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Genesis Reunion: Class of '71 edition

What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Prev: >>123629330
It's prog
literally who
When's someone gonna play prog at the open mic
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listening to The Moody Blues
>17 minute epic
>excellent first 7 minutes
>can't remember shit about the rest of the song despite having listened to it dozens of times
Why does Tony always look so angry?
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Might be a top 5 album of the year right here bros. I knew these guys were good but holy shit zeuhl metal is so based

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Mike is the one who always looks bored with everything
>those who don't know vs. those who know
>"Slippermen could be here" Tony thought.
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Give me steam!!
Any recommendations for dissonant, proggy black metal but with a psychedelic/surreal atmosphere like Krallice?
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post Prog artists that have no bad albums
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based UKer
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Mayhaps ...
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Based Brufordbro (best living drummer)
What is /prog/’s favorite Goblin track?
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Bill doing a jig
I can't say I'm well versed in this stuff but I was listening to this recently, maybe you'll like it
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this is so fuckin good
will there be any more soft machine/king crimson illustrations? those were quite good
is it christian vander in a dress
always looked more like roger waters to me
I can't believe Peter predicted modern gaming
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I see these guys for the last few years getting hyped as "zeuhl metal" in my usual avant-prog and zeuhl circles but for the life of me I cannot figure out how hell their previous album or this album is remotely zeuhl.
It just sounds like progressive metal/jazz fusion with a lot of brazilian and latino music influence.

I feel like I'm missing out on something because some of my friends call them their favourite modern zeuhl group and I'm just scratching my head wondering how it's zeuhl.
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But anyways speaking of zeuhl metal, Oxxo Xoox dropped an album last week

>It just sounds like progressive metal/jazz fusion with a lot of brazilian and latino music influence.
That's because it is. But when you listen to more zeuhl than metal or jazz, that becomes your only reference point.
is 'zheul' the new 'blackened'
Its waters will a bowl haircut
zeuhl's trendy in avantgarde metal circles ever since magma started playing at hellfest in the mid-2010s
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even though Yes is kind of the most entry-level prog band, they'll always remain one of my favorite bands of the genre
it's amazing how uplifting and gorgeous their music is, listening to a full album is almost like a religious experience to me
prog is essentially religion for autistic people
Doesn't help that even the band describes their music as zeuhl too. I'm just fucking confused. My friends call it zeuhl. Reviews on progarchives and RYM call it zeuhl. But for the life of me I can't figure out what the hell is remotely zeuhl about it.

It's not sung in Kobaian, but sung in Portugeuse
That isn't a dealbraeker since Eskaton sing in French and Gonin-ish sing in Japanese but at least the music resembles zeuhl.
But nothing about this band's music screams zeuhl in a way that can't more accurately just be described as prog metal and jazz fusion instead.

I feel like I'm having a stroke because all modern/newer zeuhl discussion in the 2020s revolves around this band that sounds nothing like zeuhl but I guess because the frontman wears a Magma shirt and plays vaguely dissonant and jazzy prog metal it's zeuhl now
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>finally find a prog girl
>looks like she's starting to see someone
another brazilian prog band, this one is a symphonic prog act
pretty neat stuff

People ruin everything
listenin to Brand X
it gud B^)
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I'm with those other guys in that I don't hear much Zeuhl but I also really like the album so idgaf; this year has been pretty good for me with the new SGM too so I'm happy.
L'auberge du Sanglier by Caravan
Plot twist: it’s not originally by caravan! I had no idea until one time listening to Third
what a tangled web prog weaves . . .
Is there any prog music that is fully classically inspired and doesn't try to incorporate elements of Jazz into it? I basically want something like this but in rock form.

