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What does music on marijuana sound like?
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you hear tracks you never noticed before.
The same. It's just that you paid to intoxicate yourself with a substance that makes you retarded temporarily, making everything seem more interesting.
>stop having fun reeeee
>makes you retarded temporarily
Having met people who use cannabis, both recreationally and "medically," I beg to differ.
You have a higher tolerance for music you wouldn’t normally enjoy as much. Maybe a little easier to get lost in music you do enough. I spent many years as a stoner and I don’t miss it at all.
kek temporarily but they dont wait long enough for it to wear off before smoking again
salty coins and milky decibels
I haven't smoked in a very long time but it can make certain things sound very profound.

I remember smoking before I heard Tame Impala for the first time...around the year 2010, before they were even big at all. it was just some tracks on Myspace. And I immediately knew that they'd be huge or there was something special about them
Like being drunk minus the negatives - getting beligerante, feeling sick/puking, etc. In short: it feels groovy.
He didn't say it isn't fun
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like this Anon.
you notice that one dude banging on the cowbell in the background that you never noticed before, and you can never unhear it again
its funny
music can’t smoke
Hard to describe, but its a great combo.
Weed will make all music sound like Glenn Yarbough? Hook me up doc!
Makes the guitars sound so much more alive and you can almost hear the fingers on the fret and pick on the strings. Very satisfying.
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Dr. Greenthumb! Paging Dr. Greenthumb!
>retarded temporarily
I wish it was temporary. I lost a life long friend because of weed. He was straight edge his entire life then sometime in his mid-late 20s decided to start smoking weed and it turned him into a insufferable moron. Like he started talking about these visions he was having and how trees were taking over the world. He'd also give me "life lessons" he learned while high even though he was a fucking NEET with zero life experience. I also think he was letting his drug dealer anally blow him the fuck out for drugs.

I wasn't the only one that he developed contention with afterwards either, most of his family stopped talking to him too. Now I haven't spoke to him in a year and hes went completely radio silent online. I kind of think hes dead but I don't want to ask his family since I don't want his dumbass knowing I care.
You have ti smoke a LOT of pot before that actually happens. Is a good sign you have an issue or need to slow down though ngl.
It makes you introspective and meditative. Alcohol more makes you "retarded" I would say. Really depends on the weed and what it's designed for though. Unironically does make you much lazier. You don't want to get up and lose track of time but get more "galaxy brained" I guess. Introspective and analytical and all that stuff but kind of incapacitated aswell.
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Exactly the same as being sober except my eyes are dry and I'm distracted by 7 things at once
That’s psychosis bro. Weed was just the catalyst - he was already mentally ill. Also he liked being fucked in the ass, drugs were just an excuse. Reconnect with him and plow his ass to set him straight. Fuck him back into sanity.
it sousnd gooode :^D
You're genuinely retarded if you think that's psychosis. That's just what happens to most people when they smoke pot.
>"He'd also give me "life lessons" he learned while high even though he was a fucking NEET with zero life experience."

This is both everyone when they smoke weed aswell as applying to Alcaholics and Psychedelic Use dude. This is also like half the people on 4Chan already and the neet part only matters if it's like advice that relates to "going somewhere" or directly to working ultimately. Taking it up the ass for drugs is the only one of these things which really sticks out as worrisome.
>"I wasn't the only one that he developed contention with afterwards either, most of his family stopped talking to him too."

