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This isn't my first Swans album. I tried Filth in June of this year and thought it was solid, then I listened to White Light in mid-August and it was an instant favorite of mine. Then I listened to The Great Annihilator and I've been listening to that a lot lately.

So I finally decided it was time to try Soundtracks for the Blind as I've been seeing it floating around for years on the web.

I don't know if I like it or not to be honest. There were a handful of moments that I earnestly enjoyed but out of 2 and a half hours I don't know if it's enough to say I like the album.

I feel like I'm missing something. Is there something I should know, or do I just have to give it a few more tries?

Please no "dats cuz it sux loooool" type comments, that shit isn't helpful at all. I'd like to hear from people who really like Soundtracks and see where the appeal is. I don't want my Swans obsession to end with this album; I want to love it
For me, the appeal of SFTB is that it feels like the second season of Twin Peaks, it's surreal and you can attribute your own perspective to some moments of the album.
I haven't seen Twin Peaks to be honest.
>you can attribute your own perspective to some moments of the album
But I did get this a few times
listen to the whole thing again at night in the darkness under the covers with your undivided attention. after that listen to the rest of their discography.
I already listened to it in darkness (aside from a dim lamp so I could read the lyric insert) and with my undivided attention. I guess I could listen to it under the covers? Either way I suppose I'll listen to it again
Also at night; I listened to it from 9 pm to about 11:30
>I already listened to it in darkness (aside from a dim lamp so I could read the lyric insert) and with my undivided
yeah. just don't go crazy listening to this stuff y'know bc for real you could, sincerely
I like Swans when they do tribal esque post-punk like Mind/Body/Light/Sound. Their post-rock stuff never really clicked with me, I prefer GYBE for that type of sound
I don't get the impression it would have that much of an effect on me but if it does then I suppose I'll report back here
Yeah, I actually listened to some GYBE in preparation for this album which is kind of laughable in retrospect because aside from the use of voice samples GYBE and Swans' styles of post-rock don't seem all that similar

Mind/Body/Light/Sound is a fantastic song; I adore all of The Great Annihilator
GYBE sucks

swans are based
I definitely prefer Swans as a band, although I quite liked Skinny Fists and Yanqui UXO. I didn't really like F#A# Infinity though. But I guess for now, Swans' style of post-rock (i.e. Soundtracks) needs to grow on me some more while Skinny Fists and Yanqui UXO I immediately liked.

So I guess I prefer Swans as a band but for the time being that's only because of their non-post-rock stuff. That's obviously subject to change though
>liking any Swans
You have shitty taste anyway, so none of this matters.
Soundtrack is like 2hrs long which makes it a slog to listen to and fully digest. It definitely has its highs and lows.
>I don't want my Swans obsession to end with this album; I want to love it
You don't HAVE to like every artist's albums to like their music. Swans are so varied in their music that not everyone is gonna appreciate all their albums.
This. For example, i can't really stand their early stuff tho i get what they were going for and it is definitely unique. Much prefer their folkier, trance stuff
This album is really a a compilation of things they were working on when they decided to end the band. Experiments, full songs, random live bits. I think the obsession with listening to the whole thing in one sitting isn't as important as it is with other double albums. I also highly recommend checking out Swans Are Dead, a live album from around this time. I think it's they're best record, and it might offer different perspectives on this material.
u wut m8?
Soundtracks For The Trust Funded
Give it some more chances. It took a lot of listens for it to properly click for me. It's a masterpiece.
It does fall off heavily after YRP thoughever.
It's the Uncle Meat of the 90s, of course is great
Shit that outs you in a trance (you fucking mong)
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fuck off

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