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>rip Beach House off
>get 10x more famous than them
other similar examples?
Literally who
>see filename
Oh. Would never listen to a band with such a tryhard name.
Muse are a Radiohead rip off band, their almost as famous as Radiohead.
9 times out of 10 these indie-pop/nu-shoegaze bands are all surface very little substance, and their entire appeal resides on band name, song titles and album art
this band sucks desu every song is the same
I wish dream pop would revitalize but they all play the same shit, sing the same way. Same effects. For psychedelic inspired bands they sure are unpsychedelic.
literally who
also I can see this turning into another "zoomer bad" thread so just f off before it happens. as a zoomer I know we're shallow but those of us who try not to be arent cared about enough to get attention so stfu
>literally who
dream pop songs on Spotify:

Cigarettes After Sex - Apocalypse 1.44b
Beach House - Space Song 1.17b
Coldplay - Sparks 1.07b
Lana Del Rey - West Coast 803m
The Cranberries - Linger 794m
Lana Del Rey - Brooklyn Baby 724m
Cigarettes After Sex - K. 709m
Cigarettes After Sex - Sunsetz 679m
The XX - Intro 663m
The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 645m
Lana Del Rey - Say Yes To Heaven 614m
Mazzy Star - Fade Into You 602m
Cigarettes After Sex - Cry 586m
The Cranberries - Dreams 498m
Cigarettes After Sex - Sweet 466m
only a rap music fan could think muse are ripping off radiohead lol
them white boys be singing all high and sheeeeit they be being radiohead
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why are you like this
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>zoomer honestly thinks he is presenting proof for his argument
shittiest generation ever
reminds me of the "mfwdeftonesorsmashingpumpkins" meme, only half-accurate since zoomers don't really care about shoegaze (#1 song is probably Deftones' Cherry Waves, 208m)
>millennial Muse fan is a turboretard
shittiest generation ever
>dream pop
>Lana Del Rey
>The XX
>The Smashing Pumpkins
None of these are dream pop.
How doe they remotely sound like Beach House?
Beach House are a Cocteau Twins ripoff so, swings and roundabouts innit
not a big muse fan, sorry, you fucking moron
actually Muse is no longer a Radiohead ripoff band, they're now a Queen ripoff band with the most ASS lyrics you've ever heard.
I really wonder what kind of people are listening to anything muse past The Resistance (which wasn't a good album, but better than anything that came after it)
Jesus christ zoomers blew this band the fuck up out of nowhere, I remember someone showing me Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby when it had a few million and almost falling asleep to that boring shit. Horrible taste lmao
they are according to people
The only 'people' I've seen posting music by this band on social media are women
radiohead do effectively double the streaming numbers of muse and they haven't release an album in almost 7 years
zoomers have never heard of Muse, it was a strange millennial phenomenon
Yes they are lol
they kind of ruined their career with the "drones and the government are watching us" meme tier lyrics
>Cigarettes After Kek
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It's mostly because of how those two britbongs sing. Muse even ripped off The Ernie's Here and Now. It got so bad that they had to come out with Second Law and amp up the budget on light shows.
Cigarettes After Sex ripped off Low not Beach House
>no top 10 albums
>beach house has 2
nirvana with the pixies
wtf i thought you wrote "beach boys" and actually was hearing similarities.
the only difference is that beach house were good at their peak
Why do these artists have billions of streams a month yet when it comes to charting on the billboard charts or whatever they are nowhere to be found? This numbers dont add up if they are this popular
Beach House sucks anyway, so who cares?
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>Yes they are lol
superficial similarities at best, Nirvana's music was much darker than the Pixies'
I don't really see it. Muse music sucks but it sounds ''uplifting'' in that kind of gay orchestral way, kinda like Queen. Radiohead music sucks but in a depressing and maudlin way
honestly don't pay attention to official charts, they're either a) promotional tools targeted towards NPCs b) useful data for nerds studying chart runs (not chart peaks), in 2024 the only way to measure success is streaming, on Spotify CAS are gaining 100k followers weekly, BH are gaining 10k
nobody cares about charts anymore except for obsessive pop fans
the strokes
arctic monkeys, the killers
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'Lenny doesn't remember the meme he laughed at and thought was so based in the early 2010s

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