This is another big warning sign right here with any kind of substance abuse. The taking it up the ass for drugs and the part with his family disowning him. Being kinda reflective is common with weed but also psychedelics and alcohol so that in of itself doesn't really mean much. Fucking chainsmokers do that too,that sort of reflectivity definetely IS drug induced. Sounds less like psychosis and morelike withdrawals if anything. If he was taking it up the ass to pay for it I'm guessing he was probably stealing from family and that is why they cut him off.
the best things to go with music are 4chan threads, cytube streams, weed and a good drink.
you hear every single detail, every single little sound you would have missed otherwise.
you know how people say "you can't hear the bass"? well smoke some weed and you'll be able to hear the bass clearly
you'll hear the guitarist's fingers sliding on the strings, you'll hear the reverberations in the studio.
not to mention that everything just sounds more interesting
>they dont wait long enough
Doesn't matter how long they wait between "sessions," either.
>here's all the symptoms of an overdose
>but, like, you can't overdose on it...
Weed makes you even more retarded than alcohol with prolonged use.
I know douzends of people who consume on a regular basis for decades and still have jobs and friends. However, I'm not saying it doesn't have any bad side effects.
only when you put prolonged and heavy weed use vs recreational alcohol use. If you put it vs prolonged and heavy alcohol use the latter makes you definetely more stupid.
weed absolutely makes you permanently retarded
>t. (formerly) very heavy weed smoker for several years
>inb4 "no you were just always retarded" pothead cope
For me personally I can't really agree with that. Thinking TOO much if anything is the issue with pot. Getting paranoid etc. Same with psychedelics. Get too drunk and you'll start acting retarded just as an inevitable.
Me too but if you're taking it up the ass and stealing from your family to buy any type of substance you are in practice a drug addict. Obviously not a functional one at that.
More liquor dude. You seem pretty retarded yourself though so maybe your an expert lol. You seem like a retard yeah.
Usually it makes me notice things deep in the mix. Take Mourning Glory by Ween for example. I never noticed the sample underneath all the feedback until I was stoned.
Just like all sitcoms and cartoons are funnier on weed, all music is catchier.
This is true, but why do you tripfag?
It's best to stay clear of drugs OP. Just say no.
I blaze kush by the ounce every day and make more money than all of you from crypto trading and I'm 6'3 170lb 12.5% bf
congrats you're what a normal person is supposed to be in 2024.
I know people on 4chan are socially inept but your friend went into psychosis dude. maybe it was triggered by weed but that barely matters
its makes shitty music sound ok and good music sound amazing
is that real?
You've never touched a bowl in your life schizo.
Unfortunately this is pure fantasy. "Kush" robs you of your ambition, makes you extremely paranoid and contributes to many health problems both mental and physical.
>"makes you extremely paranoid"

Nah not really. Not unless you smoke a LOT but yk yeah.

>"to many health problems both mental and physical"

Lol on the mental,physical though yeah it's bad for your lungs like smoking cigarettes is.
I get all of you are afraid of weed because you're like 30 Year Old Virgin collects figurines type guys but drinking is probably worse and cigs (although I do and have done a lot of stuff mind you),but pot isn't really that bad. Shrooms cause more problems "both mental and physical" as does drinking as does tobacco.
>Nico tranny is a drug addict
This explains so much.
youre very attentive and everything feels good and you get very caught up in it all
You can feel it in your body. The sounds run through you and its pretty sweet.
it makes you tolerate mid ass music you wouldn't have listened to otherwise-- and once sober, you realize how vapid and boring that music is.
also it makes music you regularly enjoy more stressful. at least if you listen to good music with a lot of different things going on at once. though i can't smoke weed because it give me severe anxiety.
you also chase the feeling you get when high and "discovering new things"
this is genuinely scary
IT depends on the music and what you like. If you like the music it can become very angelic and bliss,if you hate the music it can become very irritating
ignore all the people here who've probably never done it, music sounds great on weed
Quentin was a little faggot
it sounds the same but it affects your mood differently. Try acid or ketamine if you want to actually hear something different
>stoners STILL seething at Quentin

Pretty incredible legacy.
lol general anxiety havers

lol this guy

weed is just weed. it doesnt rob you of anything - except the sleep you lose staying up cuz youre high and having fun.
>you guys have problems when smoking weed? lmao i dont experience any of this so stop being such a pussy
he's right, though. Weed has bad side effects, but in the end it's nothing but a bad habit. The perfect, pristine life y'all are yearning for doesn't exist. I don't mind getting high and having a good time instead of sitting around, boring myself to death and waiting for the bright future that never comes.
Everybody has their vice that makes life more bearable, and weed is one of the lesser evils.
I prefer heroin
its not even a bad habit (unless you create it as such)
its just some kicks, like you say. do i have o wake up at 6 am work, go to the gym, run a mile, not have a wank, eat veggies and preach the gospel to have a good life?
>thread full of filthy addicts
like bags of sand
ok pedo
The War on Drugs should've been literal, and it should've started by repealing the 21st amendment.
Shit music sounds like berabke music
Bereable music sounds like good music
Good music sounds like great music
Great music sounds like like reaching nirvana

I seriously advice you to listed to Bach's St Matthew Passion under the effect of dudeweedlmao.
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music on shrooms is something else, safe to say that nothing comes close
>berabke music
Never heard of it. Oh, or did someone forget to put the pipe down while they were typing?
This, you hear tracks beneath the tracks
>he made a typo, let's make a post and solve a captcha to point that out
can a person be more pathetic? besides me, of course, for pointing it out
I want this
>besides me, of course
At least you're honest.
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What listening to Taylor Swift high feels like

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