Maybe try Ekseption & Trace
Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Univers Zero
hell yeah
plenty of art hoes out there bro
tubular bells
six wives of henry viii
spectral mornings
He's bald.
Rick Wakeman Journey to the Center of the Earth
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Acknowledge The Capitan
Nah, fuck him and his disrespect for the musicians who carried his poser ass
based, it's fucking hilarious how he beat the shit out of the bandmates, fuck em, make them work captain.
>muh poor musicians
go back
not by this first lineup, but UK's The Only Thing She Needs goes so fucking hard. it's like a JRPG battle theme. love this band
that second half is a blast to play on bass
I saw the 'in the round' tour. It was meh.
isn't this basically what "Symphonic Prog" is?
i recommend Renaissance
why is Fripp so based?
Based on what?
based on being an amazing guitarist, and band leader.
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Both punk/new wave and disco, those musical explosions of the mid-1970s that so many felt to be diametrically opposed to each other, Fripp felt as a breath of fresh air. Both seemed to him to be music of the people, to return music to the people, throwing the dinosaurs of the music industry off track, however temporarily. The raw energy of punk had been prefigured by the aggressive intellectual heavy metal sound of King Crimson III - and even earlier by the intense negative energy and profound frustration that bursts through King Crimson I songs like "21st Century Schizoid Man." Fripp said, "When I heard punk I thought, I've been waiting six years for this." As for disco, Fripp called it "a political movement that votes with its feet. It started out as the expression of two disadvantaged communities - the gays and the blacks." As a vital form of social expression, Fripp viewed disco as "nihilistic, but passively nihilistic," a movement that simply ignored the traditional social framework outside its boundaries.
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Robert Fripp believes that one can learn just as much by listening to music one dislikes as by listening to music one likes - in other words, that there can be an educational purpose served by music beyond that of satisfying mere subjective taste. "I go and see people who I don't like because I get something from it which is worth far more than having been entertained." Rock writer Michael Watts characterizes this view as "puritanical"; puritanical or not, it is consistent with Fripp's view that the quality of attention one brings to the experience of music is more decisive than the quality of the musical sounds in themselves. Not the sounds, but the listening.
yes, very based, i truly aspire to be like him
The music he was listening to and making in the late 70s/early 80s was more progressive than most of the "progressive" artists of his time that were still around.
The greatest human being who ever walked upon this earth.
King Crimson is like a family where Fripp is the "Daddy" overseeing everything. The other band members are like his kids, running wild with their creative ideas and having a blast. But in the end, it's Daddy who pulls all their fun together and decides what makes it onto the albums, shaping it into something special.
Greatest music video of all time
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*eats your cheese*
Can hardly wait to go bankrupt next week searching for krautrock records.
Amon Duul and Popol Vuh have to be two of the greatest bands that ever came out of Munich.
good, who comes into someone else's house and just helps themselves to their food?
a guest at a dinner party, retard
no, i would have asked first, "dinner party, yeah that's one side of the story.
The cheese was for everybody
Fripp hater is gonna have a mental breakdown, and start samefagging again.
Just fucking ignore him
Too many newfags around here who can't cope with basic trolling
there are no vocaloid prog albums
No, they do all the work while mister frontman takes all the credit, all while shitting out lame wanna-beatnik hipster poetry.
Fatty Van Vliet can go suck Tom waits ass
he was a jerk, but also a visionary
also, he didnt do prog
But that’s not the video with mini Phil on the piano
>No, they do all the work while mister frontman takes all the credit, all while shitting out lame wanna-beatnik hipster poetry.
that is all extremely based, based Captain
>makes a film about himself
the ego of this man knows no limits
> In a 1994 interview with VH1 for the "Phil Collins One on One" episode, Collins called the video the most embarrassing and cringe-worthy of his entire career.
this is the kind of shit you would see on reddit, that's not even true, he wasn't "wannabe hipster" if you watch interviews with him, he was genuinely crazy.
people like you are the worst, just like the Fripp hate poster, you are more concerned with the people and personalities then the actual music, truly mindless, you would fit in a lot better with the Kpop general.
so retarded
>No, they do all the work while mister frontman takes all the credit
That's not true, investigate how TMR was made.
>fripp getting his balls sucked on the thread is alright
>people calling fripp shit must be shitposting and newfags
you are genuinely retarded, you do realize most of the "ball sucking" posts are mostly non-serious right?
so are the demeaning posts, idiot
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idk if this is prog guys
No he played a part just like his buddy Frank

