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what a whiny little bitch, nobody even recognizes you without your drag make up
speak your truth queen
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Literally who???
Maybe she should just kill herself then
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She's never been married though so how the fuck would she know?
Just stop being famous.
LMAO. Fuck off then. Nobody asked for you, bitch.
>i hate being famous
>spends years trying to be famous

bitch pls
Trying desperately to be a provocateur. Less Christopher Hitchens, more whiny teenage girl.
she grew up rich right? thats the only explanation for this level of entitlement.
I wish every one of these industry plants was condemned to a lifetime of agrarian slavery
Nah, she's from some hick town in Missouri, that's not it. It's woke woman brainworms at work here.
looks like her dad had his own medical practice and her mom was a vet. couldn't have been doing too bad.
That I didn't know. All you hear is how much she shits on her hometown/ the midwest in general because it's not "hecking LGBBQ Friendly".
it's got the most trannies other than the pacific northwest
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You guys laugh but this is considered extremely profound to most women irl
She really doesn’t like men lol.

I actually think they will not be very receptive to this specific comparison. Being a famous celebrity is not like experiencing domestic violence.
She’s from the Midwest which means she’s culturally retarded. It’s a different issue that wealth per se. Having a middle class upbringing probably makes her more “blank” culturally since she’ll spend most of her time driving a mid-tier sedan to and from a strip mall.

The level of self-consciousness of being from a flyover state is kind of weird but I guess it makes sense that it manifests as irony and resentment.
i don't recognize her even with the make up. who the fuck is this?? i seriously hjave never heard of this creature
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Something I've found out recently that really irks me about this girl is that I was foolishly under the impression she wasn't a ready made star. This bitch has been working with a well established songwriter (Dan Nigro [LOL]), who wrote literally all of Rodrigo's hits, for a while now. Why would you do that if you weren't expecting some level of fame? She acts like this was all so unexpected like she was some obscure artist from the midwest doing it her own way or some shit. You wouldn't work with a established pop songwriter if you didn't want fame. This fucking idiot is a liar. She can buck fame and go back to obscurity, but instead she's been doing nothing but complaining about it while reaping all of it's benefits.
she got signed by atlantic at 17 after only having released on song on youtube. shits mad fishy.
Can we come up with a slur for female pop singers that work with Dan Nigro? I'm thinking somewhere in the ballpark of "Nigress"
Having garbage music you dont like shoved in your face constantly is annoying so feelings mutual
Dan's Nighoes
she has the option of just making music and otherwise keeping a low profile, so i don't really understand her attitude. she knew what she was getting into. i understand that it's hard to make money doing music while not also being a public figure, but she's already well established enough with a big enough fanbase that she could withdraw from the public eye and just make music at this point. seems to me that she's just cultivating this rebellious personality but actually loves being famous and adored
More like she got what she wanted and realized it fucking sucks. So now she doesn’t want it anymore. I’d respect the attitude if she doesn’t do any more fame whoring but what are the odds of that
it's pretty offensive to compare being loved and adored by millions of people to being in an abusive relationship. a battered woman with no friends would love to be in this girl's shoes. i'm a guy who is recovering from a past abusive relationship and it's pretty shitty of her to be so ungrateful and compare herself to an abuse victim
I’ll be honest, i like Dan Nigro’s music and I hope he steals all of Antonoff’s bitches.
Being famous doesn't feel exactly like she wants 24/7, therefore it is abuse. This is the mind of zoomer girls. This is the only lens they possess through which to understand reality.
I'm a very shy person I'd probably go insane if I accidently became famous. I'd hate signing shit
I can see how someone who just likes make music and doesn't want to work a shit job could accidently become famous.

But this cunt knew what she was doing, she wanted to make generic mass appeal pop music she goes to all the interview ectera
There's much bigger stars than her that don't whine like this, she's honestly not even that famous. She had one good year on the billboard and is already bitching like this. Wait til fame really kicks in.
>all this projecting while no one knows who this bitch even is

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