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I'm trying to give Deftones a chance. I've listened to like 10 songs mostly singles. It just sounds like noise to me. None of the songs I've heard is shit you can hum later on. What am I doing wrong? I love plenty of nu metal and industrial and shit like that.
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>None of the songs I've heard is shit you can hum later on
>What am I doing wrong?
You're just not fat enough
Their album Ohms is objectively their best.
listen to these and if you don't like them then deftones isn't for you
>cherry waves
>be quiet and drive (far away)
>change (in the house of flies)
>sex tape
>back to school (mini maggit)
>my own summer (shove it)

is deftones SUPPOSED to be background music?
>and industrial
no it's for looking cute on tiktok
I used to really like them, but after listening to them for a while you realize most of their songs really just sound the same. Glassjaw actually does their gimmick of soft vocals with heavy dissonance way better, and are much more versatile as well. I don't think Deftones is bad, but their songwriting is definitely overrated.
I think their Diamond Eyes album is pretty underrated and there's a bit more of a hook to them. Try Beauty School and S/T song.
If you want heavy try Bored and 7 Words from Adrenaline.
White Pony is also good.
Why are you trying so hard? If you're not into them you're not into them. If you're not interested or enjoying the music just stop trying to force it jfc

This is a terrible fucking list
You managed to pick out every single song made specifically for radio play
it's a great list
You didnt do anything wrong anon. They are a shit band and always have been.
>None of the songs I've heard is shit you can hum later on.

they can't write melodies worth shit. the fat dude just croons random notes over whatever riff is playing
I've been noticing a pattern that only ugly people dislike Deftones or don't "get" them.... why is that?
Deftones is shit for spics
and /pol/tards like this, but that they are ugly goes without saying

it's not the kind of music you karaoke
I think what deftones does the best is transitioning from one “texture/tone/whatever” to another.
A lot of their best songs have one moment where the music completely changes and opens into a wide sweeping sound, or drops into a heavy minimal breakdown. I will admit that Chino’s repetitive vocal style can get grating, but it’s worth it for how perfectly it fits into these transition moments. Even though they are nu metal, I would go into most of their albums expecting a listening experience more similar to grunge or shoegaze, where it’s less actively attention grabbing.
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Listen to ††† (Crosses) instead
They're a weird band that's dependent on a weird setup. They have a new wave kid doing punky shrieks over a rhythm metal guitarist on lead as their turntablist makes synthy soundscapes. Their formula isn't really a normal one.
knife party is the greateast song of all time
Rocket Skates
their best track
im someone who hates and despises Deftones, but i tried Glassjaw because of this post. they're better than Deftones probably, but this is still really fucking shit. it sounds more 'immature' than Deftones, but also less boring.
you need to fuck to truly understand the deftones vibe
wtf are you talking about? have you seen what the singer himself looks like? fat mexicans are supposed to be attractive, according to you?
i'll give you that this is maybe a band for attractive women, but it definitely isn't one for handsome/'"chad-like" men.
Filtered by Glassjaw
you're supposed to pretend to like them to get pussy NERD
>tried Glassjaw because of this post
Is this a board of amateurs / teenagers just barely getting into music or something?
why are you expecting me to have heard every fucking band this board talks about? i'd had already heard of glassjaw, i had just never listened to them or investigated them.
You need to be 18 to post here faggot, go back to tiktok
>What am I doing wrong?
It's not your fault. dozens of people have amusia.
this board is for 35 and older chads only. did u get your first kiss yet fag lol
These are their best songs
>Diamond Eyes
>Phantom Bride
If these sound like noise to you, you might be retarded.
>Phantom Bride
Holy fucking based.
very solid selection
incorrect. their best songs are be quiet and drive, my own summer, rx queen, minerva, dai the flu, feiticeira, street carp, knife prty, hexagram, hole in the earth, rats rats rats, when girls telephone boys, mein, good morning beautiful
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>there are people whose determining factor for liking a song is whether or not it's hummable
I don't know man I think you have problems

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