Beefheart puts himself before the music, that’s on him. Release an instrumental version of Trouts mask and all will be fine.
Ekseption is known for doing flat-out rock versions of classical pieces (They do a version of Beethoven's 5th Symphony simply called The 5th).
really? because they are really bad at conveying that.
Yeah, mister frontman ‘composed’ the song because he hummed something to the actual musician doing all the arrangements
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When Beefheart learned of the opportunity to make an album totally without restrictions, he sat down at the piano and in eight and a half hours wrote all twenty-eight songs included on Trout Mask. When I asked him jokingly why it took that long, he replied, ‘Well, I’d never played the piano before and I had to figure out the fingering.’ With a stack of cassettes going full time, Don banged out Frownland, Dachau Blues, Veteran’s Day Poppy, and all of the others complete with words. When he is creating, this is exactly how Don works – fast and furious.

The trouble is that once the compositions are down it takes him a long time to teach them to his musicians. In this case it took almost a year of rehearsal.
he wrote them on piano and that's how most bands work actually, it's just that Beefheart was original and more strict, also Beefheart never "took all the credit" retard.
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>According to [Peter] Gabriel, Radiohead ceased communication after he sent them his version of "Street Spirit".[14] Gabriel said his rendition was "pretty extreme" and had since heard that Radiohead did not like it.[12]
Why is Thom like this?
Occasionally, as Don would write, he would say, “this is a bass part,” or “this is Bill’s part.” He often complained that he had to “write those fucking blues parts” for Bill Harkleroad. Actually, I find little on Trout Mask that sounds like a “blues part.” I find an overall abstract relationship to blues in much of the music, due to Don’s influences in youth, but I also find bits of jazz influence, and even classical influences all thrown together.
is his version better than the original
are you autistic?
how about we all, move on from arguing about the artists, and personalities behind the music, they literally do not matter, who cares about these people? it's the recordings that are great, anyone could come up with anything, to think that "only this person could come up with this piece of music" is preposterous, all ideas come from the divine, the artists understand this, nothing is truly original.
Not him but yes, we're in /prog/
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Bear in mind, however, that Van Vliet would also listen to a player occasionally and give a critical assessment of how he was playing a particular part, but this often had more to do with nuance than the actual notes. If he didn’t like the way the part sounded on guitar, he would work with the player, sometimes re-writing and/or simplifying the part, and then I would generally ask the player to show me the new part so I could write it down. Sometimes, Don would spend hours just working with someone on nuance and feel, just to get the part working correctly. Most of the time, the guitars weren’t plugged in, so the sound he would “pull out of the players” would be strictly technique, never gimmicks or electronics. This was his area of strength: feel, nuance, dynamics, and instinctual characteristics, the same thing one hears in his extraordinary voice.
Peter Gabriel
>all ideas come from the divine, the artists understand this
I dont think they do since most artists have big egos
>Well, I’d never played the piano before and I had to figure out the fingering
Complete narcissist cunt… imagine believing some guy who tells you what a Genius he is
well duh, they only have one album (not counting live albums)
No, drumbo did the actual arranging work >>123668173
