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Do you think he’s mad that during his peak years the only people that liked his music were fat oily white mouth breather men, and now that he himself is old and fat all the hot young white women love his music? I bet he’s pissed about it
The adults in the Hispanic community he grew up in called him Little Chinese
When I was young I was a big deftones fan, but I was embarrassed about it. I don’t remember why, but I didn’t want people to know I loved White Pony. Now that its “cool” to like deftones I feel very bitter about it kek
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These were the sort of people that liked Deftones back then, it makes sense to be ashamed
Nah, if that were true I would’ve thought they were cooler lol I think I thought they were kinda gay. Which they kinda are. But I turned out to be an in the closet faggot so I guess that adds up
Repent. Just stop doing gay shit. Believe in Jesus and you get to live forever.
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No thanks. I’ll continue to enjoy my Deftones and penis sloppy
He probably is.
Who cares? He will still get laid if he wants, probably even more so than 20 years ago. As an incel, I wouldn't expect you to understand the laws of attraction and sex.
No, because literally none of that is true. If they ever make a documentary about the nu metal years, maybe you'll understand how wrong you are.
Doesn't he have like 6 kids? I think he's gotten his, OP.
I liked almost every song that appeared on QOTD OST
>I think he's gotten his, OP.
Even if he hadnt, the concept of the wall doesnt really exist for men, especially if youre rich and/or famous. cucks & roasties HATE this biological reality, but it will never not be true
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he's probably more mad that culture has changed and now it's a big social crime to fuck young impressionable groupies
probably keeps him up at night desu
Deftones have always had a disproportionately large female audience. Sure, more women listen to them today than 25 years ago, but only because it's a lot more acceptable for women to listen to heavy music now
>the only people that liked his music were fat oily white mouth breather men
?? literally the opposite was true, the "fat oily white mouth breather men" were the ones listening to Pantera and calling Deftones "music for fags", it was mostly pale alt/goth white girls listening to them
>zoomer larps as someone who was there "back in the day"
>says shit only other retarded zoomers could believe
i'm so bored, bros

He should just be pleased that his is the one nu-metal band that was and still is critically acclaimed and not embarrassing to like
Slow deep unprotected sex with Xochitl while Minerva plays on loop

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