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Based...Gene Simmons?
Real ones know Gene dont miss. Guys is just constantly right
Hi Gene
Gene is a chud desu. He likes Trump. Just because he's a Jew doesn't mean he's some PC lefty.

This take prob doesnt even have to do with politics and is more just him saying nobody is going to give a shit about a Smiths reunion without Morrissey because it's going to sound like a totally different band
Gene simmons can eat a dick. Marr outdoes literally anything that hack has ever done. Marr and moz beef because of ego and water running deep. Gene literally has no dog in this fight.
politics have nothing to do with it. its mainly brits who are aware of moz's politics
This. We don't give a shit about bong politics.
>A classic Hollywood story involves Gene Simmons of Kiss. In the late ’90s, as co-owner of the Fox Family Channel, Saban was developing shows for children. Simmons, the fire-breathing, blood-spitting frontman of a rock band in costumes and face paint, pitched Saban an idea for a new Saturday-morning cartoon: Kiss meets X-Men, the Marvel comics superhero team. Saban liked the concept well enough to convene a meeting with Avi Arad, then C.E.O. of Marvel’s toy division.

>At the appointed time, Saban, Arad, and Simmons sat down. The meeting was going well, and the three began to haggle over numbers. Then Saban turned to Arad and, referring to Simmons, confided in Hebrew, “Now we gut him like a fish.” Without missing a beat, Simmons—who, unbeknownst to Saban, was born Chaim Witz in Haifa, Israel—replied in Hebrew, “You asshole. I’m one of you.”
these people just worship money. Left or right is just a means to an end
Marrfags will be reeling from this one for years kek
never except in that crichton scifi movie, runaway. and that was probably the good 1984 coke. he is not based. sorry, op.
Kiss have no good songs
Kiss is kino. Pure Chad music. You're just seething because this Jew is right.
Hi Gene
With all due respect, who is Chiam Witz?
Keep seething, Marrfag
the smiths are mid show some respect
Dunno man. It takes a lot of guts to turn down morrissey's offer. $75 million for a quick cash-in tour, maybe more. That alone makes Marr the better of the 2.
marr is the fag who wont sit down and talk with morrissey....... and money doesnt mean much to creatives addicted to drugs
He is gonna regret it. Wigs ain't cheap. He should know.
Didn't morrissy urge his American fans to vote clinton/sanders? I know he denounced trump and called for him to be assassinated
>Doesn't deny being Gene
Lol theres literally nothing stopping morissey from doing a whole tour of Smiths songs, if he wants to perform them so badly. Why does he need Marr to do it with him?
Hmm... is he afraid nobody would buy tickets?
Maybe he could get Gene on bass?
He's played Smiths songs on tour his entire career, anon. And he sells out shows constantly. You're reaching. And Gene on bass would be based as fuck.
He sat down with him in 2008 and Morrissey said no. And, unlike Morrissy, he respected that decision and didn't even mention it had happened publicly for over a decade, unlike Moz who immediately ran to social media to cry about it. Morrissey had his chance and blew it off. No Rourke, no Smiths.
Exactly, so why is he so mad that Marr turned him down?
Beats me, anon. I figure it's just to piss people off. It's been pretty fun, honestly.
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Outside of him being a dirty jew, he doesn’t drink or smoke and that’s based in my book.
I honestly think he's trolling as well. Plus the jealousy towards Noel Gallagher has triggered him into looking for attention
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>is he afraid nobody would buy tickets?

im sure he would lose like 20% of potential sales by not having marr, but marr would lose 100% of potential sales by not having morrissey. marr is morrisseys sidekick and always will be
>more handsome
>more talented
>more famous
>more rich
>more acclaimed autobiographies
>more devoted fans

marrbros.... not like this......
I wouldn't be surprised. I love the man but he needs all of our attention. The banter and trolling has been fun. Adds a bit of spice to the usual Moz vs Marr war we all constantly have here.
I don't think anyone knows who Johnny is besides hardcore fans. So why Moz said he needed him for a reunion tour to happen is beyond me, other than the fact his guitarist and his new female band wouldn't be able to play Johnny's parts (they're honestly the worst line up Morrissey's ever hired). But he could always hire other musicians with 100 million. Come to think of it ive never heard anyone famous try to cover smiths instrumentals. Wonder why?