Eh, that cover album sucked. Messed up Heroes and My body is a cage, don’t know/care what the other songs are
usually that's not real though, they are playing a character, and the people that are serious, have egos because they think they have "secret knowledge" they acquired from their mystic teachings, this is the problem with this specific sect of gnosticism, which is rampant in the music industry,
>usually that's not real though, they are playing a character
im not so sure about that
>which is rampant in the music industry,
go on
If mystic teachings don’t humble you then there’s definitely something wrong with you
ok its not
Wow that heroes is terrible.
How DARE you slander My Body Is a Cage
Hey it’s a great (arcade fire) song. To be honest I don’t really remember Pete’s version, but I re-heard his Heroes lately and if it’s anything close to it, it’s worse than I remember
it is
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NTA but come on man. Street Spirit is an alt rock classic. Stop larping and saying some shitty cover done by a man who hasn't been in his prime in at least 40 years is better.
He's been on a long downhill ride ever since Melt
Yeah no I’ve just relistened and it’s horrible, just emo Peter over sad piano, no comprehension of originals
>/prog/ moving on from hating Fripp to Pete
Philbros we won.
Hating Phil is mainstream
Also the BROOF has spoken
>After everything he’s been through, with health struggles and surviving a level of public attention usually reserved for Presidents and Prime Ministers, Phil remains a very special entertainer, and I expect a lot of folks are out there enjoying what may be the final Genesis tour. Knock ‘em dead, Phil.
I don't hate any proggers. I love all proggers!!!
I agree
If I don't like someone he's not prog
Radiohead sucks
I bet it was the cheapest cheese Robert could find too!
well, maybe YOU suck
Radiohead is the only band post 1984 to make good prog music. Relisten to ok computer faggot!!!!
I found them off-putting at first (mainly due to Jon's vocals) but repeatingly subjecting myself to CTTE did the trick
My favorite song is Tempus Fugit though, that bassline is irresistble
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this is not prog rock... this is prog folk
Acknowledge Folque
I dont know whats that, so no
it's shit
come on man its not bad, maybe a little boring at times with the violins
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What did he mean by this?
Sounds French, so no
its his hairline
He's a Smash Mouth fan
he is looking for a boyfriend
It’s Norwegian folk rock/prog
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it's good, but not even close to their best
clearly loosh harvesting the audience
Classical > Country > Folk > Jazz > Prog Folk > Prog Rock > Post Punk > Psyche Rock > Prog Electronic > Post-Rock > Blues > Jazz Fusion > Noise Rock > Punk > Shoegaze > Pop
As in REAL folk music right?
You forgot 5 things
too much work
King Crimson
meant for >>123668224
King Crimson
Gentle Giant
fucking SHIT actually meant for >>123662606
I'm so retarded
King Crimson DOES have bad albums, be honest with yourself
Princess Purple
not that anon but, i enjoy all of them, even the 2000s albums
is Van Morrison Prog?
but Roy Harper is
is Ralph McTell prog?
this thread is so lame now, bring back the fripp haters
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acknowledge Pentangle
Fripp hater got embarrassed and left, because he got outed as a Kpop fag
i miss Verbosefag honestly, even if it was a demonic AI entity.
that never happened
source: I'm a Fripp hater and I've been here all along. Just toned it down a notch
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only if you acknowledge ugh... third ear
of course, love em
is that Third Eye Blind?
the way I see it, zeuhl uses ostinati, repetitive patterns, syncopation, rhythmic figures, octatonic scales, chromaticism, and other stuff that goes beyond surface-level gibberish choirs and quirkiness.

