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Dude what the HELL where they thinking?
None of them are even remotely attractive
it was kino
this song has the lamest guitar solo ever
Paul Stanley is incredibly gay
Them doing more pop friendly songs and fucking Disco style ones led to them start playing to literal kids. Like kids in the single digits. They used to be a hard rock band but then seemingly sold out and the makeup gimmick was getting tiring. It was an attempt to prove they were "serious".

Their agents lied to them and told they were "sexy". Gene Simmons even awkwardly shakes his ass in that music video.
>our music is truly ass, we better take off the makeup to grab people's attention
It's crazy how these guys lasted so long. A handful of decent songs and a nice gimmick took them so far. It's a bit admirable.
Looks like some obscure South American band
They were big in Japan before US
las criaturas de la noche
>Dude what the HELL where they thinking?

"this is it boys we either make it big, or we're the subject of ridicule working in the warehouse....so lets make it big"
Holy shit
Lick It Up is actually a pretty solid, and fairly heavy album. It's one of the most metal KISS albums there is from the 80s.

The title track is retarded, yet somehow the only popular song from it despite being the worst. And yeah they were too ugly for glam but so were Twisted Sister and Quit Riot.

Not totally true, they were big in Japan but the first markets they really cracked were the American Midwest, they had an especially big following in Detroit in their early days which is why they wrote "Detroit Rock City"
You gotta be a complete faggot not to love Kiss
>not to love Kiss
Why? their music sucked.
Shut up, jude
People on this board love music where guys can't even play guitar like Nirvana and MCR so I don't take the opinions on rock music here very seriously. I've gotten to the point where I rarely even take rock opinions seriously from anyone with short hair or facial peircings, cause it just reeks of "millennial-zoomer taste"

NTA btw
Gene the least convincing tranny ever but whom is she on the right?
Vinnie Vincent, who might actually be a real trans these days, nobody knows....
She’s like an uglier Pat Benatar. Maybe he is her
they weren't trying to be, faggot.
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lmao the intro with them walking into scene has to be the basis of that spinal tap cucumber-in-the-pants joke
Kiss is the most embarrassing band of all time
They all look like Kirk Hammett
Gene Simmons looks weird here. big and fat with tan skin and an afro
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I would too back then, but not now
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He didn't find a decent no makeup look till the late 80s/early 90s
Why did he become a sad fat lady?
There are rumors he began living as a woman years ago and may have started taking hormones but there's no proof of that, his whole life post music career is really weird and mysterious
>Vincent was married to AnnMarie Peters, and has twin daughters with her. AnnMarie was murdered in 1998, after she and Vincent had divorced.
>In 1996, Vincent married his second wife: Diane Kero, a former girlfriend of Ace Frehley; The two resided in Smyrna, Tennessee, until her death from alcohol-related complications on January 13, 2014.

based multi-wife murderer.
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This appears to be some sort of homosexual department?
Apparently the cops were called to his place because he had 7 or 8 dead dogs stored in tubs all around his property, very weird guy
he was probably eating them
for me, it's Rise To It
>already got a ton of pussy in the 70’s
>takes the makeup off
>writes a hit song literally about sucking pussy
>gets EVEN MORE pussy

Gene and Paul sure do know how to maximize profits in all conceivable areas.
i get the feeling that this song might be about paul's dick
It's amusing to me how Japan has this perception of KISS being some kind of death metal power rangers.
Actually a lot of no makeup KISS is pretty good.
never forget that pitchfork gave Dressed to Kill 9.5/10
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gay sex
but seriously Kiss unmasked is best era Kiss
Lick It Up is their best jam
Super Kiss was kinda like Power Rangers in a way, IIRC the og comic book had them as like hapless "youths" who get magical medallions and transform into....well, Kiss, then fight Dr. Doom
Paul Stanley raped Jani Lane
The pre-thrash metal / hard rock scene was incredibly gay.
Actually, the punk scene was gay, the rock scene was straight.
punk fans just jerk off thrash cause they can say they had a hand in influencing it anyway. you really rarely see a more punk oriented person into thrash beyond the "big four" because the music is still too complex for their liking. you meet way more dedicated thrash fans who are also into pre thrash metal/rock than punks super into thrash.
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>Kiss unmasked is best era Kiss
I disagree, it has some okay songs but is too poppy. Naked City is prob the best on it.
They were trying to prove they were more than the makeup gimmick...yeah
Is there a single interesting kiss song? Like something actually good for any reason other than you used to listen to it in the minivan with your dad on the way to school?
No, but they did inspire Chuck Schuldiner, so that's something.
if youre into that 70s glam thing they do a decent job of it
Black Diamond and Detroit Rock City are cool... but I wouldn't say interesting. They just rock.
I'm going to assume by "interesting" you mean "experimental" and I can tell you I like KISS because they're not that. No real man does, you've never seen a wrestler walk out to a fuckin Genesis or noise rock song.
lol thatd be funny as fuck some wwe guy walking out to phil collins
Phil collins could make for a brutal heel moment.
I just listened to the Lick it Up album since an anon at the top of the thread mentioned it. It was pretty good! I usually think they rock way less hard than I was expecting but that album actually had the goods imo
>he doesn't like prog KISS
it's in their blood
70s KISS is very 70s, 80s KISS is very 80s. They do good at both but I think for a lot of people the "80s sound" is more dated and "cheesey" hence it having a less good rep, that and it not being their peak of fame, they were more like a 70s band who stayed afloat in the 80s and that's probably because a lot of the 80s rock was influenced by them anyway so they managed better that other acts who just kinda went away at the time

If you like Lick It Up, I also rec Creatures of the Night which has the same lineup despite Ace being on the cover due to contractual shit (Vinnie was on the album, not him). Those to me are probably their best 80s albums but others have cool songs too if you dig that 80s sound. And yeah the drummer Eric Carr definitely gave the band a more hard hitting sound, Peter Criss in the 70s had an odd style for a hard rock band, was more influenced by RnB and stuff like that.
Some might hate that I say this, but I think you need to jam a little KISS to understand the beginnings of NYC punk too. They're like from the same environment. Younger glam inspired rockers in the 70s. Kiss just happened to have a really good guitarist and mainstream hits.
It's like they both belong to the "real" soundtrack of the Warriors movie. Just different parts of the city.
Ramones and early KISS are like two sides of a coin desu. Then there's also NY Dolls who kinda fall in line more with The Stooges, but KISS appealed a lot to those Detroit crowds who liked Stooges and Alice Cooper, and blah blah. Just an interesting time for music, genres jizzing all over.

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