to it first cause idk if Wunderwaffe is gonna be shit.
Can confirm, they're good. I got into em after their most recent album last year. Good stuff.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Reddit mogs the taste of this contrarian incel general
So true coresister
so true I love my 8 string hardcore chugs over an odd time signature with two handed Tim Henson style tapping solos and overly layered clean vocals! Now THAT's what I call metal! Now if you'll excuse me I have to go complain about gatekeeping incels because someone didn't like my meme about Linkin Park and Slipknot
So true coreCHAD
>instant seething
Means I'm right
gelal is probably from a slavic family which migrated into argentina, halac is a czech surname or something like that, no way he isnt slavic based off of his phenotype
what seething I clearly agreed with you
>dude we totally have firm political, economical, cultural and religious views of the world
>what? oh we are teenagers haha but we are very mature for our ages lol haha
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the core mafia has arrived
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is that JD Vance on the right
I have a pretty big empty surface on the wall behind/above my guitar stand, what kind of poster or painting would look cool? I don't want anything too edgy or sóy. Just typing this shit in it occured me I should get maybe some medieval fantasy painting...god what's that famous dudes name who made all those cool paintings in this subject?
Anyway, any more ideas? Maybe some seagrave would be cool too if I could get a really high res pic of the painting.
Varg in a skimpy bikini
We love Tim Henson here.
Maybe you would prefer >>>/rym/ or >>>/mu/
>medieval fantasy painting
>not too sòy
Oh anon...
I don't care how pretty the femboy is he's not gonna let you smash
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Print this as poster size put it up.
I have a Sailor Mars noodle bowl but unfortunately I used it as a cum bowl instead
Put up a photo of Tim Henson
Post it or you're false
wtf bro I threw it out ages ago
It wasn't full of noodles it was full of CUM
You aren't the one to say 'wtf bro' in this situation
What exactly compelled you to fill a noodle bowl with your ejaculate in the first fucking place
I just noticed, is that an 8 string guitar? What a poser
>he doesn't have a cum bowl
not gonna make it
Such a great cover...such a shit album.
It's muscle dudes and half naked women not elves and gay shit like that so it's high test
learn to count retard
Anything more than 6 is cringe, buttboy
Must be a Rex Viper fan
>leftoids on twitter and reddit are losing their shit over power trip playing with the phil anselmo pantera experience
Just put the motorhead mascot or a Dürer engraving
>Slugdge - Eyehatesalt
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Just grab a poster next time you go to a show, simple as
You remind me of kids I grew up with who were so proud of their cds that had parental advisory stickers on them.
He was born in the US and moved to Argentina for a couple of years as an adult.
I don’t know much about that guy but what kind of maniac listens to all the Jute Gyte releases and doesn’t like any of them
I've been trying to find it for months for the same reason. $40-50 for a vinyl record that I can't listen to beforehand is wild
Downingbros, it's over...
To be fair I did that with Dream Theater expecting them to magically become amazing. They're fine, but that was not worth it.
thanks gramps!
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Funny that they used this song for Made in Britain (good fucking movie btw) and then all those years later like half of everyone is mad at Wattie over a tattoo and a picture with Stigger
By whom was this rare footage unearthed
Overpoliticized weirdos of all stripes are clowns.
>Jute Gyte
Proof that Don Caballero, Schoenberg, BM and antifa brainrot ain't a great combo.
Who’s don caballero
Math rock
I think he was a skater.
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That would be Steve, not Don
Maybe I should actually check out his band one day. Always liked this song from Pro Skater...4? Idr which one it was in.
Oh I thought it was the novel or something
Steve Caballero has a band? Based. Metal for this news?
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Only one definitive skater metal band
>No body scissors
Kid ain't goin places. Back to 10th Planet you go.
Lol that would be Don Quixote
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Turbo based
Listening now.
I saw a gay "femboy" post on discord that they don't like Morbid Angel despite liking other "death" metal.
Was it you?
Why do you keep forcing this shit meme
How else do you get notoriety here?
The only shit full of cum are your bowels every other night, you retarded fucking faggot
Hector is one of a kind, only other way is to get a trip
I got banned for posting trannys
This autist is lame.
You mean the biggest forcer of memes to ever shit up this general? Ya, I guess that is the only way
Favorite BM Album?
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I can't believe you've done this.
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Prob his best imo. Too bad any physical copies of this sell out faster than my fucking browser can refresh.
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I can’t wrap my head around Fas. Every other DsO makes sense but with Fas I don’t know what’s going on
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The question was favourite, not best? So how can you have an objective favourite album?
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My opinions, at least in regards to black metal, are objective trvths.
...That's not what I said though? ESL ass MF.

