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A woman angrily accuses KK Downing of "liking young girls" and admitting to such in "his book".
She's very angry at KK Downing of JudasPriest
Whew, at least he's not a pidor like Rob and Dave Holland
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Apparently being a pidor is superior and "white" in today's west.

Liking young girls is "not white" on the other hand.
What is this world?
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KK's Priest is fun.
Jimmy Page has liked young girls all his life and nobody batted an eye
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So, does KK love lolis?
Do we have our king?
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>Please KK, love lolis
>Please KK, love lolis
>Please KK, love lolis
>be the one that is True
>the only one.

>Please KK, love lolis

Can we have 1 (one) Hero?
At this stage they should call themselves...Pervert Priest...lol
In that other Priest thread someone wondered if Downing wasn't also gay, but it's good to know he's not.
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>copy-pasting the accusation
Kek. At least she admits the actual reason why she's hounding him in the second comment. Will she even clarify whether "young girls" means underage teen girls or young adult women? Or is she being deceitfully vague?
It'd be a shame for KKP to end over some bullshit (or hey, maybe it's true) right as it was getting good.
So does Kks priest exist out of spite?
You think KK's Priest would end because KK downing likes young girls, allegedly, in his book he published in 2018?
>Zoomer faggot at the fusion center thinks a rock band would end if a real rock star likes young girls.

Why do you think this?

>At this stage they should call themselves...Pervert Priest...lol
Nothing perverted about liking young girls.
Explicitly allowed by the god YHWH.
Not allowed by Jesus of the New Testament.
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The God YHWH explicitly allows child brides.
Rollo the Viking married a young girl in 910 or so.

So both the old religion and the old ways were pro-loli brides.

New Testament is the opposite and bans child brides. Also tells men to castrate themselves (matthew 19, greek)

They are opposites.
If KK likes young girls then it has gotten better.
Why are you Zoomer faggots so anti-sexuality?

Your such new-testament people.
Fucking scum
Get off my node, white fag.
I'll repeat myself: Zoomer Faggot (since you have no reply you say "meds")
If KK likes young girls then it has gotten better.
Why are you Zoomer faggots so anti-sexuality?

Your such new-testament people.
Fucking scum
Take your fucking meds
Silo'd website, retard.
Don't pretend you're fooling anyone.
take more pills
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You think we aren't onto you, intelligence agent faggot?
You think we haven't catalogued and indexed your unique way of formulating sentences? Each of you.
You mistake me. My point was that Ken could lose deals or his band even if it's a nothingburger. Terminally online atrazoomers and söylennials will interpret "young girls" in the worst way possible. The woman Ellefson spanked on camera to wasn't underage and he still got tarred for it anyway.
Though now I think I just set off a nonce or two for making any implication that it's bad or even just ill-advised to get involved with minors. "anti-sexuality". Sodomite-tier "love is love" argument.
you just shadow locked the thread.
what the fuck does shadow locked mean? It's on page 1 and I can post fine
fucking hell, this schizo
Means when someone posts to it the post gets thrown in the trash and never posted.

Happened 3 times for actual posts with arguments in it.
Zoomer faggot gaslights as if it's impossible for a rockstar in the 70s and 80s to like young girls.
>Other thread with the Zoomer mod : >>123659330
I was a child in the 80s.
In the 80s there was loli in playboy.
We were told, promised, that by the time we were adults child brides would be legal again.

Zoomers pretend im INSANE and that NEVER was the case. For them it is an ever present New Testament ("better a millstone"), forever.
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The way white people interpret Sodam and Gomorrah is that the people wanted the angels and that was their sin. White people see that sometimes cute young girls look like angels and thus any man who wants one as a bride is committing the sin of Sodam. White people see the same thing in any male of the white races that happens upon a woman who looks very good. They say this is a power imbalance and thus the male must be imprisoned or destroyed.

This is how white people see things. Their (demi)god is Jesus of the New Testament: who says males must have their gnitls severed from their bodies as the ideal in matthew 19 in greek (promotes mmaalleess becoming euniches). Their (demi)god Jesus says that the woman may fk whomever she wishes with no consequence (no stone), but if a maaaallleee looks at a woman he has committed adultery. See the difference: the woman is forgiven for the physical act. The man is condemned for the thought.

This is what whites believe: because it is what their god the New Testament (New Deal) believes.

The New Testament also decares there is no male nor female, all are ONE. A dissassociative reality. And everyone that follows Jesus gets a room in his mansion.

A room in the big house.
Is that what you want?

To have your gntals cut off from your body?
To watch your "wife" fk other men.
To give away all your wealth and disinherit your boys?
To be condemned to death for looking at a woman?
To be drowned with a millstone for liking young girls?

This contrasts with the early old testament (old deal) where the man was the ba'al (master) of the woman, he could have more than one woman and girls, enuniches were banned from the assembly of the Ruler, and men who raped young little girls in their father's house paid 50 pieces of silver and kept the little girl as a bride of theirs.
Some like KK Downing more than Glen Tipton.
You need help. We love you. Just step away from the computer.
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what the fuck is going on ITT?
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Where YHWH himself was given a share of little girl children when a white-person valley was conqured and slaughtered (except for the cute little girls which were distributed amongst the men).

White people write a page of "explaination" regarding a simple statement "take the woman children for yourselves". "Explaining" it away: from what it obviously means.

White people _HATE_ the old testament diety of the first 5 books because they see him as committing the sin of sodom in their minds; the rape of an angel. When they see a man with a pretty young girl they leap to kill him no matter where he is in the world.

This is what they saw as sinful in Afghanistan: that men had young virgin girls as brides.

Whites hate that and see it as the sin of sodom which their Jesus came to millstone and drown.

They are, on the other hand, happy with homosexuality; as the male does not recieve an angel to rape: just another worthless mmmaaalllleeee : which is no loss.

Same with sending their daughters to be "related" by random blks, hspnics in the city: they would rather that then to marry their young daughters to any mmamaaallleee of the extended white family.
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Get the fuck out of here frog poster nu-fuck.
We are decyphering if KK Downing should be our King.

If he likes young girls.
Do you frequent /g/ by any chance?

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