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It clicked on the first listen.
You know A Perfect Circle is better, right?
Based loaded question asking autistic child.

(Also, "no.")
good for you because it's the worst tool album
Tool is aggressively average. 99% of their fans are pseuds. I knew a guy that said:
>Tool is unlike any other band. They use math to write their music.
The rest of what he said was pure retardation as well, but that was the zenith of his rhetoric.
Garbage /mu/core bandwagon bands such as Nirvana, Tool and The Beatles need to be ignored.
that's because when you hear good music you recognize it immediately.
>ignoring a band just because the fans are pseuds
I don't let those things stop me from enjoying their albums and their visuals. I ignore communities in general.
I prefer it over AEnima and Undertow, haven't listened to 10.000 Days and Fear Inoculum desu.
They're worth a listen, but not a conversation. One and done is good enough to formulate an opinion. These bands aren't with studying and thus go into the garbage.
>immediately whines about fans and math
>Irrelevant comparisons
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Let's see the above average version of Tool
Nah it is better than at least Fear Inoculum and 10,000 Days
10k and aenima are the only good ones. undertow is mediocre
10k sounds pretty similar to Lateralus, Lateralus is just slightly better
>Doesn't understand the premise
I'm talking about the fans. The comparisons are relevant in that fans of the other bands I mentioned appreciate them on similar grounds. The idea is that people appreciate these bands not for their quality, but because of the general consensus of opinions relating to said bands. People don't like them because they're good, even if they ARE good. People like them because they know other people do as well. Liking Tool, Nirvana ect. Is akin to wearing lipstick and earrings.
Isis or something, I guess. The style of Tool isn't my preference so somebody else could probably come up with a better answer, but I think this will suffice.
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I could give a shit less they use math in their music. To say Tool isn't different is false and that faggot Anon is just a contrarion. I listen to Tool because they are good. It's a bit like classical music, pseuds think they are better than you because they listen to it, doesn't mean it isn't good music.
All music is mathematical. That was the point. You're an idiot, and you're proving my point.
Reading comprehension: Low
Taste: Poor
Opinion: Irrelevant.
You should read the book he posted
Look you ignorant retard, music isn't just math, it's soul, feeling, human emotion, but sure I'll grant you some aspects of it can be broken down into math. That's like saying the universe is all mathematical because some aspects of it can be broken down by pseuds using math. Specifically with Tool, they are known for using that Fibonacci sequence in (I think) Forty Six and 2. That is usually what people mean when they say "Tool uses numbers". My point was it doesn't matter either way, it sounds good and is unique. So, eat shit you soulless nothing and get back to licking my boot.
>Look you ignorant retard
Well, the thing is that my quote implied he thought tool was the best band ever because they're mathematical. All music is mathematical, though. Stop making low IQ posts, you cant wrap your mind around what I'm saying lol. You are proving my point, though.
>This is the mind of a Tool fan, exhibit C
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No, it didn't imply that. Read your own quote then dog. All it implied was, music is different, music uses math. Not anything else. You think I, or anybody else, knows what you are thinking? Or what your faggot friend was thinking? As I said, you are an ignorant retard who is also self absorbed.
How am I retarded when your reading comprehension is so low?
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And boom goes the dynamite. I win again.
Tool is a really good hard rock band with proggy elements. That’s about it. They carved out their own niche and have a very dedicated cult following while also able to capture mainstream listeners. That’s pretty much the epitome of success that any musician could ask for. I don’t listen to that style of music very often, but any time I throw on songs like Vicarious, Eulogy, Ticks and Leeches, etc. I’m engaged and jamming out. Hasn’t gotten stale even after all these years. Danny is a fantastic drummer, Justin is a great bass player, Adam is a very cool guitar player with his expressive techniques, Maynard’s voice is shot to shit now but he was a beast in his hey day. Everything else about the mysticism and deep spiritual lyrics is gay faggot shit.
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You're such a tool
Loooooool nice one dude, you got me.
zoomers like you always fail to larp as someone older.
why does this have multiple covers?
Ticks and Leeches is a pretty good song, but compared to 10k Days, no TOOL album interest me, including this one. I get what people see in it, but TOOL is one of those "they're good alright" bands, simply not what I find great.
The physical CD has a slip case that's all black with transparent outlines spelling out the band's name and the album's title. If you take it off, you'll see OP's pic which is the booklet. It's also a transparent booklet with multiple layers.
love it
The problem with tool is they have shitty guitar and rely almost entirely on their drummer.
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For me it's grudge, ticks and parabola. But definitely preferring the more aggressive songs regardless of the album

Oh and ofc LMAO at contrarian bait like always

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