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name your go-to weed smokin' song ;)
why are you guys trying to kill my buzz
I used to have a bunch, now I prefer listening to something new. Nothing beats the feeling of a new song clicking for the first time while you're high off your ass.
I don't have one but when I talk about Prog Rock,Avant Gaurde Classical,Videogame Soundtracks,Soul Music,Neofolk,Scandanavian trad shit,german trad shit,celtic trad shit,and Jamaican Dancehall those are unironically genres I listen to while high. "
Classical Music and Psychedelia are also good stoned genres and some Canadian and Hispanic Folk. Black Metsl too. My interest in Music is partially an extension of other interests I guess lol. The Music that Nico Sperg namedrops while sperging out or shitposting is often stonerbait.
I don't smoke weed anymore (I do edibles), but I used to get fucking lit to Dance of Eternity by Dream Theater.
The rule is simple, you take a hit before the song starts, you repack the bowl and you hit it just as you press play
Then the goal is to smoke as much weed as possible before the song ends.
By the time you press play the second time you're already on the come up.

I can't smoke now because my tolerance is legendary, I'm dropping 300 milligrams like it's nothing, and it takes half an hour just for me to get high from smoking
you're really losing it man
>the come up
Yeah, smoked weed has about a 15 minute gestation time before you start to feel effects.
Smoke a bowl, drink a bit of coffee, go piss, pack the bowl again, that's almost ten minutes.
And then you do the dance of eternity.
when you quit you're not going to be able to eat anything or sleep for two weeks. Enjoy that when it comes.
That's why I still do it.
It's the Sword of Damocles, Occam's Razor, the Catch 42; every time I sober up, I am filled with hate and anguish and I prioritize myself. When I am high I tend to be placate and appease, but it makes me hate myself.
So what do I do? I do the best I can.
stfu retard holy shit, you’re a mess
kys junkie
Ehh nah desu. I've been worse man. Shits going better in the big picture.
I'm sorry my candor evaporated your illusory sense of self.
You're just as lost as I am; this is just your way of saying thanks.
>my candor evaporated your illusory sense of self
incoherent word salad
Back in my smoking days I had two main ones.

Awake, for when I'd get out of work at 3 am on the weekends and cruise my way home.

And Red House for a lot of other times.
The words I said disturbed you in such a way that you were momentarily reminded of your own mortality, and the illusion you had of your self being a permanent, implacable being had been shattered.
nigga you’re not a real stoner or you’d know you are eternal energy consciousness in a body temporarily; there is no death or end
it's better with harmonies
in the before times (b.c. before covid) even before weed was legal in my state i would drive an hour to a nearby city to pick up. after i met up with my guy i'd roll a joint and smoke it on the way home with this song blasting
Also yk in terms of self control even if you don't approve of my lifestyle knowing this is better than not knowing yk? When people don't know that's worse. When you don't you can't control it.
Weed sucks
the entire rubber soul album
i need to get back into Donovan
When I smoked weed my routine was to smoke a spliff, put on a black metal album and play Crusader Kings 2 or Victoria 2
Favourite albums: Alpenpasse, Exercises in Futility, Filosofem, Under the Sign of the Black Mark, Litourgiya, Nji
Favourite campaigns: Hebert of Vermendois>Kingdom of Jerusalem, Krakow>PLC, EIC>India (Nappymod), Ivar the Boneless, Young Griff, Stannis or Euron Greyjoy (AGOT mod)

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