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What type of music is it socially acceptable for someone in their mid-20s to make?
If you're not already famous by 22 it's pointless
Anything? Classic prodigy to rock bands at their peak.
If rock still existed, that is.
make zoomergaze its what the kids are making its like cloud rap but not because you don't rap and with minimal level of beatmaking
Leonard Cohen was 33 when he hit his stride.
His look-a-aike Al Pacino was like 31 when and struggling in shit theater shows when he got his break in the Godfather.
You're mostly right, but there's always exceptions.
Alt rock
Otherwise you’re going in to the realm of boring adult music like jazz and blues or whatever that only even older people give a fuck about.
Peter Steele was also 27 when he formed Type O Negative and in his 30s when they became relevant.
This, too many people take the sophistication meme seriously
Nah it's older than that. Thom Yorke was almost 30 when OKC came out.
It aint the god damn 60s or 70s anymore
Anyone over 22 is unmarketable now
Their biggest song came out when he was 23
>incels on this board thinking they're ever going to "make it"
idk it doesn't matter
Just stay away from anime
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The guy from LCD Soundsystem was also in his 30s. Like I said, there's always exceptions. Just don't quit your day job.
Garbage was a band of boomers in the 90s. Except Shirley, who was 29. The rest of the dudes were in their 40s (granted, Butch Vig was famous for production already..especially Nevermind.. but he was still old when he did that too).
And Peter Steele was like a 7 foot tall chad. He was famous due to his looks alone because his talent was nonexistent. Do you think the average chud on here looks like him? LOL
Is this an incel board now? The only reason I post here is because most anons seem kind of normal. Relatively to /pol/ or something.
The question isn’t whether chuds can make it, but whether 25+ boomers can make it. For the average chud it doesn’t even matter what age they are
It's fucking 4chan. You're not normal if you're here
I'm almost as big as him. I should have focused on bass though. Easy way to get jobs like he eventually did. Consider that a protip: Be needed.
The average 25+ boomer is a chud
Not everyone here is a basketcase. They just don't like censorship.
I play bass
Ive never been in a band
I'm 28
How do you even enjoy playing or learning?
Which makes you a chud/incel in the eyes of decent heckin normal people now
Country seems to be taking over in the US based on the charts, probably because hip hop is losing its popularity.
Just transition to playing bass. Going from noob to mediocre is a million times easier than guitar, especially if you already play guitar
James Murphy already had some buzz cause he worked with Sub Pop
Butch Vig was already a big name
Country has always been big in the US, it’s just more relevant now because rap’s market share is collapsing and rock is relegated to boomer-tier
The fuck are you getting at?
Straight 8th notes is the most fun I've ever had while playing with anyone
Too bad it never leads anywhere
>caring about what is socially acceptable
In case you haven’t noticed, society is falling apart at the seams. If, by some miracle, it does hold together, it’s going to look very different from what it looks like now. What I’m trying to say is, don’t let yourself be constrained by the arbitrary whims and attitudes of a culture that probably won’t exist in a few year.
I think its that too but hip hop was what was charting for the past 5+ years
Just have a foot in normieville. And never show your power levels. That's enough. Just don't go full retard.
Lol gay doomer. Society isnt going anywhere in "a few years", this is gonna be prolonged and only the weak doomer zoomer fucks who cant adapt wont make it which is what it always should've been.
What won't change is young people thinking 25+ is ancient boomer tier
The industry over invested in meme rap and made it uncool
>If you're not already famous by 22 it's pointless
i unironically think this is the case. not because it's true but because i've seen it been said way too many times
>What won't change is young people thinking 25+ is ancient boomer tier
As an observation and a generalization, I've noticed that zoomers tend to be more concerned with trying to be normal, what is socially acceptable and fitting in, in the midst of a lot of weirdos, whereas the older generations like that of the 60/70s tend to be more focused in sticking out of the crowd and being different in a world full of normies.
what if Just declare this world Mine. as in I OWN it. what about that? seems pretty musical to me
Modern day weirdos are what the old people in the 60s and the 70s feared their kids were becoming
I don't blame zoomers
Those children will think you’re old no matter what you do. Just accept it and make whatever kind of music you want.
Just say "trans' you fucking chud
zoomers will say anything over 22 is ancient, then turn 23 and have an identity crisis about the biases that they themselves held
They're screwing themselves up that way. 30 must be tragic.
30 has always been tragic
Everything has always been cope when you turn 30 unless you have kids
No, in some traditions it's like the ideal human age. I think I heard it's the age of heavenly souls somewhere. Maybe I just made that up to cope.
>ideal human age
Thats the biggest cope I've ever heard
>30 has always been tragic
yea agreed
i hate them so much
There's a reason why Buddhist tradition has him only "becoming" the Buddha at 35. Or Jesus starting his ministry at 30. Or people in the afterlife themselves talk about this appearance, even when they see old relatives.
The cope is thinking this little life of yours is all there is and needing to rush it all or else you're somehow nothing.
You'll get there sooner or later though. You have no choice. Either that or you die.
this anon is right. by 27-30 your life changes and you become something more than just yourself. sometimes that even means dying for a cause
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Laura has a cheat code, she can do whatever she wants since she was born as a beautiful woman. For the rest of you ugly bastards, your only hope is to ride a beautiful women's coattails ala picrel.