Papangu isn't really shooting for the MDK or 1001 Centigrades kind of zeuhl, more like in the Theusz Hamtaahk ballpark. if you think a band needs to sound like Koenjihyakkei to be zeuhl you're missing out on the bigger picture.
fine, I'll acknowlede, pentasomething
third eye band
>I'm a Fripp hater
why though, have you actually met him? it seems weird to hate someone you've never met, unless they got outed for doing something actually horrible.
it's Three Doors Down
>u don't even know him!!!!
I can feel anyway I want about him
I think he's a jerk based on KC's history
why does that bother you?
I love their song "hanging by a moment" from the album "human clay"
I can be bothered by anything I want
I think you're a jerk based on your post history
why does that bother you?
you do realise I'm not the only person who shits on him, right?
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it doesn't bother me, it's just strange, i get not liking him, but actively hating someone because why? they go through a lot of band members? WOW just like EVERY fucking band, and it's not like he fucked those people over.
reminder that there are things you don't know about the people Fripp "let go" horrible things, they were bad people, i can't say anymore, but trust me.
well you all do it in the same way so you might as well be
it's an AI chatbot, ignore it.
>Fripp was a hack
>Fripp ripped off Bartok
>Fripp was a jerk
>Fripp is autistic

Fripp drove you all insane.
>Fripp ripped off Bartok
this one is extremely disingenuous, ELP literally has an album of butchering classical pieces.
I think he was a jerk towards his bandmates and resent him for it
there are stories of him berating them for thinking differently, and cutting out any ideas he claimed weren't worth getting into
still love the band though
wasn't there a schizo blog by a former guitar circle alumnus full of ramblings about fripp, fripp haters here don't have anything on that one
Whether by Providence or by an innate sense of tastefulness, Robert Fripp's projects never descended to the same levels of self-impressed pompousness that characterized so much of the Anglo-prog he inspired. Even the failures seem like well-meaning failures, and the successes are often delightful.
>there are stories of him berating them for thinking differently, and cutting out any ideas he claimed weren't worth getting into
>Regarding his relationship with Robert Fripp, Muir wrote "Fripp was open and believed very much in getting disparate musical elements together ... he seemed to me to be a very good band leader. I think I was a wee bit too much for him, simply because I was so involved in improvisation. He was very much concerned with logic and function, he always worked his solos out before playing them ... For a person like him it was a very admirable creative decision to actually work with somebody like me."[2] Muir also recalled: "I always remember I had an urge to get Robert to let his hair down because he was very controlled in the way he played ... I really tried and tried to provoke him."[4] In summing up his experience with the band, Muir stated "King Crimson was the ideal for me ... I was extremely pleased and I felt completely at home with the Crimson."[4]
>I think he was a jerk towards his bandmates and resent him for it
this one i don't deny, but i also think he's pretty autistic and comes off as more rude then he actually is.
>cutting out any ideas he claimed weren't worth getting
maybe they were really bad ideas? it's hard to judge someone for this without knowing the specific ideas.
The Enid, goes harder on the neo-prog stuff after 1980 but pretty solid for what it's worth. First two albums got remade in the 80s because they didn't have the rights to the masters at the time, so some copies get mixed up on slsk with the remakes because a lot of reissues didn't bother to notify it was not the original.
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this is Magma's best studio album
How is the neo-prog stuff, I'm actually interested in good neo-prog
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What is there left to create after Fripp? Who is worthy of the same reverence? How can such transcendence be achieved by a mere human?
>But Genesis is better.
>But Yes is better.
>But Rush is better.
>But it depends on your musical taste and personal preference.
People who don't appreciate "FRIPP" cannot grasp his artistry with their limited minds. Such innovation can only be understood by the "Enlightened Listener," not the masses.
Bow down, now, commoner. Drop all your excuses and kneel, admit that "Fripp" is the greatest.



as the Fripp Hater, i never thought about it like that, you've changed my mind.
do people actually say this?
>But Genesis is better.
>But Yes is better.
>But Rush is better.
Very hit or miss, although I am biased because I was really into the band a decade ago but they went through another phase recently where they had no fucking idea what they were doing, in a similar fashion to what happened to them in the 90s. For the neo-prog stuff, listen to Something Wicked This Way Comes or The Seed and The Sower (listed under "Godfrey and Stewart"). They had a short period in the 90s where they went kind of trance prog but it's very goofy and not great, although I have a soft spot for it. It is also of note the neo-prog stuff was made with a significantly smaller lineup, whereas the first four albums had at the most, 7 or 8 people playing shit. Very intricate stuff.
But seriously though, Rush is fucking cringe
"cringe" is a little but harsh, I would say mediocre
I like Yes slightly better than KC
Genesis is great, but not as good
Rush is tacky buttrock
>I like Yes slightly better than KC
no you don't, you are just being contrarian
>Genesis is great, but not as good
i agree, as long as you're talking about Gabriel's Genesis
>Rush is tacky buttrock
i mean they are better than most Buttrock, but yeah.
>no you don't, you are just being contrarian
wtf yes I do
let me be
Enough shitposting, survey time

Post your top 5 bands
okay fine, i'll let you like Yes more, but just this once.
this question is too hard! Can I add non prog bands?
Jethro Tull
King Crimson
Soft Machine
Amon Duul
Gentle Giant
i'll do 10
Tim Buckley
Univers Zero
King Crimson
Van der Graaf Generator
Goblin / Cherry Five
Pearls Before Swine
Jan Dukes de Grey
FUCK i forgot Gentle Giant, i'd put them right under King Crimson
How does someone get into Tim Buckley? I found his albums very boring
did you listen to his early stuff? like Goodbye and Hello? i don't know it's probably something you'll love or hate, i really liked Starsailor the first time i heard it.
Yes I litsened chronologically from the first one to the 4th or 5th
univers zero
i love cluster
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the debut is GOATED
Sure why not
Gentle Giant
King Crimson
Hatfield and The North
people think zeuhl just means "influenced by magma" which is absurd
Gentle Giant
Pink Floyd (pretty much for the Syd era)
The Doors
Popol Vuh
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I see what you did there...
>it seems weird to hate someone you've never met
I hate hitler and trump but I've never met either.
The fuck you mean butchering? They offered modernized arrangements, much like Ravel orchestrating Mussorgsky’s piano work.