Yes but whatever is my "favorite" or I "like" is also objectively the best, because my taste in black metal is perfectly refined.
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It's an objective fact that it's his favorite album.
do NOT listen to this album
The capture of the dog Cerberus
Was the last of the twelve works of Hercules
Half-god by the blood of his father
Who never faltered in the face of danger
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Fuck off, Kanye
>Ska's your grind
I honestly lasted less than 10 seconds. It's pretty incredible just how bad the production is.
I don't know why Mirror Mirror from Blind Guardian makes me hype when listening to it...
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Fr fr? You vibe wit it?
Which one of you did this?
I get down to burzum.
Bumbum NEW is honestly a banger
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Dark Medieval Times pt.2
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feelin real chuddy rn
he needs to come back
destroyer, pig
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Summoning mentioned
Teleporting Negru to a gulag in siberia
Not metal kys
That's great metal there, friend. My favorite album by them.
Working out while listening to Anon's Demo.
I've never listened to Grand Belial's Key
I live a town over from this MFer
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We Summon the Man of Bong (For the Posting of All Shittiness)
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Who the fuck wrote this? lmao
Wolf kept a folder with songs to which DMD wrote music and lyrics, but never recorded any of them himself. When Unhold agreed to record these songs together with Wolf, there was the idea to continue with Absurd and to use the unreleased songs of DMD to that end. I have supported this idea, because I wanted the band to go on. From this idea, „Werwolfthron“ was born. An album that almost exclusively features songs written by DMD. Also on “Totenlieder“ you have a couple songs written by DMD, and not sooner than when Wolf and Unhold recorded „Blutgericht“ the latter became the only composer in Absurd. After the recording of „Der fünfzehnjährige Krieg“ and „Weltenfeind“, the line-up of Wolf and Unhold kept playing a few more concerts but after 2012 the band went into a hiatus and ceased to exist in all but name.

Unhold still kept a bunch of unreleased songs by DMD, for instance the songs supposed to go on the never recorded Split with Heldentum, „Kyffhäuserreich“, and when he and Gelal went to the studio in April 2019 to work on the new GBK-album, they recorded five of these songs for releasing them under the name Absurd. Wolf was permitted to contribute vocals to three of the songs later. This sudden activity was also triggered by critical voices such as the one of Rabensang of Totenburg / Hammerbund, who told Wolf in March 2019 (see screenshot, and translation provided below) that he and Unhold could hardly pretend to still represent Absurd if there wasn’t any new record coming from them while I kept playing concerts and announcing new releases. The five songs, that were recorded by Unhold in April 2019, were subsequently released on various formats multiple times, and that’s that.
Genuinely great comedy metal
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Miss this nigga every day!
Kek based
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>Current label: Hells Headbangers Records
I've been filtered
Interesting. I always avoid HHB releases even though I respect the Dawg.
It's fucked up sounding eh
tf is that thing attached to his guitar
It's a whammy bar, what are you new to the genre?
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
no the thing that has a wire running to the top of the bridge
Name five good hells headbangers releases , not rereleases
I don't know and I don't care. I only consume this shit I'm not into guitar tech or anything.
Heil Hanneman
Thanks for nothing faggot
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You're welcome gaylord!
Honestly based. Metal needs much more listeners and not just creators.
Impossible. Justin and his brothers are too trapped in the past to know what's currently good.
I'm a nerd for it man.
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This unironically
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Anyone know some good doom metal with harsh but not aggressive vocals?