Apparently auto tune music about liquor store snacks and cheap drinks
Its like a trust fund kids idea of a working class person. Thats 100 gecs
dylan is a beautiful woman in my eyes you bitch
Neither Buddha nor Jesus actually did anything
They said a bunch of words then died
Also Plato said men should not study philosophy until 30 and Hesiod said men should not marry until about that age. Certain Jewish traditions forbad men from reading the Song of Solomon until 30 and Zoroaster was 30 when he supposedly began hearing the voice of Ahura Mazda. It’s a universal thing.
Well philosophy is a waste of time
Plato's just lookin out for the young ones so they don't waste time doing stupid shit
>philosophy is a waste of time
That, in itself, is a philosophical statement. You are “doing” philosophy right now.
Philosophy prior to turning 30 pretty much always tends to be banal naval gazing
>it's another insecure losers cry about their wasted youth thread #3422112445332
>everyone on 4chan is mentally ill except for me
you better be at least 15 because if you're not this is just pathetic
I never understood the appeal of being famous, I get that you have an entire legion of fans who would cater to your every whim but that would also make you vunerable to psychotic stalkers, perverts, women looking for an easy pay check by accusing you of rape, clout chasing teens trying to punk you in public so they can be known as "that guy who punked famous singer", not to mention that your privacy is pretty much gone after making it big. It's not worth it whatsoever.
Didn't he end up killing himself?
he also said in an interview that he hated how old he was because he was insecure faggot despite being 6'8 or whatever
I think its more about wanting to make amazing art. you set a certain bar for yourself and fame is inevitable
Money makes anything worthwhile
I'd rather be in a mansion right now than an apartment
Pete should have been grateful for his body slowly breaking down on him, happy for gradually worsening aches in his joints and bones and thankful he could no longer have a solid bowel movement.
>spend age 12-18 studying to go to college, forced by boomer parents, only know power chords
>make shitty music in college
>be in 2 separate bands, both fail
>learn every intrument to do things on own
>turn 24
>youth is over now
Well fuck I guess it's rope time
nope, it's 33
Classical, jazz, and folk are the only acceptable categories of music to make from your mid-20s to death.
>music is when you're famous
Retarded bugman consumer mentality, go play video games.
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i see ur thread on /x/
>Classical, jazz, and folk are the only acceptable categories of music to make from your mid-20s to death.
OP here this was the kind of answer i was looking for jfc. thankfully i like those genres, although i’m not the best as playing classical. i’d argue metal too just because it was unacceptable from the start. also composing for games and movies i guess could also be extended
Imagine wanting to waste your time making songs that literally nobody will hear
i think ur both right. making pop music with the intention of mass production with no one listening to it is kinda sad, but making music with a niche audience in mind doesn’t necessarily mean fame.think of all the artists making livable wage off streaming that no one fucking knows
Anon nobody makes livable wages off of streaming
You either make big bucks or you make nothing
there is an illusive amount of people that make ~2k a month and get by anon
alt-country folk americana is acceptable at all stages of life
Does it matter? Just do whatever the hell you want. Imagine being a grown adult man and caring about being criticized by a bunch of dumb teens.
You make music for yourself or for others, and you don't need to make shitty corporate popslop garbage for at least some people to hear it. Every music has an audience. If anything, a slightly smaller one means there's more of a chance it's better.
You know how much music is uploaded everyday?
You're just throwing shit out into the void
If everybody thought like you no one would ever do anything loser
That's a strange way to say zoomers are talentless hacks.

There's like 2 decent zoomer rappers in the mainstream.

It's pretty sad to see rap go from post-MBDTF kino through to SoundCloud slop, all the way to "lol laugh at my persona because I'm a clown"
>turn 24
>youth is over now
please stop saying stuff like this
>socially acceptable
fuck off
suicides first album came out when alan vega was 40 and they instantly changed the game in alternative music and became THE american industrial outfit
other edgelord industrial group rammstein started when lindemann was 30, i think hes older than rozz williams who was already dead by that point
guy from morphine was also close to 40 when the first album came out, he was in other bands that sounded nothing like it before tho
oingo boingo started when danny elfman was 28 or so

age doesnt stop you from making edgy or goofy shit and starting a band. grow some balls
You forgot serj tankian who was 30 when toxicity came out
>30 has always been tragic
why let an arbitrary number of rotations around the sun determine ANYTHING about this corporeal reality?
such weak, normie-brained bullshit.
reverse your swag, anon — you’re better than that.
It's true. If you're 24 hanging around 18-20 year olds then you're a loser. Just because you're fucking ancient and lump all relatively young people together doesn't mean anything.
I'm still young dumbarse, I'm only 23
Nah rap was always cringe. Zoomer memerap just made it okay to say so.
depends on where you are
Some people don't give a shit about making money via music because they already have money, or have a job, or they live like bums and don't give a fuck, and some of them still get an audience.
if you're asking, you're not the kind of person who should be doing anything creative.
sorry but it's true.
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That guy is quite ratlike in appearance. He would make a good carnie, except he'd probably fuck the kids.
It depends... are you black? Rap. Are you white? Classical. Are you others? Traditional Folk.
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