Gene’s based a good father and a good man.
>more HIV
>more aids
>more prolapsed anus
>still no record deal
>Wonder why?
the smiths isnt the smiths without morrisseys leadership and voice. the smiths IS Morrissey more than anything, he made the personality of the band with his choice of album covers, Just because Morrissey is the worse person does not mean that marr is owed the success as much as morrissey

for me though? its ian mcculloch
But enough about Johnny
he doesnt care except so far as this 'controversial' statement will garner him more attention and more money
He signed to the one of the biggest labels on earth in 2012. The same one that dropped Morrissey around the same time. kek. Steve's still seething 14 years and 2 unreleased, unwanted albums later.
you didnt delve into his actual music career in your post because theres nothing to discuss. sad! lmao
>he thinks jews are lefties
Hi Gene.
>more rich
Doubt. Have you seen the 500 year old palace of a manor that Marr lives in? and the massive 6 storey building he bought just to hold his multi million guitar collection? Who do I have to fuck to get a Fender signature deal money bros?
>mfw I'm morrissey and the biggest star on Earth orgasms while playing marrs guitar every night
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LMAO you delusional marrtard your post proves my point....

he is connected to the biggest star on the planet yet hes still not famous. lmao.

everything he has in his life is because of stephen
morrissey is old school labour but gen z misses the nuance and hones in on the immigration thing which makes them think he's right wing. he's actually kind of socialist. vehemently hates thatcher and others of that ilk
Kek. Got 'em.
*Steven and we don't use that name but I agree
i see.
Moz is like Jim Morrison to The Doors
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Gene is one the jewiest jews that have ever jewed.
Everything about KISS (costumes, shock value, song writing) was all done to boost merchandise and ticket sales. His jewness prevents him from comprehending artistic integrity.
is he now a music pundit?
He should be. He's usually right.
Alright, recent works:

- wrote an album for maxine peake's Priest (acclaimed Shakespearian actor)
- inception soundtrack
- Oscar for the James Bond film soundtrack
- very good post punk album in Call the Comet
- 3 other solo albums
- work with pj Harvey
- 4 albums with Noel Gallagher
- 1 album with Blondie

Also, not music related but the reason why Morrissey kicked off in jealousy in the first place with that open letter 2 years ago:

One of the oldest and most prestigious university in the world, Trinity College Dublin (founded in 1600) named a building after Marr. Morrissey's lifelong dream SHATTERED, his ego obliterated, in his very own hometown and ancestral backyard.

To add insult to injury the Irish government didn't even built a monument or plaque to Morrissey or his parents as is usually the consolation prize tradition... they held a public ceremony where they gave both of those things to Marr instead!


Morrissey walks past that building every time he leaves his house. In 400 years Morrissey's descendents will have to do the same walk of shame remembering how a rival tribesman from a different county ejaculated all over Morrissey's territory and left him crying for all eternity.
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>jew thinks turning down money is "lunacy"

I for one am shocked
Funny because Morrissey has a history of antisemitism. Called Jews palestinian parasites who formed a cabal to fleece him of money in the 90s in his biography and fired a jewish guitarist by fax for being a 'Jewboy'. Made endless penny pincher jibes about the Smiths Jewish record boss.

Guess Gene isn't as smart or aware as he thinks.
He never wanted to be famous tho. He wanted to be a rich guitarist and a stay at home dad. Everyone from Radiohead to Oasis to Modest Mouse cite him as the reason they picked up a guitar, he helped shape their style. There are millions of players out there, but only a few thousand have shaped an entire generation.

That's the instrumentalist's equivalent of fame... influence.

How many musicians get invited to build their own best selling instrument? I think the Edge from U2 and paul mccartney rate these guitars as well.

Marr is an expert at what he does. Like Jeff Beck, almost everyone in the biz has hired him to play for them. He's never off the road or out of the studio.

Morrissey once told him to shut up and ignore him, and is now reeeeing and posting fake news in a sad attempt to bait him. He's like Trump without Biden, The Joker without Batman. He's lost without his little 'sidekick' who he never forgave for walking away. And not even Morrissey's offer of 100 million dollars could tempt him back.
Maybe now Marr can focus on his successful solo career
His successful solo career is right here bro >>123663668

What has morrissey done between 2014 and 2024 to rival that?

Released 5 albums that tanked???? Played the same setlists at the same concerts? Became a political heavyweight commentator? Kek

Let's hear all about the last 10 years of Morrissey's solo career!
You should hear him play piano anons.

Its top secret, but Morrissey is currently building his very own piano range with the world famous Steinway piano company.

Sure to be a bestseller, he'll be playing it on the next James Bond Theme and setting up his own touring orchestra to sell out shows like Johnny did
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>notoriously greedy man says something greedy
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But what about artistic integrity Gene?
I mean no one wants to be one of those legacy-destroying dinosaur bands that does 27 cashgrab farewell tours and milks their fanbase dry.
Mozbots have gone SILENT because they can't list a single thing morrisey has achieved in the last 10 years.

How sad.
Okay, cool it with the anti semitic remarks!
ALIVE! was one of the most influential records of the 70s… cope or rope, your SSRI’d out TikTok brained opinion means nothing.
tbf you can’t list a single thing you’ve achieved in your entire life… at least the dude as THE QUEEN IS DEAD in his back pocket… where the fuck have you performed? other than in your bathroom alone, I mean.

made me kek, take my upvote good sir
Simmons has that Epstein death stare. Wonder what skeletons lie in his enormous kiss themed closet
>Orange man bad!!1 Chud!!oneone
no alcohol is the most epic based chungus, sXe 4eva

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