Kinda like these vocals
Master of Puppets goes hard frfr on God no cap f a m
every 14 year old for a week after that episode of Stranger Things came out
For me it's "The Thing That Should Not Be."
For me it's Motorbreath because I actually listen to metal music.
based, for me its Harvester of Sorrow
Hit the Lights tho
For me its king nothing, their best stuff is genuinely their dad rock
Based, I like Hero of the Day a lot
>got a 6.5 and a 7
>"his career contains at least 40 minutes that could have been a masterpiece"
that's pretty decent by Scaruffi standards
his take on Kalmbach is correct, like a lot of modern one man bands, he releases so much material that most of it ends up being mediocre
just a consequence of the internet era of music distribution, there's no longer a logistical reason not to release every half baked experiment you come up with, or stretch songs and ideas to absurd lengths
His releases are all physical media as well though
This is good
Where were you when Death Metal peaked?
What do listen to when you’re feeling chuddy but don’t want to go full blown chud
Second wave bm, war metal.
why is the alternative mix of storm of the lights bane so much better, yet never gets talked about?
No I mean like Mgla but actually good
drudkh is as chud as mgła
Fucking LOL
Metal is inherently chuddy
>feeling chuddy
For me it will always be VNV nation
Dark Oath is nice but their songs are bland and forgettable imo
I like the drums though
Typically Pagan black metal. Stuff that makes me proud to be European, but not feel completely superior.
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Drowning the Light
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If you just mean typical BM and not subgenre or BM adjacent stuff, then this.
>autist wants to mumble into a microphone again nobody being able to decipher what was said.
Not clicking!
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that's a lot of effort just to acknowledge another man's sexual orientation , kinda gay anon
I prefer keep my BM interesting and 10/10, so Nattestid. Not choosing Witchcraft because it is symphonic.
Fat fucking loser
Why do you wake up to post the same things you did yesterday and the day before that
>I prefer keep my BM interesting
>listens to the most stands BM imagine but with le quirky time signatures once every 2 tracks
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Thank you based sister. Yeah I know I suck, please teach me the way how to not suck so much and not listen to generic copycat bands
Thank you schizo sisters
Thank you low IQ sister
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New Vórtize song. I can't wait for the album.
the internet makes it easier to press and sell records too
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The correct answer is Kultur
They’re Pro CD-R’s. He does everything himself. I think he’s autistic and none of this really applies to him
>Took a part time job in UPS warehouse while I finish my masters degree
>Allowed to listen to music but only with one headphone for safety
>It’s loud inside
>Black Metal just sounds like indiscernible buzzsaw noises
Is this what it sounds like to non-listeners all the time?
That's like saying your favourite fast food is mcdonalds
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it's gotta be between this, Pure Holocaust or Hvis lyset funny skeleton. and maybe Geist ist Teufel
There is nothing wrong with McDonalds.
That's like saying your favourite food is pork steak
Americans, maybe go back to >>>/lgbt/ ? How about that? Think about it, we would both be happier for it!
It's just bland slop. Not bad but not good.
Just like Kultur.
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>being so third world that even mcdonalds isn't a staple in your country
it's not just americans anon, you're on your own
after seeing the way Americans cook their steak I can understand this perspective
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any reccs for bands similar to Inquisition and Immortal?
>being so third world mcdonalds is acceptable by any healthy standards in existence
This is Americuckan for you LMFAO
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Lamp of Murmuur last album
How do you become an autistic death metal guy a la deathmetal.org? How do you end up there, what's the story?
I just found a DMU escapee on YouTube, pretty fun gatekeeping, calling Gojira nu-metal, putting Metal on a pedestral as if it was the unit heir of Bach and shit.
Just stop washing your hair
>How do you become an autistic death metal guy a la deathmetal.org?
You delude yourself into thinking metal is as good as classical
OSDM is, in fact, superior to Bach
Can you give me a depressing black metal album to gamble to please and thank you
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best nirvana song bros