Meanwhile, most contemporary orchestras can’t play the simplest classical classics with proper dynamics, so…
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The intro to this 1980s brazilian childrens song always sounded very proggy to me:
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King Crimson
Gentle Giant
>1981 is the year of the fripp

l o l
What did they mean by this
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arguably the worst from their prog-era. picrel mogs it heavily
Which version of Exposure should I listen to?
picture? who the fuck knows
the tracks have some good riffs that were stolen by various bands
Is today opposite day?
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listening to Script
We should create a new /prog/ chart including the most essential prog albums, we should venerate the spirt of the mighty CLT.
Fripp is known as an avid reader with an extensive personal library containing volumes on religion and philosophy, politics, psychological theory, and economics. In the articles he wrote for Musician, Player, and Listener magazine in the early 1980s, he quoted freely from Plato, Shakespeare, Jacques Ellul, E.F. Schumacher, T.S. Elliot, Stafford Beer, Proudhon, and other writers. As the "world's most rational rock star" has said, "Me and a book is a party. Me and a book and a cup of coffee is an orgy."
Dusty Rhodes
Fripp with a Red Bull and a kindle is Sodom and Gomorrah
he is so WISE
I sincerely hope he was bullied in school.
>"Me and a book is a party. Me and a book and a cup of coffee is an orgy."
how do you expect me not to hate him?
He looks like a bee lol!
>avid reader
>Me and a book and a cup of coffee
Yeah sure
that's a great album, but no, if you posted Lost Chord or Threshold of a Dream, maybe.
Gonna start Frippmaxxing
I'll start off small though
maybe just a glass of juice and a thumb through "Mailed Fist" by John Foley
"Larks' Tongues in Aspic," with its complex time signatures and shifting motifs, represents an evolution that mirrors the search for liberation from the confines of the material realm. The climactic interplay of sound reflects a struggle and a desire to break free from the chaos of worldly existence, supporting the idea of transcending a flawed reality. Overall, these works illustrate Fripp's nuanced engagement with themes of gloom and transcendence, inviting listeners to confront the darkness around them while seeking higher truths.
what higher truth did you find /prog/?
i found when subdividing time signatures instead of using the usual method of 3s and 2s i can use Skibidi and Toilet instead to count it out since it takes up the same syllables and that was a huge truth that opened up the sky for me
Try it for yourself
Frame by Frame main riff: Toilet Toilet Skibidi Toilet Toilet Skibidi
Larks pt.1: Skibidi Skibidi Toilet Toilet
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its prog
giving caravan a spin, downloaded a bunch of prog bands that i never quite got round to listening to
i'm going to listen to "For Girls Who Grow Plump in the Night"
>illustrate Fripp's nuanced engagement with themes of gloom and transcendence
No, it illustrates how great Muir, Bruford and Cross are at making great music in spite of an autistic napoleon complexed guitarist.
love that album, especially The Dog and Surprise, Surprise
a fellow fripp truther
godspeed, good friend
"Book of Saturday" by King Crimson touches on themes that resonate with Gnostic ideas, reflecting a struggle between the deceptive nature of reality and a yearning for deeper truth. Lines like "If I only could deceive you" suggest a conflict rooted in the awareness of falsehoods in relationships, hinting at the illusionary aspects of the material world. The metaphor of “my wheels never touch the road” evokes a feeling of being stuck or disconnected, which aligns with a Gnostic sense of entrapment in a flawed reality.

The imagery of laying “cards upon the table” implies an attempt to reveal hidden truths amid the chaos of life, while reminiscences indicate a longing for a more profound connection that remains just out of reach. This combines with elements of nostalgia and fleeting joy, suggesting that even while navigating despair, one can find moments of beauty. The reference to life as “a book of bluesy Saturdays” captures the bittersweet essence of existence, blending both sorrow and joy in the search for meaning within a complex and often contradictory world.
How to evaluate Robert Fripp? Undeniable that Larks Tongues In Aspic is a big dirty orgasm in musical form. I can truly understand his reputation among the transgendered and homosexual. It is a kind of ravishing physiological pleasure with a transcendental quality that bears no small resemblance to a type of modern political control, like a CIA operative giving someone acid and showing them sissy hypnosis. One grasps Fripp's love for Wagner in the context of the fascist aestheticization of politics, as described by Susan Sontag: "Like Nietzsche and Wagner, Fripp regarded leadership as sexual mastery of the 'feminine' masses, as rape." Larks leaves you physically exhausted and creates profound impressions upon the libido. For example I recently listened to it for the first time in a few years and due to a deluge of circumstances during the period I am now attracted to fat women.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoVUHfkNrfI insane that he's still performing like this at the age of 81yo
Holy based!
>the tracks have some good riffs that were stolen by various bands
I'd like to hear these if you don't mind
Yep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-djqIZCayxI
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>fripp hater keeps replying to himself
its honestly astonishing the effort these squizos put into their deluded campaigns
In a recent series of interviews, legendary guitarist Robert Fripp, known for his work with King Crimson, found himself at the center of intense backlash after making statements that many have labeled antisemitic and anti-trans. Fripp stirred up outrage when he stated, “I think the Jewish question is one that needs to be revisited,” alongside his comments questioning the validity of transgender identities, saying, “In my view, biology cannot be denied.” Music fans were stunned as these remarks circulated on social media, igniting debates across fan forums and platforms like Twitter. Critics argue that his words perpetuate harmful stereotypes and neglect the struggles faced by marginalized communities. Supporters, however, contend that his artistic genius can be separated from his personal views. As the fallout continues, many are calling for more awareness and responsibility from public figures, urging everyone to reflect on the power of words in today’s social climate. What do you think? Can we separate the art from the artist, or is it time for a deeper conversation about accountability in the music industry? Let us know your thoughts!
I wish, stop trying to make me love Fripp.
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Beat is a good album
of course, THRAK is their best though, it's their biggest pleb filter.
false. it's a GREAT album
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haha wow because thats like the stuff that comes out of your butt?? haha gross, how do you come up with these things?
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I know who I'm voting for in November.
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>b'boom into THRAK
adolf tarkler
>Boom THRAK the sound of my heart the beat goes on and on and on and on and
fripp is ahead of his time (as usual)
can you slow down with the fr*pp posting
>ctrl f "fr*pp"
>68 results
you brought this upon yourself
I swear I didnt do anything, im always trying to change topic
I am sick of Fripp Talk. Seriously. Enough has been said about this fucking autist. Can the /prog/ general please switch to another main section of discussion (and no, I'm not talking about Vander nazi posting)?
It's only talk
/prog/ posters have almost the same amount of fault as the squizo fripp hater
ive said this before, just ignore the faggot and talk about something else
did the KC improv tier list guy post his tier list?
really interested in seeing if ive been missing some hidden gems
he better put peoria high
Vanilla Fudge is proto-prog.
yes but that album is very experimental with speech recordings n stuff and theres little rock
Amon duul II basically invented guitar chugs
But they did it for like 3 seconds only
I just skip the posts. Fuck it.
"Fripp" is a disease, he has made /prog/ sick
Univers Zero
Isildurs Bane
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Bro, good job. I never expected a comedy post of this calibre in /prog/.
fr*pp posting goes VROOOM
Wtf is happening to me I’m listening to ‘the endless river’ and enjoying it
It’s crazy cheesy tho
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I'll have to give this one a listen. I've only heard their first two albums.
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Acknowledge Neu!
Neu! more like No!
More for me, then.
what's it like?
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honestly forgot I had one of their CDs
Nice anon.
literally me
let's talk about Christian Vander, instead of Robert Fripp today.
It’s like sad old men trying to ape themselves, and stumbling unto unknown and unkempt golf courses
make a new thread, fuckers
I just did

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