here you go
thank you
We hate buttmetal here, quit trying to garner our support
based, hyped for their new album
good album
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What are your favourite moonspell albums?
NTA but for me it's Wolfheart
>calling Gojira nu-metal

Makes sense
Boring as fuck band
>Boring as fuck band
Nowadays? Definitely they've sucked for ages.
ATWW and earlier are good-to-great.
it's quite simple really:

>join the death metal scene in highschool
>do nothing for 20 years except consoom albums and never bother picking up an instrument/creating anything
>reminisce and romanticise the time you weren't a balding middle-aged wagie loser

they're pretentious because they're instrumentlets
>t. has Pyrrhon as his AOTY
Post what you’ve been working on
Yeah, same as Dark Tranquillity.
They just keep doing the same album for years now.
They experimented a bit with Winter's Gate.
It was just also still pretty boring.
>band called Insomnium
>makes you fall asleep
what the fuck did they mean by this?
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NTA, but Pyrrhon is great and was beloved here back in 2016, years before when you didn't even post here.
Buy some of it for the little fella
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haven't listened to this in a while. still kills
What the hell were they thinking with that album art?
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"vampires are cool" i guess
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Voretitspee sucks
Gm metalfags
Dan Swanö
Necrony - pathological performances
shadowban test
"Ass solo, take four."
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His music is soothing. He must be a man who is at peace in his own mind

So, that's 5 off-topic spam posts from you in this thread. Why not just fill the thread, you mentally ill Brazilian?
Cry harder, faggot.
Why not just spam the thread with DEAD DOGS? it’s only fair after all
Sounds pretty bad tbqhfam.
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Like 90% of the 50-something demos this nigger released are actually really good. Why the FUCK has he only released 4 full albums in 20 years?
bided his time for the era of crowdfunding grifting
he couldn't have afforded so many saunas and gallons of pisswater before
unfiltered autism
metal is so boring now except for Knocked Loose
-coreshit is not metal
A large amount of fans on Wintersun's old forum pre-2010 offered to pay Jari a lot of money to help him, but he said no because it wouldn't feel right to take without giving back.
*blocks ur path*
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based Jari
Well he certainty paid back all the fans with a PDF of 200 AIslop images of dragons
There's no AI in the artbook. Fans did get the products they paid for, however.
>4 full albums
3 technically
You lost, sorry.
A pyrrhic victory is when righteousness is irrelevant. He is right, but it will never matter. Low IQ masses will gravitate towards garbage, and will be convinced that popularity equates to quality.
Jari is a Finn and is not white so he can be safely disregarded.
>early early 90s Jarisun was basically a more musically complex stratovarius
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
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Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Wiggerslam Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "wiggers", they were anti-Morbid Angel, they were pro-slam, we cultivated this
Helvete was a cuck-shed, by the way.
Varg is cuckold #1
stop i'm not brazilian and I have only posted 4 and i wont do it anymore
Diabolical Conquest > Onward to Golgotha > Mortal Throne of Nazarene
why does everyone keep calling me gay for listening to bloodbath?
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Very soulful.
Probably because you're a flaming gay
Baldschool death metal is gay
Hector is gone now, stop using his meme repertoire
They want to be raped and eaten (sexually) by other men
and you like to listen to them
Hector never existed, he's a collective delusion.
because they're bald and jealous of glorious long haired swedeath
>>123668361 >>123668361 >>123668361
Not clicking that crap
anon we're still on page 3
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Best blastings of the thread

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